1992 Ph.D. Sociology, York University, Toronto
1976 M.Sc. (A) Nursing, McGill University, Montreal
1972 B.N. Nursing, McGill University, Montreal
1970 R.N. School of Nursing, Toronto General Hospital
2016- Senior Fellow, Massey College, University of Toronto
2014- Professor Emeritus, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
2014- Adjunct Scientist, Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto
2014- Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto*
2008-2014 Professor Emeritus, Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto*
2006- 2014 Senior Scientist, Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto
2004-2009 Faculty Mentor, Enhancing Qualitative Understanding of Illness Processes and
Prevention (EQUIPP) CIHR Strategic Research Training Program, University of
2003- 2012 Adjunct Scientist, Child Health Evaluative Sciences, Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto*
2003-2008 Foreign Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Care Sciences, Ersta Skondal University, Stockholm, Sweden*
2003-2008 Fellow, The Change Foundation, Toronto*
2003-2008 Investigator, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, University of Toronto*
2002-2013 Graduate Faculty Member, Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto*
2002-2008 Co-Director, Health Care, Technology and Place (HCTP) CIHR Strategic Research Training Program, University of Toronto
2001-2014 Professor, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
1999-2003 Consultant, Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto*
1999-2014 Member, Joint Centre for Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto*
1998-2002 Co-Director, Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre, University of Toronto
1997- 2006 Member, Center for Research in Women’s Health, Sunnybrook and Women’s College Hospital, Toronto*
1997- Full Member, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto
1996-2014 Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto*
1996-2012 Honourary Fellow, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York, UK*
1993- 2012 Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto*
1993-1999 Project Director, Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto*
1986-2001 Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
1982-1986 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
1978-1982 Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
1978 Teacher, Department of Nursing, George Brown College, Toronto
1978-1979 Lecturer, School of Nursing, University of Manitoba
1973-1974 Tutor, School of Nursing, Temple Street Children’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
1973 Teacher, Department of Nursing, Vanier CEGEP, Montreal, PQ
1972-1973 Public Health Nurse, Victorian Order of Nurses, Montreal, PQ
1970-1972 Staff Nurse, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, PQ
*Status Only
2013 Circle of Honour Award (Research), Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
2013 Long Service Award (35 years), University of Toronto
2008 Provostial Merit Award, University of Toronto
2007-2012 Inaugural Holder, Bloorview Kids Foundation/University of Toronto Chair in Childhood Disability Studies
2006 Academic Excellence Award, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
2001 Conference Enrichment Award for “Distinguished Non-Geographers” to participate in the Annual Association of American Geographers’ Conference, New York City, NY
2000 Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations’ Award for Outstanding Contributions to University Teaching
1988 Canadian Nurses’ Foundation Doctoral Fellowship
1988 The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation Book and Travel Award
1988 Easter Seal Society Doctoral Training Award
1985 Merit Award for Teaching Excellence, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
1984 Invitational Forum for Excellent Teachers in the Health Sciences, Sponsored by COU, Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, 3M, and University of Western Ontario
1975 Canadian Nurses’ Foundation Fellowship
1974 Order of Nurses of Quebec Scholarship
1970 Dr. John A. Sharpe Graduation Scholarship, Toronto General Hospital, School of Nursing (top-ranking student of 90)
2019-2022 The Virtual Music Teacher: Children of all abilities banding together in early childhood music education. Biddiss, E (PI), Fehlings, D., John, B., Lamont, A., Moola, F., McKeever, P., Chau, T., Churchill, J., Mitro, C., Scott, A., Wong, S. Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $944, 574
2018-2019 Understanding the Relationship Between Pain Trajectories and Well-being in Children and Youth with Cerebral Palsy. Fehlings, D., Shearer, H., Cote, P., Hogg-Johnson, S. & McKeever, P. Norman Saunders Complex Care Initiative, $43,747
2011-2013 The Art of Waiting: Evaluation of an Interactive Media Experience in a Children’s Hospital Clinic Waiting Space. Biddiss, E., (PI), McPherson, A., Chau, T., McKeever, P., Rigby, P. & Fehlings, D. Canadian Institute of Health Research, $187, 071
- Best practices and self-management interventions for children and youth with a physical disability: A Systematic Review. Lindsay, S., Kingsnorth, S., McKeever, P., Vrijhoef, B; Knowledge users: Savage, D. & Keating. H. Canadian Institute of Health Research, Knowledge Synthesis Grant, $99,945
2010-2013 Active Video Games for Promotion of Physical Activity in Children and Youth with Disabilities: Risks and Benefits. Biddiss, E., Chau, T., Fehlings, D., McKeever, P. & Wright, V. Canadian Institute of Health Research, $152,910 (Withdrew, 2011)
2010-2012 Kids’ Assessments of 2 Anti-bullying Interventions. Lindsay, S., McPherson, A., Aslam, H., Wright, V. & McKeever, P. The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Research Development Initiative, $35,545
2010-2011 Songs of Children Said to be Silent. McKeever, P. (PI), Biddiss, E., Chau, T., Kingsnorth S. & Blain, S. SickKids Foundation, Norman Saunders Complex Care Initiative, $9,971
2009-2011 Identity, Embodiment and Transplanted Hearts: A Phenomenologically Informed Exploration. Ross H., McKeever P., Abbey S., Poole J. and Shildrick M. University of Toronto, Multi Organ Transplant Program Academic Enrichment Fund, $100,000
2009-2012 Severe Childhood Disability: Optimizing Settings for Participation and Inclusion. King, G., (PI), McKeever, P., Petrenchik, T. & Carnevale, F., Batorowicz, B., Chau, T., Rigby, P. & Gibson, B. Canadian Institute of Health Research, Emerging Team Grants: Children with Disabilities, $895, 383 (Withdrew, 2011)
2009-2011 A Longitudinal Evaluation of The LIFEspan Model of Linked Healthcare. Macarthur, C. (Co-PI), Bayley, M. (Co-PI), Kingsnorth, S., Maxwell, J., McKeever, P., Lindsay, S., Colantonio, A. & Hamdani, S. Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, $307, 608
(Withdrew, 2011)
2008-2010 School Reintegration for Children and Youth with Acquired Brain Injury.Good, D., Rumney, P., MacDougall, J., DeMatteo, C., McKeever, P., et al. Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, $348,400
2008-2011 The Lived Experiences of Mothers of Children with Autism. Nicholas, D. (PI), Roberts, W. & McKeever, P. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $154,000 and SickKids Foundation, $129,821
2008-2011 Development of an Indicator of the Impact of Assistive Devices on Children with Disabilities and Their Families. Ryan, S. (PI), Campbell, K., McKeever, P., Montpetit, K., Perkin, S., Rigby, P., Roxborough, L. & Stevens, J. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $225,000 and Bloorview Research Institute, $100,000
2008-2011 School, Home and Neighbourhood Accessibility: Physically Disabled Children’s Assessments (The ScHaN Project). McKeever, P., Ruddick, S. (Co-PIs), Dunn, J., Yantzi, N., Young, N., & Doherty, S. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $388,650
2008-2010 The Lived Experiences of Mothers of Children with Autism. Nicholas, D. (PI), Roberts, W. & McKeever, P. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, $129,821
2008-2009 WALK: Why Ambulation Learning for Kids? Gibson, B. (PI), Wright, F.V., Fehlings, D., McKeever, P., & Young, N.L. Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $35,351
2008-2009 The Role of Fathers of Children with Autism. Nicholas, D. (PI), Zwaigenbaum, L., McKeever, P. & Roberts, W. Canadian National Autism Foundation, $5000
2008-2009 Identity, Embodiment and Heart Transplantation: A Phenomenologically-Informed Exploration. Ross, H., McKeever, P., Shildrick, M., & Poole, J. Advanced Heart Failure Fund, University Health Network, $75,000
2008-2009 “Clowning Around”: The Effects of Therapeutic Clowning on Patients and Nurses in a Pediatric Rehabilitation Facility. Kingsnorth, S., McKeever, P. (Co-PIs) & Blaine, S. Bloorview Children’s Hospital Foundation, $24,985
2007-2008 Critical Reflections on Ambulatory Training for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Gibson, B. (PI), Wright, V., Young, N.L., McKeever, P., McLaren, C. & Fehlings, D. Health Care, Technology and Place: Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement Team Grant, $8,000
2007-2008 Books for Siblings of Children with Autism: Children’s Assessments. Johnson, K. & McKeever, P. Bloorview Research Institute Seed Grant Competition, $5,500
2006–2008 Costs Incurred by Families of Children Newly Diagnosed with Cancer.Stevens, B. (P.I), Tsimicalis, A., Greenberg, M., McKeever, P., Ungar, W., Guerriere, D., Agha, M. National Cancer Institute of Canada, $330,712
2006-2008 Kids’ Ambient MRI Suite Conversion Study. Babyn, P., McKeever, P. (Co-PIs), Hodnett, E., Carter, M., Vanderby, S., Adams, A., Theodore, D., Jewell, S. & Koziel, N. Philips Electronics, $134,578
2006-2007 Costs Incurred by Families of Children Newly Diagnosed with Cancer. Stevens, B. (PI), Ungar, W., Greenberg, M., McKeever, P., Agha, M., Guerriere, D., Barr, R. & Tsimicalis, A. Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario, $55,000
2006-2007 The Home as a Healthcare Workplace. Scott, J. (PI), Ewarze, J. & McKeever P. Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease, Workers Safety Insurance Board RAC, $10,000
2006-2007 Imagining Imaging: A Review of Best Practices in MRI and Construction. Adams, A. & McKeever, P. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $8,000
2005-2008 The Pediatric Hospital Atrium: Designers’ Intentions versus Children’s Experiences. Adams, A. & McKeever, P. (Co-PIs) & Spalding, K. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $291,376
2005-2008 Understanding Chronic Pain in Infancy. Stevens, B.J. (PI), Asztalos, E., McKeever, P., Gibbins, S., Pillai Riddell, R. & Katz, J. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $141,674
2004-2007 Women’s Income Levels and Diagnostic Delay in Breast Cancer. Angus, J. (PI), Bondy, S., Paszat, L., & McKeever, P. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $90,620
2003-2008 Pain in Infants with Disabilities: A Program of Research: Phase II. Stevens, B. & McGrath, P. (Co-PIs), Beyene, J., Breau, L.M., Camfield, C.S., Finley, G.A., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A. Canadian Institutes for Health Research, $676,202
2003-2005 Determinants and Outcomes of Privately and Publicly Financed Home-Based Nursing. Guerriere, D., Coyte, P.C. (Co-PIs) & McKeever, P. Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, $134,000
2002-2005 Ethical Dimensions of Home Care Policies for Children and Youth. Peter, E. (PI), Spalding, K., Conrad, P., Kenny, N. & McKeever, P. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, $64,972
2002-2005 Home Care Ethics: Identification and Analysis of Issues. Peter, E. (PI) & McKeever, P. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $108,707
- Pain in Infants with Neurologic Impairment. Stevens, B. & McGrath, P. (Co-PIs), Beyene, J., Breau, L., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbons, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., Ohlsson, A. & O’Brien, K. Bloorview Children’s Hospital Foundation, $23,737
2001-2003 Prescriptions for Pediatric Home Care: Assessing the Implications of Variations in the Funding, Allocation and Delivery of Home and Community Care for Children with Complex Care Needs. Williams, P. (PI), Deber, R., McKeever, P. & Spalding, K. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, $127,270
2001-2002 Pain in Infants with Disabilities: An Observational Study. Stevens, B. & McGrath, P. (Co-PIs), Johnston, C., Franck, L., McKeever, P., Ohlsson, A., Finley, A. & Howlett, A. Bloorview Children’s Hospital Foundation, $9,105
2000-2003 “Hitting Home”: The Home as a Site for Long Term Care. McKeever, P. (PI), Poland, B., Chipman, M., Eakin, J., Gastaldo, D., Dyck, I., England, K., Angus, J. & Dolan, A. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $483,908
2000-2003 Child and Family Adaptation to Childhood Chronic Health Conditions: A Comprehensive Conceptual Framework of Psychosocial Risk and Resilience. Globerman, J. (PI), Antle, B., Jutai, J., King, G., Lach, L., McKeever, P. et al. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $293,000
2000-2003 Pain in Infants with Disabilities: A Program of Research. Stevens, B. & McGrath, P. (Co-PIs), Johnston, C., McKeever, P., Ohlsson, A., Finley, A. & Howlett, A. Medical Research Council of Canada, $397,276
2000-2001 Analysis of Interfaces Along the Continuum of Care. Hollander, M. (PI), Anderson, M., Keefe, J., MacLellan, M., Parent, K., Hayes, V., McKeever, P., Williams, P., Spalding, K., et. al. Home Care and Pharmaceuticals Division, Health Policy and Communications Branch, Health Canada, $240,000
2000-2001 Understanding the Experiences of Mothers who use Wheelchairs for Full-time Mobility in Homemaking and Child Care. Reid, D. (PI), Angus, J., McKeever, P. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, $20,000
1999-2001 Cost Effectiveness of Home vs Hospital Management of Feeding Difficulties in Preterm Infants. Stevens, B. & McKeever, P. (Co-PIs), Coyte P. C., et. al. (1 of 15 Substudies, National Evaluation of the Cost Effectiveness of Home Care Project, Hollander M., PI). The Health Transition Fund, Health Canada, $55,000
1999-2001 Cost Effectiveness of Home vs Hospital Management of Feeding Difficulties in Term Infants. Stevens, B. & McKeever, P. (Co-PIs), Coyte, P. C., et. al. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, $15,000
1999-2001 Tele-Homecare Project: Multi-Site Canadian Modeling Component. Young, N. & Dick, P. (Co-PIs), Booth, M., Coyte, P.C., Daub, S., Filler, R., McKeever, P., Spence, D., Stevens, B., et. al. The Health Transition Fund, Health Canada, $87,000
1999-2001 Tele-Homecare Project: An Integrated Transition Between Hospital and Home. Dick, P., Young, N. (Co-PIs), McKeever, P., To, T., Booth, M., Coyte, P.C., Filler, R., Stevens, B., Daub, S., Reisman, J., Spence, D. & Weaver, L. The Office of the Information Highway, Health Canada, $409,406
1999-2001 Comparison of Hospital and Home Chemotherapy for Children with High Risk Cancer. Stevens, B. (PI), Booth, M., McKeever, P., Greenberg, M., Millar, C., Gammon, J. & Gafni, A. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, $129,521
1999-2001 Home Chemotherapy for Children with Cancer: An Evaluation of Costs and Health Services Utilization. Stevens, B. (PI), Booth, M., McKeever, P., Greenberg, M., Daub, S., Millar, C., Gammon, J. & Gafni, A. The Health Transition Fund, Health Canada, $64,000
1999-2000 Pain and Quality of Life for Infants, Children and their Families. Stevens, B. & McKeever, P. Faculty of Nursing, Internal Research Grant, $2,500
1998-1999 The Relationship Between Client Satisfaction with Hand Surgery and Clinical Outcomes. Hudak, P. (PI), Wright, J. & McKeever, P. The Physical Medicine Research Foundation, $11,500
1996-1998 The Hart Walker Orthosis for Children: A 2 year Prospective Longitudinal Evaluation. Wright, F.V. & Belbin, G. (Co-PIs), Jutai, J., McKeever, P. & Bortolussi, J. The Easter Seal Research Institute, $30,000
1996-1997 A Comparison of Hospital and Home Chemotherapy for Children with Leukemia: A Pilot Study. Stevens, B. (PI), Booth, M., McKeever, P., Greenberg, M., Millar, C. & Gafni, A. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, $21,835 & Sigma Theta Tau Award, $1,500
1996-1997 Negotiating the Boundaries of Eldercare: A Feminist Analysis of the Relationship Between Nurses and Family Caregivers. Ward-Griffin, C. & McKeever, P. The Canadian Nurses’ Foundation, $14,726.61
1995-1997 Raising Children Who Have Disabilities: Analysis of Biological and Foster Mothers’ Narrative Accounts. McKeever, P. The Bloorview Children’s Hospital Foundation, $47,000
1995-1997 Raising Children Who Have Severe Disabilities: The Experiences, Characteristics and Circumstances of Biological and Foster Mothers. McKeever, P. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, $51,000 & Dean’s Fund, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, $4,600
1995-1997 The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on the Decision to Become a Nurse and the Practice of Nursing. Gallop, R. (PI), McKeever, P., Toner, B., Lancee, W. Quality of Worklife Unit, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, $13,400
1994-1995 Evaluation of the Hart Walker Orthosis for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Belbin, G. & Wright, V. (Co-PIs), Jutai, J., Bortolussi, J. & McKeever, P. The Easter Seal Research Institute, $21,000
1989-1990 Family Care and Chronic Illness: The Caregiver’s Experience: A Literature Review. Gallop, R. (PI), McKeever, P., Wells, D. & Mohide, A. Health and Welfare Canada, $14,600
1988-1989 Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children: An Analysis Using Critical Theory. McKeever, P. Easter Seal Society, Doctoral Training Award, $12,800
- The Implementation and Evaluation of a Workshop for Nurses on Parental Risk for Child Abuse. Yoshida, M. (PI), McKeever, P., Shea, H. & Hornick, J. Ontario Ministry of Social and Community Services, $20,510
- The Effects of Non-Gynecological Surgery on Menstrual Cycle Regularity.
McKeever, P. (PI) & Galloway, S. Health Promotions Directorate, Health and Welfare Canada, $8,352 & Dean’s Fund, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, $500
2014 Designing an Interactive Musical Experience for a Hospital Waiting Room.
Biddiss, E. & McKeever, P. Bloorview children’s Hospital Foundation, $10,000
2013 DesignPossible: Designing Accessible and Enjoyable Interactive Experiences for a
Large Media Display in a Hospital Waiting Room. Biddiss, E., McKeever, P. et al, Norman and Marian Robertson Charitable Foundation, $10,000
2012 Blooming Butterflies Program. Chiasson, C., Crossman, S., Pasternak, C., Savage,
D., & McKeever, P. Norman and Marion Robertson Foundation, $16, 019
2011 The Virtual Music Instrument in a Concert Setting: Opportunities and Uncertainties. Alter, D., Bicknell, J., Biddiss, E., Chau, T., Kingsnorth, S., McKeever, P. & Savage, D. Holland Bloorview Foundation, $20, 000
2010 School, Home & Neighbourhood Safety: Preventing Injuries in Disabled Children. McKeever, P. & Scott, H., Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, Summer Internship Research Program in Injury Prevention, $12, 000
2009-2010 Exploring Clown Work as a Creative Intervention in Person-Centred Dementia Care. Kontos, P. (Co-PI), Warren, B. (Co-PI), Spitzer, P., McKeever, P., Naglie, G. & Einstein, G. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Grant, $9,939
2009 Doing Research With Kids: Designs, Dilemmas & Directions (3D Workshop). McKeever, P. (PI), Macarthur, C. & Chau, T., Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Grant, $10, 000
2006 Theory and Methods in Home and Community Care Research. Interdisciplinary Course for Health Science Doctoral Students from Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Canada, September 1-6. NordForsk, (Nordic Research Board). Petersen, B., Salminen, A-L., Cedersund, E., Severinsson, E., Sunstrom, G., Lutzen, K., vonKoch, L., McKeever, P. et al. $55,475
2004 iDAPT Infrastructure Project. Fernie, G. (PI), Boutilier, C., Colantonio, A., Cott, C., Davis, A., Maki, B., McIlroy, W., McKeever, P. & Naglie, G. Canadian Foundation for Innovation (40%), Ontario Innovation Trust (40%), Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Foundation (20%), $18,398,069
2003-2008 HCTP & The Change Foundation Strategic Alliance. McKeever, P. & Coyte, P.C., (Co-PIs). The Change Foundation, $200,000
2003-2008 Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement Grant for “Health Care, Technology and Place”: A CIHR Centre for Research Development. Coyte, P.C. & McKeever P. (Co-PIs) et al., Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $1,000,000
2002-2009 Strategic Training Program Grant; “Health Care, Technology, and Place”. McKeever, P. & Coyte, P.C. (Co-PIs). Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $2,146,250
2002 Support Grant for “Health Care Settings and Public Policy: An International Collaborative Workshop”. Coyte, P.C. & McKeever, P. (Co-PIs). Health Policy Research Program, Health Canada, $56,800
2001 Workshop Support Grant for “Health Care and Place”: International Collaborative Research Workshop. Home Care Evaluation Research Centre (HCERC), University of Toronto and the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. Coyte, P.C. & McKeever, P., (Co-PIs) Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $25,000
1999 Research Evaluation and Planning of Home Care Within the Continuum on Canada’s Health System. Health Institutes Design Grant. Coyte, P.C., McKeever, P., (Co-PIs) Carter, M., Colantonio, A., Cott, C., Deber, R., Dick, P., Dolan, A., Flood, C., Irvine, D., Kunov, H., MacKeigan, L., O’Brien-Pallas, L., Streiner, D., Tepperman, L., Williams, P. & Young, N. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada & The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, $40,000
1998-2003 Infrastructure Support for the Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre (HCERC). Baxter International; The Change Foundation; Comcare Health Services; Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario; St. Elizabeth Health Care; WeCare and others, $1,000,000
2006 Rethinking Architecture and Design from the Users’ Perspectives: A Focused Ethnography of Seclusion Rooms in Psychiatric Settings. Holmes, D. Hodnett, E., McKeever, P. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, HCTP ICE Grant, $8,000
2006 The Suitability of Public Elementary School Playgrounds for Children with Physical Disabilities. Yantzi, N., McKeever, P., Schryer, C. & Young, N. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, HCTP ICE Grant, $8,000
2005-2008 Support for students to attend CAHSPR Conference. September 2005, Montreal, PQ; September 2006, Vancouver, BC; June 2007 Toronto, ON; May 2008, Gatineau, PQ. McKeever, P., Canadian Health Services Research Foundation/Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 4x $1,000
2005 Art in Pediatric Hospitals: Children’s Perspectives and Perceptions. Fusco, C. & McKeever, P. (Co-PI’s) Canadian Institutes of Health Research, HCTP ICE Grant, $8,000
2005 A Comparison of the Internal Geographies of Three Contemporary Pediatric Teaching Hospitals. Kearns, R. & McKeever, P. (Co-PI’s) Canadian Institutes of Health Research, HCTP ICE Grant, $3,400
2003 “Kids in the Atrium”: Proposal Development Grant, McKeever, P., Adams, A. (Co-PIs) & Spalding, K. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, HCTP ICE Grant, $8,000
2003 Effects of Winter on Canadian Older Adults: Proposal Development Grant.
Fernie, G., McKeever, P. (Co-PIs), Row, B. & Andrews, G. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, HCTP ICE Grant, $8,000
- Institutional Supplemental Grant for “Hitting Home: The Home as a Site for Long-Term Care”. McKeever, P. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $2,710
2001 Proposal Development Grant: “Health Care, Technology and Place” Research Training Programme. Coyte, P.C. & McKeever, P. (Co-PIs). Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $5,000
1999 Proposal Development Grant: To Enhance and Expand a Home Care-Related Research Communications Infrastructure. McKeever, P. & Coyte, P.C. (Co-PIs) Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, $20,000
1999 Proposal Development Grant: “Hitting Home”: The Home as a site for long term care. McKeever, P. (PI), Poland, B., Chipman, M., Eakin, J., Gastaldo, D., Angus, J. & England, K. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, $5,000
1999 Grant Preparation Funds. McKeever, P. Internal Competition, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, $1,000
1998 Grant Preparation Funds. McKeever, P. & Stevens, B. Internal Competition, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, $2,500
1996 Sabbatical Grants to support visit to The Social Policy Research Unit, University of York, U.K. Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, $2,000, British Council of Canada, Academic Links Scheme, $520, Centre for Research in Women’s Health, University of Toronto, $500
1992 Travel Grant to present a paper at the International Congress of Women’s Health Issues, Copenhagen, DK. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, $1,100
2018-2019 Bootle Band – Closing opportunity gaps in early childhood music education for children with disabilities. Ontario Accessibility Directorate. Accessibility Excellence in Research Award. 7,500 CAD.
2014-2019 Collaborator, VOICE (Views on Interdisciplinary Childhood Ethics, Carnevale, F. (PI) et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Grant, $439,231
2010-2012 Consultant, Ethics Studies of Childhood: Developing an Interdisciplinary Research Program, Carnevale, F. (PI) et al. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council, Research Development Initiative Grant, $38,496
2004-2007 Academic Advisor, Working Together for Change: The Community Faculty Project, Ostroff, B. (PI) et al. SickKids Foundation
2004-2006 Scientific Advisor, Identification of Best Practices in Reducing Stress and Burden for Family Caregivers of Persons with Acquired Brain Injury, Boschen, K. (PI) et al. Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation
- Scientific Advisor, Existential Issues for Persons with Long Term Mental Illness, Lutzen, K. (PI) et al. Swedish Research Council
2002-2004 Scientific Advisor, Revisiting “Personal is Political”: Immigrant Women’s Health Promotion. Gastaldo, D. (PI) et al. Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- International Academic Advisor, Technology-Dependent Children at Home: Time Regimes, Heaton, J. (PI) et al. Social Policy Research Unit, University of York, UK. Economic & Social Research Council, Innovative Health Technologies Programme
- Scientific Consultant, Home Care Sector Study, Gross Gilroy Inc., Hollander Analytical Services & Queen’s University. Human Resources Development Canada
- International Scientific Advisor, Caring at Home: Work Relationships Between Nurses and Informal Caregivers, K. Bjornsdottir (PI) Icelandic Scientific Foundation
Journal Articles (Refereed)
Ruddick., McKeever, P., & Stephens, L. (2019). Diagramming Disability: A Deleuzian
Approach to Researching Childhood Disability. Deleuze and Guattari Studies. (Under review).
Nicholas, D., MacCulloch, R., Roberts, W., Zwaigenbaum, L., & McKeever, P. (Accepted).
Tensions in maternal care for children, youth and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder . Global Qualitative Nursing Research.
- Elaine, B., Knibbe, T. J., Fehlings, D., McKeever, P., Cohen, A., &McPherson. (2018). Interactive media as a tool for reducing waiting anxiety at paediatric rehabilitation hospitals: a randomized controlled trial. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 60(6), 602-610.
- Elaine, B., Knibbe, T. J., Fehlings, D., McKeever, P., &McPherson, A. (2019) A Positive Distraction in Pediatric Healthcare Waiting Spaces: Sharing Play Not Germs through Inclusive, Hands-Free Interactive Media. Developmental Rehabilitation, 22(7) 445-452.
- McLaren, C., & McKeever, P. (2019). Dancing bodies, moving spaces: Revealing children’s movement encounters in an integrated kindergarten classroom. Performance Matters, 5(1), 60-80.
- Shildrick, M., Carnie, A., Wright, A., McKeever, P., Jan, E., De Luca E., Bachmann, I., Abbey, S., Dal Bo, D. Poole, J., El-Sheikh, & T. Ross, H. (2018). Messy entanglements: research assemblages in heart transplantation discourses and practices. Medical Humanities, 44, 46-54.
- Edwards, G., Arfaouli, A., McLaren, C., & McKeever, P. (2017). Hybrid health research: Assembling an integrated arts/science methodological framework. Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 8(2), 175-191.
- Stephens, L, Spalding, K., Aslam, H., Scott, H., Ruddick, S., Young, N., & McKeever, P. (2017). Inaccessible childhoods: Evaluating accessibility in homes, schools and neighbourhoods with disabled children. Children’s Geographies, 15(5), 583-599.
- Nicholas, D., Zwaigenbaum, L., Ing, S., MacCulloch, R., Roberts, W., McKeever, P., & McMorris, C. (2016). Live It to Understand It”: The Experiences of Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Qualitative Health Research. 26(7), 921-934.
- McKeever, P., Doherty, S., Dunn, J., Ruddick, S., Yantzi, N., Young, N., Aslam, H., &
Scott, H. (2015). The Development of an Ethnography-based Accessibility Survey With and for Disabled Children. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, 10(2), 69-86.
- Fusco, C., & McKeever, P. (2015). (Bio)Aesthetic Geographies and the Governance of Biopedagogical Spect(ato)rs Deconstructing the Trompe-l’œil in Cujo’s Crease. Cultural Studies– Critical Methodologies, Special Issue: Biopedagogies of/and Public Health, 15(5), 337-349.
- Stephens, L., Scott, H., Aslam, H., Yantzi, N., Young, N., Ruddick, S., & McKeever, P. (2015). The accessibility of elementary schools in Ontario, Canada: Not making the grade. Children, Youth and Environments, Special Issue: Child-Friendly Cities: Critical Approaches, 25(2), 153-175.
- Stephens, L., Ruddick, S., & McKeever, P. (2015). Disability and Deleuze: An exploration of becoming and embodiment in children’s everyday environments. Body and Society, 21(2), 194-220.
- LeGrow, K., Hodnett, E., Stremler, R., McKeever, P., & Cohen, E. (2014). Bourdieu at the bedside: briefing parents in a pediatric hospital. Nursing Inquiry 24(4), 327-335.
- Ryan, S.E., Sawatzky, B., Campbell, K.A., Rigby, P.J., Roxborough, L., Montpetit, K. & McKeever, P. (2014). Functional outcomes associated with adaptive seating interventions in children and youth with wheeled mobility needs. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95(5); 825-31.
- Zitzelsberger, H., McKeever, P., Peter, E., Chambon, A., Morgan, K.P., Spalding, K. (2014). Doing ‘technological time’ in a pediatric hemodialysis unit: An ethnography of children. Health & Place, 27, 112-9.
- Gibson, B.E., King, G., Kingsnorth, S. & McKeever, P. (2014). The ‘placement’ of people with profound impairments across the lifespan: re-thinking age criteria. BMC Medicine. 2014; doi: 10.1186/1741-1741-1715-12-83
- Gladstone, B., McKeever, P., Seeman, M. & Boydell, K. (2014). Analysis of a support group for children of parents with mental illnesses: Managing stressful situations. Qualitative Health Research, 24(9), 1171-1182.
- Doherty, S.T., McKeever, P., Aslam, H., Stephens, L. & Yantzi, N. (2014). Use of GPS Tracking to Interactively Explore Disabled Children’s Mobility and Accessibility Patterns. Children, Youth & Environments 24(1), 1-24.
- iddiss, E., McPherson, A., Shea, G., & McKeever, P. (2013). The design and testing of interactive hospital spaces to meet the needs of waiting children. Health Environments Research & Design Journal 6(3), 49-68.
- A. & Barr, R. (2013). A Mixed Method Approach to Describe the Out-of-pocket Expenses Incurred by Families of Children with Cancer. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 60(3), 438-45
- S, McPherson A, Aslam H, McKeever P., Wright V. (2013) Exploring children’s perceptions of two school-based social inclusion programs: A pilot study. Child and Youth Care Forum. 42(1), 1-18.
- Rossen, B.E., Scott, H., Robinson-Vincent, K. & Wright, V. (2013). The Significance of Uprightness: Parents’ Reflections on Children’s Responses to a Hands-free Walker. Disability & Society. 28(3), 380-92. *Added to Psychology Progress Series.
- , Alter, D., Anantawan, A. & McKeever, P. (2013). Disability and the artistic performance: Reconsidering disability and assistive technology. Arts & Health, 5(2), 166-174.
- Naqvi, A. & Moineddin, R. (2012). A prospective study to determine the costs incurred by families of children newly diagnosed with cancer in Ontario. Psycho-Oncology. 21(10), 1113-1123.
- Y., Healy, H. & Macarthur, C. (2012). Longitudinal Evaluation of Transition Services (“LETS Study”): Protocol for Outcome Evaluation. BMC Pediatrics.12(51).
*Recommended on Pubadvanced
Children’s and parents’ beliefs regarding the value of walking: Rehabilitation implications for children with cerebral palsy. Child: Care, Health and Development 38(1), 61-69. Featured in Medigrip: Research into Practice website.
- doi:10.1111/j.1751-7893.2011.00287.x
- . & McKeever, P. (2011) “Revealing personhood through biomusic of individuals without communicative interaction ability”. Augmentative and Alternative Communication. 27(1):1-4.
Kids in motion: Rethinking inclusive classrooms for optimal learning. Educational and Child Psychology. 28(1), 100-113
- effects of therapeutic clowning on nurses in a children’s rehabilitation hospital, Arts & Health, 4(1), 26-38.
- structures on the experiences of individuals with upper limb absence. Prosthetics & Orthotics International. 35(2), 215-224.
sedation on pediatric MR patient flow. Radiology. 256(1), 229-237.
- Cancer from the Family’s Perspective: A Critical Review. Pediatric Blood & Cancer.56(5), 707- 717.
severe and multiple disabilities: A case study. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 5(5), 359-369.
- B.E., Zitzelsberger, H. & McKeever, P. (2009). “Futureless” Persons: Shifting Life Expectancies and the Vicissitudes of Progressive Illness. Sociology of Health and Illness. 31(4), 554-568.
- Re-conceptualizing the hospital labor room: The PLACE (Pregnant and Laboring in an Ambient Clinical Environment) pilot trial. Birth. 36(2), 159-166.
- 65(2), 285-296.
- Macdonald, M.E., Bluebond-Langner, M., McKeever, P. (2008). Using participant observation in pediatric health care settings: Ethical challenges and solutions. Journal of Child Health Care. 12(1), 18-32.
- ., Scott, H., Chipman, M., Osterlund, K., Eakin, J. (2006). ‘Hitting Home’: A survey of housing conditions of homes used for long term care in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Health Services, 36(3), 521-533.
- The personal significance of home: Habitus and the experience of receiving long term home care. Sociology of Health and Illness, 27 (2), 161-187.
- The home as a site for long term care: Meanings and management of bodies and spaces. Health and Place, 11(2), 173-185.
- & Miller, K. L. (2004). Mothering children with disabilities: A Bourdieusian interpretation of maternal practices. Social Science and Medicine, 59 (6), 1177-1191.2005- Featured Article, Childhood Studies, 2005 Elsevier.
- & The Tele-Home Care Team. (2004). Tele-home care: A comparison of three Canadian models. Telemedicine Journal and eHealth, 10(1), 45-52.
- & The Tele-Home Care Team. (2004). Preference for pediatric telehome care support following hospitalization: A report on preference and satisfaction. Telemedicine Journal and eHealth, 10(1), 53-60.
- , Angus, J., Miller, K.L., Reid, D. (2003). ‘It’s more of a production’: Accomplishing mothering using a mobility device. Disability and Society, 18(2), 179-197.
- , O’Neill, S., Miller, K.L. (2002). ‘Managing space and marking time’: Mothering severely ill infants in hospital isolation. Qualitative Health Research, 12 (8), 1020-1033 (Special Issue: Negotiating Care).
- , Stevens, B., Miller, K.L, MacDonnell, J., Gibbins, S., Guerriere, D., Dunn, M., Coyte, P.C. (2002). Home versus hospital lactation support for newborns: A randomized controlled trial. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care, 29(4), 262-269.
- Coyte, P.C. & McKeever, P. (2001). Home care in Canada: Passing the buck. The Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 33(2), 11-26.
- Wright, J. & McKeever, P. (2000). Qualitative methods: Its role in clinical research. Annals of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, 33(5), 275-279.
- Gastaldo, D. & McKeever, P. (2000). Investigacion cualitativa, intrinsecamente etica? (Qualitative research: Intrinsically ethical?). Index, Spain, 1-3.
- Ward-Griffin, C. & McKeever, P. (2000). Relationships between nurses and family caregivers: Partners in Care? Advances in Nursing Science, 2(3), 89-103.
- Spalding, K. & McKeever, P. (1998). Mothers’ experiences caring for children with disabilities who require a gastrostomy tube. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 13(4), 234-243.
- Carr, T. & McKeever, P. (1997). Mothering children who have disabilities: The Italo-Canadian experience. The Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 29(3), 69-78.
- Guerriere, D. & McKeever, P. (1997). ‘Playing the Hand You’re Dealt’: An interactionist interpretation of mothers’ accounts of their relationships with brain injured children. Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses, 2(3), 105-115.
- McKeever, P. (1996). ‘The Family,’ long term care research and policy formulation. Nursing Inquiry, 3(4), 200-206.
- Rossen, B.E. & McKeever, P. (1996). The behaviours of preschoolers during and after brief surgical hospitalizations. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, 19, 121-133.
- Stinson, J. & McKeever, P. (1995). Mothers’ anticipated and actual information needs related to caring for infants at home following cardiac surgery. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 10(1), 48-56.
- Gallop, R., McKeever, P., Lancee, W. & Toner, B. (1995). The impact of childhood sexual abuse on the psychological well-being and practice of nurses. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, IX(3), 146-151.
- Gallop, R., McKeever, P., Lancee, W. & Toner, B. (1995). Inquiring about childhood sexual abuse as part of the nursing history: Opinions of abused and non-abused nurses. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, IX(3), 137-145.
- McKeever, P. (1994). Between women: Nurses and family caregivers. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 26(4), 15-21.
- Brunier, G. & McKeever, P. (1993). The impact of home dialysis on ‘The Family’: Literature review. American Nephrology Nursing Journal, 20(6), 653-659.
- McKeever, P. (1984). The perpetuation of menstrual shame: Implications for research and education. Women and Health, 9(4), 33-47.
- McKeever, P. (1984). The effects of non-gynecological surgery on the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Nursing Research, 33(1), 42-46.
- McKeever, P. (1983). Siblings of chronically ill children: A literature review with implications for research and practice. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 53(2), 209-218.
- McKeever, P. (1981). A continuing education workshop on human relations skills: A response. Nursing Papers, 13(3), 37.
- McKeever, P. (1981). Fathering the chronically ill child: A neglected area in family research. The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 6(2), 124-128.
- McKeever, P. (1980). When Jason’s grandpa died: The response of a toddler to the events surrounding the death of a grandparent. Essence, 4(1), 19-24.
Journal Articles (Non-Refereed) and Conference Proceedings
- Ward-Griffin, C. & McKeever, P. (2000). Relationships between nurses and family caregivers: Partners in care? Advances in Nursing Science, 22(3), 89-103. Reprinted in Educational Activities to Support Family Caregivers: Facilitator’s Manual, 2003. Family Caregivers’ Network Society, Victoria, B.C.
- Guerrierre, D., McKeever, P. & Coyte, P.C. (2001). Focus on health care settings: The Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre. The Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 33(1), 77-79.
- Coyte, P.C., McKeever, P. (1998). Branches in the homecare forest. Eldercare Quarterly, 2(2), 23-25.
- McKeever, P., Britten, K. (1995). How to prepare a terrific POGO abstract. POGO News, Provincial Oncology Group of Ontario, February.
- Yoshida, M., McKeever, P., Hornick, J. (1985). Evaluation of a program for nurses on the parent at risk for child abuse. International Congress of Child Abuse and Neglect: Proceedings.
- McKeever, P. (1984). Fathering the chronically ill child: A neglected area in family research.The Candlelighters Foundation Progress Report, 1984.
Book Chapters
- Adams, A., Theodore D. & McKeever. P. (2009). Pictures of Health: Sick Kids Exposed. In L. Lerner (Ed). Depicting Canada’s Children, (pp. 259-278).Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
- England, K., Eakin, J., Gastaldo, D. & McKeever, P. (2007). Neoliberalizing Home Care: Managed competition and restructuring home care in Ontario. In K. England & K. Ward. (Eds). Neo-liberalization: States, Networks, Peoples. London, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Gastaldo, D., Eakin, J., England, K., & McKeever, P. (2003). In between friendship and professionalism: an analysis of new productive spaces in the health care system in Canada. In S. Nelson, (Ed). In Sickness and in Health: Ethics, Power and Practice, Vol. 1, 75-82, Bournemouth, UK: Nursing Press International.
- Gastaldo, D., McKeever, P. (2002). Investigacion cualitativa, intrinsecamente etica? (Qualitative research: Intrinsically ethical?). In F.J. Mercado, D.Gastaldo & C.Calderon (Eds.). Hacienen Ibero-América: Métodos, Análisis y Etica [Doing Qualitative Health Research in Ibero-America: Methods, analysis and ethics]. Guadalajara: University of Guadalajara/Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
- McKeever, P. (1991). Mothering children who have severe chronic illnesses: Threats to maternal competence. In A.M. Ambert (Ed.), The Effects of Children on Parents (pp. 170-190). Binghamton: Haworth Press.
- Poole, J.M., Shildrick, M., De Luca, E., Abbey, O., Mauthner, E., McKeever, P., Ross, J. (2011). On heart transplants and distress: A Qualitative Response to Selves & Burroughs Letter. American Journal of Transplantation. 2011; doi: 10.1111/j.1600-6143.2011.03664.
- Carnevale, F.A., Rehm, R.S., Kirk, S. & McKeever, P. (2008). What we know (and do not know) about raising children with complex continuing care needs. Journal of Child Health Care, 12(1), 4-6.
- McKeever, P. (2001). Home care in Canada: Housing matters. Guest Editorial, The Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 33(2), 3-4.
Book Reviews
- McKeever, P. (1989). Birschman, P., Schowalter, J.E. & Kutscher, A.H. (Eds.) The Pediatric Nurse and the Life Threatened Child. The Journal of Palliative Care.
- McKeever, P. (1979). Kubler-Ross, E. & Warsaw, M. (Eds.) To Live Until We Say “Good bye”. Cancer Nursing, 2(6).
- McKeever, P. (June 1979). De Angelis, C. Pediatric Primary Care. Canadian Nurse.
- McKeever, P. (March 1978). Parson, J. (Ed.) Needs of the Cancer Patient. Canadian Nurse.
- Mauthner, O., Poole, J., Abbey, S., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., De Luca, E., Ross, H. (2010). How should we prepare and support patients through the transplant process: The recipients’ perspective. Transplantation,90(S):731.
- Abbey, S., De Luca, E., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., Poole, J., Mauthner, O., Ross, H. (2010). Qualitative studies better reflect patient distress versus standardized quality of life questionnaires. Transplantation, 90(S):108.
- Poole, J., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., Ross, H.J., Mauthner, O., De Luca, E., Abbey, S. (2010). The Obligation to Say ‘Thank-You’. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 29(S2): S59.
- Poole, J., Ross, H., Abbey, S., Shildrick, M., De Luca, E., Mauthner, O., McKeever, P. (2009). Identity Disruption In Heart Transplant Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation, 9(S2):654.
- Abbey, S., De Luca, E., Mauthner, O., McKeever, P., Shildrick, M., Poole, J., Ross, H.J. (2009). What they say versus what we see: ‘Hidden distress and impaired quality of life in heart transplant recipients’. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 28(S2): S128.
- Poole, J., Ross, H., Abbey, S., Shildrick, M., De Luca, E., Mauthner, O., McKeever, P. (2009) Identity Disruption In Heart Transplant Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation, 9(S2):654.
- McKeever, P., Scott, H., Chipman, M., Osterlund, K., Eakin, J. (2006). ‘Hitting Home’: A Survey of Housing Conditions of Homes Used for Long-Term Care in Ontario. CSA, Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts.
- McKeever, P. & Miller K.L. (2006). Mothering children who have disabilities: A Bourdieusian interpretation of maternal practices. CSA.
- Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., McKeever, P., et al. (2005). Determining valid indicators for assessing pain in infants at risk for neurological impairment, Pediatric Research. PAS 55.
- Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., McKeever, P.,et al. (2004). Pain responses in neonates at risk for neurologic impairment. Journal of Pain, 5(3), Abstract 989.
- Breau, L., Stevens B., McGrath, P., Beyene J., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A. (2003). Healthcare professionals’ perception of pain experienced by infants at risk for neurological impairment. Pain Research & Management, 8(Suppl B) Abstract P-82, 50B.
- Breau, L., Stevens B., McGrath, P., Beyene J., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K., & Ohlsson, A. (2003). Healthcare professionals’ perception of pain experienced by infants at risk for neurological impairment. Pediatric Research 53(4), Abstract 2581.
- Breau, L., Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A. (2003). Healthcare professionals’ beliefs regarding the pain of infants at risk for neurological impairment: A survey. Pain Research & Management, 8 (Suppl B) Abstract P-83, 50B.
- Breau, L., Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A. (2003). Healthcare professionals’ beliefs regarding the pain of infants at risk for neurological impairment: A survey. Pediatric Research, 50(4), Abstract 2714.
- Stevens B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Breau, L., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K., Ohlsson, A. (2003). Pain responses in neonates at risk for neurological impairment: Preliminary results. Pediatric Research 50(4), Abstract 2869.
- Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Breau, L., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A. (2003). Behavioural and physiologic pain responses in neonates at risk for neurologic impairment: Preliminary results. Pain Research & Management, 8 (Suppl B) Abstract P-102, 55B.
- Ohlsson, A., Breau L., Stevens B., McGrath P., Beyene J., Howlett A., Finley G.A., Franck L., Gibbins S., Camfield C., McKeever P. & O’Brien K. (2003). Healthcare professionals’ beliefs regarding the pain of infants at risk of neurological impairment: A questionnaire study. Paediatrics & Child Health, 8 (Suppl B, May/June), 51B.
- Ohlsson, A., Breau L., Stevens B., McGrath P., Beyene J., Howlett A., Finley G.A., Franck L., Gibbins S., Camfield C., McKeever P. & O’Brien K. (2003). Healthcare professionals’ perception of pain experienced by infants at risk for neurological impairment: A video study. Paediatrics & Child Health, 8 (Suppl B, May/June), 51B.
- Stevens, B., McKeever, P., et al. (2001). The impact of home vs hospital support of breastfeeding on neonatal outcomes. Pediatric Research, 49(4).
- England, K. (2000). ‘It’s really hitting home’: The home as a site for long-term health care. Women and the Environment. (Written on behalf of P. McKeever & the “Hitting Home” Grant Team)
- Hudak, P.L., McKeever, P., Wright, J. (1999). The metaphor of “Patients as Customers”: Implications for measuring patient satisfaction. Journal of Epidemiology, 52(5), 485.
- Gallop, R., McKeever, P., Mohide, A., Wells, D. (1992). Chronic illness: The caregiving experience – A review of the literature. Canada’s Mental Health, 40(2), 30-31.
- McKeever, P. (1988). Parenting and health promotion: Paradoxes and problems. Proceedings, Healthy Families Conference. Prenatal & Parenthood Education Services Metropolitan Toronto.
- McKeever, P. (1988). Mothering chronically ill children: Bearing responsibility in perpetuity. RNAO News.
Unpublished Reports
- McKeever, P., Ruddick, S., Dunn, J., Yantzi, N., Young, N., & Doherty, S. (2013). School, Home and Neighborhood Accessibility: Physically Disabled Children’s. Final Report. (Submitted to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research)
- McKeever, P., Biddiss, E., Bicknell, J., Moghimi, S., Aslam, H., Chau, T., Curran, C.J., Murphy, S. & Savage, D. Feasibility Report: SoundScapes for Scientists: Could listening to music and/or sounds enhance BRI scientists’ experience of conducting research? (Submitted to Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital)
- Chiasson, C., Crossman, S., Pasternak, C., Savage, D. & McKeever, P. (2012). Blooming Butterflies Program. Final Report. (Submitted to Norman and Marion Robertson Foundation)
- McKeever, P., Coyte, P.C. & Knol, S. (2005). Brief for the Periodic Appraisal of the Collaborative Program in Health Care, Technology and Place. (Submitted to Ontario Council on Graduate Studies)
- Williams, A.P., Spalding, K., Deber, R. & McKeever, P. (2005). Prescriptions for Pediatric Home Care: Analyzing the Impact of the Shift from Hospital to Home and Community on Children and Families. (Submitted to SickKids’ Foundation)
- McKeever, P., Scott, H., Chipman, M., Osterlund, K. & Eakin, J., and the ‘Hitting Home’ Team. (2005). ‘Hitting Home” A Survey of Housing Conditions of Homes Used for Long Term Care in Ontario. (Final report, submitted to Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada)
- Dick, P.T., Kavanaugh, L., Spalding, K. & McKeever, P. (2004). A Mosaic of Treatment Services for Children: An Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Report on Health Care Treatment Services for Children in Ontario.
- Spalding, K.L., Hayes, V.E., Williams, A.P. & McKeever, P. (2002). Services for Children with Special Needs and their Families: Analysis of Interfaces Along the Continuum of Care (Report to Human Resources Development Canada Technical Report 5). Victoria, B.C.: Hollander Analytical Services Ltd.
- Coyte, P.C. & McKeever, P. (2001). Home Care: Submission to the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Government of Canada. (Invited Report)
- Reid, D., Angus, J., McKeever, P. & Miller, K-L. (2001). “Home is Where Their Wheels Are.” The Homemaking and Housing Experiences of Mothers who use Wheelchairs for Full-time Mobility. Final Report to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Re: Grant 6588:R082.
- McKeever, P. & Murphy, K. (2001). Visiting Scholars and International Faculty Collaborators: Recommendations for Policies. Subcommittee on External Scholars, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto.
- Stevens, B., McKeever, P. (2001). Cost-Effectiveness of Home versus Hospital Support of Breast Feeding in Neonates. National Evaluation of the Cost-Effectiveness of Home Care, Substudy 12. Report for the Health Transition Fund, Health Canada.
- Campbell, J., McKeever, P. & Coyte, P.C. (2000). Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre Annual Report. University of Toronto.
- Coyte, P.& McKeever, P., et. al. (1999). Location and Health Care: Sites, Roles, Rights and Responsibilities. Position paper prepared under the auspices of a Canadian Institute for Health Research and Design Grant.
- Wright, V., Belbin, G., Jutai, J., Bortoluzzi, J. & McKeever, P. (1997). A Qualitative Evaluation of The David Hart Walker Orthosis for Children with Cerebral Palsy. The Easter Seal Research Institute. Final Report.
- McKeever, P. (1994). Raising Children Who Have Disabilities: The Experiences, Characteristics and Circumstances of Biological and Foster Mothers. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation Grant Final Report.
- Gallop, R., McKeever, P., Toner, B., Lancee, W., Lueck, M. (1994). The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on the Practice of Nursing. The Quality of Nursing Worklife Research Unit Grant, University of Toronto. Final Report.
- Brynelson, D., Jessee, P., Lindstron, R., McKean, G., McKeever, P., Moffat, K., Moran, T., Torbert, J., Wittenberg, J-V. (1994). Report of the “Canadian Issues” Task Force. The Association for the Care of Children’s Health, Washington, DC.
- Subcommittee, Task Force Studying the Bloorview Children’s Hospital and The Hugh MacMillan Rehabilitation Centre Relationship, (1994). Research Working Group Report. The Metropolitan Toronto District Health Council. Chair: R. Haslam.
- McKeever, P. (1992). Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children: An Analysis Using Critical Theory. Ph.D. Dissertation, Sociology, York University.
- Gallop, R., McKeever, P., Mohide, E.A., Wells, D. (1991). Family Care and Chronic Illness: The Caregiving Experience: A Review of the Literature. Submitted to Health Canada.
- Task Force, Long Term Care Committee, (1991). The Continuing Care Needs of Children who are Technology-Dependent and Their Families. Metropolitan Toronto District Health Council. Chair: A. Evans.
- Task Force, Acute Care Committee, (1985). Pediatric and Neonatal Care Services in Metropolitan Toronto. Metropolitan Toronto District Health Council. Chair: V. Stoughton.
- Yoshida, M., McKeever, P., Hornick, J. (1985). The Implementation and Evaluation of a Workshop for Nurses on the Parent at Risk for Child Abuse. Proceedings, International Congress of Child Abuse and Neglect.
- Yoshida, M., McKeever, P., Hornick, J. (1984). The Implementation and Evaluation of a Workshop for Nurses on the Parent at Risk for Child Abuse. Ontario Centre for the Prevention of Child Abuse.
Non-refereed Knowledge Translation Media
2017 Hybrid Bodies. Exhibition. Nov, London Gallery West, London, United Kingdom. Researchers: Ross, G., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., Abbey, S., & Pool, J. Artists: Bachmann, I., Carnie, A. & Wright, A.
2016 Hybrid Bodies: Exhibition of Interdisciplinary Research-generated Art about Heart Transplantation. Exhibition. Aug-Sept, Kunst Kraft Werk, Leipzig, Germany. Researchers: Ross, G., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., Abbey, S., & Pool, J. Artists: Bachmann, I., Carnie, A. Richards, C., & Wright, A.
2016 The Patient. Exhibition. June-Aug, UNSW Galleries, Sydney, Australia. Researchers: Ross, G., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., Abbey, S., & Pool, J. Artists: Bachmann, I., Carnie, A. Richards, C., & Wright, A.
2015 Heart and Mind. Exhibition. Sept-Oct, Hannah MacLure Art Centre, Dundee, Scotland. Researchers: Ross, G., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., Abbey, S., & Pool, J. Artists: Bachmann, I., Carnie, A. Richards, C., & Wright, A.
2015 Flesh of the World. Exhibition. University of Toronto Art Centre, Toronto, ON. June-Oct, Researchers: Ross, G., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., Abbey, S., & Pool, J. Artists: Bachmann, I., Carnie, A. Richards, C., & Wright, A.
2015 ScreenPlay, BRI Featured Innovation. Accessibility Innovation Showcase. Aug 8-10, MaRS Discovery District, Toronto. Hosted by Government of Ontario & U.S. Consulate General.
2014 Hybrid Bodies: Exhibition of Interdisciplinary Research-generated Art about Heart Transplantation. Exhibition. Jan 23-March 15, PHI Gallery. Montreal, QC. Researchers: Ross, G., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., Abbey, S., & Pool, J. Artists: Bachmann, I., Carnie, A. Richards, C., & Wright, A.
2013 SoundScapes Feasibility Project. Final Report. Nov 2013.The SoundScapes Playlist was copied to DVD and distributed to BRI/HB scientists/clinicians. Uploaded to BRI’s Viewfinder website.
2013 What’s the sound of Personhood? Nautilus, science magazine. Nov. Consulted and Quoted by J.Bicknell
2013 Biomusic: A new technology that lets us ‘hear’ children who cannot communicate due to profound multiple disabilities. Hospital News – Canada’s Health Care Newspaper. June 2013. Article written by C. Florentin about the Biosongs Project.
2012 Cost Study in the News: Cancer report details family financial hardships. CBC. Nov 1. About Costs Incurred by Families of Children Newly Diagnosed with Cancer study.
2012 Clinic Waiting Room, Interactive Media Launch of ScreenPlay. City TV. May 2012.
2012 Off in a corner, Bloorview Research Institute, YouTube Channel. June. Produced by Aslam H. & McKeever P.
2011 Off in a Corner (Knowledge Dissemination Video from ScHaN Project), (Aslam, H. & McKeever, P.)
2011 ‘Turning the Tables’: Children Reflect on Research Participation (Video), (McKeever, P., Dean, H., Aslam H., et al.) *Film screenings:
- Montreal Children’s Hospital Annual Pediatric Ethics Conference (Nov), Montreal, QC
- Society for the Arts in Healthcare Annual International Conference, Advancing Patient- Centered Arts Film Festival (Apr), San Francisco, USA.
2010 Research Hits: Tuning in to the music of kids who can’t speak. Bloom, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. Winter. Article written by L. Kinross about the Biosongs Project.
2010 Impact of therapeutic clowns on disabled children gives researchers hope. Globe and Mail, Feb.
26. Article by C. Weeks about the ‘Clowning Around’ study.
2009 Access study looks to kids as experts. Small Wonder: Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital &
Research Report. Article about the ScHaN Project.
2009 Research Hits: New Research Funding Targets Social Inclusion. Bloom, Bloorview Kids Rehab, Summer 2009. Consulted and Quoted.
2009 McKeever, P. Disabilities Research. CBC Radio, Here and Now, Apr. 24. Interview about Health Minister’s announcement to invest $3.9 million in child disability research.
2008 Science Roundup: Children Map Accessibility with BlackBerries. Bloom, Bloorview Kids Rehab, Winter 2008. Article by L. Kinross about the ScHaN Project.
2007 Children and Youth Picture SickKids Hospital, Photo Exhibition, Theodore, D. (Curator) & Karwowski, P. (Designer). Photographs from The Pediatric Hospital Atrium: Designers’ Intentions vs Children’s Experiences Study, conducted by McKeever, P., Adams, A., & Spalding, K., funded by CIHR 2005-2007. The 10th Subtle Technologies Festival 2007: [i n s i t u] – art • body • medicine, Toronto, ON.
2007 Children and Youth Picture SickKids Hospital, Photo Exhibition, Theodore, D. (Curator) & Karwowski, P. (Designer). Photographs from The Pediatric Hospital Atrium: Designers’ Intentions vs Children’s Experiences Study, conducted by McKeever, P., Adams, A., & Spalding, K., funded by CIHR 2005-2007. The 2007 HCTP Annual Interdisciplinary Workshop: Health Care, Technologies and Places: Contributions and Provocations from Humanists and Artists, Toronto, ON.
2006 Children and Youth Picture SickKids Hospital, Photo Exhibition, Theodore, D. (Curator) & Karwowski, P. (Designer). Photographs from The Pediatric Hospital Atrium: Designers’ Intentions vs Children’s Experiences Study, conducted by McKeever, P., Adams, A., & Spalding, K., funded by CIHR 2005-2007. Design Exchange, Toronto, ON.
2006 Children and Youth Picture SickKids Hospital, Photo Exhibition, Theodore, D. (Curator) & Karwowski, P. (Designer). Photographs from The Pediatric Hospital Atrium: Designers’ Intentions vs. Children’s Experiences Study, conducted by McKeever, P., Adams, A., & Spalding, K., funded by CIHR 2005-2007. Designing Places & Spaces for Kids’ Health Care Workshop, Bloorview Kids Rehab, Toronto, ON.
2006 McKeever, P. Architecture and Health Panelist. Mainline Radio Show, CIUT 89.6. Produced by Undergraduate Students, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.
2004 Rosenberg, J. Health Administrators Go Shopping for New Hospital Designs. National Review of Medicine, Nov. 15. Consulted and Quoted.
2004 Ward-Griffin, C., McKeever, P. (2000) Relationships between nurses and family caregivers: Partners in Care? Advances in Nursing Science, 22(3), 89-103. Reprinted in Educational Activities to Support Family Caregivers: Facilitators Manual, 2003. Family Caregivers’ Network Society, Victoria, BC.
2004 Edwards, N. et al. (2000) Burgeoning Opportunities for Nursing Research. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 34(4), 139-149.
2003 Beattie, R. The Architecture of Healing. Patient 2010, 1 (1), 18-22. Consulted and Quoted.
2002 Murphy, K., Coyte, P.C., McKeever, P. Introducing Health Care, Technology, and Place: Understanding the New Landscape of Western Health Care. Association for Integrative Studies Newsletter, 24(3), October.
2002 Waytiuk, J., Brearton, S. Cross-Country Check-up: Which province delivers the best health care to kids and families? Today’s Parent, pp 54-60. Consulted and Quoted.
2002 McKeever, P., Coyte, P.C. Health Care in Canada: Here, There, and Everywhere. Forum, University of Toronto Bulletin, March 25.
2001 Miller, K.L., Guerriere, D.N., McKeever, P. Pediatric Home Care Literature Database. Prepared for The Hospital for Sick Children Child and Youth Homecare Network. Funded by The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, Toronto, ON.
2000 McKeever, P., Campbell, J., Daly, T. Im Denken sind neue Wege nötig (New Ways are Noteworthy) Häusliche Pflege (Home Care Newsletter), Hanover, Germany, July.
2000 McKeever, P. & Kagen, A. Learning to Communicate with Someone who is Aphasic. Video for CBC Television, Marketplace.
1999 Campbell, J., McKeever, P., Coyte, P. The Changing Face of Health Care. We Care News, 2,3.
1999 Coyte, P.C., McKeever, P. The Perils of Rushing Into Home Care. OpEd, Globe and Mail, March 29.
1998 McKeever, P., Guerriere, D., Irvine, T. Mothering Infants who have Severe Chronic Illnesses: Dilemmas, Decisions and Duties. Reported by Rhona Wolpert in IMPrint, Infant Mental Health Promotion Newsletter.
1997 Stinson, J., Spalding, K., Harwood, L., Meighan, K., McKeever, P. Getting Ready For Your Operation. Activity book for school-aged children. Publisher: Hospital for Children Foundation.
1996 Stinson, J., Spalding, K., Harwood, L., Meighan, K., McKeever, P. Getting Ready For Your Operation. Colouring book for preschool children. Publisher: Hospital for Children Foundation.
1996 Stinson, J., Spalding, K., Harwood, L., Meighan, K., McKeever, P. Getting Ready For An Operation: How to Prepare Yourself and Your Child. Publisher: Hospital for Children Foundation.
- Who will Care for the Caregivers? Globe and Mail, Aug. 21. Article by E. Paris about my research with mothers of chronically-ill, technology-dependent children.
1990 Stand Up For Nursing, Promotional Video: P. McKeever, B. Johnson & I. Bajnok, Nurse Researchers funded by the CNF discussed their work. Canadian Nurses’ Foundation, Ottawa.
Invited Papers and Keynote Addresses
- The Heart Project: Work in Progress. London Gallery West, London, UK. (McKeever, P.)
Children’s Assessments. Department of Child Public Health, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. (Scott, H., McKeever, P., Ruddick, S., Aslam, H., Dunn, J., Young, N., Yantzi, N., Doherty, S.)
- Feb. 2006 Ethical Dimensions of Home Care Policies for Children and Youth. Children and Youth Home Care Network, Sick Kids Foundation, Toronto, ON.
- Jan. 2006 ‘Hitting Home’: A Survey of Homes Used for Long Term Care in Urban, Rural and Northern Ontario. Housing and Home Care Forum, Health Canada, Ottawa, ON.
- Nov. 2005 Geographies of Caring Labour: Home Care Workers in Ontario. Department of Geography, York University, Toronto, ON.(read by England, K.)
- Nov. 2005 Changing Places: A Program of Research for Young People with Disabilities. Bloorview Research Institute Seminar Series, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 2005 The Kids in the Atrium Project. Health Studies Brown Bag Speakers’ Series, University College,University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Mar. 2005 ‘Hitting Home’: A Survey of Homes Used for Long Term Care in Urban, Rural and Northern Ontario. Institute for Human Development, Life Course and Aging Seminar Series, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Nov 2004 Creating a Space for Place at the University of Toronto. CIHR, Strategic Training Program National Meeting (Plenary Session), University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. (with Murphy, K.)
- Oct. 2004 Pediatric Nursing Research: With, For, On or About Children? Nursing Research Retreat, TheHospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- May 2004 Introduction to Qualitative Research. Research Ethics Board Annual Retreat, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- Mar. 2004 Health Care in the Home: There’s No Place Quite Like It. Peter, E., Spalding, K., Conrad, P., McKeever, P., Kenny, N. Lectio Divina, Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, ON.
- Feb. 2004 Mothering Children Who Have Disabilities: A New Interpretation of Maternal Behaviour. The Ontario Rehabilitation Research Network Workshop, Toronto, ON.
- Aug. 2003 Human Science Research and Human Vulnerability. Plenary Reflections Panel, Annual Human Science Research Conference, Ersta Skondal University College, Stockholm, Sweden.
- June 2003 International Network for the History of Hospitals Conference. Session Chairand Discussant, McGill University, Montreal, PQ.
- Feb. 2003 Interdisciplinary, Multisite, Large-Team Qualitative Research: Capitalizing on Diversity and Complexity. McKeever, P., Gastaldo, D. & Osterlund, K. Two day Workshop, Iberoamerican Qualitative Research Conference, Guadaljara, Mexico.
- Dec. 2002 ‘Hitting Home’: The Home as a Site for Long-Term Care. Guest Seminar, The Social Policy Research Unit, The University of York, UK.
- Dec. 2002 The Health Care, Technology and Place CIHR Training Program: Genesis and Overview. Department of Public Health, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Oct. 2002 Pediatric Research: ‘With, For, On, or About Children’? Pediatric Grand Rounds The Montreal Children’s Hospital, Montreal, PQ.
- June 2002 ‘Hitting Home’: The Home as a Site for Long-Term Care (Read by Osterlund, K.). The Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.
- June 2002 ‘Homes that Don’t Fit’: When Housing and Care Needs Collide (Read by Miller, K.). The Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Mar. 2002 Home Care in Ontario: Diverse Settings for Complex Work (with Eakin, J. & Gastaldo, D.). CQI Network and Ontario Association of CCACs Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Dec. 2001 The ‘Hitting Home’ Project: Housing Matters and Home Care. Invited Seminar, the Montreal Chest Hospital, Montreal, PQ.
- Dec. 2001 The ‘Hitting Home’ Project: Reconciling Theoretical Divergence with Philosophical Convergence. Invited Public Lecture, Montreal Children’s Hospital. McGill University, Montreal, PQ.
- Dec. 2001 What the Future Holds – Current Research in Community Care. The Child Health Network for Greater Toronto Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 2001 The ‘Hitting Home’ Project: An Overview. Annual Community Health Forum, Durham Access to Care, Whitby, ON.
- Oct. 2001 After Birth: Places and Service for Better Beginnings. Life After Birth Conference. Material, Infant and Reproductive Health Research Unit, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Aug. 2001 ‘Casing’ the Home in Home Care Research: Reconciling Theoretical Divergence, Philosophical Convergence and Data Analytic Techniques. Situating Place in Health Research, A Social Sciences, Humanities Research Council of Canada Research and Development Initiative, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
- June 2001 The Impact of Home Versus Hospital Support on Breastfeeding During the First Week of Life. Stevens, B., McKeever, P., Watson MacDonell, J. et al. National Breastfeeding Conference, Toronto, ON.
- June 2001 Settings used for Health and Social Care Delivery in Canada Since 1900, International Collaborative Research Workshop, Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre, University of Toronto and the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
- June 2001 Qualitative Case Designs in Home Care Research, (with Cedersund, E., Wahlberg, E., Irvine, T., Angus, J., Gastaldo, D.). International Collaborative Research Workshop, Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre University of Toronto and the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Mar. 2001 Discussion Papers: Community and Home as Spaces of Care Sessions I & II, The American Association of Geographers’ Conference, New York, NY.
- Mar. 2001 The ‘Hitting Home’ Project: Overview. ‘Lunch and Learn’ Seminar, Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Jan. 2001 What Health Care Researchers Can Learn From Social Scientists About Children. The Research Institute Forum, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- Dec. 2000 The ‘Hitting Home’ Project Overview. Canadian Home Care Association Conference, Calgary, AB.
- Nov. 2000 Home vs Hospital-Based Support for Breastfeeding. ‘Lunch and Learn’ Seminar, Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. (with Stevens, B.)
- Nov. 2000 The ‘Hitting Home’ Project: Reflections on the Theory-Method Nexus. Faculty-Graduate Student Seminar, Department of Geography, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
- May 2000 ‘Hitting Home’: The Home as a Site for Long Term Care. Karolinska Institute, Administrators’ Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
- May 2000 Overview of The Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre at the University of Toronto, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
- May 2000 High-tech Home Care: For Better AND Worse. European Home Care Congress, Vienna, Austria.
- May 2000 Home Care for Children in Canada. CRIANCA (CHILD) 2000 Conference, Curitiba, Brazil.
- May 2000 The Future of Nursing in North America: Towards Distinction or Extinction? CRIANCA (CHILD) 2000 Conference, Curitiba, Brazil.
- Apr. 2000 ‘Hitting Home’: The Home as a Site for Long Term Care (Genesis of the Project) Mental Health Research Seminar, University Health Network, Toronto, ON.
- Mar. 2000 ‘Hitting Home’: The Home as a Site for Long Term Care. ‘Lunch and Learn’ Seminar, Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 2000 The Genesis of the ‘Hitting Home’ Project. Research Day 2000, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 1999 From Policy to Patient Care: A Vision for the Future. Panel with Shamian, J., Partners in Excellence Conference, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON.
- Sept. 1999 Place and Health Care Delivery. Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Design Grants Workshop, Ottawa, ON. (with Coyte, P.C.)
- June 1999 Home Care: For Better AND Worse. Annual General Meeting, Victorian Order of Nurses, Toronto, ON. (Keynote)
- Apr. 1999 Conducting Research in a Changing Environment. Research ’99, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, ON (Keynote Panelist, Fidler, N.D., Plenary Session).
- Feb. 1999 High-Tech Home Care: For Better AND Worse. Home care for the New Millennium, Insight Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 1998 Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research. Brown Bag Ethics Discussions, Office of Research Services, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Oct. 1998 Mothering Infants who have Severe Chronic Illnesses: Dilemmas, Decisions and Duties. Ontario Association for Infant Development Conference, Toronto, ON.
- June 1998 The Effects of Home Care on the Family. The National Nursing Forum, Ottawa, ON. (Keynote)
- Jan. 1997 There is no Place Like Home: Research Design Implications of Reconceptualizing Home Care. Family and Community Medicine Research Seminar, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Jan. 1997 Thinking Geographically to Study Caregiving. Department of Psychiatry and Research Seminar, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- Jan. 1997 Ways of Analyzing Accounts of Meaning. Joint Centre for Bioethics Research Seminar, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Dec. 1996 ‘There’s No Place Like Home’: Research Design Implications of Reconceptualizing Home Care. The Community, Culture and Psychiatry Research Group, The Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 1996 Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children: Policy Implications. The National Primary Care Research and Development Centre, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
- May 1995 The Philosophical Underpinnings of Qualitative Research. Presentations, Posters and Pastries Conference Nursing, Ryerson Polytechnical University, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 1995 The Characteristics, Activities and Circumstances of Biological and Foster Mothers of Children who have Disabilities. Research Committee Meeting, The Hugh MacMillan Rehabilitation Centre, Toronto, ON.
- Mar. 1995 Longterm Care Policies, The Family and Nursing Research: Intersecting Knowledge, Values and Interests. Sixth International Nursing Research Symposium: Clinical Care of the Child and Family. Montreal Children’s Hospital and McGill University, Montreal, PQ. (Keynote)
- Nov. 1994 Parents’ Descriptions of Preschoolers’ Behaviours During and Following Brief Surgical Hospitalizations. The Preoperative Preparation Task Force Meeting, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON. (with Rossen, B.)
- Apr. 1994 The Experience of Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children. Ontario Respiratory Care Society Conference, London, ON.
- Jan. 1994 Mothering Children who have Severe Disabilities: An Analysis Using Critical Theory. Research Seminar Series, Department of Nursing, McGill University, Montreal, PQ.
- May 1993 The Experience of Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children. Pediatric Nurse’s Interest Group Conference, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON. (Keynote)
- May 1993 The Experience of Mothering Technology-Dependent Children. Multidisciplinary Rounds, Nephrology/Urology/Transplant Program, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 1993 The Impact of Family Caregiving on Women. Nursing Rounds, The Toronto-Bayview Regional Cancer Centre, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 1992 Presenting Research Findings to Influence Policy. Panel Presentation, The Hugh MacMillan Rehabilitation Centre, Annual Research Day, Toronto, ON.
- Oct. 1992 Impact of Family Caregiving on Women’s Lives. Women as Family Caregivers, Sigma Theta Tau, International Honour Society of Nursing Conference, London, ON. (Keynote)
- Oct. 1992 Qualitative Research Methods and the Study of Women. Women as Family Caregivers, Sigma Theta Tau, International Honour Society of Nursing Conference, London, ON.
- June 1992 Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children: Research Issues, Perinatal Research Interest Group, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 1992 Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children. Research ’92, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Mar.1992 Family Caregiving. Making it to Tomorrow Conference, St. Lawrence College, Kingston, ON. (Keynote)
- Mar. 1992 Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children. Making it to Tomorrow Conference, St. Lawrence College, Kingston, ON.
- Dec. 1991 An Application of Critical Social Theory. Cutting Edges Seminar, Department of Behavioural Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 1991 Caring for Chronically-Ill Children at Home: The Mother’s Experience. Nephrology/Urology Nurses Workshop, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- Oct. 1991 Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children. The Ontario Respiratory Care Society Seminar, Toronto, ON.
- Dec. 1990 Critical Interpretive Research Methods Workshop. National Conference in Health Promotion Research, University of Toronto, ON. (with Wells, D. & Wynn, F.)
- Apr. 1990 Mothering Technology-Dependent Children Who Live at Home. Issues of Prematurity: Beyond Technology Conference, Women’s College Hospital, Toronto, ON. (Keynote)
- May 1989 Conceptualizing the Subject: Research Paradigms for Studying People. Nursing Conference, The Hospital for Sick Children and The Toronto Hospital, Toronto, ON.
- June 1988 The Quest for Human Perfection: The Illusion of a Disabled-Free Society. Panel Moderator, Women and Disability Program Conference, Women’s College Hospital, Toronto, ON.
- Feb. 1988 The Social Construction of Dedication and Sacrifice: Mothering and Treating Children with Chronic Diseases. Research Interest Group, School of Nursing, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
- Jan. 1988 Mothering Chronically-Ill Children. Nursing Alumna Annual Meeting, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, ON. (Keynote)
- Nov. 1987 Parenting and Health Promotion: Patterns of Argument, Paradoxes and Problems. Healthy Families Conference, Prenatal and Parenthood Education Services, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 1987 The Social Construction of Sacrifice: Mothering Severely Disabled Children. Caring Intensively Conference, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON,
- Mar. 1987 Mothering Chronically-Ill Children. International Women’s Day – Events on Campus, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 1985 Expanding Your Horizons in Mathematics and Science. A career conference for girls, Grades 7-11, Board of Education, Toronto, ON. (Career Discussion Leader)
- May 1985 Grandparenting Children with Chronic Illnesses: The example of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Seminar, Bloorview Children’s Hospital, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 1985 Qualitative Evaluation Research. Health Promotion Workshop, Evaluating Health Promotion Programme). Ontario Ministry of Health and Ontario Public Health Association, Toronto, ON.
- Oct. 1984 Grandparenting the Child with JRA. Nursing Research Interest Group, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 1984 The Working Mother with School-Aged children. Stress, Status and Sex Roles in the Workplace and at Home Conference for Women Health Professionals, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, ON.
- Mar. 1984 Writing Non-Research Based Manuscripts. Research Colloquium, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Sept. 1984 Changing Attitudes to Nursing Research. Workshop, Teaching in the Affective Domain, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Oct. 1984 The Effects of Non-Gynecological Surgery on the Regularity of the Menstrual Cycle. Primary Care Research Day, Ontario Chapter, Canadian College of Family Practice Meeting, Toronto, ON.
- Oct. 1983 Siblings of Chronically-Ill Children. CUNSA Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Oct. 1983 The Effects of Non-Gynecological Surgery on the Regularity of the Menstrual Cycle. Research Interest Group, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, ON.
- Sept. 1983 The Effects of Non-Gynecological Surgery on the Regularity of the Menstrual Cycle. Surgical Rounds, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- Jan. 1982 The Effects of Non-Gynecological Surgery on the Regularity of the Menstrual Cycle. Nurses’ Research Interest Group, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 1982 The Effects of Non-Gynecological Surgery on the Regularity of the Menstrual Cycle. NAACOG Conference, Ontario Division, Toronto, ON.
- Oct. 1981 Fathers and Siblings of Chronically-Ill Children. The Visiting Homemakers Association, Toronto, ON.
- May 1981 The Needs of Fathers and Siblings of Chronically-Ill Children. Peel Infant Stimulation Group, Mississauga, ON.
- June 1980 Chronic Illness in the Family. The Lupus Association Conference, Niagara College, Niagara Falls, ON.
- Apr. 1980 Any Time for Me? Workshop for health professionals working with siblings of chronically-ill children. Nursing Department Conference, George Brown College, Toronto, ON.
- Dec. 1978 The Family and the Dying Child. RNAO Meeting, Toronto, ON.
Peer Reviewed Presentations
- Apr 2019 Donor Family and Anonymity: Time for Change. International Society for Heart and
Lung Transplant Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. Orlando, FL. (Poole, J., Shildrick, M., Carnie, A., Wright, A., McKeever, P., Jan, E., De Luca E., Bachmann, I., Abbey, S., Dal Bo, D., El-Sheikh, & T. Ross, H.)
- Mar. 2014 Doing Technological Time in a Pediatric Hemodialysis Unit. Fourth International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society. Vancouver, BC.(Zitzelsberger, H., Peter, E., McKeever, P., Chambon, A., Morgan, K. & Spalding, K.)
- June 2013 Examining the Experiences of Mothers of Children with Autism. Canadian Paediatric Society 90th Annual Conference, Edmonton, AB. (Nicholas, D.B., MacCulloch, R., Roberts, W., Zwaigenbaum, L., McKeever, P.)
- July 2012 Using visual methods to elicit physically disabled children’s assessments of their classroom environments. Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth Conference, “Celebrating Childhood Diversity”. Sheffield, UK. (Aslam, H., McKeever, P. & Ruddick, S.)
- July 2012 Exploring children’s perceptions of two school-based social inclusion programs: A pilot study. Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth Conference, “Celebrating Childhood Diversity”. Sheffield, UK (McPherson, A., Lindsay, S., Aslam, H., Wright, V. & McKeever, P.)
- May 2012 Children’s Perspectives on the Impact of Parental Mental Illnesses on Daily Life: How They Cope with Their Experiences and Understand Mental Illness. Child and Youth Mental Health Matters Conference. Vancouver, BC. (Gladstone, B., Boydell, J., McKeever, P. & Seeman, M.)
- May 2012 All in the Same Boat: An Analysis of a Support Group for Children of Parents with Mental Illnesses. Child and Youth Mental Health Matters Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia. (Gladstone, B., Boydell, J., McKeever, P. & Seeman, M.)
- May 2012 Songs of Children Said to Be Silent. Society for the Arts in Healthcare’s 2012 International Conference. Detroit, Michigan. (Moraes, S., McKeever, P., Kingsnorth, S. & Biddiss, E.)
- Nov 2011 Physically Disabled Children’s Assessments of their Schools, Homes and Neighbourhoods: ScHaN Project Results and Dissemination Strategies. Together for Excellence: OACRS Annual Conference. Toronto, ON. (Aslam, H., Stephens, L. McKeever, P., Scott, H. & Ruddick, S.)
- Nov 2011 School reintegration for children and youth with acquired brain injury. Acquired Brain Injury 2011 Provincial Conference, Niagara Falls, ON. (Good, D., Rumney, P., McDougall, J., Bennett, S., Martinussen, R., DeMatteo, C., McKeever, P., Guerriere, D., Loyst, S., Kumpf, J. & DeCourville, N.)
- Nov 2011 “Holding the Fort”: Costs Incurred by Support Networks of Families with Children Who Have Cancer in Ontario. Nursing Research Lunch and Learn, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON. (Tsimicalis, A., Stevens, B., Ungar, W.J., McKeever, P., Greenberg, M., Agha, M., Guerriere, D. Barr, R., Naqvi, A. & Moineddin, R.)
- Nov 2011 Research to Life:Examining Maternal and Family Caregiving from a Lifespan
Perspective: Shifts, Sustainability and Needed Supports. Health and Wellbeing in Developmental Disabilities Conference. Toronto, ON. (Nicholas, D., Roberts, W., McKeever, P. & Zwaigenbaum, L.)
- Jul 2011 Children with disabilities and their spatial agency at school. International Medical Geography Association. Durham, UK. (Young, N., Hasenftraz, K., Stephens, L., Ruddick, S. & McKeever, P.)
- Jun 2011 Identification and description of environmental factors that influence participation of children with mobility impairments. Canadian Public Health Association Conference, Montreal, QC. (Scott, H., McKeever, P., Ruddick, S. & Aslam, H.)
- Jun 2011 Kids assessments of anti-bullying and disability awareness interventions. Canadian Disability Studies Association 8th Annual Conference. Fredericton, Canada. (Lindsay, S., McPherson, A., Wright, V., Aslam, H. & McKeever P.)
- May 2011 The visual, the textual & the phenomenological: Revisiting research methodology in
heart transplantation. 28th Annual Qualitative Analysis Conference: Contemporary issues in Qualitative Research. Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford ON. (Mauthner O., Poole, J., De Luca, E., Abbey, S., McKeever, P., Shildrick, M. & Ross, H.)
- May 2011 The Art of Waiting – Interactive displays in healthcare settings. Computer Human Interactions 2011 Workshop: Large Displays in Urban Life – from Exhibition Halls to Media Facades. Vancouver, Canada. (Biddiss, E., McKeever, P. & Shea, G.)
- May 2011 Building a better social environment for youth with disabilities: Assessments of disability awareness and anti-bullying interventions. Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition Forum. Sudbury, Canada. (Lindsay, S.,McPherson, A., Wright, V., Aslam, H., McKeever, P.)
- Apr 2011 The Art of Waiting: design & evaluation of an interactive arts media environment in a children’s hospital. 2011 Society for the Arts in Healthcare conference, Advancing Patient-Centered Arts. San Francisco, USA. (Biddiss, E. & McKeever, P.)
- Mar 2011 Getting To The Heart Of The Matter: Distress & Impaired Quality Of Life In Heart Transplant Recipients. Canadian Society of Transplantation, Mont Tremblant, QC. (Mauthner, O., De Luca, E., Abbey, S., McKeever, P., Shildrick, M., Poole, J. & Ross, H.)
- Nov 2010 “Holding the Fort”: Costs Incurred by Support Networks of Families with Children Who Have Cancer in Ontario 2010 Annual POGO Symposium – “Pediatric Sarcomas: From Biology to Impact”. Toronto, Canada. (Tsimicalis, A., Stevens, B., Ungar, W.J., McKeever, P., Greenberg, M., Agha, M., Guerriere, D. Barr, R., Naqvi, A, & Moineddin, R.)
- Nov 2011 School reintegration for children and youth with acquired brain injury. Toronto ABI
Network Conference 2010: Challenging the Challenges, Toronto, ON. (Good, D. Rumney, P., McDougall, J., Bennett, S., Martinussen, R., DeMatteo, C., McKeever, P., Guerriere, D., Loyst, S., Kumpf, J., & DeCourville, N.
- Sept 2011 Eliciting Physically Disabled Children’s Assessments of their Nested Environments Using Child-friendly Data Collection Techniques. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference. London, UK. (Aslam, H., McKeever, P., Ruddick, S., Dunn, J., Young, N., Yantzi, N., & Doherty, S.)
- Sept 2011 Fitting in: Movement and Morphology in Childhood Disability. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference. London, UK. (Stephens, L., Ruddick, S. & McKeever, P.)
- Oct 2010 Integrating a transplanted heart: women, distress and mental health. Women’s Mental Health Conference: Building Networks and Research Capacity, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, ON. (Poole, J., Abbey, S., De Luca, E., Mauthner, O., McKeever, P., Shildrick, M., & Ross, H.)
- Aug 2010 Qualitative studies better reflect patient distress versus standardized quality of life questionnaires. XXXII International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Vancouver, BC. (Abbey, S., De Luca, E., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., Poole, J., Mauthner, O., & Ross, H.)
- Aug 2010 Hybrid Bodies, Hybrid Methods: Interdisciplinary Research on Heart Transplantation in Canada. The 5th International Social Sciences Conference on Interdisciplinary,Cambridge, UK. (Poole, J., Ross, H., McKeever, P., M. Shildrick, M., & Abbey, S.)
- Aug 2010 How should we prepare and support patients through the transplant process: The recipients’ perspective. XXXII International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Vancouver, BC. (Mauthner, O., Poole, J., Abbey, S., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., De Luca, E., & Ross, H.)
- June 2010 “All in the Same Boat?”: An Analysis of a Support Group for Children Experiencing. Pathways to Resilience II Conference: The Social Ecology of Resilience, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. (Gladstone, B., Boydell, K., McKeever, P., & Seeman, M.)
- June 2010 Physically Disabled Children’s Assessments of their Schools. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Regina, SK. (Yantzi, N., Young, N., Ruddick, S., & McKeever, P.)
- Apr 2010 Eliciting Physically Disabled Children’s Assessments Of Their Built Environments: Challenges And Opportunities Using Child-Friendly Data Collection And Mapping Techniques. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. (Aslam, H., McKeever, P., Scott, H., Stephens, L. & Major, C.)
- Apr 2010 School, Home and Neighbourhood Accessibility: Physically-Disabled Children’s Assessments (ScHaN Project). 2010 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. (Scott, H., McKeever, P., Aslam, H., Stephens, L. & Major, C.)
- Oct 2009 School reintegration for children and youth with acquired brain injury. North American Brain Injury Society [NABIS] Conference, Austin, TX, USA (Good, D., Rumney, P., McDougall, J., Bennett, S., Martinussen, R., DeMatteo, C., McKeever, P., Guerriere, D., Loyst, S., Kumpf, J., & DeCourville, N.
- Sept 2009 Bodies, Organs and Identities: Taking another ‘look’ at heart transplantation. International Visual Methods Conference, Leeds, UK. (Poole, J, McKeever, P., Ross, H., Mauthner, O., De Luca, E., Abbey, S., & Shildrick, M.)
- Sept 2009 Intrusion, Disruption and Merleau-Ponty: Rethinking ‘Distress’ in Heart Transplant Recipients. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, The University of Manchester, UK. (Poole, J., Ross, H., McKeever, P., Shildrick, M., De Luca, E, Mauthner, O., & Abbey, S.)
- July 2009 Eliciting Physically Disabled Children’s Assessments of their Neighbourhoods: Data Collection and Mapping Techniques. International Conference on Children, Youth & Families: ‘Diverse Childhoods in International Contexts: Gender and other Social and Cultural Differences’, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. (McKeever, P., Doherty, S., & Aslam, H.)
- June 2009 Identity Disruption in Heart Transplant Recipients. American Transplant Congress, Boston, MA. (Poole, J., Ross, H., Abbey, S., Shildrick, M., De Luca, E., Mauthner, O., & McKeever, P.)
- May 2009 A Cardiologist, a Social Worker, a Psychiatrist, a Sociologist and a Philosopher? Using Interdisciplinarityto Re-think Troubling Dimensions of Heart Transplantation. CASSW Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON. (Poole, J., Ross, H., Shildrick, M., McKeever, P., & Abbey, S.)
- April 2009 A New Life? Immigration, Intrusion and Heart Transplantation. 3rd International In Sickness & In Health Conference, Victoria, BC. (Mauthner, O., McKeever, P., Ross, H., Abbey, S., Shildrick, M., De Luca, E., & Poole, J.)
- April 2009 What They Say Versus What We See: Hidden Distress and Impaired Quality of Life in Heart Transplant Recipients. International Society for Health and Lung Transplantation, 29th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, Paris, France. (Abbey, S., De Luca, E., Mauthner, O., McKeever, P., Shildrick, M., Poole, J., & Ross, H.)
- April 2009 A Critical Dramaturgical Analyis of a Support Group for Children of Parents with Mental Illness. Symbolic Interaction and Ethnographic Research: Qualitative Analysis Conference, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON. (Gladstone, B., McKeever, P., Boydell, K. & Seeman, M.)
- Oct 2008 Conceptualizing Chronic Pain In Hospitalized Infants: Health Professional Perspectives. European Academy of Pediatrics, Nice, France. (Pillai Riddell, R., Stevens, B., McKeever, P., Gibbins, S., Katz J., Asztalos, E., Ahola, S., & Din, L.)
- Oct 2008 Eliciting Physically Disabled Children’s Assessments of their Schools, Homes, and Neighbourhoods: Data Collection Techniques. Ontario Association of Children’s Rehabilitation Services 2008 Conference, Waterloo, ON. (McKeever, P. & Menna-Dack, M.)
- July 2008 Physically Disabled Children Map Neighbourhood Accessibility: Methodological Approaches. Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth: Re-Presenting Child and Youth Conference, University of Sheffield, UK. (McKeever,P., Ruddick, S., & Goldenberg, E.)
- July 2008 Picturing SickKids Hospital Atrium: Architects’ Intentions and Children’s Views. Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth: Re-Presenting Child and Youth Conference, University of Sheffield, UK. (McKeever, P., Adams, A., Goldenberg, E. & Theodore, D.)
- July 2008 Dis/Abled Children and the Virtuosic: What Can a Body Do? Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth: Re-Presenting Child and Youth Conference, University of Sheffield, UK. (McLaren, C. & McKeever, P.)
- May 2008 Incorporating a Transplanted Heart: Phenomenology, Identity and the Gift of Life. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL. (Poole, J., McKeever, P., Shildrick, M., Abbey, S., & Ross, H.)
- May 2008 The ScHaN Project: Disabled Kids Assess Their Environments. Developmental Paediatric Division Rounds, Bloorview Kids Rehab, Toronto, ON. (McKeever, P.)
- April 2008 Physically Disabled Children Map Neighbourhood Accessibility: Methodological Approaches. Association of American Geographers, 2008 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (McKeever, P. & Ruddick., S.)
- Feb. 2008 Books for Siblings of Children with Autism: Children’s Assessments. Roszel Research Day- Recipient Developmental Paediatrics Roszel Research Day Prize, Bloorview Kids Rehab, Toronto, ON. (Johnson, K., McKeever, P., & Kawamura, A.)
- June 2007 The Pediatric Hospital Atrium: Designing for SickKids. World Congress on Design and Health, Glasgow, UK. (McKeever, P. & Adams, A.)
- June 2007 Dis/Abled Children and the Virtuosic: What Can a Body Do? Bloorview Research Institute Seminar Series, Toronto, ON (McLaren, C. & McKeever, P.)
- 53) May 2007 Dis/Abled Children and the Virtuosic: What Can a Body Do? Bodies and Knowledge: A Multi-disciplinary Conference, Toronto, ON. (McLaren, C. & McKeever, P.)
- May 2007 School Playgrounds as Spaces of Socio-Spatial Marginalization and Exclusion of Children with Physical Disabilities. Canadian Association of Geography Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, SK. (Yantzi, N., McKeever, P., Schryer, C & Young, N.L.)
- Nov. 2006 The Pediatric Atrium Designers’ Intentions vs. Children’s Experiences Phase A: Children’s Experiences. Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, National Nursing Research Conference, Victoria, BC. (McKeever, P., Adams, A., Spalding., K., McLaren, C. & Theodore, D.)
- Nov. 2006 Children’s Perspectives and Responses on the Physical and Social Environments of a Camp for Children with Cancer. Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario Symposium, Toronto, ON. (Epstein, I., Stevens. B., McKeever, P., Baruchel, S. & Jones, H.)
- Nov. 2006 Children’s Perspectives and Responses on the Adventure Course at a Camp for Children with Cancer. Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario Symposium, Toronto, ON. (Epstein, I., Stevens. B., McKeever, P., Baruchel, S. & Jones, H.)
- Oct. 2006 The Pediatric Hospital Atrium Designer’s Intentions vs. Children’s Experiences Phase A: Children’s Experiences. Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centres Conferencing, Vancouver, B.C. (McKeever, P., Adams, A., Spalding, K., Goldenberg., E., McLaren, C. & Theodore, D.)
- July 2006 An Ethnographic Study of Social Interaction Defining and Managing Performances in a Children’s Support Group. Childhood and Youth: Choice and Participation International Conference, Sheffield, UK. (Gladstone, B., McKeever, P., Boydell, K.M. & Seeman, M. V.)
- July 2006 The Pediatric Hospital Atrium: Eliciting Children’s Perceptions and Responses. Childhood and Youth: Choice and Participation International Conference, Sheffield, UK. (McKeever, P., Spalding, K., Goldenberg, E. & McLaren, C.)
- July 2006 The ‘Mor-play’ Project: Designing a robotic play tool with young power wheelchair users. Childhood and Youth: Choice and Participation International Conference, Sheffield, UK. (Silva, J., McKeever, P., Mihaildis, A. & Chau, T.)
- July 2006 The Suitability of Toronto School Playgrounds for Children with Physical Disabilities. Childhood and Youth: Choice and Participation International Conference, Sheffield, UK. (Yantzi, N., McKeever, P., Schryer, C. & Young, N. L.)
- May 2006 The Suitability of Toronto School Playgrounds for Children with Physical Disabilities. Canadian Disability Studies Association Conference. York University, Toronto, ON. (Yantzi, N., McKeever, P., Schryer, C. & Young, N. L.)
- April 2006 Men with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Bourdieusian Interpretation of Identity and Social Positioning. Qualitative Health Research Conference. Edmonton, AB. (Gibson, B.E. & McKeever, P.)
- Mar. 2006 ‘Hitting Home’: A Survey of Housing Conditions of Homes Used for Long-Term Care in Ontario, Canada. Association of American Geographers. Chicago, IL. (McKeever, P., Scott, H., Chipman, M., Osterlund, K. & Eakin, J.)
- Nov. 2005 Hospital and Home Chemotherapy for Children with Leukemia: A Randomized Cross-Over Study. Nursing Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. (Stevens, B., Croxford, R., McKeever, P., Yamada, J., Booth, M., Daub, S., Gafni, A., Gammon, J. & Greenberg, M.)
- Nov. 2005 Health Care Reforms in the Home Care Sector: Implications for Children, Families and Providers. Canadian Home Care Conference. Banff, AB. (Spalding, K., Williams, A.P, Deber, R.B. & McKeever P.)
- Oct. 2005 Who Cares? Who Pays? Ethical Dimensions of Home Care Policies for Children and Youth. Canadian Bioethics Society, Bioethics Society Conference. Halifax, NS. (Peter, E., Spalding, K., Kenny, N., Conrad, P., McKeever, P. & Macfarlane, A.)
- Oct. 2005 Embodied Marginalization: Symbolic Violence and Young Men with DMD. International Conference on Urban Health, Toronto, ON. (Gibson, B. & McKeever, P.)
- Sept. 2005 An Ethical Framework for Medical Decisions in the Home: Lessons from an Analysis of Policy Documents. Pediatric Ethics: Setting an Agenda for the Future. Cleveland, Ohio. (Kenny, N., Peter, E., Spalding, K., Conrad, P., McKeever, P. & Macfarlane, A.)
- July 2005 A Qualitative Analysis of Parent Assessment and Management of Pain in Infants at Risk for Neurological. Sigma Theta Tau International. Hawaii, USA. (Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J. & McKeever,P. et al.)
- July 2005 Health Care Reforms in the Home Care Sector: Implications of Managed Competition on Pediatric Services. International Health Economics Association Conference. Barcelona, Spain. (Spalding, K., Deber, R., Williams, P. & McKeever, P.)
- June 2005 Winter Presents Barriers to Physical and Social Activity in Functionality Impaired Older Adults. American College of Sports Medicine’s Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN. (Row, B.S., Paul, J.C. & McKeever, P.)
- May 2005 Geographies of the Body, Home, and Work: Home Health Care Workers in Ontario. Caring Labor Conference. University of Washington, WA. (England, K., Eakin, J., Gastaldo, D., McKeever, P.)
- Nov. 2004 What is Keeping Older Adults Shut-In During the Winter? Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. (Row, B.S., Paul, J.C. & McKeever, P. & Fernie, G.R.)
- Nov. 2004 I’m Getting my Chemotherapy at Home! Perceptions of Benefits and Costs from Children and their Parents. International Pediatric Nursing Research Symposium, Montreal, PQ. (Stevens, B., McKeever, P. & Law, M., et al.)
- Nov. 2004 Theorizing Childhood Cancer Costs From a Child’s Perspective. International Paediatric Nursing Research Symposium. Montreal, PQ. (Tsimicalis, A., McKeever, P., Stevens, B., Kavanaugh, P. & Popov, T.)
- Oct. 2004 Neither Seen nor Heard: An Analysis of Home Care Policies for Children. Canadian Home Care Conference, Halifax, N.S. (Peter, E. & McKeever, P., et al.)
- Oct. 2004 ‘Hitting Home’: Housing Issues in Home Care. Canadian Home Care Conference. Halifax, N.S. (McKeever, P. et al.)
- Sept. 2004 Home Health Care Workers and Health Care Reform in Ontario. Work, Employment and Society Conference.Manchester, UK. (England, K., Gastaldo, D., Eakin, J., & McKeever, P.)
- April 2004 Improvising Home: Experiences of Long Term Care Recipients. University of Toronto Faculty of Nursing Annual Research Day. Toronto, ON.(Angus, J., Kontos, P., Dyck, I., McKeever, P.)
- Nov. 2003 Home Chemotherapy for Children with Cancer: Perspectives from Health Care professionals. Pediatric oncology Group of Ontario Annual Meeting. Toronto, ON. (Stevens, B., McKeever, P., Booth, M., et al.)
- Sept. 2003 Neoliberalising Home Health Care Work in Ontario. International Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society. London, UK. (England, K., Eakin, J., Gastaldo, D., McKeever, P.)
- July 2003 Body, Embodiment and Home: Sites of Investigation in a Study of Long-Term Home Care. International Medical Geography Symposium. Manchester, UK. (Dyck, I. & McKeever, P.)
- June 2003 Geographies of the Home: Neoliberalism and Home Health Care in Ontario. Canadian Association of Geographers.Victoria, BC. (England, K., Eakin, J., Gastaldo, D., McKeever, P.)
- June 2003 Healthcare Professionals’ Perception of Pain Experienced by Infants at Risk for Neurological Impairment. International Symposium on Paediatric Pain. Sydney, Australia. (Breau, L., Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C. & McKeever, P., et al.)
- June 2003 ‘The Complicitous Silence of Place’: Anchoring the ‘Hitting Home’ Project. Health Care, Technology, and Place Annual Collaborative Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- June 2003 Healthcare Professionals’ Beliefs Regarding the Pain of Infants at Risk for Neurological Impairment: A Survey. International Symposium on Paediatric Pain. Sydney, Australia. (Breau, L., Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A.)
- May 2003 Behavioural and Physiologic Pain Responses in Neonates at Risk for Neurologic Impairment: Preliminary Results. Canadian Pain Society Annual Conference. Toronto, ON. (Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Breau, L., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K., & Ohlsson, A.)
- May 2003 Healthcare Professionals’ Perception of Pain Experienced by Infants at Risk for Neurological Impairment. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. (Breau, L., Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A.)
- May 2003 Healthcare Professionals’ Beliefs Regarding the Pain of Infants at Risk for Neurological Impairment: A Survey. Canadian Pain Society Annual Conference. Toronto, ON. (Breau, L., Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A.)
- May 2003 Healthcare Professionals’ Perception of Pain Experienced by Infants at Risk for Neurological Impairment. Canadian Pain Society Annual Conference. Toronto, ON. (Breau, L., Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A.)
- May 2003 De/Generative Dis/Orders in Children: Screening Practices, Recalcitrant Bodies and Narratives of Development. Flesh Made Text: Bodies, Theories, cultures in the Post-Millenial Era, School of English, Aristotle University: Thessaloniki, Greece. (McKeever, P. & Ruddick, S.)
- May 2003 Geographies of the Home: Neoliberalism and Home Health Care in Ontario. Conference of Canadian Association of Geography. Victoria, BC. (England, K., Gastaldo, D., Eakin, J. & McKeever, P.)
- Mar. 2003 Performing and Practicing Neo-Liberalization in Ontario’s Home Health Care Sector. American Association of Geographers. New Orleans, Louisiana. (England, K., Eakin, J., Gastaldo, D. & McKeever, P.)
- Mar 2003 Recalcitrant Bodies, Recombinant Selves: Trajectories of Disability and Narratives of Growth in Children. American Association of Geographers Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana. (Ruddick, S. & McKeever, P.)
- Nov 2002 Quality of life for children with leukemia receiving hospital and home chemotherapy: Preliminary findings of a qualitative analysis. Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario Annual Meeting. Toronto, ON (Stevens, B., Booth, P., McKeever, P., et al.)
- Oct 2002 Paediatric Tele-Home Care: Its’ Value is Not Monetary. Canadian Society for Telehealth Conference. Vancouver, BC. (Young, N.L., Barden, W., McKeever, P. & Dick, P.)
- Sept. 2002 Healthcare Professionals’ Beliefs Regarding the Pain of Infants at Risk for Neurological Impairment: A Survey. International Forum on Pediatric Pain. White Point Beach, NS. (Breau, L., Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A.)
- Sept. 2002 Pain Management in Infants at Risk for Neurologic Impairment. International Forum on Pediatric Pain. White Point Beach, NS. (Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Gibbins, S., Beyene, J., Breau, L., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Howlett, A., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A.)
- Sept. 2002 Healthcare Professionals’ Perception of Pain Experienced by Infants at Risk for Neurological Impairment. International Forum on Pediatric Pain. Halifax, NS. (Breau, L, Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Beyene, J., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Gibbins, S., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A.)
- Sept. 2002 Pain Management in Infants at Risk for Neurologic Impairment. International Forum on Pediatric Pain. White Point Beach, NS. (Stevens, B., McGrath, S., Gibbins, S. & McKeever, P., et al.)
- Sept. 2002 Accomplishing Mothering Using a Wheelchair: Overcoming Spatial, Temporal and Service challenges. Canadian Seating and Mobility Conference, Toronto, ON. (McKeever, P., Angus, J., Miller, KL. & Reid, D.)
- Aug. 2002 Pain Management in Infants at Risk for Neurologic Impairement. World Congress on Pain. San Diego, CA. (Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Gibbins, S., Beyene, J., Breau, L., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Howlett, A., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K. & Ohlsson, A.)
- July 2002 Regulating the Body in the New Economy: Professionalism and Decisions About When / Where to Pee. In Sickness and In Health: Ethics – Power – Practice Conference, University of Melbourne, Australia. (Gastaldo, D., Eakin, J., England, K. & McKeever, P.)
- July 2002 Casing the Home in Home Care Research. In Sickness and In Health: Ethics – Power – Practice Conference, University of Melbourne, Australia.
- July 2002 In Between Friendship and Professionalism: An Analysis of New Productive Spaces in the Health Care System in Canada. In Sickness and In Health: Ehtics – Power – Practice Conference, University of Melbourne, Australia. (Gastaldo, D., Eakin, J., England, K. & McKeever, P.)
- June 2002 ‘Homes That Don’t Fit’: When Housing and Care Needs Collide. Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres’ Conference, Toronto, ON. (Miller, K.L., Reid, D., Angus, J. & McKeever, P.)
- May 2002 Hitting Home: The Home as a Site for Long-Term Care; Family Caregivers’ Perspectives. Canadian Sociology and Anthopology Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON. (Osterlund, K., McKeever, P. & Kontos, P.)
- Apr. 2002 Health Professionals’ Acceptability and Satisfactions with Home Chemotherapy for Children with Cancer. Clinical Care of the Child and Family: 9th International Paediatric Nursing Research Symposium. Montreal, PQ. (Stevens,B.,Booth,M. & McKeever, P.)
- Apr. 2002 The Meaning of Home for Home Care Recipients. Health Canada Home Care Global Exchange: From Knowledge to Wisdom: A Living International Exchange of Home and Community Care. Toronto, ON. (Angus, J., Kontos, P., Dyck, I. & McKeever, P.)
- Apr. 2002 ‘Making it Work’: Proactive Strategies for Managing a Large Collaborative Study of Home Health Care. Health Canada Home Care Global Exchange: From Knowledge to Wisdom. Toronto, ON. (Osterlund, K., McKeever, P. & Poland, B.)
- Mar. 2002 The Meaning of Home for Home Care Recipients. Qualitative Health Research Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. (Angus, J., Kontos, P., Dyck, I. & McKeever, P.)
- Mar. 2002 ‘Casing’ the Home in Home Care Research: Reflections on Theory and Methods. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA. (McKeever, P., Osterlund, K., Dupis, K.)
- Mar. 2002 Who’s at Home? Workers in Home Health Care in Ontario. American Association of Geograpers Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA. (England, K., Eakin, J., Gastaldo, D., & McKeever, P.)
- Dec. 2001 International Collaborative Research Training Workshop: Background, Goals and Process, Canadian Home Care Association Pre-conference Workshop, Ottawa, ON. (McKeever, P., Coyte, P.C., Baranek, P. & Guerriere, D.)
- Dec. 2001 ‘Hitting Home’: Homes as Settings for Long Term Care, Canadian Home Care Association Conference. Ottawa, ON. (Dupuis, K. & McKeever, P.)
- Oct. 2001 Paediatric Home Care Literature Data Base. Prepared for The Hospital for Sick Children Child and Youth Homecare Network Forum on Children, Youth and Home Care. Toronto, ON. (Miller, K.L., Guerriere, D.N. & McKeever, P.)
- Oct. 2001 Ethical Issues in Home Care Research. Addressing the Challenges of Making Home Care for Children and Youth Evidence-Based, Home Care Forum. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, Toronto, ON. (McKeever, P. & Walker, D.)
- Sept. 2001 The Home as a Work Site: The Social Relations of Work in Home Health Care. Work, Employment and Society Conference, Nottingham, UK. (Eakin, J., Gastaldo, D., England, K., Irvine, T. & McKeever, P.)
- July 2001 Home as a Site for Long Term Care. International Association of Gerontology Conference, Vancouver, BC. (Kontos, P.C., Angus, J. & McKeever, P.)
- June 2001 Home as a Locus of Long-Term Care: Considerations of Region, Neighbourhood and Interior Space. The Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Montreal, PQ. (Dupuis, K. & McKeever, P.)
- May 2001 A Comparison of Home and Hospital Chemotherapy for Children with Cancer. Sharing the Knowledge, Health Canada, Health Transition Fund Workshop, Vancouver, BC. (McKeever, P., Booth, M. & Stevens, B.,
- May 2001 Prescriptions for Pediatric Home Care: Analyzing the Impact of the Shift from Hospital to Home and Community on Children with Complex Care Needs. Ontario Community Services Research and Evaluation Network Symposium. ON. (Spalding, K., Williams, P., Deber, R. & McKeever, P.)
- May 2001 Capitalizing on Complexity and Diversity in the ‘Hitting Home’ Project. 3 Paper Symposium International Nursing Research Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. (McKeever, P. & Project Team)
- May 2001 Impact of Home versus Hospital Support of Breast Feeding on Neonatal Outcomes. International Nursing Research Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. (Stevens, B. & McKeever, P., et. al.)
- Apr. 2001 Impact of Home versus Hospital Support of Breast Feeding on Neonatal Outcomes. Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. (Stevens, B., McKeever, P. & et. al.)
- Mar. 2001 ‘Hitting Home’: The Home as a Locus of Long Term Care. American Association of Geographers’ Conference, New York, NY. (McKeever, P., England, K, Eakin, J. & Irvine, T.)
- Feb. 2001 Putting the ‘Home’ into Home Care Research: Conceptual Foundations of the Hitting Home’ Study. Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference. International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, Edmonton, AB. (Angus, J., Kontos, P. & McKeever, P.)
- Feb. 2001 Engaging with Children about their Experiences of Home Care: Methodological Considerations. Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference, International Institute for Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. (Irvine, T. & McKeever, P.)
- Dec. 2000 Paediatric Tele-Home Care: What Does it Look Like and How Does it Work? Canadian Home Care Association Conference, Calgary, AB. (Young, N., Dick, P., McKeever, P., et al.)
- Nov. 1999 High-tech Home Care: For Better AND Worse. The Canadian Home Care Association Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 1999 Development of a Pediatric Tele-home Care Program. Canadian Home Care Association Conference, Toronto, ON. (Young, N., Dick, P., McKeever, P. et al.)
- Nov. 1999 Home Chemotherapy for Children with Leukemia. Canadian Home Care Association Conference, Toronto, ON. (Booth, M., Stevens, B., McKeever, P., et al.)
- Nov. 1999 Children and Home Care: Research Forum. Canadian Home Care Association Conference, Toronto, ON. (McKeever, P., Booth, M. & Daub, S.)
- Apr. 1999 Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research. Symposium About Qualitative Methods, Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Dec. 1998 The Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre at the University of Toronto. National Canadian Home Care Association, Conference, Toronto, ON. (Coyte, P.C.)
- Oct. 1998 The Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre at the University of Toronto. Home Health Care Conference, Toronto, ON. (with Coyte, P.C.)
- July 1998 Home Chemotherapy for Children with ALL: Candlelighters’ Conference, Montreal, PQ. (Booth, M., Stevens, B., McKeever, P.,
- Apr. 1998 The Parent’s Perspective: Qualitative Evaluation of the D. Hart Walker Orthosis. Association of Children’s Prosthetic & Orthotic Clinics Congress, Grand Rapids, Michigan. (Wright, V., McKeever, P. & Bradbury, J.A.)
- Apr. 1998 Studying Children who have Disabilities and their Mothers: The Contributions of Pierre Bourdieu. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK.
- Apr. 1998 Exploring Meanings of Satisfaction with Hand Surgery. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK. (Hudak, P., McKeever, P., Wright, J.)
- Apr. 1998 Studying Children who have Disabilities and their Mothers: The Contributions of Pierre Bourdieu. Research Utilization Conference, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 1998 A Comparison of Home and Hospital Chemotherapy for Children with ALL. Research Utilization Conference, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. (Booth, M., Stevens, B., McKeever, P., et. al)
- Mar. 1998 A Comparison of Home and Hospital Chemotherapy for Children with ALL. Professional Nurse Administrators Group Conference, Toronto, ON. (Booth, M., Stevens, B., McKeever, P., et. al)
- Sept. 1997 Mothering Children who have Disabilities: Establishing Worthiness by Upholding Dignity. Mothers and Daughters: Moving into the Next Millennium. Womens’ Studies Conference, York University, Toronto, ON.
- Aug. 1997 Mothering Children who have Disabilities: Establishing Worthiness by Upholding Dignity. Annual Qualitative Research Conference, OISE/UT, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 1996 Mothering Children who have Disabilities: Establishing Worthiness by Upholding Dignity. Research Week, Bloorview MacMillan Centre, Toronto, ON. (McKeever, P., Angus, J. & Spalding, K.).
- Oct. 1996 Mothering Children who have Disabilities: Establishing Worthiness by Upholding Dignity. Annual Qualitative Research Methods Conference, Bournemouth, UK. (McKeever, P., Angus, J. & Spalding, K.)
- Sept. 1996 Mothering Children who have Disabilities: Establishing Worthiness by Upholding Dignity. British Medical Sociology Conference, Edinburgh, UK. (McKeever, P., Angus, J. & Spalding, K.)
- June 1996 Raising Children who have Disabilities: Establishing Worthiness by Upholding Dignity. Teaching to Promote Women’s Health, International Multidisciplinary Conference, Women’s College Hospital, Toronto, ON. (McKeever, P., Angus, J. & Spalding, K.)
- June 1996 Mothering Children who have Disabilities: Establishing Worthiness by Upholding Dignity. Quality of Life: An International Conference for Families and Professionals on Developmental and Related Disabilities, Surrey Place, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 1996 Mothering Children who have Disabilities: Establishing Worthiness by Upholding Dignity. Research ’96, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto and Sigma Theta Tau, Lambda Pi Chapter, Toronto, ON. (McKeever, P., Angus, J. & Spalding, K.)
- Apr. 1996 Mothering Children who have Disabilities: Establishing Worthiness by Upholding Dignity. Society of Pediatric Psychology, Great Lakes Conference, Toronto, ON. (McKeever, P., Angus, J. & Spalding, K.)
- Apr. 1996 Italo-Canadian Experiences of Mothering Children with Disabilities. Research Day, Faculty of Nursing, University of New Brunswick. (Carr, T. & McKeever, P.)
- Apr. 1996 Italo-Canadian Experiences of Mothering Children with Disabilities. ARCAUSN Annual Conference, Women’s Health, Learning and Emotions: Reflections, Research and Reality. St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS. (Carr, T., McKeever, P.)
- June 1995 The Characteristics and Circumstances of Biological and Foster Mothers of Children who have Disabilities. Learned Societies Meeting, University of Quebec, Montreal, PQ.
- May 1995 Parents’ Descriptions of Preschoolers’ Behaviours During and Following Brief Surgical Hospitalizations. Faculty of Community Services/Office of Research Services, Research Day, Ryerson Polytechnical University, Toronto, ON. (Rossen, B., McKeever, P.)
- May 1995 “Playing the Hand You’re Dealt”: Mothers’ Experiences Caring for Brain Injured Children. Rehabilitation Research Symposium, School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON. (Guerriere, D., McKeever, P.)
- May 1995 The Characteristics and Circumstances of Biological and Foster Mothers of Children who have Disabilities. ATCO Conference: Partners for Change, Toronto, ON. (McKeever, P., Angus, J.)
- Nov. 1994 The Characteristics, Activities, and Circumstances of Biological and Foster Mothers of Children who have Disabilities. Metro Agencies Representatives Council: Progress and Beyond Conference, Toronto, ON. (McKeever, P., Angus, J)
- June 1994 Maternal Responsibility for the Care of Disabled Children: An Historical Overview. Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, Winnipeg, MB.
- June 1994 Raising Children Who Have Severe Disabilities: The Characteristics and Caregiving Circumstances of Biological and Foster Mothers. International Interdisciplinary Qualitative Health Research Conference, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania. (McKeever, P., Thahah, S., Spalding, K., Angus, J.)
- May 1994 Raising Children Who Have Severe Disabilities: The Characteristics and Caregiving Circumstances of Biological and Foster Mothers. International Family Nursing Conference, Montreal, PQ. (McKeever, P., Thahah, S., Angus, J.)
- May 1994 Raising Children Who Have Severe Disabilities: The Characteristics and Caregiving Circumstances of Biological and Foster Mothers. The International Nursing Research Conference, Vancouver, BC. (McKeever, P., Thahah, S., Angus, J.)
- May 1994 Mothers’ Experiences of Caring for Children Who are Fed by Gastrostomy Tubes. Association for the Care of Children’s Health Conference, Toronto, ON. (Spalding, K., McKeever, P.)
- May 1994 Mothers’ Experiences of Caring for Children Who are Fed by Gastrostomy Tubes. The International Nursing Research Conference. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. (Spalding, K., McKeever, P.).
- Apr. 1994 Raising Children Who Have Severe Disabilities: The Characteristics and Caregiving Circumstances of Biological and Foster Mothers. Women’s Health: Key Research and Health Care Issues Conference, Health Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON. (McKeever, P., Angus, J.)
- Apr. 1994 Mothers’ Experiences of Caring for Children Who are Fed by Gastrostomy Tubes. Women’s Health: Key Research and Health Care Issues Conference, Health Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON. (Spalding, K., McKeever, P.)
- Apr. 1994 Mothers’ Experiences of Caring for Children Who are Fed by Gastrostomy Tubes. Research ’94, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. (Spalding, K., McKeever, P.)
- Oct. 1993 The Impact of Home Dialysis On “The Family”: A Review of the Literature. Canadian Nephrology Nurses Association Conference, Halifax, NS. (Brunier, G., McKeever, P.)
- Oct. 1993 The Impact of Home Dialysis On “The Family”: A Review of the Literature. North American Congress on Women’s Health Issues, Toronto, ON. (Brunier, G., McKeever, P.)
- July 1993 Maternal Responsibility for the Care of Severely Disabled Children: An Historical Overview. Nursing, Women’s History and The Politics of Welfare Conference, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
- Nov. 1992 Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children. The Hugh MacMillan Rehabilitation Centre, Annual Research Day, Toronto, ON.
- Sept. 1992 Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children. Issues in Pediatric Long Term Care in Canada Conference, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- Aug. 1992 Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children: An Analysis Using Critical Theory. The International Congress on Women’s Health Issues, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- June 1992 Mothering Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children. CAUSN, Learned Societies Meeting, Charlottetown, PEI.
- June 1988 The Social Construction of Sacrifice: Mothering Chronically-Ill Children. CAUSN, Learned Societies Meeting, Windsor, ON.
- Mar. 1987 Mothering Disabled Children. Parenting Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
- Nov. 1986 Mothering the Disabled Child: Bearing Responsibility in Perpetuity. International Congress on Women’s Health Issues, Halifax, NS.
- June 1986 The Experience of Mothering a Seriously Disabled Child. ACCH Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- June 1986 Mothering the Disabled Child: Bearing Responsibility in Perpetuity. Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Learned Societies Meeting, Winnipeg, MB.
- May 1986 Mothering the Disabled Child: Bearing Responsibility In Perpetuity. RNAO Annual Convention, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 1985 The Perpetuation of Menstrual Shame: Implications and Directions. Youth and Sexuality Conference, University of Quebec, Montreal, PQ.
- June 1985 Grandparenting Children with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Ethnography. Western Canadian Conference on Family Practice, Vancouver, BC.
- Mar. 1985 Grandparenting Children with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Ethnography. Research Colloquium, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Mar. 1985 Grandparenting Children with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Ethnography. American Society for Applied Anthropology Conference, Washington, DC.
- Apr. 1984 Grandparenting Children with JRA. Research ’84, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Oct. 1984 The Effects of Non-Gynecological Surgery on the Regularity of the Menstrual Cycle. NAACOG District V Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Oct. 1984 The Effects of Non-Gynecological Surgery on the Regularity of the Menstrual Cycle. International Conference on Women’s Health Issues, Halifax, NS.
- May 1983 The Effects of Non-Gynecological Surgery on the Regularity of the Menstrual Cycle. Menstrual Cycle Research Conference, California, San Francisco, CA.
- Mar. 1983 The Effects of Non-Gynecological Surgery on the Regularity of the Menstrual Cycle. Sigma Theta Tau, Annual Research Conference, University of Rhode Island, RI.
- June 1981 The Effects of Non-Gynecological Surgery on the Regularity of the Menstrual Cycle. Research ’81, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Barriers in School Environments: The Impact on Physically Disabled Children. Community Voices: Creative Expressions in Children’s Environmental Health,Knowledge Leaders in Children’s Environmental Health Training Program.Vancouver, BC.
- Society for the Arts in Healthcare Conference. Detroit, MI.
- July 2009 Liu, T.T., McKeever, P.
& Aslam, H. The Accessibility and
Inclusivity of Ontario Schoolyards. Ward Foundation Summer Student
Program Research Day, Bloorview Kids Rehab, Toronto, ON.
- Sept. 2009 Johnson, K., Kawamura, A. & McKeever, P. Children’s Assessments Of Books For Siblings Of Children With Autism. 63rd Annual Meeting of the AACPDM, Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, USA.
- June 2008 Tsimicalis, A., Stevens, B., Greenberg, M., McKeever, P., et al. Recruiting Families Into the Childhood Cancer Cost Study: Shared Strategies & Insights. Child Evalutative Sciences Weekly Rounds, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- May 2008 Tsimicalis, A., Stevens, B., Greenberg, M., McKeever, P., et al. Recruiting Families Into the Childhood Cancer Cost Study: Shared Strategies & Insights. Nursing Week Research Exhibition, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- May 2008 Johnson, K., McKeever, P., & Kawamura, A. Books for Siblings of Children with Autism: Children’s Assessments: A Pilot Qualitative Study. Pediatric Subspeciality Resident Research Day, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 2008 Ghanavatian, H., McKeever, P., & Scott, J.A. Air quality in long-term care institutions and home care environments. Health & Safety Canada 2008, Toronto, ON.
- Aug. 2007 Wishen, A., McKeever, P., Adams, A., Spalding, K., Goldenberg, E., & McLaren, C. Kids as Research Participants: Examples from the Kids in the Atrium Project. Bloorview Kids Rehab. Toronto, ON.
- May 2007 Johnson, K., McKeever, P. & Kawamura, A. Books for Siblings of Children with Autism: Children’s Assessments. Pediatric Subspeciality Resident Research Day, Toronto, ON.
- May 2007 Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Gibbins, S., Beyene, J., Breau, L., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K., Ohlsson, A., Yamada, J. Changes Over Time in Pain Responses in Infants at Risk for Neurologic Impairment. Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS), Toronto, ON.
- May 2007 Stevens, B., McGarth, P., Gibbins, S., Dupuis, A., Yamada, J., Breau, L., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Johnston, C., Howlett, A., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K., Ohlsson, A., Ballantyne, M. & Lamba, J. Interventions used to managed procedural pain in infants at risk for neurological impairment. Pediatric Academic Societies Toronto, ON.
- May 2007 Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Gibbins, S., Beyene, J., Breau, L., Camfield, C., Finley, A., Franck, L., Howlett, A., Johnston, C., McKeever, P., O’Brien, K., Ohlsson, A., Yamada, J. Use of Pharmacological versus Non-pharmacological Pain Interventions in Infants at Risk for Neurologic Impairment. Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS), Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 2006 Pillai Riddell, R., Stevens, B., Yamada, J., Law, M., Gibbins, S., Asztalos, E. & McKeever, P. Building an Understanding of Chronic Pain in Infancy: A Pilot Study. Bi-Annual Child Health Psychology Conference. Gainesville, Florida.
- Nov. 2005 Epstein, I., Stevens, B., McKeever, P., Baruchel, S., Jones, H., Meighan, K., Using Puppets to Elicit Children’s Conversation About a Specialized Summer Camp. 2005 Multidisciplinary Symposium on Childhood Cancer, Supportive Care in Pediatric Oncology-Beyond Cancer Treatment, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 2005 Epstein, I., Stevens, B., McKeever, P., Baruchel, S., Jones, H., Photo Elicitation Interview: Using Photographs to Elicit Data Through Conversation with Children. Multidisciplinary Symposium on Childhood Cancer, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 2005 Stevens, B., Croxford, R., McKeever, P., Yamada, J., Booth, M., Daub, S., Gafni, A., Gammon, J., & Greenberg, M., Hospital and Home Chemotherapy for Children with Leukemia: A Randomized Cross-Over Study. Multidisciplinary Symposium on Childhood Cancer, Toronto, ON.
- Feb. 2005 Kenny, N., Peter, E., Spalding, K. & McKeever, P., Home Care Policies for Children and Youth: New Frontiers in Ethical Analysis. Children and Youth Home Care Network Conference, Banff, AB.
- Nov. 2004 Kenny, N., Peter, E., Spalding, K. & McKeever, P., Home Care Policies for Children and Youth: New Frontiers in Ethical Analysis. International Conference on Priorities in Health Care, Wellington, NZ.
- Nov. 2004 Row, B., Fernie, G., Paul, J. & McKeever, P., Winter Barriers to Physical and Social Activity in Functionally-Impaired Adults. Annual Rehabilitation Engineering Research Day, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Nov. 2004 Tsimicalis, A., McKeever, P., et al., Theorizing Childhood Costs of Cancer from a Child’s Perspective. International Pediatric Nursing Research Symposium, Montreal, PQ. (Best Poster Prize)
- Oct. 2004 Tsimicalis, A., Stevens, B., Ungar, W. & McKeever, P., Feasibility of Measuring Costs Incurred by Children with Cancer and their Families. McMaster School of Nursing Research Day, Hamilton, ON. (Best Poster Prize)
- June 2004 McKeever, P, Chipman, M. Scott, H. & Osterlund, K., ‘Hitting Home’: The Home as a Site for Long Term Care. Academy Health Annual Research Meeting. San Diego, CA.
- June 2003 Howlett, A., McKeever, P., et al., Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of Pain Experienced by Infants at Risk for Neurological Impairment. Pediatric Academic Society, Seattle, WA.
- June 2003 Howlett, A., McKeever, P., et al., Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of Pain Experienced by Infants at Risk for Neurological Impairment. International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, Sydney, Australia.
- Apr. 2002 Wachowiak, N., Osterlund, K., Chipman, M., & McKeever, P., “Hitting Home”: Home as a Site for Nursing Care.” University of Toronto Faculty of Nursing Research Day, Toronto, ON.
- Dec. 2001 Stevens, B., Booth, M., McKeever, P., Health Professionals’ Acceptability and Satisfaction with Home Chemotherapy for Children with Cancer. Canadian Home Care Association National Conference, Ottawa, ON.
- July 2001 Stevens, B., McKeever, P., Watson MacDonell, J., et al., The Impact of Home Versus Hospital Support on Breastfeeding During the First Week of Life. International Lactation Consultants’ Conference, Acapulco, Mexico.
- June 1998 Wright, V., McKeever, P., et. al., The Parent’s Perspective: Qualitative Evaluation of the D. Hart Walker Orthosis for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Canadian Physiotherapy Congress, St. John’s, NFD.
- Sept. 1997 Wright, V., McKeever, P., Slack, M., Bradbury, J.A., Qualitative Evaluation of the D. Hart Walker Orthosis for Children with Cerebral Palsy: The Parent’s Perspective. American Academy of Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Medicine Conference, Portland, OR.
- May 1997 Stinson, J., Spalding, K., Harwood, L., Meighan, K., McKeever, P., Preparing Children for Surgery. ACCH Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
- Apr. 1995 Rossen, B., McKeever, P., Parents’ Descriptions of Preschoolers’ Behaviours During and Following Brief Surgical Hospitalizations. Research ’95, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. (Best Poster Prize)
- May 1994 Stinson, J., McKeever, P., Mothers’ Anticipated and Actual Information Needs Related to Caring for Infants at Home Following Cardiac Surgery. ACCH Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.
- May 1994 Lacroix, H., McKeever, P., The Child’s Experience of Chest Tube Removal. ACCH Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.
- May 1994 McKeever, P., Thahah, S., Carr, T., & Thomas, S., Raising Children who have Severe Disabilities: The Characteristics and Caregiving Activities of Biological and Foster Mothers. ACCH Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Apr. 1994 McKeever, P., Thahah, S., Carr, T., Thomas, S., Raising Children who have Severe Disabilities: The Characteristics and Caregiving Activities of Biological and Foster Mothers. National Nursing Symposium on Home Health Care, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Nov. 1993 Brunier, G. & McKeever, P., The Impact of Home Dialysis on the Family: A Review of the Literature. RNAO and New Enterprises Inc. Collaborative Conference, Toronto, ON.
- June 1993 Brunier, G., McKeever, P., The Impact of Home Dialysis on the Family: A Review of the Literature. American Nephrology Nurses’ Association Annual Symposium, FL.
Workshop/Conference/Seminar Participation
2012 Designer/Leader, Hybrid Bodies Workshop and Exhibit, YYZ Artists Outlet, Toronto (with Ross, H., Shildrick, M., Abbey, S. & Poole, J.)
2011 Strong Emotional Responses to Music: Neural Correlates and the Social Bond Hypothesis, PIRT Seminar, Bloorview Research Institute, Toronto (with Bicknell, J.)
2011 Presenter, ‘Turning the Tables’: Children Reflect on Research Participation (Film), 2011 Society for the Arts in Healthcare Annual International Conference, Advancing Patient-Centered Arts Film Festival, San Francisco, USA. (with MacPherson, A.)
2009 Designer/Leader, Doing Research With Kids: Designs, Dilemmas & Directions
(3D Workshop), Bloorview Kids Rehab, Toronto, ON.
2009 Research Presentation Judge, The 4th Division of Developmental Paediatrics Roszel Research Day, Bloorview Kids Rehab, Toronto, ON.
2008 Invited Participant, Caring-About Caregivers, Policy Implications of Long Range Scenario Planning, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Toronto, ON.
2007 Organizer & Host, Health Care, Technologies and Places: Contributions and Provocations from Humanists and Artists, Annual HCTP Invitational Workshop, Toronto, ON.
2007 Participant, Intersections of Life and Death: Artistic and Philosophical Representations of Organ Donation and Transplantation, Health Care, Technology, and Place Program, Trillium Gift of Life Network, The Munk Centre for International Studies, The Joint Initiative in German and European Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
2006 Participant, Invitational Consensus Workshop on Pediatric Rehabilitation Research, Bloorview Research Institute, Bloorview Children’s Hospital Foundation, Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Toronto, ON
2006 Invited Participant, Transitions Conference and Pre-Conference Meeting, Bloorview Kids Rehab, Toronto, ON
2006 Co-Chair, Designing Places & Spaces for Kids’ Health Care, Part of the Universal Design Professional Development Series, Health Care, Technology, and Place Program, Design Exchange, Toronto, ON.
2006 Organizer & Host, Health Care Work, Technologies and Places: Concepts, Methods & Practices, Annual HCTP Invitational Workshop, Toronto, ON.
2006 Poster Judge, Annual Research Day, Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
2005 Invited Participant, National IGH Award Recipient Symposium and Gender and Health Workshop, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Vancouver, BC.
2005 Poster Judge, Design for the Cold, Design Exchange, Toronto, ON.
2005 Invited Panelist, Ethical Issues in Home and Community Care, Town Hall, Annual Canadian Home Care Association Conference, Banff, AB.
2005 Organizer & Host, Human Bodies, Health Care Technologies and Places: 21st Century Scholarship and Practices, Annual HCTP Invitational Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
2005 Participant, Studying Children and Time Workshop, School ofEthology, University of Basel, Switzerland.
2005 Organizing Committee Member and Participant, Universal Design Professional Development Series, Workshop 2- Universal Design for the Cold, Design Exchange, Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration and the HCTP Strategic Training Program, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
2005 Participant, Children and Youth Homecare Network Workshop, Banff, AB.
2004 Participant, Teaching Against the Grain: The Challenges of Teaching Qualitative Research in the Health Sciences, National Invitational Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
2004 Member, International Advisory Board, Thinking Through a Collapsing World: Pathways to Reconciliation, An International Network for Local and Global Reconciliations, London, UK.
- Co-Organizer & Co-Host, Health Care Technologies: Implications for People and Places, Annual HCTP Invitational Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
2003 Co-Planner & Co-Host, ICE Research Catalyst Workshop, Health Care, Technology and Place Strategic Training Programme, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
2003 Plenary Reflections Panel and Session Chair/Discussant, Human Science Research and Human Vulnerability, Annual Human Science Research Conference, Ersta Skondal University College, Stockholm, Sweden.
2003 Co-Planner & Co-Host, ‘Place’ & 21st Century Health Care Research: Concepts, Methods, and Findings, Annual HCTP Collaborative Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
2003 Session Chair & Discussant, International Network for the History of Hospitals Conference, McGill University, Montreal, PQ.
2003 Interdisciplinary, Multisite, Large-Team Qualitative Research, Pre-conference Workshop. (with D.Gastaldo & K.Osterlund), International Qualitative Health Research Conference. Guadalajara, Mexico.
2002 Ontario Child Health Services Mosaic Workshop, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
2002 Workshop on Community Based Approaches to Health Research, Department of Economics, St. Mary’s University, Halifax, NS.
2002 Co-Director, International Collaborative Research Workshop on Health Care Settings and Public Policy, Karolinska Research Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
2001 International Collaborative Research Workshop on Health Care and Place, Karolinska Research Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
2001 Continuity of Care in Home Care National Workshop, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.
2001 Invitational Roundtable on Home and Community Care in Canada, Canadian Association of Community Care and The Canadian Homecare Association, Ottawa, ON.
2001 Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury Interdisciplinary Workshop, Edmonton, AB.
1998 Participant, Consensus Conference on Children’s Health Care Needs, The Canadian Nurses’ Foundation, Ottawa, ON.
1998 Participant, Women’s College Hospital/University of Toronto Implementation Task Force for a Proposed Institute in Women’s Health, Toronto, ON.
- Member, Discussion Group on “Care and Treatment for Children and Youth”, Office of Child and Youth Health Policy, Ontario Ministry of Health, Toronto, ON.
1994 Participant, Invitational Mini-Symposium, “Where’s the Vision?” Children’s Issues and Long Term Care Reform, Bloorview Children’s Hospital, Toronto, ON.
Post Doctoral Supervision
2009-11 S. Kingsnorth: Clowning Around: The Effects of Therapeutic Clowning on Patients and Nurses in a Pediatric Rehabilitation Facility(Paediatrics, Bloorview Research Institute) (with C. Macarthur)
Funding: Bloorview Research Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship $54,250
2007-09 M. Elf: Modeling of Care Processes: The Use of Simulation Models in the Design of Health
Care Environments(Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto)
2008-09 Chalmers University Sweden, $19,000; CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship (HCTP) $18,000
2007-08 Chalmers University Sweden, $19,000; Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto $18,000; CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship (HCTP), $19,000
2005-07 W. Winkelman: Chronic Illness Self-Management Outside of Health Care Organizations.
2006-07 CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship (HCTP), $15,000
2005-07 CIHR IHSPR Post Doctoral Fellowship, $55,000/yr
2005-06 N. Yantzi: The Suitability of Public Elementary School Playgrounds for Children with Physical Disabilities. (Co-Supervisor: N. Young)
2005-06 Restracomp Fellowship, Hospital for Sick Children, $10,750
2005-06 CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship (HCTP), $21,000
2003-05 B. Row: TheEffects of the Canadian Winter on the Lives of Older Adults(Co-Supervisor:
G. Fernie)
2003-05 CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship (HCTP), $17,000/yr,
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, $17,000/yrCIHR, NET Grant, $17,000/yr
2009-12 H. Scott: Surveys for Disabled Children (Bloorview Research Institute)
2011-12 Bloorview Research Institute, $28,327. CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship (HCTP), $20,000
2010-11 Bloorview Research Institute, $57, 300
2009-10 Bloorview Research Institute, $55, 900
2011 CIHR, Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health, New Investigators Travel Award, $1,200
2010 Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis Travel Award, $1,000
2010 CIHR-IHDCYH Skills Update Travel Awards for Postdoctoral Fellows and Investigators, $4,700
2010 Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation Postdoctoral Award, $12, 000
Ph.D. Dissertation Supervision
2013 C. McLaren: Children’s Movement in an Integrated Kindergarten Classroom: What Can
Their Bodies Do?(LSB, Faculty of Nursing)
2010-12 CIHR Health Professional Fellowship, $55,000/year
2009-10 SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, $20,000
2007-08 CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship in Health Care, Technology, and Place, $15,000; University of Toronto Fellowship, $7,335.82; Marion Kuhns Memorial Fellowship, $2,293
2006-08 CIHR Kids in the Atrium Study, Training Stipend, $17,850/yr;
PhD Fellowship, Faculty of Nursing, $10,000
2006-07 CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship in (HCTP), $15,000
2014 Pursuit Award competition in childhood disability research, 3rd place
2009 Bloorview Kids Foundation Graduate Award, $2,500
PhD Bonus Award, Faculty of Nursing, $1,000
2008 Registered Nurses’ Foundation of Ontario Cameron Memorial Bursary, $1,000; Bloorview Kids Foundation Graduate Award, $5,000
2007 Bloorview Kids Foundation Graduate Award, $1,500
2013 H. Zitzelsberger: Girls and Boys with ESRD: Time, space, and technology in a hemodialysis unit. (LSB, Faculty of Nursing) Resigned, 2010, Supervisor: E. Peter
2005-08 Women’s Health Council/ CIHR Doctoral Fellowship, $50,000/yr
2004-05 CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship (HCTP); $5,000
2003-04 PhD Fellowship, Faculty of Nursing, $2,000;
CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship (HCTP), $15,000
- Children and Youth Homecare Network Doctoral Award, Hospital for Sick
Children Foundation, $20,000/yr
2010 B. Gladstone: Children’s Experiences of Parental Mental Illness. (Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine)
2007-09 Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health, $20,000/yr.
2004-07 Canada Graduate Scholarship, Social Science and Humanities Research Council,
2003-04 Research Training Competition Award, Research Institute, Hospital for Sick Children, $18,000
2011 Critical Qualitative Health Research ‘Methodological Excellence in a Qualitative Doctoral Dissertation Award’
2007 CIHR-INMHA Brain Star Award
2006 Student Travel Award, $1000
2006 B. Gibson: Men with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Bourdieusian Interpretation of Identity and Social Positioning. (Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine),
2003-05 CHSRF/Nursing Care Partnership, $17,581; CIHR Fellowship, $47,500/year;
Ontario Respiratory Care Society Doctoral Fellowship $3,950
2001-03 CIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship, $40,000/year
2003 CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship (HCTP), $1,500
2002 CIHR Strategic Training Fellowship (HCTP), $8,000
2001 CHSRF/CIHR Research Training Award, $5,000.
1998 D. Guerriere: Measuring Decisional Conflict in Substitute Decision-Makers: Mothers’ Decisions about Initiating Gastrostomy Tube Feeding in Children. (Co-Supervisor: H. Llewellyn-Thomas)
Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Memberships
2015 G. Chodron: Inclusion without Potential: Incorporating Disability in the Biopolitics of Neuro-logical Potential (Supervisor: B. Poland, Faculty of Medicine)
2012 J. MacIver: Living with an Artificial Heart (Supervisor: M. McNeally, Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine)
2011 E. Ignagni: Children’s Narratives about Living with a Disability (Supervisor: J. Eakin, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine)
2010 L. Stephens: The Politics of Embodiment in the Contemporary Circus (Supervisor: S. Ruddick, Department of Geography)
2010 J. McCabe: Governing the Sexual Rights of Adolescents with Physical and Developmental Disabilities: A Critical Nursing Ethnography (Supervisor: D. Holmes, School of Nursing, University of Ottawa)
2010 A. Tsimicalis: Childhood Cancer Costs (Supervisor, B. Stevens, Faculty of Nursing)
2007 J. Silva: A Novel Asynchronous Access Method for Minimal Interface Users (Supervisor: T. Chau, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering)
2007 R. Haines: “Smoke in My Eyes”: A qualitative study with women who smoke (Supervisor, B. Poland, Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine)
2007 A.Vick: Young Adults with Disabilities (Supervisor: A. Chambon, Faculty of Social Work)
2007 I. Epstein: The Perspectives and Responses of Children on the Physical and Social Environments of a Camp for Children with Cancer (Supervisor: B. Stevens, Faculty of Nursing)
2004 K. Spalding: Overtaking the Institutional Boundaries of Medicare: Case Study of Services for Children with Continuing Complex Care Needs in Ontario. (Supervisor: P. Williams, Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation, Faculty of Medicine)
2001 P. Hudak: A New Approach to Understanding Patients’ Expressions of Satisfaction with Treatment Outcome. (Supervisor: J. Wright, Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine)
2001 H. Beanlands: Engulfment among Adults with Chronic Renal Disease: A Study of Self Loss and its Correlates. (Supervisor: J. Graydon, Faculty of Nursing)
2000 J. Angus: Home is Where the Heart is: Women’s Experiences of Recovery from ACB Surgery. (Supervisor: D. Coburn: Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine)
1998 C. Ward-Griffin: Negotiating the Boundaries of Elder Care: An Analysis of Public and Private Caring Work. (Supervisor: V. Marshall, Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine)
2007-10 E. Sutton: Ethical Implications of Ontario Expanded Newborn Screening Program (Supervisor: R. Upshur, Joint Centre for Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine) Resigned, 2010
2007-10 K. Robinson-Vincent: An RCT of the Effectiveness of an Insulin Pump for Diabetic Children (Supervisor: E. Hodnett, Faculty of Nursing) Resigned, 2010
2007-10 K. Legrow: Parent-Staff Communication in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (Supervisor: E. Hodnett, Faculty of Nursing) Resigned, 2010
M.Sc. Thesis Supervision
2006 R. Barron: Caring for persons with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Foucauldian Analysis of an Online Support Group (Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine)
1999 M. Durrant: Descriptions of Stigma in Mothers’ Accounts of Raising Children With Disabilities (Faculty of Nursing)
1999 T. Irvine: Giving and Receiving Anticoagulant Therapy at Home: A Description of Mothers’ and Infants’ Experiences (Faculty of Nursing)
1998 S. O’Neill: Voluntary Confinement: Mothers’ Descriptions of Protective Isolation with Infants Hospitalized due to SCIDS (Faculty of Nursing)
1997 J.A. Bradbury: A Standing Tall: An analysis of Parents’ Evaluations of a Walking Aid for Children who have Cerebral Palsy (Faculty of Nursing)
1997 J. Merkley: Stress, Uncertainty and Information Needs in Family Caregivers of Severely Head-Injured Adults Before Final Discharge from Rehabilitation Settings (Faculty of Nursing)
1996 H. LaCroix: The Pain Associated with Chest Tube Removal in Children and Adolescents (Faculty of Nursing)
1994 D. Guerriere: “Playing the Hand You’re Dealt”: Mothers’ Experiences of Caring for Children with Brain Injuries (Faculty of Nursing)
1994 B. Rossen: Behaviours of Preschoolers Experiencing Brief Surgical Hospitalizations: Parents’ Descriptions (Faculty of Nursing)
1994 C. Miller: Maternal Practices and Feelings Related to Caring for Children who Have Received Liver Transplants (Faculty of Nursing)
1993 K. Spalding: Mothers’ Experiences of Caring for Children who are Fed by Gastrostomy Tubes (Faculty of Nursing)
1992 S. Haverstock: Learning to Care for Chronically-Ill, Technology-Dependent Children: Mothers’ Experiences of Skill Acquisition (Faculty of Nursing)
1992 J. Stinson: Mothers’ Anticipated and Actual Information Needs Related to Caring for Infants at Home Following Cardiac Surgery (Faculty of Nursing)
1991 D. Drascic: The Experience of Parenting Prematurely Born, Disabled Toddlers (Faculty of Nursing)
1991 C. Armstrong: Children Attending School with Leukemia: Mothers’ Activities and Concerns (Faculty of Nursing)
1990 L. Palozzi: The Burned Child’s Experience of Pain Associated with Hydrotherapy, Debridement and Dressing Application (Faculty of Nursing)
MSc Thesis Committee Memberships
2006 S. Zelenietz: Misattributed Paternity and Genetic Counselling (Genetics, Faculty of Medicine)
1999 E. Ignagni: “Not at the Table”: An Ethnography of the Daily Lives of Children Fed by Gastrostomy Tube (Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine)
1998 S. Workman: Futile Treatment In Intensive Care Units: The Experience of Providers (Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine)
1996 L. Harwood: “Weighing Risks and Taking Chances”: Adolescents’ Experiences of the Treatment Regimen after Renal Transplantation (Faculty of Nursing)
1994 T. Carr: The Italo-Canadian Experience of Mothering a Child with a Disability (Faculty of Nursing)
1994 B. Stade: “Honouring a Commitment”: The Experience of Raising Children who have FAS (Faculty of Nursing)
1993 N. Latimer: Analysis of Pamplets about Menarche (Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine)
1992 H. McDonald: Uncertainty and Hope in Close Family Members of Brain Injured Patients (Faculty of Nursing)
1987 E. Levy: The Mother’s Experience of Rooming-in with a Hospitalized Child (Faculty of Nursing)
1985 A. Coghlan: The Experience of Being a Sibling When One Child has Chronic Heart Disease (Faculty of Nursing)
1984 D. Clemmens: Behaviours which are Diagnostic of Maternal Attachment in Primiparous Mothers (Faculty of Nursing)
1984 J. Dunning: Parental Needs of Children with Congenital Heart Defects (Faculty of Nursing)
1983 A. Crozier: Body Image of the Adolescent Ileostomate (Faculty of Nursing)
1981 C. Vair: Perceptions and Coping Strategies of Seven to Twelve Year Old Hospitalized Children in Response to Acute Pain (Faculty of Nursing)
1980 B. Keehn: A Study of the Relationship Between Parental Knowledge of Leukaemia and its Treatment and Parental Anxiety (Faculty of Nursing)
Thesis/Dissertation Appraisals
2005 S. Pollock Bar-Ziv: The Lung Transplant Experiences of Women with Pulmonary Lyphangioleiomyomatosis (PhD, Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine)
2005 D. Cossever: Message Prediction for an Icon-Based Paediatric Communication Aid (MSc, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
2002 C. Zimmerman: Acceptance and Denial of Dying: The Politics of Death Talk (MSc, Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine)
1999 K. Augustine: The Experience of Nurses Who Care for Women in Labour (MSc, Faculty of Nursing)
1998 B. Lee: Consumer Perspectives on Rehabilitation and Community Integration: Experiences of Independence, Dependence and Interdependence (MSc, Community Health, Faculty of Medicine)
1998 D. Zinman: An Analysis of Physician-Patient Communication (MSc, Institute of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine)
1998 D. Gill: Forever Different Siblings Experiences of Living with a Brother or Sister who has a Traumatic Brain Injury (MSc, Faculty of Nursing)
1998 D. Stewart: The Transition to Adulthood for Youth with Physical Disabilities (MSc, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University)
1994 L. Signal: The Politics of the New Public Health: Case Study of the Ontario Premier’s Council on Health Strategy (Ph.D. Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine)
1989 J. Goldman: Living with Diabetes (Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine)
1989 J. Jickling: A Comparison of the Information Needs of Male and Female Coronary Artery Bypass Patients at Hospital Discharge (Faculty of Nursing)
1989 L. Crawford: Worlds Apart: Conceptualizing Mental Knowledge From Dogrib Women (Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto)
1983 A. Macleod: Social Support, Mastery, Job Strains and Distress: Perceptions of Intensive Care and Non-Intensive Care Nurses (Faculty of Nursing)
1982 A. Srivastava: The Relationship between Coping Strategies used and Emotional Distress in Spouses of Myocardial Infarction Patients During the Acute Hospital Period (Faculty of Nursing)
Undergraduate Supervision
2011 S. Ramage: Applied Research in Epidemiology, Fleming College (Bloorview Research Institute)
2008 V. Sochka: UNI400 Practicum in Health Studies, University of Toronto (Bloorview Research Institute)
2009 T. Liu: The Ward Family Foundation Summer Student Endowment Program (Bloorview Research Institute)
2007-2008 JNH 5002 The Body, Health Care Technology and Place (with E. Harvey)
HCTP Doctoral Seminar Series
2006-2007 JNH 5001 Health Care Settings, Sites and Human Well-Being HCTP Doctoral Seminar Series
2005-2006 NUR 1044 ‘Thinking’ About Children: Implications for Health Care Research, Practice and Policy
HCTP Doctoral Seminar Series
NUR 1072 Research Practicum, 2 MN Students
2004-2005 JNH 5002 The Body, Health Care Technologies and Place (with E. Harvey & A. Chambon)
NUR 1044 ‘Thinking’ About Children: Implications for Health Care Research, Practice and Policy
HCTP Doctoral Seminar Series
NUR 1072 Research Practicuum, 1 MN student
2003-2004 NUR 1044 ‘Thinking’ About Children: Implications for Health Care Research, Practice and Policy
HCTP Doctoral Seminar Series (with P.C.Coyte)
2001-2002 NUR 1044 ‘Thinking’ About Children: Implications for Health Care Research, Practice and Policy
JNH 5001 Health Care Settings: Issues, Concepts, Measures and Policies (with P.C. Coyte)
NUR 1070 Research Practicum
NUR 1069 Research Practicum
2000-2001 NUR 1044 ‘Thinking’ About Children: Implications for Health Care Research, Practice and Policy
JNH 5001 Health Care Settings: Issues, Concepts, Measures and Policies (with P.C. Coyte)
NUR 1070 Research Practicum
NUR 1069 Research Practicum
1999-2000 NUR 1024 Qualitative Research: Foundations, Methods and Designs
CHL 7001 Theoretical Perspectives on Embodiment (Directed Reading Course)
NUR 1069 Research Practicum
1998-1999 NUR 1024 Qualitative Research: Foundations, Methods and Designs
NUR 1069 Advanced Nursing Practice
1997-1998 NUR 1024 Qualitative Research: Foundations, Methods and Designs
NUR 1069 Advanced Nursing Practice
NUR 1041 Contemporary Family Theories: Implications for Nursing Research and Practice
1996-1997 NUR 1024 Qualitative Research: Foundations, Methods and Designs
NUR 1069 Advanced Nursing Practice
NUR 1041 Contemporary Family Theories: Implications for Nursing Research and Practice
1995-1996 Sabbatical Leave
1990-1994 NUR 1041 Contemporary Family Theories: Implications for Nursing Research and Practice
1992-1993 NUR 1020 The Conceptualization and Design of Nursing Research (with H. Llewellyn-Thomas)
NUR 1070 Clinical Integrative Course
2008-2009 NUR 460 Persistent Illness and Nursing Care Issues
2005 NUR 470 Evaluator for Final Oral Presentations
2004 NUR 460 Seminar: Issues in the Care of Children and their Families Living with Disabilities
1996-2006 Undergraduate Summer Research Assistant & Work Study Students (2-3 students/year)
1999 NUR 470 Seminar: Research Programme about Home Care
1997 NUR 300A Lecture: The Family, Longterm Care and Canadian Health Policy
1993-1994 NUR 200Y Lecture: Family Caregiving
1990-1991 NUR 402Y Advanced Pediatric Clinical Nursing
1989-1990 NUR 300Y Lecture: Family Caregiving
1987-1988 NUR 402Y Advanced Pediatric Clinical Nursing
NUR 403Y Seminar Course: Advanced Nursing
1980-1987 NUR 300Y Lecture Course for about 100 third-year students each year
NUR 402Y Advanced Pediatric Clinical Nursing
NUR 403Y Seminar Course: Advanced Nursing
Guest Lectures
University of Toronto
Mar. 2009 How Theory Matters, NUR 1081, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, (with C., McLaren)
Dec. 2008 Health-Care in Networked Environments, ARC 3015. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Evaluator for Oral Presentations
Mar. 2008 Changing Places for Children with Disabilities: How Theory and Philosophy Matter, NUR 1081,Faculty of Nursing
Nov. 2005 Changing Places for Children with Disabilities: How Theory and Philosophy Matter, NUR 1081,Faculty of Nursing
June 2002 The “Hitting Home” Project: An example of qualitative methodology, NUR 380, Faculty of Nursing
Nov. 1999 The “Hitting Home” Project: Reconceptualizing Home Care, Faculty of Social Work, Doctoral Seminar
Nov. 1998 Studying Children with Disabilities and their Mothers: The Contributions of Pierre Bourdieu, Department of Public Health Sciences
Mar. 1998 Qualitative Research: Promises, Perils & Enduring Problematics, (with B. Poland & J. Eakin), Clinical Epidemiology, Department of Community Health
Feb. 1998 Academic Fellowship Seminar Families with a Disabled Child, Family and Community Medicine
Nov. 1997 “There’s No Place Like Home”: Research Design and the Study of Home Care, Department of Public Health Sciences
Mar. 1997 “There’s No Place Like Home”: Research Design and the Study of Home Care, Faculty of Social Work Graduate Seminar Course
Sept. 1996 MED Special Topics Mothering Children who have Severe Disabilities, Family and Community Medicine
Oct. 1993 Families Under Stress, Faculty of Social Work Graduate Seminar Course
2009- Bloorview Research Institute Film Festival (BRIFF) Seminar Series, The Ward Family Foundation Summer Student Endowment Program, Bloorview Research Institute, ON
2007-13 Participation and Inclusion Research Team (PIRT) Monthly Seminar Series, Bloorview Research Institute, Toronto, ON
Sept. 2006 Guest Course Teacher: Theory and Methods in Home Care Research, Neurotec Section, The Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Sept. 2003 Guest Course Teacher: Theory and Methods in Home Care Research, Neurotec Section, The Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
July 2002 “Space & Place in Transdisciplinary Perspective” Undergraduate Course Interdisciplinary Social Science for Health, University of Auckland, NZ
July 2002 “Home as a Place of Health Care” Undergraduate Course Population, Health and Society, Department of Geography, University of Auckland, NZ
July 2002 ‘Casing’ the Home in Home Care Research: Reconciling theoretical and disciplinary divergence through philosophical convergence” Graduate Seminar, Department of Geography & Environmental Science, University of Auckland, NZ
Mar. 2000 “Pierre Bourdieu” Graduate Seminar Health and Illness Graduate Sociology, York University, ON
Clinical Supervision
2005-2006 Lead Teacher, Pediatrics, Masters’ Program, University of Toronto
1988 M.H.Sc. 1 Student, Health Sciences Program, McMaster University
1986-1988 M.Sc. 1 Student each year, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
2014-15 Exploring Neuroculture: Science, Ethics, Humanities Working Group, Jackman Humanities Institute at the University of Toronto (m)
2009-2010 Health Care Design Curriculum Sub-Committee, Daniels Faculty of Architecture,
Landscape and Design (m)
2008-2010 Health Care Design Steering Committee, Daniels Faculty of Architecture,
Landscape and Design (m)
- Life Sciences Awards Committee (m)
- Search Committee, Joint tenure stream position Philosophy and IHPST (Dean’s representative)
2003- 2004 Know-THIS (Knowledge Technologies for Health Information and Society) Consortium
2003-2004 Promotions Committee, Faculty of Social Work (m)
2001-2004 PhD Oral Examination Chairs Committee, School of Graduate Studies (m)
2000 Qualitative Inquiry Group (m)
2000 Interdisciplinary PhD Planning Committee, Faculty of Medicine (m)
2000 Ph.D. Oral Examination Chairs Pool, SGS (m)
2000 Steering Committee, Academic Boundary Crossing (ABC) Seminar Series (m)
1999 Steering Committee, Qualitative Inquire Group (QUIG) (m)
1999 Academic Selections Committee, Public Health Sciences (m)
1999 Steering Committee, Qualitative Research Initiative, Public Health Sciences (m)
1996 l’Anson Award Committee (m)
1994 Interdisciplinary Human Subjects Review Committee, Office of Research Services (m)
1995 Decanal Search Committee, Dean, Faculty of Nursing (m)
1992-1994 Council, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto (m)
1992-1994 Interdisciplinary Human Subjects Review Committee, University of Toronto (m)
1992-1993 Leyerle Presidential Commission on the Health Services, University of Toronto (m)
Tenure Review Committees
2007 A. Tourangeau, Faculty of Nursing (m)
2006 B. Kirsh, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine (m)
2005 L. McGillis-Hall, Faculty of Nursing, Internal Teaching Committee (m)
2005 A. Brown, Faculty of Nursing, University of British Columbia, External Reviewer
2005 B. Poland, Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine (m)
1998 S. Sidani, Faculty of Nursing (m)
1995 J. Eakin, Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine (m)
2014 Periodic Review Committee, Bloorview Research Institute (m)
2013 Clinician Scientist Grant Review Committee (m)
2012-2013 Strategic Planning Working Group, Bloorview Research Institute (m)
2012-2013 Strategy and Operations, Bloorview Research Institute (m)
2008-2009 Scientist Hiring Committee, Bloorview Research Institute (m)
2007-2010 Centres for Leadership Steering Committee (m)
2007-2010 Executive Committee, Bloorview Research Institute (m)
2006-2007 Executive Committee, Research Institute, Bloorview Kids Rehab (m)
Seed Grant Competition Review Committee, Bloorview Research Institute (m)
2006-2009 Scientific Staff Review Committee, The Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute (m)
2006 Advisory Committee, Global Ambient Technologies Committee, Philips Medical Systems (m)
2005-2006 National Advisory Panel: Children in Caring Communities, Canada Association for Community Care (m)
2004-2005 Planning Committee, Breathing in the Cold Project, HCTP & Design Exchange (m)
2004-2006 Planning Committee, Universal Design Professional Development Series, Design Exchange (m)
2003-2006 Research Committee, The Change Foundation (m)
2003-2006 Scientific Advisory Committee, The Centre for Research in Women’s Health, Sunnybrook and Women’s College Hospital (m)
2001- 2005 Steering Committee on Personal and Community Issues, The Canadian Standards Association (m)
2001- 2002 Scientists’ Appointment Renewal Committee, The Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children (m)
2001 Organizing Committee, Addressing the Challenges of Making Home Care for Children and Youth Evidence-Based. Invitational Forum, Child and Youth Home Care Network, The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation (m)
2000- 2004 Children and Home Care Steering Committee, HCERC, The Hospital for Sick Children & The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation (m)
2000 Grant Review Committee, Society, Culture and Health of Canadians II Programme. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (C)
2000 Tri Council Workshop Planning Committee, Canadian Home Care Research Network (Co-C)
1999-2000 Children and Home Care Forum Committee, The Hospital for Sick Children, Foundation, Toronto Community Care Access Centre, HCERC (m)
1998-1999 Health Theme Advisory Committee, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (m)
1998-2000 Research Committee, Board of Trustees, Bloorview-MacMillan Centre (C)
1998-2000 Restracomp Fellowship Awards Committee, The Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children (m)
1998-1999 Research Advisory Subcommittee, Ontario Community and Longterm Care Services Research and Evaluation Network (m)
1997-1998 Tele-Home Care Steering Committee, The Hospital for Sick Children (m)
1996-1997 Integrated Children’s Home Health Care System Committee, Bloorview MacMillan Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children, St. Elizabeth Health Care & Easter Seal Society (m)
1996-1997 Role Study Advisory Committee, Bloorview MacMillan Centre (m)
1994-1997 Executive Committee, Research Department, Bloorview MacMillan Centre (m)
1994-1997 ACCH Canada Task Force Steering Committee (m)
1994 Children’s Hospital – MacMillan Rehabilitation Centre Study Committee, Research Subcommittee, Metropolitan Toronto District Health Council (m)
1994 Pediatric Services Group, Metropolitan Toronto District Health Council, Hospital Restructuring Committee, Toronto (m)
1994-1995 Interdisciplinary Research Committee, Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (m)
1994-1995 Collaborative Nursing Research Committee, H. MacMillan Rehabilitation Centre, Bloorview Children’s Hospital, The Hospital for Sick Children, Easter Seal Society, Lyndhurst (m)
1994 Nursing Education Department Review Committee, The Hospital for Sick Children (m)
1993 Vision and Scope Task Force, Maternal-Newborn & Child Steering Committee, Regionalization of Maternal-Newborn and Child Health Care in Metropolitan Toronto, Toronto District Health Council (m)
1992-1995 Interdisciplinary Research Committee, Provincial Oncology Group of Ontario (m)
1992 Long-range Planning Grant Review Committee, The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation External Grants Review Panel (m)
1991-1992 High Risk Babies Steering Committee, Women’s Health Bureau, Ontario Ministry of Health (m)
1990-1991 Nursing Research Advisory Committee, The Hospital for Sick Children (m)
1991 Pediatric Long Term Care Task Force, Long Term Care Committee, District Health Council, Metropolitan Toronto (m)
2007-2012 Advisory Board, Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education eJournal
2002-2005 Research Ethics Board, The Hospital for Sick Children
1997-2006 Canadian Alliance for Children’s Health Care, Board of Directors
1999-2000 Research Ethics Board, The Hospital for Sick Children
- The Bloorview MacMillan Centre, Board of Directors
1997-2000 The Ontario Association of Children’s Treatment Centres, Board of Directors
1995-1999 The Association for the Care of Children’s Health, Washington, DC, Board of Directors
2009-2013 B. Gibson, Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Training Program (CCHCSP), CIHR and SickKids Hospital
2008-2009 B. Gibson, Health Care, Technology and Place, University of Toronto
2006-2007 Jackee McKinney, Fellow, RNAO Advanced Clinical Fellowship in Complex Continuing Pediatric Home Care, St. Elizabeth Health Care.
2002-2004 D. Gastaldo, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto (pre-tenure)
2002-2005 G. Andrews, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto (pre-tenure)
2002-2004 E. Peter, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto (pre-tenure)
Manuscript Review Panels
2004-2010 Health and Place
2001 Guest Editor, Special Home Care Issue, Canadian Journal of Nursing Research
1996 Nursing Inquiry
1994 Qualitative Health Research
1992 Sociological Studies of Children
1990 Canadian Journal of Nursing Research
Grant Review Activities
Internal Review Committees
2009 Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Grant Review Committee (m)
2007 Allied Health Professionals – New Investigators Peer Review Committee,
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (m)
2006 Seed Grant Competition, Bloorview Research Institute (m)
2005 Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (m)
2004-2007 National Grants Program, The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation (m)
2002-2005 Psychosocial, Sociocultural and Behavioural Determinants of Health Grants Committee, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (m)
2001-2002 Psychosocial and Behavioural Determinants of Behavioural Health Program, Canadian Institutes for Health Research (m)
2000 Society, Culture and the Health of Canadians II Panel, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada/National Health, Research and Development Program (C)