A. Date Curriculum Vitae is Prepared: 2020 January 23
B. Biographical Information
Primary Office University of Toronto
Department of Speech-Language Pathology, Faculty of Medicine
Rehabilitation Sciences Building
500 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5G 1V7
Telephone (416) 978-7088
Fax (416) 978-1596
Email tim.bressmann@utoronto.ca
1997 – 1999 PhD, Institute of Phonetics and Speech Communication, Ludwigs-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
1994 – 1995 MA, Clinical Linguistics, Sociology, and Psychology, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
Postgraduate, Research and Specialty Training
1997 – 1999 PhD Student, Thesis: Phonetic and Psychosocial Aspects in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate. Institute of Phonetics and Speech Communication, Ludwigs-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany, Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Tillmann, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Henning Horch. (Advisory committee)
1994 – 1995 MA Student, Thesis in Clinical Linguistics: Comprehension and Appreciation of Verbal and Nonverbal Humor Following Unilateral Brain-Damage. Clinical Linguistics, Sociology, and Psychology, University of Bielefeld, Munich, Germany, Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Gert Rickheit, Dr. Martina Hielscher (Advisory committee)
Current Appointments
2019 – present Research Associate, Music and Health Collaboratory, University of Toronto
2012 – 2016 Adjunct Scientist, St. John’s Rehabilitation Hospital, Ontario, Canada
2005 – present Associate Professor, Speech-Language Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2005 – present Associate Professor, Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2003 – present Faculty member, Neurosciences, Program in, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2002 – present Full member, Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1998 – 2014 Lecturer, Special Education, Ludwigs-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
2006 – 2012 Affiliated Scientist, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Previous Appointments
1996 Speech-Language Pathologist, Municipal Hospital Schwabing, Munich, Germany
1995 – 1996 Speech-Language Pathologist, Neurological Hospital Bad Aibling, Bad Aibling, Germany
2014 Visiting scientist for 1 month, Department of Speech-Language Pathology, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand
2013 Visiting scientist for 3 months, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Heidelberg, Germany
2000 – 2002 Associate member, Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1999 Visiting scientist for 3 months, Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Hong Kong, China
1997 – 2000 Research Scientist and Speech-Language Pathologist, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Technology, Munich, Germany
2003 – 2005 Assistant Professor, Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2000 – 2005 Assistant Professor, Speech-Language Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Distinctions and Research Awards
1993 – 1994 ERASMUS scholarship, European Union. (Distinction)
1992 – 1995 Scholarship, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn, Germany. (Distinction)
Professional Associations
2016 – present Editorial board member, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
2010 – 2014 Board member, International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation.
2007 – 2014 Member, Bundesverband fuer Klinische Linguistik e.V.
2006 – present Member, American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA)
2006 – present Member, Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
2004 – present Member, Ontario Voice Study Group
2004 – present Member, Speech Pathology in Oncology, Ontario Network (SPOON)
2002 – present Member, American Cleft Palate Association
2001 – present Member, Ontario Cleft Palate Study Group
2001 – present Member, SmileTrain
1997 – present Member, International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association
2005 – 2007 Member, Canadian Acoustic Society
2002 – 2003 Member, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
1997 – 2002 Member, German Society for Applied Linguistics
1996 – 2000 Member, Munich Working Group for Dysphagia Therapy and Research
1990 – 1992 Student member, Linguistische Sozietaet zu Freiburg
Administrative Activities
2019 Member, Program Committee, 10th International Conference on Speech Research, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2020 – 2021 Co-Chair, Program 2021 Task Force, American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
2019 – 2021 Member, Education Committee, American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
2018 – present Chair, Cleft Palate Speech Outcomes Clinical Study Oversight Committee, Office of Clinical Trials Operations and Management, NICDR
2018-2019 Member, Topic Committee for Craniofacial and Velopharyngeal Disorders, 2019 ASHA Convention, Orlando, FL
2018 Visiting researcher, Department of Phonetics, University of Zagreb, Croatia (partially funded by the Croatian Science Foundation)
2017 November Site Visitor, Cleft Palate Speech Project, funded by Transforming Faces; Sri Ramachandran Medical Centre in Chennai and remote sites in Tiruvannamalai and Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, India.
2016 May Participant, DELAD Disordered Speech Data Bank Workshop 2 (funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond), Linköping University, Sweden
2016 April Visiting researcher, UNESP Marilia, Brazil (funded by FAPESP)
2015 – 2016 Member, Topic Committee for Craniofacial and Velopharyngeal Disorders, 2016 ASHA Convention, Philadelphia, PA
2015 Oct Participant, DELAD Disordered Speech Data Bank Workshop 1 (funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond), Linköping University, Sweden
2015 Aug Visiting researcher, UNESP Marilia, Brazil (funded by FAPESP)
2012 – 2014 Fellow, International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation
2010 Jan – Jan 2014 Board member, International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Illinois, United States.
2007 Site Visitor, Cleft Palate Project, funded by Transforming Faces Worldwide; Overbrook Hospital, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 29.10-8.11.2007
2007 Site Visitor, Cleft Palate Speech Project, funded by Transforming Faces Worldwide; Sri Ramachandran Medical Centre in Chennai and remote site in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India, 18.2.-4.3.2007
2004 Invited participant, Workgroup on Universal Reporting Parameters for Cleft Palate Speech, National Institute of Deafness and Communication Disorders, Washington DC, 30.4.-2.5.2004
2003 Reviewer, Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists – Ontario (CASLP-O) Foundations
2005 – present Member, Transforming Faces, Medical Advisory Committee, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
2003 – 2006 Research Mentor, Network for Oral Research Training and Health (NORTH).
University of Alberta
2008 – 2012 Member, Tjellstrom Awards Committee, Alberta, Canada.
University of Toronto, Department of Speech-Language Pathology
2015 – present Associate Chair
2015 – present Member, Senior Advisory Committee
2015 – present Chair, Awards and Recognition Celebration Organizing Committee
2015 – present Member, Examinations Committee
2005 – 2013 Chair, Research Committee
2001 – 2015 Member, Admissions and Awards Committee,
2006 – 2007 Chair, Website Committee
2005 – 2006 Chair, Annual Report Committee
2002 – 2007 Chair, Curriculum Renewal Unit 4
2001 – 2007 Chair, Continuing Education Committee,
2001 – 2003 Chair, Research Committee
2000 – 2005 Member, Curriculum Renewal Unit 4
2000 – 2005 Member, Curriculum Renewal Unit 6
2000 – 2001 Member, Research Committee
2000 – 2001 Interim Chair, Resource Committee
2000 – 2001 Member, Resource Committee
2000 – 2001 Interim Chair, Computer Committee
2000 – 2001 Member, Computer Committee
University of Toronto
2018 – present Member, Clinical Faculty Grievance Review Panel, Faculty of Medicine
2018 – present Member, Clinical Faculty Academic Clinical Tribunal, Faculty of Medicine
2018 – present Member, Appeals Committee, Faculty of Medicine
2017 – present Member, Admissions Committee, Rehabilitation Sciences Sector
2016- present Member, Academic Promotions Committee, Rehabilitation Sciences Sector
2015 – 2017 Member, Appeals Committee, Rehabilitation Sciences Sector
2014 – 2015 Member, David Naylor Scholarship Selection Committee
2014 – 2015 Member, Mackenzie King Scholarship Selection Committee
2004 – 2019 Member, Faculty Council, Faculty of Medicine
2004 – 2013 Member, Research Committee, Faculty of Medicine
2004 – 2013 Member, Research Committee, Rehabilitation Sciences Sector
2001 Representative, Graduate Department of Speech-Language Pathology for the Review of the Department of Otolaryngology, University of Toronto
Peer Review Activities
2019 January – present Associate Editor (Speech), Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
2011 May – present Section-Editor, American Cleft Palate Association, Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal
2008 Jan – 2012 Mar Editor, Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
2005 – 2007 Associate Editor, Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (Speech)
External Grant Reviewer
Workers’ Compensation Board of British Columbia
Scottish Executive Health Department – Research Council
National Medical Research Council Singapore
Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
King Faisal Research Foundation
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Israeli Science Foundation
National Institutes for Deafness and other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health
2002 Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists – Ontario (CASLP-O) Foundations
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research
Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Speech Communication
Journal of Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Journal of Communication Disorders
International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Head and Neck
Transactions in Biomedical Engineering
Advances in Speech-Language Pathology
Hungarian Yearbook of German Studies
2018 International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Conference, Malta
2016 International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Conference, Halifax, NS
2002 Cleft 2002 World Conference, Munich
2001 The 25th World congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Montreal
C. Research Funding
1. Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials
May – 2018 Aug Supervisor, University of Toronto Excellence Award –
Social Sciences and Humanities for Ms. Meghan Woodcock. 6,000 CAD [Grants].
2017 Sept – 2017 Nov Supervisor, MITACS Globalink travel grant for Ms. Monique Tardif’s 3-month visit to UNESP Marilia, Brazil. 5,000 CAD [Grants].
May – April 2018 Principal Investigator, SSHRC Knowledge Dissemination supplemental
funding, 1,865 CAD [Grants].
May – 2017 Aug Supervisor, University of Toronto Excellence Award –
Social Sciences and Humanities for Ms. Tamara Eick. 6,000 CAD [Grants].
May – 2017 Aug Supervisor, University of Toronto Excellence Award –
Social Sciences and Humanities for Ms. Mia Misic. 6,000 CAD [Grants].
2016 June – 2018 May Principal Investigator . Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council: Contagious discourse: Effects of a speech disorder on the interlocutor. $55,021. 2-year Operating Grant. 55,021 CAD [Grants].
2016 Sept – 2016 Nov Supervisor. MITACS Globalink travel grant for Ms. Gillian de Boer’s 3-month visit to UNESP Marilia, Brazil. 5,000 CAD [Grants].
2013 Sept – 2013 Dec Principal Investigator. Ontario/ Baden-Wuerttemberg Faculty Research Exchange Program: Assessment and improvement of velopharyngeal function in patients with cleft palate. $7,000 CAD [Grants].
Nov – 2014 Oct Collaborator.
An Ultrasound Investigation of Tongue Movement in Lingual Hemiparalysis. St.
John’s Rehabilitation Hospital Research Grant. PI: Ratner, Amanda.
Collaborators: Joanne Seigel, Tim Bressmann. 10,000 CAD. [Grants].
Oct – 2012 Jun Principal
Investigator. Scientific Journal Grant for the Canadian Journal of
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). 3-year Operating Grant. 75,494 CAD.
Scientific Journal Grant.
Oct – 2011 Oct Principal
Investigator. Tactile and visual biofeedback in the therapy of compensatory
cleft palate articulation. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
3-year Operating Grant. 219,535 CAD. [Grants].
– 2010 Collaborator. The role of skilled
tongue pressure generation in swallowing. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (CIHR). 3-year Operating Grant. PI: Steele, Catriona. 325,576 CAD.
– 2008 Collaborator. The role of skilled
tongue pressure generation in swallowing. Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (CIHR). 1-year Operating Grant (priority funding). PI: Steele,
Catriona. 81,636 CAD. [Grants].
– 2007 Principal Investigator. Towards a
comprehensive speech rehabilitation for glossectomy patients: Tongue shape,
tongue motility and speech intelligibility following partial glossectomy
surgery. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant for
equipment and salaries for three years. 194,788 CAD. [Grants].
– 2005 Principal Investigator. A speech bulb
reduction program for the remediation of hypernasality in patients with
congenital and acquired velopharyngeal deficiencies using a novel palatal
prosthesis. University of Toronto. The Faculty of Medicine’s Dean’s Fund for
New Faculty. 9,986.94 CAD. [Grants].
– 2003 Principal Investigator. 3D-Ultrasound
analysis of lingual volume and shape during sustained speech sounds in normal
speakers and in oral cancer patients undergoing glossectomy surgery. University
of Toronto. Connaught Committee (for equipment and salaries). 28,732 CAD.
– 2002 Principal Investigator. A study of
measurement reliability of three instruments for hypernasality assessment.
University of Toronto. Connaught Committee (for equipment and salaries). 10,000
CAD. [Grants].
– 2002 Collaborator. Development of
standardized criteria for lingual reconstruction following ablative tumor
surgery, based on phonetic, surgical, and psychosocial criteria. (DM 140.000 in
salaries for two Ph. D. students for two years, DM 10.000 for travelling costs.).
German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Germany). 150,000
DM. [Grants].
1998 Principal Investigator. Phonetic and
Myofunctional Aspects of Orthognathic Surgery. German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD, Germany). HSP 3 travelling grant for three months. 9,000 DM. [Grants].
D. Publications
Journal Articles
- Bressmann T, Radovanovic B, Harper S, Klaiman P, Fisher D, Kulkarni GV. Production of two nasal sounds by speakers with cleft palate. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 2018; 55: 876-882. Principal Author.
- De Boer G, Bressmann T. Influence of altered auditory feedback on oral-nasal balance in speech. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 2017; 60: 3135-3143. (Trainee publication G. de Boer) Co-Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, de Boer G, Marino VC, Fabron E, Berti LC. Influence of voice focus on tongue movement in speech. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 2017; 31: 212-221. Principal Author.
- De Boer G, Bressmann T. Influence of voice focus on oral-nasal balance in speech. Journal of Voice, 2016; 30: 705-710. (Trainee publication G. de Boer) Co-Principal Author.
- De Boer G, Marino VC, Berti LC, Fabron E, Bressmann T. Influence of voice focus on oral-nasal balance in speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 2016; 68: 152-158. (Trainee publication G. de Boer) Senior Author.
- De Boer G, Bressmann T. Application of linear discriminant analysis to the Long Term Averaged Spectra of simulated disorders of oral-nasal balance. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 2016; 53: e163-e171. (Trainee publication G. de Boer) Co-Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Harper S, Zhylich I, Kulkarni GV. Perceptual, durational and tongue displacement measures following articulation therapy for rhotic sound errors. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. 2016; 30: 345-362. Principal Author.
- Berti LC, De Boer G, Bressmann T. Tongue displacement and durational characteristics of normal and disordered Brazilian Portuguese liquids. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. 2016; 30: 131-149. Senior Author.
- Marino V, Dutka J, de Boer G, Moraes V, Ramosa R, Bressmann T. Nasalance scores for normal-speaking Brazilian Portuguese using new speech stimuli. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 2015; 67: 238-244. Senior Author.
- Bressmann T, Koch S, Ratner A, Seigel J, Binkofski F. An ultrasound investigation of tongue shape in stroke patients with lingual hemiparalysis. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2015; 24: 834-839. Principal Author.
- De Boer G, Bressmann T. Application of linear discriminant analysis to the nasometric assessment of resonance disorders: A pilot study. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 2015; 52: 173-182. (Trainee publication G. de Boer) Co-Principal Author.
- Awan SN, Bressmann T, Poburka B, Roy N, Sharp H, Watts C. Dialectical Effects on Nasalance: A Multicenter, Cross-Continental Study. Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Research, 2015; 58: 69-77. Co-Author.
- Bressmann T, Foltz A, Zimmermann J, Irish JC. Production of tongue twisters by speakers with partial glossectomy: A pilot study. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 2014; 28: 951-964. Principal Author.
- Ayliffe BW, Bressmann T, Al-Mardini M, Jokstad A. Evaluation of a modular palatal lift prosthesis with a silicone velar lamina for hypernasal patients. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 2014, 11: 663-671. Co-Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Sell D. Plus ça change: Selected papers on speech research from the 1964 issue of the Cleft Palate Journal. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 2014; 51: 124-128. Principal Author.
- De Boer G, Bressmann T. Comparison of nasalance scores obtained with the Nasometers 6200 and 6450. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 2014; 51: 90-97. (Trainee publication G. de Boer) Co-Principal Author.
- Tang YW, Harmaneh G, Bressmann T. Tongue contour tracking in dynamic ultrasound via higher-order MRFs and efficient fusion moves. Medical Image Analysis, 2012; 16: 1503-1520. Senior Author.
- Bressmann T. An ultrasonographic study of lingual contortion speech. Journal of Phonetics, 2012; 40: 830-836.
Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Eriks-Brophy A. Use of simulated patients for a student learning experience on managing difficult patients in speech-language pathology contexts. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 2012; 14: 165-173. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Anderson JD, Carmichael RP, Mellies C. Prosthodontic management of hypernasality: Two very different cases. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. 2012; 36: 50-57. Principal Author.
- Steele CM, Sasse C, Bressmann T. Tongue pressure and hyoid movement timing in healthy liquid swallowing. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 2012; 47: 77-83. Coauthor.
- Bressmann T, Radovanovic B, Kulkarni GV, Klaiman P, Fisher D. An ultrasonographic investigation of cleft-type compensatory articulations of voiceless velar stops. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. 2011; 25: 1028-1033. Principal Author.
- Stevens K, Bressmann T, Gong SG, Tompson B. The impact of a rapid palatal expander on speech articulation. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2011; 140: e67-e75. (Trainee publication, K. Stevens). Co-Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Flowers H, Wong W, Irish JC. Coronal view ultrasound imaging of movement in different segments of the tongue during paced recital: Findings from four normal speakers and a speaker with partial glossectomy. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 2010, 29, 589-601. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Jacobs H, Quintero J, Irish JC. The impact of defect size on glossectomy speech: Measures of speech articulation and listener perception. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 2009, 33, 204-210. Principal Author.
- Rastadmehr O, Bressmann T, Smyth R, Irish JC. Increased midsagittal tongue velocity as indication of articulatory compensation in patients with lateral partial glossectomies. Head & Neck 2008, 30, 718-726. (Trainee publication, O. Rastadmehr). Co-Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Martino R, Rochon E, Bradley K. An action learning experience for graduate students of Speech-Language Pathology: On the experience of having dysphagia for a day. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 2007; 31: 127-133. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Ackloo E, Heng C-L, Irish JC. Quantitative 3D ultrasound imaging of partially resected tongues. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 2007; 136: 799-805. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Klaiman P, Fischbach S. Same noses, different nasalance scores: Data from normal subjects and cleft palate speakers for three systems for nasalance analysis. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 2006; 20: 205-210. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T. Speech adaptation to a self-inflicted cosmetic tongue split: Perceptual and ultrasonographic analysis. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 2006; 20: 173-170. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Heng CL, Irish JC. The application of 2D and 3D ultrasound imaging in speech-language pathology. Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 2005; 29: 158-168. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Thind P, Bollig CM, Uy C, Gilbert RW, Irish JC. Quantitative three-dimensional ultrasound analysis of tongue protrusion, grooving and symmetry: Data from twelve normal speakers and a partial glossectomee. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 2005; 19: 573-588. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T. Comparison of nasalance scores obtained with the Nasometer, the NasalView, and the OroNasal System. Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal 2005; 42: 423-433. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Uy C, Irish JC. Analyzing normal and partial glossectomee tongues using ultrasound. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 2005; 19: 35-52. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T:. Ultraschalldiagnostik in der Sprachtherapie. LOGOS Interdisziplinaer 2004; 12 (1): 29-34. [Ultrasound imaging in Speech-Language Pathology]. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T. Self-inflicted cosmetic tongue split: A case report. Journal of the Canadian Dentistry Association 2004; 70: 156-7. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Whitehill TL, Samman N. Tongue motility and consonant intelligibility following partial glossectomy surgery. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2004; 62: 298-303. Principal Author.
- Zimmermann A, Sader R, Hoole P, Bressmann T, Mady K, Horch HH. The influence of oral cavity tumour treatment on the voice quality and on fundamental frequency. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 2003; 17: 273-281. Co-Author.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, P.Juergens, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Sprechsprachliche Ergebnisse nach einfachen und mehrfachen Gaumenspaltoperationen. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie 2002; 6: 98-101. [Speech outcomes after cleft palate repair with single versus multiple operations]. Principal Author.
- M. Janda, D.Johnson, H. Woelfl, M. Trimmel, Bressmann T, H. Schröckmayr, J. Widder, A. Trotti. Measurement of Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Utilising the Quality of Life Radiation Therapy Questionnaire, German Version. Strahlentherapie Onkologie 2002; 178: 153-158. Co- Author.
- Bressmann T, Sell D, Harding A. GOSSPASS ’98-D: Ein Untersuchungsprotokoll fuer Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Forum Logopädie 2002; 16(1): 14-17. [The Great Ormond Street Speech Assessment ’98 – German version: A diagnostic protocol for patients with cleft lip and palate]. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Sader R. Speech rate in cleft lip and palate speakers with compensatory articulation. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 2001; 15: 129-32. Principal Author.
- Sader R, Zeilhofer HF, Diez M, Bressmann T, Hannig C, Putz R, Horch HH. Levatorplasty, a new technique to treat hypernasality: anatomical investigations and clinical results. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2001; 29: 143-149. Co-Author.
- Bressmann T, Sader R. Nasalität und Näseln. Logos interdisziplinär 2000; 8: 22-33. [Nasality and resonance disorders]. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Whitehill T, Awan SN, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Nasalance Distance and Nasalance Ratio: Two New Measures. Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal 2000; 37: 248-256. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Sauer U, Sader R, Hess J. Das 22q11-Mikrodeletionssyndrom. Forum Logopädie 2000; 14 (5): 23-25. [The 22q11-microdeletion syndrome]. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Ravens-Sieberer U, Busch R, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Lebensqualitätsforschung bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte: Erste Ergebnisse. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie 1999; 3: 134-139. [Quality of Life Research in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate: First Results]. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Awan SN, Busch R, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Quantitative Hypernasalitätsdiagnostik bei LKG-Patienten durch computerisierte Nasalanzmessung. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, Supplement, 3, 154-7.[Quantitative Assessment of Hypernasality in Cleft Lip and Palate Patients, Using Computerized Nasalance Measurement]. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Merk M, Ziegler W, Busch R, Horch HH. Sprechgeschwindigkeit kompensatorischer Artikulation bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Folia Phoniatrica et Lopgopedica 1999; 51: 272-286. [Speed of Compensatory Articulation in Cleft Lip and Palate Patients]. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Merk M, Ziegler W, Busch R, Horch HH. Perzeptive und apparative Untersuchung der Stimmqualität bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 1998; 72: 700-708. [Perceptual and Instrumental Analysis of Voice Quality in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate]. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Awan SN, Busch R, Zeilhofer HF, Brockmeier J, Horch HH. Nasalanzmessung mit dem NasalView bei der Therapiekontrolle von Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Sprache – Stimme – Gehör 1998; 22: 98-106. [Measurement of Nasalance Using NasalView in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate]. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Rastadmehr O, Smyth R, Irish JC. Ultrasound imaging of tongue movement and speech in partial glossectomy patients. Oral Oncology, 2009, S3 188.
- Quintero J, Bressmann T, Mady K, Baer T. Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging and videofluoroscopy of partial glossectomees’ speech. Oral Oncology, 2009, S3 153.
- Bressmann T, Rastadmehr O, Flowers H, Ackloo E, Irish JC. Partial glossectomy: Functional consequences and strategies for therapy. The Asha Leader, 2006, 11 (11): 172.
- Bressmann T, Bose A. A comparison of three systems for nasalance analysis. The Asha Leader, 2002, 7 (15): 172.
- Bressmann T. Functional consequences of a cosmetic tongue split: A case study. The Asha Leader, 2002, 7 (15): 173.
- Bressmann T. The application of ultrasound in speech-language pathology. The Asha Leader, 2002, 7 (15): 199.
- Whitehill T, Chau ZC, Samman N, Bressmann T, Sader R. Speech intelligibility following partial glossectomy. The Asha Leader, 2002, 7 (15): 176.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, SN Awan, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Voice Disorders in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate: Results from Two Studies. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2000; 28 (Supplement): 11.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Awan SN, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Quantitative Assessment of Hypernasality Using the NasalView. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2000; 28 (Supplement): 12.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Merk M, Ziegler W, Horch HH. Speech Tempo in Compensatory Articulation. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2000; 28 (Supplement): 11.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Sauer U, Hess J. Sprechstörungen bei Patienten mit 22q11-Syndrom. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde; 1999: 147 (Supplement 2): S170. [Speech Disorders in Patients with 22q11 Syndrome].
- Johnson DJ, Janda M, Bressmann T, Trotti A; Gunthner A. Translation of the QOL-RTI H&N Questionnaire for Assessment of Health Related Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer. Value in Health 1999; 2: 383.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, U Ravens-Sieberer, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Long-Term Impact of Cleft Palate on Quality of Life, Social Support and Family Life: A Questionnaire Survey. Quality of Life Research 1997; 6: 626.
Conference proceedings
- Tang L, Hamarneh G, Bressmann T. A machine learning approach to tongue motion analysis in 2D ultrasound image sequences. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2011; 7009: 151-158. (Trainee publication, Lisa Tang). Coauthor or Collaborator.
- Tang L, Hamarneh G, Bressmann T. Automatic Approach to Tongue Motion Analysis in Ultrasound Images. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MICCAI MLMI), 2011, 1-8. (Trainee publication, L. Tang). Coauthor or Collaborator.
- Quintero J, Bressmann T, Mady K, Beer A. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Videofluoroscopy of Partial Glossectomees’ Speech: Preliminary Results. Canadian Acoustics, 2009, 37, 146-147.
- Flowers H, Bressmann T. Acoustic Correlates of Neutral versus Angry Affect in Real and Non-Word Sentences. Canadian Acoustics. 2009; 33, 80-81.
- Bressmann T, Quintero J, Smallwood R, Flowers H, Irish JC. The Tongue: Two-Dimensional Views of a Three-Dimensional Structure. OPAL Workshop on Dynamic Modeling of the Oral, Pharyngeal, and Laryngeal Complex for Biomedical Applications, 2009, 45-50.
- Bressmann T, Quintero J, Mady K, Beer A, Steele C, Kochetov A, Irish JC. Functional consequences of a partial tongue resection for speech articulation: An update of two ongoing studies. The Third International Symposium on Biomechanics, Human Function and Information Science. Kanazawa: Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2009, II-14-20.
- Bressmann T. The quantitative assessment of tongue shape and movement using ultrasound imaging. In: Colantoni L, Steele J (eds): Proceedings from the 3rd conference on laboratory approaches to Spanish phonology. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 2008, 101-106.
- Bressmann T. Speaking with a partially resected tongue: Functional consequences and adaptive strategies. International Symposium on Biomechanics, Healthcare and Information Science ’08. Kanazawa: Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, II-20-24.
- Bressmann T. Ultrasound imaging and its application in Speech-Language Pathology and Speech Science. Perspectives on speech science and orofacial disorders, American Speech, Language and Hearing Association Division 5, 2007; 14 (2): 7-15.
- Flowers H, Bressmann T, Carmichael B, Heng CL, Wong W. Reconstructing 3D tongue movement trajectories from multiplanar paced ultrasound scans. Canadian Acoustics 2005; 33 (4): 50-51.
- Bressmann T, Sasisekaran J. The impact of emotional prosody on nasalance scores. Canadian Acoustics 2005, 33 (3), 96-97.
- Rastadmehr O, Bressmann T, Heng CL, Irish JC. Acoustic and articulatory space before and after lateral tongue resections in oral cancer patients. Canadian Acoustics 2005, 33 (3), 82-83.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, SN Awan, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. On the Interaction Between Hypernasality and Voice in Subjects with Cleft Palate: Results from Two Studies. In: Braunschweig T, Hanson J, Schelhorn-Neise P, Witte H (eds): Advances in Quantitative Laryngoscopy, Voice and Speech Research. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, 2000: 177-183.
- Bressmann T, Sader R. Communication Breakdown Broken Down: Aspects of Cleft Palate Speech. Proceedings from the 5th Seminar on Speech Production: Models and Data. Munich: Institute of Phonetics and Speech Communication, 2000: 45-48.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Ravens-Sieberer U, Zeilhofer HF, Busch R, Horch HH. Normality Despite Cleft Palate? Quality of Life, Social Support and Family Life in Adolescent and Adult Patients. In: Dejonckere P, Peters H (eds): Proceedings of the XXIVth IALP Congress, Volume II. Nijmegen: Nijmegen University Press, 1999: 547-550.
- Bressmann T, Merk M, Ziegler W, Sader R, Horch HH. Speech Performance of Cleft Palate Patients, Analysed With a New System For Computerized Multi-Dimensional Speech Analysis. In: Dejonckere P, Peters H (eds): Proceedings of the XXIVth IALP Congress, Volume II. Nijmegen: Nijmegen University Press, 1999: 551-555.
- Bressmann T, Awan SN, Sader R, Busch R, Horch HH. Computerized Assessment of Hypernasality in Patients with Cleft Palate, Using the NasalView-System. In: Dejonckere P, Peters H (eds): Proceedings of the XXIVth IALP Congress, Volume II. Nijmegen: Nijmegen University Press, 1999; 556-560.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Horch HH. Sprechsprachliche und psychosoziale Aspekte bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachheilpädagogik (ed): Tagungsband der XXIII. Arbeits- und Fortbildungstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachheilpädagogik. Rimpar: Edition von Freiersleben, 1999: 507-513. [Phonetic and Psychosocial Aspects of Patients With Cleft Lip and Palate].
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Ziegler W, Awan SN, Merk M, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Higher prevalence of voice disorders in patients with cleft lip and palate? Results from two studies. In: Manfredi C, Bruscaglioni P (eds): Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications – A Proceedings Volume. University of Firenze, 1999: 122-127.
- Bressmann T, Merk M, Sader R, Ziegler W, Horch HH. Computergestütze akustische Sprechanalyse bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Biomedizinische Technik, 1997, 42 (Supplement 2), 93-94. [Computer-Aided Acoustic Speech Analysis in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate].
Journal Articles
- Bressmann T, Ellwood L. INTRO: A Guide to Communications Sciences and Disorders, by Robb MP. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 2010, 34, 146.
- Bressmann T. Review of Phonology for Communication Disorders, by Ball MJ, Mueller N and Rutter B. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 2010, 34, 52. (Book review).
- Bressmann T. Review of Classics in Voice and Laryngology, by Branski RC and Sulica L. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 2009, 33, 155. (Book review).
- Bressmann T, Klaiman P. Review of Cleft Palate Speech, 3rd edition, by S.Peterson-Falzone, M. Hardin-Jones and M. Karnell. International Journal of Communication Disorders 2002; 37: 492-493. (Book review).
- Bressmann T, Klaiman P. Buchbesprechung von Cleft Palate Speech, dritte Auflage, von S.Peterson-Falzone, M. Hardin-Jones and M. Karnell. Forum Logopaedie 2001; 15 (5): 51-52. (Book review).
- Bressmann T. Sprechsprachliche und psychosoziale Aspekte bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten: Untersuchungen zu nasaler Resonanz, Sprechgeschwindigkeit, Stimmklang und Lebensqualität. Aachen: Shaker, 1999. [Phonetic and psychosocial aspects of patients with cleft lip and palate: Studies concerning nasal resonance, speed of articulation, voice and quality of life]. Principal Author.
Book Chapters
- Bressmann T. Nasality. In: Ball MJ, Damico J (eds): Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2019, 1220-1223. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T. Laryngectomy. In: Ball MJ, Damico J (eds): Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2019, 1074-1077. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T. Glossectomy. In: Ball MJ, Damico J (eds): Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2019, 822-825. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T. Cancer of the head and neck. In: Ball MJ, Damico J (eds): Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2019, 311-313. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Beitchman J. Unspecified communication disorder. In: Sadock BJ, Sadock VA, Ruiz, P (eds): Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, 10th ed. New York: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2017, 3565-3570. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T. The poor man’s MRI: Reconstruction of pseudo-3D tongue surfaces from multiple
- coronal ultrasound images. In: Leemann A, Kolly MJ, Schmid S, Dellwo V (eds): Trends in Phonetics & Phonology in German-speaking Europe. Munich: Peter Lang, 2015, 171-180. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T. Head and Neck Cancer and Communication. In: Cummings, L (ed): Handbook of Communication Disorders. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, 161-184. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T. 2D and 3D ultrasound imaging of the tongue in normal speakers and glossectomy patients. In: Maassen B, van Lieshout PHHM (eds): Speech motor control: New developments in basic and applied research. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, 351-370. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T. Speech disorders related to head and neck cancer: Laryngectomy, glossectomy, and velopharyngeal and maxillofacial defects. In: Ball MJ, Miller N, Damico J (eds): The handbook of language and speech disorders. Oxford: Blackwell, 2009, 497-526. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Beitchman J. Communication disorder not otherwise specified: Voice disorders. In: Sadock BJ, Sadock VA (eds): Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, 9th ed. New York: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Volume II, 2009, 3354-3539. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Beitchman J. Communication disorder not otherwise specified: Voice disorders. In: Sadock BJ, Sadock VA (eds): Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, 8th ed. New York: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Volume II, 2005, 3159-3163. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T. Oral mechanisms in speech. In: Miles T, Svensson P, Nauntofte B (eds): Clinical Oral Physiology. Copenhagen: Quintessence International, 2004, 255-268. Principal Author.
- Bressmann T, Whitehill T, Sader R, Samman N, Hoole P. Quantitative aspects of glossectomee speech production. In: Windsor F, Kelly L, Hewlett N (eds): Investigations in clinical linguistics and phonetics. London: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002: 351-361. Principal Author.
- Awan SN, Bressmann T, Sader R, Horch HH. Measures of RMS Nasalance Using NasalView in Cleft Palate Patients. In: Maassen B, Groenen P (eds): Pathologies of Speech and Language: Advances in Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics. London: Whurr, 1999: 333-41.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Awan SN, Horch HH. Objektive Hypernasalitätsdiagnostik bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. In: Hielscher M, Clahrenbach P, Elsner S, Huber W, Simons B (eds): Beeinträchtigungen des Mediums Sprache: Aktuelle Untersuchungen in der Neurolinguistik. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1998: 83-93. [Objective Measurement of Nasalance in Patients With Cleft Lip and Palate].
- Bressmann T. Verständnis für verbalen und nonverbalen Humor nach unilateralen Hirnschädigungen: Überblick und neue Ergebnisse. In: Rickheit G (Ed): Studien zur Klinischen Linguistik: Modelle – Methoden – Intervention. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1997: 291-317. [Comprehension of Verbal and Nonverbal Humor Following Unilateral Brain Damage: Overview and New Findings].
Submitted Manuscripts
- Bressmann T, Misic MS. Altered auditory feedback of voice focus affects oral-nasal balance in speech. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. (Trainee publication MS Misic). Principal Author.
- Santos T, Pardo J, Bressmann T. Interlocutor accommodation of gradually altered nasal signal levels in a model speaker. Phonetica (Trainee publication T Santos). Senior Author.
- Bressmann T. Why you may be closer to submitting a paper to the Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology than you think. Communique 2009, 23(4), 11.
- Sader R, Jaensch B, Bressmann T, Sauer U, Hess J. Ueber Sprechstoerungen bei Mikrodeletion 22q11. Info Kids-22q11 e.V. 2002; 5 (4): 9-18. [About speech disorders in microdeletion 22q11 syndrome].
E. Presentations and Special Lectures
1. International
Abstracts and Other Papers
- Santos T, Bressmann T. Interlocutor accommodation of gradually altered nasal signal levels in a model speaker. Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium, Boston, MA, 21.6.2019.
- Srinivas V, Bressmann T. Effects of knowledge of task on control of oral-nasal balance in speech. Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium, Boston, MA, 21.6.2019. (Poster)
- De Boer G, Marino VC, Dutka JRC, Pegoraro-Krook, Bressmann T. Using nasalance scores to pre-assess severity of oral-nasal balance disorders before auditory-perceptual analysis. Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Boston, MA, 14-17.11.2018.
- Bressmann T, Eick T, Pardo J. Impact of a visible cleft lip on speech intelligibility in noise. Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Boston, MA, 14-17.11.2018. (Poster)
- Tardif M, Berti LC, Marino VM, Pardo J, Bressmann T. Hypernasal speech is perceived as more monotonous than typical speech. Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Boston, MA, 14-17.11.2018. (Poster)
- De Boer G, Marino VC, Dutka JRC, Pegoraro-Krook, Bressmann T. Using nasalance scores to pre-classify oral-nasal balance disorders before perceptual analysis. Annual convention of the American Cleft Palate Association, Pittsburgh PA, 17-21.4.2018.
- Bressmann T, Misic MS.Adaptation to oral-nasal balance in speech to altered vowel formant auditory feedback. Annual convention of the American Cleft Palate Association, Pittsburgh PA, 17-21.4.2018 (Poster).
- Santoni C, de Boer G, Thaut M, Bressmann T. Influence of altered auditory feedback on oral-nasal balance in song. Meeting of the Pan-American Voice Association, Toronto, 20-21.10.2017 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Radovanovic B, Harper S, Klaiman P, Fisher D, Kulkarni GV. Production of two nasal sounds by speakers with cleft palate. Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, 17-19.11.2016. (Poster)
- Vassoler A, Berti LC, Bressmann T. An ultrasonographic and acoustic investigation of consonant cluster reduction in children with atypical phonological development. International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Halifax, 15.-18.6.2016. (Poster)
- De Boer G, Marino V, Berti LC, Fabron EG, Bressmann T. Influence of voice focus on oral-nasal balance in speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Halifax, 15.-18.6.2016.
- Ball MJ, Baqué L, Beck J, Beijer L, Bernhardt M, Bressmann T, Hertrich I, Howard S, Klippi A, Kristoffersen KE, Lee A, Mildner V, van den Heuvel H, Müller N, Lundeborg Hammarström I, Samuelsson C. The Disordered Speech Bank: A multilingual digital archive of disordered speech. International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Halifax, 15.-18.6.2016. (Poster)
- Sapper E, Bressmann T, Harper S, Kulkarni GV. Perceptual and ultrasonographic measures of change during articulation therapy for sibilant distortions. International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Halifax, 15.-18.6.2016.
- De Boer G, Bressmann T. Adaption of oral-nasal balance to altered auditory feedback. International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Halifax, 15.-18.6.2016.
- Bressmann T, Harper S, Zhylich I, Kulkarni GV. Perceptual, durational and tongue displacement measures following articulation therapy of rhotic sound errors. International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Halifax, 15.-18.6.2016.
- Ratner A, Seigel J, Koch S, Binkofski F, Bressmann T. Less Grooved but not Asymmetrical: Ultrasound Analysis of Coronal Tongue Shape After Monohemispheric Stroke. Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Denver, CO, 12-14.11.2015. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Harper S, Zhylich I, Kulkarni GV. Articulation Therapy of Rhotic Sound Errors: Does Ultrasound Biofeedback Make a Difference? Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Denver, CO, 12-14.11.2015. (Poster)
- Berti LC, de Boer G, Bressmann T. Tongue displacement and durational characteristics of normal and disordered Brazilian Portuguese liquids. Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Denver, CO, 12-14.11.2015. (Poster)
- De Boer G, Bressmann T. Right on the nose: Quantitative assessment of oral-nasal balance in speech. Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Denver, CO, 12-14.11.2015. (Poster)
- De Boer G, Bressmann T. Influence of voice focus on oral-nasal balance. 44th Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation, Philadelphia PA, 28.5.2015.
- De Boer G, Bressmann T. Application of discriminant analysis to the nasometric assessment of simulated resonance disorders: A pilot study. Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Orlando, FL, 20-22.11.2014. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Zhylich I, Kulkarni GV. Ultrasound biofeedback therapy for r-distortions: Is it worth the effort? Ultrafest 6, Edinburgh, 6.-8.11.2013.
- Koch S, Bressmann T, Ratner A, Seigel J, Binkofsky F. An investigation of tongue movement in patients with lingual hemiparalysis. Ultrafest 6, Edinburgh, 6.-8.11.2013.
- Bressmann T. Pseudo-dreidimensionale ultrasonografische Darstellung der Zungenform beim Sprechen. Phonetik & Phonologie 9, Zuerich, 11.-12.10.2013.
- Radovanovic B, Bressmann T, Kulkarni GV, Klaiman P, Fisher D. Ultrasonographic analysis of tongue movement in cleft-type compensatory articulation before and after articulation therapy. 12th International Congress on Cleft Lip/Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Orlando, Florida, 5.-10.5.2013.
- Ayliffe BW, Bressmann T, Al-Mardini M, Jokstad A. A flexible and modular palatal lift prosthesis for patients with hypernasal resonance disorders. 12th International Congress on Cleft Lip/Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Orlando, Florida, 5.-10.5.2013.
- Radovanovic B, Bressmann T, Kulkarni GV. Tongue movement before and after articulation therapy in patients with cleft palate. 14th Congress of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Cork, Ireland, 27.-30.6.2012. (Poster)
- Zimmermann J, Bressmann T, Foltz A, Irish JC. The tongue – not essential for the production of tongue twisters? 14th Congress of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Cork, Ireland, 27.-30.6.2012.
- Radovanovic B, Bressmann T, Kulkarni GV. Ultrasound analysis of tongue movement in compensatory articulation. 69th Annual Meeting of the American Cleft Palate Association, San Jose, CA, 17.-21.4.2012.
- De Boer G, Bressmann T. Variations in nasalance scores using the Nasometer 6200 and the Nasometer 6450. 69th Annual Meeting of the American Cleft Palate Association, San Jose, CA, 17.-21.4.2012. (Poster)
- Zimmermann J, Bressmann T, Irish JC. Production of Tongue Twisters by Partial Glossectomy Patients: Perceptual analysis. International Seminar on Speech Production, Montreal, Quebec, 20.-23.6.2011. (Poster)
- Bressmann T. Cross-plane imaging of tongue movement. Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 18-20.11.2010. (Poster)
- Herold B, Bressmann T, Hielscher-Fastabend M, Stenneken, P. Irish JC. Ultrasound imaging of VCV sequences in partial glossectomees. Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 18-20.11.2010.(Poster)
- Stevens K, Bressmann T, Gong SG, Tompson B. The effects of rapid palatal expansion on speech. Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 18-20.11.2010.(Poster)
- Bressmann T, Anderson JD, Carmichael R, Mellies C. Prosthodontic management of hypernasality: Two very different cases. 58th annual meeting of the American Association of Maxillofacial Prosthetics, Orlando, Florida, 30.10.-2.11.2010. (Poster)
- Quintero J, Bressmann T, Mady K, Beer A, Steele CM, Kochetov A. Cine-Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Videofluoroscopy of Partial Glossectomees’ Speech. 5th Ultrasound Roundtable, New Haven, 19.-21.3.2010.
- Herold B, Bressmann T, Quintero J, Hielscher-Fastabend M, Stenneken P, Irish JC. Analysis of vowel-consonant-vowel sequences in patients with partial glossectomies using 2D ultrasound imaging. 5th Ultrasound Roundtable, New Haven, 19.-21.3.2010. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Sasse C, Steele C. Temporal correspondence between tongue-palate pressure events and hyoid kinematics in healthy swallowing. Dysphagia Research Society, San Diego, 4.-6.3.2010. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Leyendecker J, Quintero J, Hielscher-Fastabend M, Stenneken P, Irish JC. Sonographic analysis of swallowing in partial glossectomy patients. Dysphagia Research Society, San Diego, 4.-6.3.2010.
- Bressmann T, Rastadmehr O, Smyth R, Irish JC. Ultrasound imaging of tongue movement and speech in partial glossectomy patients. Second World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology, Toronto, 8.-11.7.2009. (Poster)
- Quintero J, Bressmann T, Mady K, Baer T. Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging and videofluoroscopy of partial glossectomees’ speech. Second World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology, Toronto, 8.-11.7.2009. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Rastadmehr O, Smyth R, Irish JC. Tongue movement and speech after lateral glossectomy: Results from 2D and 3D ultrasound imaging. 12th Congress of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Istanbul, Turkey, 25-28.6.2008.
- Hau C, Bressmann T, Smallwood R, Wong W. 3D ultrasound on a budget: Reconstruction of 3D tongue shapes from multiple coronal planes. 4th Ultrasound Roundtable, New York, 28. – 29.9.2007.
- Bressmann T, Fenos M, Smallwood R, Ackloo E, Flowers H, Wong W, Irish JC. Beyond the midsagittal plane: Multi-planar paced imaging, cross-plane imaging, and dynamic volumetric imaging of tongue motion in speech. 4th Ultrasound Roundtable, New York, 28. – 29.9.2007.
- Bressmann T, Rastadmehr O, Irish JC. Tongue movement and speech after lateral glossectomy: Results from 2D and 3D ultrasound imaging. 4th Ultrasound Roundtable, New York, 28. – 29.9.2007.
- Bressmann T, Hsu E, Banat M, Irish JC. Quantitative visual assessment of non-speech tongue motility (range of motion). 27th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5-9.8.2007.
- Bressmann T, Rastadmehr O, Flowers H, Irish JC. Tongue movement and speech following partial lateral tongue resection (glossectomy): Findings from 2D and 3D ultrasound imaging. 27th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5-9.8.2007.
- Bressmann T, Rastadmehr O, Flowers H, Ackloo E, Irish JC. Partial glossectomy: Functional consequences and strategies for therapy. Annual conference of the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, Miami, Florida, 16.-18.11.2006.
- Bressmann T, Flowers H, Ackloo E, Heng CL, Wong W, Irish JC. Static and dynamic 3D ultrasound imaging of the tongue following partial glossectomy surgery: Assessment of grooving and symmetry. 5th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Nijmegen, Netherlands,
- Rastadmehr O, Bressmann T, Ackloo E, Irish JC. The impact of lateral tongue resections on midsagittal tongue movement during speech. 5th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Nijmegen, Netherlands, (Poster)
- Flowers H, Bressmann T, Carmichael B, Heng CL, Wong W. Reconstructing 3D tongue movement from multiplanar paced ultrasound scans to identify motor strategies for midsagittal grooving. Conference on Motor Speech Control and Disorders, Austin, Texas, 23-26.3.2006.
- Bressmann T, Sasisekaran J. The impact of emotional prosody on nasalance scores. Annual meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, London, Ontario, 12-14.10.2005.
- Flowers H, Bressmann T, Carmichael B, Heng CL, Wong W. Reconstructing 3D tongue movement trajectories from multiplanar paced ultrasound scans. Annual meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, London, Ontario, 12-14.10.2005.
- Rastadmehr O, Bressmann T, Heng CL, Irish JC. Acoustic and articulatory space before and after lateral tongue resections in oral cancer patients. Annual meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, London, Ontario, 12-14.10.2005.
- Bressmann T, Kulkarni G, Braude A, Suwwan I, Heng CL. Palatal feedback without the electricity: A palatal reminder appliance for articulation therapy in cleft palate patients. 4th International Electropalatography Symposium, Edinburgh, 29-30.9.2005. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Kulkarni G, Braude A, Heng CL, Barillas Y. The use of B-mode ultrasound to assess the impact of a palatal expander appliance on tongue movement and speech. Third Ultrasound Roundtable, Tucson, Arizona, 14-16.4.2005.
- Barillas Y, Bressmann T, Gu J, Wong W, Cannons K, Carmichael B, Heng CL, Ciccia M. Routine clinical ultrasound data acquisition and analysis with the CHASE head anchor and the Ultra-CATS software. Third Ultrasound Roundtable, Tucson, Arizona, 14-16.4.2005.
- Flowers H, Bressmann T, Carmichael B, Heng CL. The poor man’s 3D: Reconstructing 3D tongue surfaces from multiple sagittal planes. Third Ultrasound Roundtable, Tucson, Arizona, 14-16.4.2005.
- Bressmann T, Klaiman P, Fischbach S. Same noses, but different nasalance scores: A comparison of data from normal subjects and hypernasal speakers with cleft palate, recorded with three systems for nasalance analysis. 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Cleft Palate Association, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 4-9.4.2005.
- Bressmann T, Sasisekaran J. Palates raised in anger: The impact of emotional prosody on nasalance scores. 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Cleft Palate Association, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 4-9.4.2005. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Kulkarni G, Braude A, Thind P. The impact of an orthodontic palatal expander appliance on tongue movement and speech: Perceptual, acoustic, and ultrasonographic data from a simulated orthodontic appliance. 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Cleft Palate Association, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 4-9.4.2005.
- Bressmann T, Uy C, Bollig CM, Thind P, Irish JC. A complete look at partial glossectomees’ tongues using 3D ultrasound imaging. Second Ultrasound Roundtable, Vancouver, 22-23.4.2004.
- Uy C, Bressmann T, Thind P, Bollig CM. Imaging of tongue shape, position, surface and volume with 2D and 3D ultrasound. Second Ultrasound Roundtable, Vancouver, 22-23.4.2004.
- Bollig CM, Bressmann T, Uy C, Thind P, Irish JC. The investigation of articulatory errors elicited by tongue twisters using 2-D ultrasound imaging. Second Ultrasound Roundtable, Vancouver, 22-23.4.2004.
- Bressmann T, Uy C, Irish JC. 3D ultrasound analysis of normal and partial glossectomee tongues. Conference on Motor Speech Control and Disorders, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 18.-21.3. 2004.
- Bressmann T, Whitehill TL, Sader R, Samman N. Consonant intelligibility and tongue motility in patients with partial glossectomy. 10th Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Lafyette, Louisiana, 25.-28.2. 2004.
- Bressmann T, Uy C, Irish JC. 3D ultrasound analysis of normal and partial glossectomee tongues. 10th Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Lafyette, Louisiana, 25.-28.2. 2004.
- Bressmann T. Same noses, different nasalance scores: A comparison of three instruments for nasalance analysis. 10th Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Lafyette, Louisiana, 25.-28.2. 2004 (Poster).
- Bressmann T. Functional consequences of a self-inflicted cosmetic tongue split. 10th Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Lafyette, Louisiana, 25.-28.2. 2004 (Poster).
- Bressmann, T. Comparative measurements for three nasalance instruments. 60th Annual Meeting of the American Cleft Palate Association, Asheville, North Carolina, 9-13.4.2003. (Poster)
- Bressmann T. The application of ultrasound in speech-language pathology. Annual conference of the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 21.-24.11.2002.
- Bressmann T. Functional consequences of the cosmetic tongue split: A case. Annual conference of the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 21.-24.11.2002.
- Bressmann T, Bose A. A comparison of three systems for nasalance analysis. Annual conference of the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 21.-24.11.2002.
- Whitehill TL, Chau ZCM, Samman N, Bressmann T, Sader R: Speech intelligibility following partial glossectomy. Annual conference of the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 21.-24.11.2002 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Juergens P, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH: Speech outcomes in cleft lip and palate: Single vs. multiple palatal operations. Second world conference of the International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation. Munich, 15.-19.9.2002.
- Bressmann T, Sader R. Sprechsprachliche Ergebnisse bei Patienten mit reoperierten Gaumenspalten. 14. Symposium des Arbeitskreises Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten, Mainz, 19.-20.10.2001.
- Bressmann T, Whitehill TL, Sader R. Quantitative assessment of glossectomy speech. 25th World congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Montreal, 5.-9.8.2001 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Whitehill TL, Awan SN, Sader R. The use of the nasalance range for hypernasality assessment. 25th World congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Montreal, 5.-9.8.2001 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Juergens P, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Sprechsprachliche Ergebnisse nach einfachen und mehrfachen Gaumenspaltoperationen. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, Marburg, 14-16.6.2001
- Bressmann T, Whitehill TL, Sader R, Samman N, Hoole P. Quantitative aspects of glossectomee speech production. 7th Conference of the International Association of Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics, Edinburgh, October 2000 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Sader R, S. N. Awan, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Voice Disorders in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate: Results from Two Studies. Cleft 2000, World Congress of the International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation, Zürich, 1.-5.7.2000.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, S. N. Awan, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Quantitative Assessment of Hypernasality Using the NasalView. Cleft 2000, World Congress of the International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation, Zürich, 1.-5.7.2000
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Merk M, Ziegler W, Horch HH. Speech Tempo in Compensatory Articulation. Cleft 2000, World Congress of the International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation, Zürich, 1.-5.7.2000 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Sader R. Aspects of Cleft Palate Speech. Interdisziplinäre Tagung über Sprachentwicklungsstörungen, München, 16.-17.6.2000 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Sader R. Communication Breakdown Broken Down: Aspects of Cleft Palate Speech. 5th Seminar on Speech Production: Models and Data. Kloster Seeon, 1.-5.5.2000, (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Awan SN, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. On the Interaction Between Hypernasality and Voice in Subjects with Cleft Palate: Results From Two Studies. 4th International Workshop: Advances in Quantitative Laryngoscopy Voice and Speech Research, Jena, 7.-8.4.2000 (Poster).
- Sader R, Bressmann T, Putz R. Eine neue Methode der sprechverbessernden Operation bei Spaltpatienten. Symposium 2000: Die Mund-Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts, München, 31.3.-1.4.2000.
- Johnson DJ, Janda M, Bressmann T, Trotti A, Guenthner A, Gwede C, Casey L. Translation of the QOL-RTI/H&N Questionnaire for Assessment of Health Related Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer. ISPOR 2nd Annual European Conference, Edinburgh, 11.-13.11.1999.
- Janda M, Widder J, Johnson DJ, Bressmann T, Günther A. Übersetzung eines Strahlentherapie-spezifischen Lebensqualitätsfragebogens. DEGRO, Wien, 11/1999.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Whitehill TL, Awan SN, Horch HH. Hypernasalitätsdiagnostik mittels Nasalanz-Distanz und Nasalanz-Ratio. Zwei Maße zur Beschreibung der nasal-oralen Balance. 12. Interdisziplinäres Symposium des Arbeitskreises Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten, Mainz, 29.-30.10.1999.
- Sader R, Bressmann T, Sauer U, Stengel-Rutkowski S, Hannig C, Dettmar P, Hess J, Horch HH. Über das velokardiofaziale Syndrom und die okkulte submuköse Gaumenspalte. 12. Interdisziplinäres Symposium des Arbeitskreises Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten, Mainz, 29.-30.10.1999.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Awan SN, Horch HH. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Hypernasalität und Dysphonie, untersucht mit einem neuen Stimmanalyseprogramm. 12. Interdisziplinäres Symposium des Arbeitskreises Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten, Mainz, 29.-30.10.1999 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Sauer U. Sprechstörungen bei Patienten mit 22q11-Syndrom. 95. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, 37. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderchirurgie und 51. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialpädiatrie und Jugendmedizin, München, 9.-12.9.1999 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Merk M, Ziegler W, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Higher Prevalence of Voice Disorders in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate? Results from a Perceptual and Apparative Study. International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, Florence, 1.-3.9.1999.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Whitehill TL, Awan SN, Horch HH. Hypernasality Assessment from Nasalance Distance and Nasalance Ratio. 7th Conference of the International Association of Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics, Montréal, 17.5.-19.5.1999 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Merk M, Ziegler W., Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Prevalence of Voice Disorders in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate. 7th Conference of the International Association of Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics, Montréal, 17.5.-19.5.1999.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Merk M, Ziegler W, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Speed and Efficiency of Compensatory Articulation in Cleft Palate. 7th Conference of the International Association of Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics, Montréal, 17.5.-19.5.1999.
- Awan SN, Bressmann T, Sader R, Busch R, Horch HH. Clinical Assessment of Hyperrhinophonia Using the NasalView System. American Speech and Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Antonio/ Texas, 19.-22.11.1998.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Merk M, Ziegler W, Busch R, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Stimmstörungen (Dysphonien) bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Arbeitskreis Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten, Mainz, 2.-3.10.1998.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Merk M, Ziegler W, Busch R, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Sprechökonomie palatolalischer Artikulation. Arbeitskreis Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten, Mainz, 2.-3.10.1998.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Hoole P, Mackenzie-Beck J, Wrench A, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Artikulation und Schluckfunktion nach partieller und totaler Glossektomie. Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, Dresden, 24.-26.9.1998.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, U. Ravens-Sieberer, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Normality Despite Cleft Palate: Quality of Life, Social Support, and Family Life in Adolescent and Adult Patients. International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Amsterdam, 23-27.8.1998 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Merk M, Ziegler W, Sader R, Horch HH. Speech Performance of Cleft Palate Patients, Analysed With a New System For Computerized Multi-Dimensional Speech Analysis. International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Amsterdam, 23-27.8.1998.
- Bressmann T, Awan SN, Sader R, Busch R, Horch HH. Computerized Assessment of Hyperrhinophonia in Patients with Cleft Palate, Using the NasalView-System. International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Amsterdam, 23-27.8.1998.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Ravens-Sieberer U, Busch R, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Lebensqualitätsforschung bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten: Ergebnisse einer Screening-Untersuchung. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, Osnabrück, 4-6.6.1998.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Awan SN, Busch R, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Objektivierung der Rhinophoniediagnostik bei LKG-Patienten durch computerisierte Nasalanzmessung. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, Osnabrück, 4-6.6.1998.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Ravens-Sieberer U, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH 1997. Long-Term Impact of Cleft Palate on Quality of Life, Social Support and Family Life: A Questionnaire Survey. International Society for Quality of Life Research, Wien, 5.-8.11.1997 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Merk M, Sader R, Ziegler W, Horch HH 1997. Computergestütze akustische Sprechanalyse bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, München, 22.-24.10.1997.
- Sader R, Bressmann T, Ravens-Sieberer U, Falk M, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Die Bedeutung der Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte für Lebensqualität, soziale Einbettung und Familienleben. 10. Interdisziplinäres Symposium des Arbeitskreises Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten, Mainz. 17.-18.10.1997.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Awan SN, Busch R, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Objektive computerisierte Beurteilung der Hyperrhinophonie bei Patienten mit LKG-Spalten mithilfe des NasalView-Systems. 10. Interdisziplinäres Symposium des Arbeitskreises Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten, Mainz. 17.-18.10.1997.
- Bressmann T, Merk M, Sader R. Ziegler W, Brockmeier J, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Einsatz eines apparativen Sprechanalysesystems (MODIAS) bei der Therapiekontrolle von Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. 10. Interdisziplinäres Symposium des Arbeitskreises Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten, Mainz. 17.-18.10.1997.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Falk M, Horch HH. Perception of and Attitude Towards Cleft Palate Patients’ Speech: Subjects Own Judgements Compared to A Speech Therapist’s Judgements. International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, 6th annual meeting, Nijmegen, 13.-15.10.1997 (Poster).
- Awan SN, Bressmann T, Sader R, Horch HH. Measures of RMS Nasalance Using NasalView in Patients Undergoing Secondary Osteoplasty. International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Nijmegen, 13.-15.10.1997.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Ravens-Sieberer U, Falk M, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Cleft Palate in the Adolescent and the Young Adult: Quality of Life, Social Support and Family Life. International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, 6th annual meeting, Nijmegen, 13.-15.10.1997 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Merk M, Sader R, Ziegler W. Evaluation of Speech in Patients with Cleft Palate Using the MODIAS System for Computerized Multidimensional Speech Analysis. International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Nijmegen, 13.-15.10.1997 (Poster).
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Awan SN, Horch HH. Computergestützte Diagnostik der Hyperrhinophonie mit dem NasalView bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, 28th annual meeting, Bielefeld, 25.-27.9.1997.
- Bressmann T. Verständnis für verbalen und nonverbalen Humor nach unilateralen Hirnschädigungen: Überblick und neue Ergebnisse. Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, 26th annual meeting, Kassel, 28.-30.9.1995.
Invited Lectures
- Bressmann T. Normal and disordered oral-nasal balance: Control, assessment, and some new ideas for treatment. Department of Phonetics, University of Zagreb, 2.5.2018.
- Bressmann T. New ideas for assessment and modification of oral-nasal balance and articulation disorders in cleft palate. Sri Ramachandran Medical Centre, Chennai, India,
- Bressmann T, de Boer G: Nasalitätsdiagnostik und Kontrolle oral-nasaler Balance beim Sprechen: Neue Einsichten. Research Colloquium, University of Bielefeld, 19.7.2017.
- Bressmann T, Klaiman P, Kulkarni GV. Speech production considerations for the paediatric dentist. Annual convention of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Washington, DC, 25.-28.5.2017.
- Bressmann T: Assessment (and some ideas for treatment) of structurally related speech disorders. Research colloquium, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, 17.2.2017.
- de Boer G, Bressmann T. Assessment of oral-nasal balance disorders – Is there a better way? Annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, 17-19.11.2016.
- Bressmann T, de Boer G. Assessment of oral-nasal balance disorders – Have we been doing it all wrong? Linköping University, Sweden, 30.5.2016.
- Bressmann T. Ultrasonographic imaging in speech research. UNESP Marilia, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 14.4.2016.
- Bressmann T. Disordered speech data base: Structurally related speech disorders. Disordered Speech Data Bank Planning Meeting, Linköping University, Sweden, 14-16.10.2015.
- Bressmann T. Structurally related speech disorders. UNESP Marilia, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 25-26.8.2015.
- Bressmann T. On undertaking and publishing research. UNESP Marilia, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 29.8.2015.
- Bressmann T. Velopharyngeal function and speech in cleft palate. Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 20.5.2014.
- Bressmann T. Articulation errors in cleft palate. Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 10.6.2014.
- Bressmann T. The tongue: Ugly duckling of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery? University of Heidelberg, 10.12.2013.
- Bressmann T. Teeth, jaws, tongues: Two sides of the same coin. University of Heidelberg,8.12.2013.
- Bressmann T. The evidence base for speech outcomes of patients with cleft lip and palate. 12th International Congress on Cleft Lip/Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Orlando FL, 5.-10.5.2013.
- Cleland J, Bressmann T, Kojancic T, Bacsfalvi P. Clinical applications of ultrasound in speech production. 14th Congress of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Cork, Ireland, 27.-30.6.2012.
- Bressmann T. Management of speech disorders related to children with cleft lip and palate. Kuala Lumpur General Hospital, Malaysia, 24.-25.10.2011.
- Bressmann T. Ultrasonographic insights into tongue movement in speech. Greater Baltimore Medical Centre, Towson MD, 4.2.2011.
- Bressmann T. Organische Sprechstoerungen – haessliches Entlein der Logopaedie? Université de Fribourg, Switzerland, 22.10.2010.
- Bressmann T. Voice disorders and voice therapy. University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, 18.2.2010.
- Bressmann T, Quintero J, Mady K, Beer A, Steele C, Kochetov A, Irish JC. Functional consequences of a partial tongue resection for speech articulation: An update of two ongoing studies. International Symposium on Biomechanics, Healthcare and Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Kanazawa, 21-22.2.2009.
- Bressmann T. Organische Sprechstoerungen – Stiefkind der Klinischen Linguistik? University of Bielefeld, 29.5.2008.
- Bressmann T. Speaking with a partially resected tongue: Functional consequences and adaptive strategies. International Symposium on Biomechanics, Healthcare and Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Kanazawa, 14-15.3.2008.
- Bressmann T. Ultrasound imaging of speech movements. Department of Communication Disorders, University of Lafayette, Louisiana, 12.2.2008.
- Bresmann T. Diagnosis and therapy of cleft palate speech in Ontario, Canada. First annual meeting of the Thai Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Association, Bangkok, Thailand, 6.11.2007.
- Bressmann T. The role of dentistry in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of speech disorders. Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 5.11.2007.
- Bressmann T. Imaging tongue movement in speech using 2D and 3D ultrasound. All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore, India. 27.2.2007.
- Bressmann T. Voice disorders – a refresher course for clinicians. Sri Ramachandran Medical Centre, Chennai, India, 14.2.2007
- Bressmann T. Speech rehabilitation in head and neck cancer – a refresher course for clinicians. Sri Ramachandran Medical Centre, Chennai, India, 14.2.2007
- Bressmann T. Speech rehabilitation in craniofacial syndromes – a refresher course for clinicians. Sri Ramachandran Medical Centre, Chennai, India, 14.2.2007
- Bressmann T. Applications of ultrasonographic imaging for the diagnosis of glossectomy speech. Milton J. Dance Head and Neck Center, Baltimore MD, 27.10.2006.
- Bressmann T. The application of 2D and 3D ultrasound imaging in speech research. 3rd Conference on Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonology, Toronto, 8.-10.2006.
- Bressmann T. 2D and 3D Ultrasound imaging of the tongue: Applications in clinical speech analysis. Research Forum, Institute of Phonetics and Speech Communication, Ludwigs-Maximilians University Munich, 22.12.2004.
- Sader R, Bressmann T. Individual Planning in Speech Supporting Operations. Second world conference of the International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation. Munich, 15.-19.9.2002.
- Bressmann T. Sprach- und Sprechentwicklung. Informationstag für Therapeuten von Spaltpatienten, Klinikum rechts der Isar der TU München, 4.12.1999.
- Bressmann T. Kindliche Sprach- und Sprechentwicklungsstörungen. Kongreß für Pflegepersonal der pädiatrischen Kardiologie im Deutschen Herzzentrum, München, 17.-18.9.1999.
- Bressmann T. Speech Performance and Psychosocial Adjustment in Cleft Lip and Palate Patients: Current research activities in Munich, Germany. Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists, Hong Kong, 10.12.1998.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Horch HH. Sprechentwicklung und psychosoziale Entwicklung bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachheilpädagogik, Dresden, 1.-3.10.1998.
2. National
Abstracts and Other Papers
- Zimmermann J, Bressmann T, Irish JC. On tongue twisters and twisted tongues in glossectomy patients. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Montreal, Quebec, 27.-30.4.2011. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Eriks-Brophy A. Use of simulated patients for a learning experience on interpersonal difficulty in Speech-Language Pathology. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Montreal, Quebec, 27.-30.4.2011. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Radovanovic B, Kulkarni GV, Klaiman P, Fisher D. An ultrasonographic investigation of cleft-type compensatory articulations of voiceless velar stops. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Montreal, Quebec, 27.-30.4.2011. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Jacobs H, Quintero J, Irish JC. Measures of speech articulation and listener perception in glossectomy speech. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Whitehorse, Yukon, 19.-22.5.2010. (Poster)
- Herold B, Bressmann T, Quintero J, Irish JC. Ultrasound imaging of vowel-consonant-vowel sequences in patients with partial glossectomies. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Whitehorse, Yukon, 19.-22.5.2010. (Poster)
- Quintero J, Bressmann T, Mady K, Beer A. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Videofluoroscopy of Partial Glossectomees’ Speech: Preliminary Results. Annual conference of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Niagara on the Lake, 14.-16.10.2009.
- Flowers H, Bressmann T. Acoustic Correlates of Neutral versus Angry Affect in Real and Non-Word Sentences. Annual conference of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Niagara on the Lake, 14.-16.10.2009.
- Bressmann T, Hosseinpour N. Speaking with a twisted tongue: An ultrasonographic study of lingual contortion speech. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, London, Ontario, 29.4.-2.5.2009. (Poster)
- Quintero J, Bressmann T, Mady K, Beer A. Dynamic MR and Videofluoroscopic Imaging of Patients with Partial Tongue Resection. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, London, Ontario, 29.4.-2.5.2009. (Poster)
- Stevens K, Bressmann T, Quintero J, Pham D-Q, Gong S-G, Tompson B. Speech with a rapid palatal expander appliance: Initial effects and long-term adaptation. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, London, Ontario, 29.4.-2.5.2009. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Rastadmehr O, Irish JC. 2D and 3D Ultrasound Imaging of Partial Glossectomy Patients’ Tongues. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Kananaskis, Alberta, 16.-19.4.2008. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Whitehill TL, Sader R, Samman N. Consonant intelligibility and tongue motility after partial glossectomy. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 8.-10.5.2003.
- Bressmann T, Sader R, Juergens P, Zeilhofer HF, Horch HH. Speech outcomes in cleft palate patients following single versus multiple palatal operations. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 8.-10.5.2003.
- Bressmann T. Consequences of a self-inflicted cosmetic tongue split. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 8.-10.5.2003. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Uy C, Irish JC. Three-dimensional ultrasound analysis of the tongue in sustained speech sounds. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 8.-10.5.2003. (Poster)
- Bressmann T, Bradley K, Martino R, Rochon E, Leonard C, Wiseman-Hakes C: Be the patient for a day: Enhancing the learning and personal growth of students in the health care professions through a perspective change experience. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Hamilton, 12.-15.6.2002.
Invited Lectures
- Bressmann T. Troubles de la résonance: diagnostic et traitement de l’hypernasalité. Université Laval, Québec, 13.6.2011.
- Bressmann T, Quintero J, Smallwood R, Flowers H, Irish JC. The Tongue: Two-Dimensional Views of a Three-Dimensional Structure. OPAL Workshop on Dynamic Modeling of the Oral, Pharyngeal, and Laryngeal Complex for Biomedical Applications, Vancouver, 26.-27.6.2009.
- Bressmann T. Meet the editor: Publishing in the Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, London, Ontario, 29.4.-2.5.2009.
- Bressmann T. How to get your paper published in the Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Kananaskis, Alberta, 16.-19.4.2008.
Media Appearances
2019, Oct 7 ‘Drop the fry’, BitchMedia, Portland OR. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2018, May 16 ‘Is it Laurel or Yanni?’ CityTV Evening News, Toronto. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2018 May 16 ‘Dr. Tim Bressmann tackles Yanny or Laurel debate’, CityPulse24, Toronto. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2015 Aug 14 ‘Why are tongue twisters so hard to say?’ CBC Radio Morning Sudbury. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2008 March 2 ‘Why do our voices change in old age’, Toronto Star. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2005, No 8 ‘Hooked on Klingon – quirky courses in today’s university curricula’, Maclean’s Magazine. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2005 Feb 14 ‘Three-dimensional ultrasound helps understand effects of tongue surgery on speech’, University of Toronto monthly press release. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2005 Feb 12 ‘Question of the week: Why do accents seem to disappear when people sing?’ Interview, Quirks and Quarks, CBC Radio One. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2004 Feb ‘Man still speaks with forked tongue’ – press release by the Journal of the Canadian Dentistry Association. Multiple newspaper and radio features across Canada. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2003 Dec 3 ‘Hidden disabilities deserve more support’, Kitchener-Waterloo Record. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2001 Feb Nature and prevention of voice disorders. Interview, InformAction, Newsletter of the Canadian Association of Fitness Professionals. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2005 Feb 12 ‘Question of the week: Why do accents seem to disappear when people sing?’. Quirks and Quarks, CBC Radio One. Canada. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
2001 July Voice disorders following heart surgery. Interview, Marfan Information, Germany. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
1998 Oct TV-Interview: special on cleft lip and palate rehabilitation. ARD, “Brisant”. Germany. (Presentation to Patients/Public).
3. Provincial / Regional
Abstracts and Other Papers
- Bollig CM, Bressmann T, Uy C, Thind P., Irish JC. Comparing different methods of oral reconstruction in glossectomy patients with 2- and 3-dimensional ultrasound. Best Practices Day, GTA Rehab Network, 18.2.2004
- Bressmann T. How they hear themselves: Self-perception of cleft palate speech. Ontario Cleft Palate Study Group, 15th Annual Meeting, Toronto, 21.10.2003.
- Bressmann T. Single vs. multiple palatal repairs and their effect on speech outcomes. Ontario Cleft Palate Study Group, 14th Annual Meeting, Toronto, 11.6.2002.
- Bressmann T. Preliminary results of a comparison of three nasalance instruments. Ontario Cleft Palate Study Group, 14th Annual Meeting, Toronto, 11.6.2002.
- Bressmann T. Adaptation of the GOS.SP.ASS ’98 for cleft centres in Ontario? Ontario Cleft Palate Study Group, 14th Annual Meeting, Toronto, 11.6.2002.
Invited Lectures and Other Presentations
- Bressmann T, Rastadmehr O, Flowers H. Ultrasonographic imaging of the tongue: Applications for glossectomy speech. Speech Pathology in Oncology – Ontario Network, Toronto, 16.6.2006.
- Bressmann T. Workshop on WaveSurfer, PRAAT and GoldWave. Ontario Voice Study Group, St. Catherines, 17.2.2006
- Bressmann T. Research update: A palatal reminder appliance for articulation therapy in cleft palate. Ontario Cleft Palate Study Group, Ottawa, 7.6.2005
- Bressmann T. Tongue function in speech. Occupational therapy and physiotherapy symposium ergotherapie et physiotherapie (OPSEP), Hamilton, 16-18.1.2004.
- Bressmann T. Some ideas about the diagnosis and treatment of hypernasality. Ontario Cleft Palate Study Group, 13th Annual Meeting, Toronto, 12.6.2001.
F. Teaching
1. Teaching and Education
Graduate courses
2015 – 2019 Primary instructor, SLP 1539H Capstone Portfolio (Curriculum Speech-Language Pathology, University of Toronto)
2001 – present Primary instructor, SLP 1525H Structurally Related Disorders (Curriculum Speech-Language Pathology, University of Toronto)
2001 – present Primary instructor, SLP 1525H Structurally Related Disorders (Curriculum Speech-Language Pathology, University of Toronto)
2004 – present Co-Instructor, Occlusion (Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto)
2002 – present Co-Instructor, Maxillofacial Prosthetics (Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto)
2002 – present Co-Instructor, Vocal Paedagogy (Faculty of Music, University of Toronto)
1998 – 2014 Primary Instructor, Organische Sprechstörungen (Faculty of Special Education, Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München)
Undergraduate Courses
2002 – 2017 Co-Instructor Primary instructor, 212Y1 Biological Basis of Oral Health and Disease (Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto)
2013 Co-Primary Instructor, JLS 473 Adult Speech and Language Disorders (Linguistics, University of Toronto)
1997 – 2000 Co-Instructor, Kraniofaziale Syndrome (Curriculum Logopädie, GFEB Munich)
G. Research Supervision
1. Undergraduate Education
2018 – 2019 Primary Supervisor, Varsha Srivinas, BSc, Effects of altered auditory feedback on oral-nasal balance
2018 Primary Supervisor, UTEA-SSH summer student,Meghan Woodcock, BA: Effect of intonation on the perception of hypernasality
2017 – 2018 Primary Supervisor, Aneela Choudhry, BSc, Effect of a visible craniofacial syndrome on intelligibility of disordered-sounding speech
2017 Primary Supervisor, UTEA-SSH summer student,Mia Misc, BA: Effect of a visible craniofacial syndrome on speech intelligibility
2017 Primary Supervisor, UTEA-SSH summer student, Tamara Eick,BA: Effect of a visible craniofacial syndrome on speech intelligibility
2016 – 2017 Primary Supervisor, Mahim Mahim, BSc: Effects of nasalance changes on perception of nasality
2016 – 2017 Primary Supervisor, Javeria Anwer. BSc: Impact of handedness on lip movement in speech
2011 Sep – 2012 Feb Supervisor for work-study program, Inna Dimmenshtein. B. Sc., Development of a Java-based keystroke logger for online event analysis in ultrasound movies.
2006 Primary Supervisor, NORTH-funded summer student, Jason Shin (Faculty of Dentistry, University of Alberta). B. Sc., Reconstruction of 3D tongue shape from B-mode ultrasound slices .
2005 Primary Supervisor, NORTH-funded summer student, Amanda Braude, (Faculty of Dentistry, University of Western Ontario). B. Sc., Impact of a palatal expander on tongue motion
2. Graduate Education
2018 – present Co-Primary Supervisor, Telma Dias Dos Santos, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, PhD: Interlocutor accommodation to a model speaker with gradually changing oral-nasal balance.
2018 – present Co-Primary Supervisor, Virginia Bertucci, MSc: Effect of a palatal expander on the speech of children with cleft palate.
2017 – 2018 Co-Supervisor, Gabriela Zuin Ferreira, University of São Paulo (Bauru), PhD: Effect of speech bulb combined with intensive speech therapy for hypernasal speakers with cleft palate
2016 – present Primary Supervisor, Monique Tardif, MSc: Effects of a speech disorder on the interlocutor
2016 – present Co-Primary Supervisor, Charlene Santoni, PhD: Effect of voice focus changes on oral-nasal balance in speech and song
2015 – 2017 Primary Supervisor, Amanda Ratner. McMaster University, MSc, Effect of a hemilateral paralysis on lip movement in speech.
2015 – 2016 Co-Primary Supervisor, Elke Sapper. University of Munich, MSc, Ultrasound assessment of speech therapy for sibilant distortions.
2013 – 2017 Primary Supervisor, Gillian De Boer, PhD, Quantitative assessment of resonance disorders
2012 – 2013 Co-Primary Supervisor, Sina Koch. University of Aachen, MSc, Coronal ultrasound assessment of tongue function in lingual hemiparalysis.
2011 – 2013 Co-Supervisor, Winston D’Armas. MSc, EMG-controlled electrolarynx.
2011 – 2012 Primary Supervisor, Gillian De Boer. MSc, Quantitative assessment of resonance disorders.
2011 – 2012 Co-Primary Supervisor, Julia Glaser. University of Munich, MSc, Analysis of narratives produced by children with cleft palate.
2011 – 2012 Co-Primary Supervisor, Natalie Knecht. University of Munich, MSc: Ultrasound analysis of tongue movement in spastic dysarthria.
2011 – 2013 Primary Supervisor, Bojana Radovanovic, MSc, Ultrasonographic analysis of cleft-type compensatory articulation.
2010 – present Primary Supervisor, Marc Yarascavitch. MSc, Ultrasound investigation of chewing.
2010 – 2014 Primary Supervisor, Brett Ayliffe. MSc, A new palatal lift prosthesis for the remediation of hypernasal resonance disorders.
2010 – 2011 Co-Primary Supervisor, Jana Zimmermann. University of Bielefeld, MSc, Production of tongue twisters by partial glossectomy patients.
2009 – 2010 Co-Primary Supervisor, Jennifer Leyendecker, University of Bielefeld. MA, Ultrasonographic assessment of the oral phase of swallowing in glossectomy patients.
2009 – 2010 Co-Primary Supervisor, Caroline Sasse, University of Bielefeld. MA, Ultrasonographic and manographic assessment of the oral phase of swallowing in normal subjects.
2009 – 2010 Co-Primary Supervisor, Bianca Herold, University of Bielefeld. MA, Ultrasonographic assessment of tongue movement in VCV syllables in glossectomy patients.
2008 – 2010 Primary Supervisor, Janette Quintero. MSc, Quantitative analysis of tongue movement in glossectomy speech: A comparison of cine-MRI and videofluoroscopic imaging.
2007 – 2010 Primary Supervisor, Kyle Stevens. MSc, The impact of a midpalatal expander on speech.
2007 – 2009 Co-Supervisor, Andrea Gauster. MSc, The impact of speaking rate on nasalance scores.
2006 – 2007 Co-Primary Supervisor, Theresia Stahl, Ludwigs-Maximilians- University. MA, Impact of a Bluegrass appliance on tongue movement and speech.
2005 – 2006 Primary Supervisor, Orchid Rastadmehr. MSc, The impact of lateral lingual resection on midsagittal tongue movement and speech.
2004 – 2007 Primary Supervisor, Ihab Suwwan. MSc, Impact of habit-breaking appliances on tongue position and speech.
2003 – 2004 Primary Supervisor, Carmen Bollig (withdrawn). PhD, 2D- and 3D-ultrasound imaging of glossectomee speech.
2000 – 2001 Co-Supervisor, Kirstin Kuennings, University of Bremen, Germany. Dipl. paed., Development and Testing of Phonetically Balanced Texts for Nasalance Recordings.
1999 – 2000 Co-Supervisor, Labriana Tsiakpini, Ludwigs-Maximilians- University. MA, Nasalance ranges in Cleft Lip and Palate.
1999 – 2000 Co-Supervisor, Mark Kirchoff, University of Rostock, Germany. PhD, Quality of Life in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate.
1998 – 2000 Co-Supervisor, Sandra Biebricher, University of Technology, Munich. PhD, Videocineradiographic Analysis of Tongue Motion in Patients Undergoing Velopharyngeal Flap Surgery.
1997 – 2000 Co-Supervisor, Alexandra Guderna, University of Technology, Munich. PhD, Quality of Life Measures in Head & Neck Cancer.
3. POST-DOCTORAL Education
2014 – 2015 Primary Supervisor, Larissa Berti, PhD: Ultrasound analysis of rhotic sound errors in Brazilian Portuguese