Jessica Grahn, CV

Jessica A. Grahn

Brain and Mind Institute       E-mail: 
Department of Psychology  Phone: +1 519-661-2111 
Western Interdisciplinary Research Building  Website: 
University of Western Ontario  Nationality: USA, UK 
London, Ontario, CANADA   
Associate Professor, Brain and Mind Institute AND Psychology Department, University of Western Ontario 2015 – pres
Assistant Professor, Brain and Mind Institute AND Psychology Department, University of Western Ontario 2011 – 2015
Investigator Scientist, Medical Research Council Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK 2007 – 2010
Associate Lecturer in Biological Psychology, Open University, UK (part-time) 2005 – 2010
Research Fellow (Stipendiary) Clare Hall/Medical Research Council, UK 2004 – 2007
SYNC.Advisor to Boston-based start-up, SYNC, on development of a smartphone app for music and health, including a large-scale study on music and gait ( 2015 – 2018
Neurosense, Ltd. Analysis and report of brain imaging data, graphics production for corporations and advertising agencies. Resulting reports and images used by the Science Museum (London), Viacom, MTV, Johnson & Johnson, GMTV, Metro newspaper, among others. 2005 – 2010
Celestia, Ltd. Website programming for database of clinical trial research 2004 – 2005
PhD, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge Behavioural and Functional Imaging Studies of Rhythm Processing Supervised by Matthew Brett and Bob Carlyon MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK 2001 – 2005
PhD coursework at University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign , USA 1999 – 2000
BA (Neuroscience), Northwestern University, Chicago, USA BMus (Piano Performance), Northwestern University, Chicago, USA 1995 – 1999
Fellow,Association for Psychological Science 2017
Faculty Scholar Award, University of Western Ontario  $14,000 Understanding Human Cognition Scholar Award, James S. McDonnell Foundation Moving to the beat: The relationship between rhythm perception and movement $600,000 USD 2016 – 2018   2015 – 2021
New Investigator Award, Canadian Institute of Health Research: Investigating the Effects of Sound on Movement $300,000 2015 – 2020
Early Researcher Award, Ministry of Research and Innovation, Brain Mechanisms of Musical Rhythm Processing $140,000 2012 – 2017
Charles Darwin Award in Public Communication of Science, British Science Association 2010
Organization for Human Brain Mapping Travel Award $750 2007
Fellowship, Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience: all expenses/tuition 2004
Overseas Research Student Award 2001 – 2004
Honorable mention: NSF predoctoral fellowship competition 1999
Silver medal, American Forensics League tournament, Impromptu speaking 1996
BrainsCAN Accelerator Grant [Co-PI with Henry, Butler, Joanisse, Everling] Validating methods for using noninvasive brain stimulation to influence auditory perception $91,980 2019 – 2020
McGill-Western Collaboration Grant [Co-PI with Zatorre], OMMABA: The Open Multimodal Music and Auditory Brain Archive, $375,171 2018 – 2021
CPSR Catalyst Grant [Co-Investigator with Principal Applicant Patterson], Feasibility of rhythm perception and production training in people with stroke, $49,987 2017 – 2018
NSERC-CREATE Grant [Co-PI], Complex Dynamics in Brain and Behaviour, $1,650,000 2017 – 2023
NSERC Discovery Grant & Accelerator Supplement [PI], Mechanisms of Rhythm Perception, $375,000 2016 – 2021
SSHRC Insight Development Grant [Co-Applicant], Optimizing Music Learning: The Effects of Contextual Interference, $74,296 2016 – 2019
LIVELab seed grant [Co-Investigator with Co-Principal Investigators Cameron and Henry] The role of social context in intersubject synchronization between audience members during musical performances $11,400 2015
CIHR-Collaborative Health Research Project Grant [Co-Principal Applicant with Patterson, Chen, Depaul] The relationship of temporal gait asymmetry and rhythm perception and production $450,200 2015 – 2018
Operating Grant Priority Announcement, Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Parkinson Society Canada [PI], Investigating Sound and Movement $100,000                                  2014 – 2016
Parkinson Society Pilot Grant, Individual differences in response to auditory cues in Parkinson’s disease $44,987 2014 – 2015
NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grant [Co-Investigator with Owen, Fogel, Cusack, Morton, & McRae], Simultaneous and synchronized electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during sleep in normal and brain injured populations $145,503 2014 – 2015
Western Strategic Support for CIHR Success, Individual differences in response to auditory cues in Parkinson’s disease $22,500 2013 – 2014  
GRAMMY Foundation Research Grant[PI],Brain Responses to Music in Human and Nonhuman Animals $19,500 USD 2012 – 2014
J.P. Bickell Foundation Medical Research Program[PI], Optimizing effects of music on movement in Parkinson’s disease $65,000 2012 – 2013
Leaders Opportunity Fund, Canadian Foundation for Innovation $112,000 2012 – 2017
Ontario Research Fund $112,000 2012 – 2017
Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council, Discovery Grant [PI], Individual Differences and Auditory-Motor Interactions in Rhythm Perception, $120,000 2011 – 2016
R.K. MacDonald Fund for Parkinson’s Research, Research into Parkinson’s Disease $40,000 2011 – 2015
GRAMMY Foundation Research Grant, $20,300 [Co-Investigator with D. McAuley] 2007 – 2009
Brain Travel Grants: £700, £600, £550 2004/05/07
Wolfson Travel Fund £150, Lane Cox Fund £100 2004
Research Fellowship Clare Hall, University of Cambridge 2007 – 2010
Betty Behrens Stipendiary Research Fellowship Clare Hall, University of Cambridge (full salary and research/equipment/travel award) 2004 – 2007
Gates Cambridge Scholarship (awarded to ~1% of applicants) 2001 – 2004
Overseas Research Scholarship (international student PhD tuition support) 2001 – 2004
Predoctoral Fellowship, U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Full support) 1999 – 2000
Laura Winkelman Merit Scholarship (Part tuition support) 1997 – 1999
National Merit Scholar 1995 – 1999
  TEACHING EXPERIENCE Research Seminar in Cognitive, Developmental, and Brain Sciences (Graduate, .5 year course), UWO     2017-2018
Cognitive Neuroscience of Music (Undergraduate .5 year course), UWO 2011/12/14/16
Scientific Writing, (Graduate .5 year course),UWO 2015
Neuroimaging Methods,Interdisciplinary College (IK), Gunne, Germany 2012, 2013
Faculty Member, Graduate Program in Neuroscience, UWO 2011 – 
Associate Lecturer in Biological Psychology (Distance course), Open University, UK 2005 – 2010
External Examiner, Guest Lecturer, Natural Sciences Tripos, part II Neuroscience, University of Cambridge 2008 – 2010
Faculty mentor, Open University, UK (mentor for new lecturers) 2007 – 2010
Guest Lecturer,(neuroanatomy lecture) Graduate Seminar skills seminar series 2007 – 2010
Guest Lecturer, Graduate Seminar series, MRC CBU, Cambridge 2005 – 2010
External Examiner, Music Tripos, part II, University of Cambridge 2005 – 2010
Project Supervisor, Music Tripos, part II, University of Cambridge 2008
Supervisor, University of Cambridge, Exp Psych undergraduate supervisions 2002 – 2004
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Educator, Princeton Review, Chicago 1999 – 2000
Tutor, Northwestern University, Calculus, Biology, and Psychology 1995 – 1999
Private music teacher, Piano, Cello, Music Theory 1992 – 1999


D. Rose, D.J. Cameron, P.J. Lovatt, J.A. Grahn, L.E. Annett. Comparing spontaneous motor tempo when finger tapping, toe tapping and stepping on the spot in people with and without Parkinson’s disease (in press). Journal of Movement Disorders.

J.E. Taylor*, J.A. Grahn. Simple random interval generation reveals the irresistibly periodic structure of perceived time (2019). Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81(5), 1204-1208.

L.N. Gabel, A.R. Daoust, J.A. Grahn, C.E. Durbin, E.P. Hayden. Development and validation of a battery of emotionally evocative film clips for use with young children (2019). Psychological Assessment, 31(8), 1040-1051.

E.A. Ready*, L.M. McGarry*, C. Rinchon, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Beat perception ability and instructions to synchronize influence gait when walking to music-based auditory cues (2019). Gait & Posture, 68, 555-561.

S. Modarresi, A. Divine, J.A. Grahn, T. J. Overend, S. W. Hunter. Gait parameters and characteristics associated with increased risk of falls in people with dementia: a systematic review (2018). International Psychogeriatrics, 31(9), 1-17.

L. McKetton, D. Purcell, V. Stone, J.A. Grahn, C. Bergevin. No otoacoustic evidence for a peripheral basis of absolute pitch. (2018).Hearing Research, 370, 201-208.

K.K. Patterson, J. Wong, S. Knorr, J.A. Grahn. Rhythm perception and production abilities and their relationship to gait after stroke (2018). Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 99(5), 945-951.

D. Levitin, J.A. Grahn, J. London. The psychology of music: Rhythm and movement (2018). Annual Reviews in Psychology, 69, 51-75.

F.L. Bouwer*, J.A. Burgoyne, D. Odijk, H. Honing, J.A. Grahn. What makes a rhythm Complex? The influence of musical training and accent type on beat perception (2018). PLoSONE, 13(1),e0190322.

L.-A. Leow*, K. Waclawik*, J.A. Grahn. The role of attention and intention in synchronization to music: Effects on gait (2018). Experimental Brain Research 236(1),

T. Nguyen*, J.A. Grahn. Mind your music: The effects of music-induced mood and arousal across                                     different memory tasks (2017). Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 27(2), 81-94. 

M.J. Henry*, B. Herrmann, J.A. Grahn. What can we learn about beat perception by comparing brain signals and stimulus envelopes? (2017). PLoSONE, 12(2), e0172454.

D.L. Kogutek*, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn, S.G. Lutz, E.A. Ready*. Active music therapy and physical improvements from rehabilitation for neurological conditions (2016). Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 30(4), 14-22.

C.E. Carter*, J.A. Grahn. Optimizing music learning: Exploring how blocked and interleaved practice schedules affect advanced performance (2016). Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1251.

E.S. Nichols*, J.A. Grahn. Neural correlates of audiovisual integration in music reading (2016). Neuropsychologia, 91, 199-210.

D.J. Cameron*, K.A. Pickett, G.M. Earhart, J.A. Grahn. The effect of dopaminergic medication on beat-based auditory timing in Parkinson’s disease (2016). Frontiers in Neurology, 7, 19. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2016.00019

A. Corbett, A.M. Owen, A. Hampshire, J.A. Grahn, R. Stenton, S. Dajani, A. Burns, R. Howard, N. Williams, C. Ballard. The effect of an online training package on cognition in healthy adults over 50: An online randomised controlled trial (2015). JAMDA Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16(11), 990-997. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2015.06.014

J.D. Holmes, L.K. Brigham, M.E. Jenkins, E.A. Ready*, S.G. Lutz, A.M. Johnson, J.A. Grahn. The effects of manipulating spatial location of visual cue placement on gait among individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: A pilot study (2015). Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 33(3), 263-278. doi: 10.3109/02703181.2015.1045109

D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. Cross-cultural influences on rhythm processing: Reproduction, discrimination, and beat tapping (2015). Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 6, 366. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00366

H. Merchant, J.A. Grahn, L.J. Trainor, M. Rohrmeier, W.T. Fitch. Finding the beat: A neural perspective across human and non-human primates (2015). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 370, 20140093. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0093

S. Reaves, B. Graham, J.A. Grahn, P. Rabannifard, A. Duarte. Turn off the music! Music impairs visual associative memory performance in older adults (2015). The Gerontologist, 56(3), 569-577. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnu113

L.-A. Leow*, V.-R. Rinchon*, J.A. Grahn. Familiar music increases walking speed in rhythmic auditory cueing (2015). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1337(1), 53-61. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12658

D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. Enhanced temporal production abilities in percussionists generalize beyond entrainment and musical plausibility (2014). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 1003. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.01003

L.-A. Leow*, T. Parrott*, J.A. Grahn. Individual differences in beat perception affect gait responses to low- and high-groove music (2014). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 811. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00811

D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. Neuroscientific investigations of musical rhythm (2014). Acoustics Australia, 42(2), 111-116.

A.J. Hall, T.A. Brown, J.A. Grahn, J.S. Gati, P.L. Nixon, S.M. Hughes, S.M. Ravi, S.G. Lomber. There’s more than one way to scan a cat: Imaging cat auditory cortex with high-field fMRI using continuous or sparse sampling (2014). Journal of Neuroscience Methods 224, 96-106.

S.L. Watson*, J.A. Grahn. Perspectives on rhythm processing in motor regions of the brain (2013). Music Therapy Perspectives 31(1), 25-30.

R. Woelfle*, J.A. Grahn. Auditory and visual interhemispheric communication in musicians and non-musicians (2013). PLOS ONE, 8(12), e84446. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084446

C. Nombela*, L.E. Hughes, A.M. Owen, J.A. Grahn. Into the groove: Can music influence Parkinson’s disease? (2013). Neuroscience and Behavioural Reviews, 37(10). 2564-2570.

S. Schweizer, J.A. Grahn, A. Hampshire, D. Mobbs, T. Dalgleish. Training the emotional brain: Improving affective control through emotional working memory training (2013). Journal of Neuroscience, 33(12), 5301-5311. doi: 10.1523/jneurosci.2593-12.2013

M. Urner, M. Sarri, J.A. Grahn, T. Manly, G. Rees, K. Friston. The role of prestimulus activity in visual extinction (2013). Neuropsychologia, 51, 1630-1637. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.05.005

C. Nombela*, C.L. Rae, J.A. Grahn, R.A. Barker, A.M. Owen, J.B. Rowe. How often does music and rhythm improve patients’ perception of motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease? (2013). Journal of Neurology, 260(5), 1404-1405. doi:10.1007/s00415-013-6860-z

J.A. Grahn, D. Schuit*. Individual differences in rhythmic abilities: Behavioural and fMRI investigations (2012). Psychmusicology: Music, Mind and Brain 22(2), 105-121.

J.A. Grahn, T. Manly. Common neural recruitment across diverse sustained attention tasks (2012). PLOS ONE 7(11), e49556. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049556

J.A. Grahn. See what I hear? Beat perception in auditory and visual rhythms (2012). Experimental Brain Research 220(1), 51-61.

J.A. Grahn, J.B. Rowe. Finding and feeling the musical beat: Striatal dissociations between detection and prediction of regularity (2012). Cerebral Cortex 23(4), 913-921 doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs083

J.A. Grahn.Neural mechanisms of rhythm perception: Current findings and future perspectives (2012). Topics in Cognitive Science, 4(4), 585-606.

J.A. Grahn, M.J. Henry*, J.D. McAuley. FMRI investigation of cross-modal interactions in beat perception: Audition primes vision, but not vice versa (2011). NeuroImage, 54(2), 1231-1243.

A.M. Owen, A. Hampshire, J.A. Grahn, R. Stenton, S. Dajani, A.S. Burns, R.J. Howard, C. G. Ballard. Putting brain training to the test (2010). Nature, 465(7299), 775-778.

J.A. Grahn, J.B. Rowe. Feeling the beat: Premotor and striatal interactions in musicians and non-musicians during beat perception (2009). Journal of Neuroscience, 29(23), 7540-7548.

J.A. Grahn, J.D. McAuley. Neural bases of individual differences in beat sensitivity (2009). NeuroImage, 47(4), 1894-1903.

J.A. Grahn, J. Parkinson, A.M. Owen. The role of the basal ganglia in learning and memory: Neuropsychological studies (2009). Behavioural Brain Research, 199(1), 53-60.

J.A. Grahn, M. Brett. Impairment of beat-based rhythm discrimination in Parkinson’s disease (2009). Cortex, 45(1), 54-61.

J.A. Grahn. The role of the basal ganglia in beat perception: Neuroimaging and neuropsychological investigations (2009). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169(1), 35-45.

J.A. Grahn. Neuroscientific investigations of musical rhythm: Recent advances and future challenges (2009). Contemporary Music Review 28(3), 251-277.

R.P. Carlyon, J.M. Deeks, Y. Shtyrov, J.A. Grahn, H.E. Gockel, O. Hauk, F. Pulvermuller.

                           Changes in the perceived duration of a narrowband sound induced by a preceding stimulus                                                        (2009). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 35(6), 1898-1912.

J.A. Grahn, J. Parkinson, A.M. Owen. The cognitive functions of the caudate nucleus (2008). Progress in Neurobiology, 86(3), 141-155.

J.A. Grahn, M. Brett. Rhythm perception in motor areas of the brain (2007). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(5), 1-14.

J.A. Grahn, A.M. Owen. Memory: Obstacle avoidance without visual cues (2006). Current Biology, 16(7), R247-R249


              L.D. Crosby, J.S. Wong, J.L. Chen, J.A. Grahn, K.K. Patterson. Responsiveness of temporal gait                                          asymmetry to rhythmic auditory stimulation and the relationship to rhythm ability following                                         stroke (submitted, Frontiers in Neuroscience).

C. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, M.F. Joanisse, J.A. Grahn. Music as a scaffold for listening to speech: Better neural phase-locking to song than speech (under revision, NeuroImage)

D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn Cross-cultural differences in neural entrainment to a musical beat(under revision, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience)

A. Al Jaja*, J.A. Grahn, B. Herrmann, P.A. MacDonald. The effect of aging, Parkinson’s disease, and exogenous dopamine on the neural response associated with auditory regularity processing (accepted, The Neurobiology of Aging).

A. Sternin*, A.M. Owen, J.A. Grahn. Fine tuning cognitive assessment in the elderly: The benefits of an online test battery (submitted, The Gerontologist).

A. Paas*, J.A. Grahn. The influence of tonality on rhythm perception (under revision, Music Perception).

A. Marti Marca*, T. Nguyen*, J.A. Grahn. Keep calm and pump up the jams: How musical mood and arousal affect visual attention (under revision, Music & Science).

M. McMahon*, M.J. Henry*, C. Loveday, J.A. Grahn, The effect of musical training and language on rhythm perception (under revision, PLoSONE).

J.A. Grahn, D. Schuit*. Comparisons between working memory systems for verbal and rhythmic stimuli (submitted, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B).


              J.A. Grahn, Tuning the brain to musical delight (2017). Nature Human Behaviour

Book chapters  

D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. Perception of musical rhythm (accepted) In: The Cambridge Companion to Rhythm. Eds. Ryan McClelland, Russell Hartenberger. Cambridge University Press

J.E.T. Taylor*, C.M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, J.A. Grahn. Musical expertise (2020) In: The Science and Psychology of Music: From Beethoven at the Office to Beyoncé at the Gym. Eds. William F. Thompson, Kirk N. Olsen. ABC-CLIO Greenwood

L.M. McGarry*, A. Sternin*, J.A. Grahn. Music and movement (2019) In: Foundations in Music Psychology: Theory and Research. Eds. Peter Jason Rentfrow, Daniel J. Levitin. MIT Press

C.M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, J.E.T. Taylor*, J.A. Grahn. Neural basis of rhythm perception (2019) In: Oxford Handbook on Music and the Brain. Eds. Michael H. Thaut, Donald A. Hodges. Oxford University Press

H. Merchant, J.A. Grahn, L.J. Trainor, M. Rohrmeier, W.T. Fitch. Finding the beat: A neural perspective across human and non-human primates (2018) In: Origins of Musicality. MIT Press

T. Nguyen*, A. Gibbings*, J.A. Grahn. Rhythm and beat perception (2018) In: Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology. Springer Publishing   

M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn. Music, brain and movement: Time, beat and rhythm (2017) In: Routledge Companion to Music Cognition. Routledge   

K. Waclawik*, S. Watson*, J.A. Grahn.Musical synchronization, social interaction, and the brain (2016) In: Shared representations: Sensorimotor Foundations of Social Life. Cambridge University Press 

D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. The neuroscience of rhythm (2015) In: Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology, 2nd Edition. Eds. Susan Hallam, Ian Cross, Michael Thaut. Oxford University Press

L.-A. Leow*, J.A. Grahn. Neural mechanisms of beat perception: Present findings and future directions (2014) In: Neurobiology of Interval Timing. Springer Press.

J.A. Grahn. Advances in neuroimaging techniques: Implications for the shared syntactic integration resource hypothesis (2012) In: Language and Music as Cognitive Systems Eds. Patrick Rebuschat, Martin Rohrmeier, John Hawkins, Ian Cross. Oxford: Oxford University Press 

Book reviews

J.A. Grahn. Review of Psychology of Music: From Sound to Significance (2011), Empirical Musicology Review, 6, 138-140.

Encyclopaedia Entries

              J.A. Grahn, H. Gupta*, Brain Waves. In: Music in the Social and Behavioural Sciences (2014), New                                          York, NY: SAGE Reference      

              J.A. Grahn, S. Winokur*, Converging Evidence. In: Music in the Social and Behavioural Sciences                                          (2014), New York, NY: SAGE Reference

              J.A. Grahn, C. Rinchon*, Critical Period. In: Music in the Social and Behavioural Sciences (2014), New                    York, NY: SAGE Reference

              J.A. Grahn, S.D. Shaw*, Expertise. In: Music in the Social and Behavioural Sciences (2014), New York,                            NY: SAGE Reference

              J.A. Grahn, H. Gupta*, Imaging Techniques. In: Music in the Social and Behavioural Sciences (2014),               New York, NY: SAGE Reference

              J.A. Grahn, S.L. Watson*, P. Mehan*, Short-term Effects of Music Exposure. In: Music in the Social                                          and Behavioural Sciences (2014), New York, NY: SAGE Reference

              J.A. Grahn, S.L. Watson*, Tactus and Pulse. In: Music in the Social and Behavioural Sciences (2014),                            New York, NY: SAGE Reference       

Selected Conference Proceedings

E.A. Ready*, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Beat perception ability and familiarity with music alter gait in older adults during auditory cueing, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, 2018

A. Sternin*, A.M. Owen, J.A. Grahn. Identifying the neural correlates of music familiarity using a strict training paradigm. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, 2018

S. Stober*, A. Sternin*, A.M. Owen, J.A. Grahn. Towards music imagery information retrieval: Introducing the OpenMIIR Dataset of EEG recordings from music perception and imagination. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR’15), 2015

S. Stober*, D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. Using convolutional neural networks to recognize rhythm stimuli from electroencephalography recordings. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27 (NIPS’14), Pages 1449-1457, 2014

S. Stober*, D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. Does the beat go on? — Identifying rhythms from brain waves recorded after their auditory presentation. In: Proceedings of the 9th Audio Mostly: A Conference on Interaction With Sound (AM’14), Pages 23:1-23:8, 2014

S. Stober*, D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. Classifying EEG recordings of rhythm perception. In: 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR’14), Pages 649-654, 2014

J.A. Grahn, D. Schuit*. Beat perception vs chunking in auditory short-term memory. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2012

J.A. Grahn, D. Schuit*. Individual differences in rhythmic abilities: Behavioural and fMRI studies. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, Seattle, Washington, 2010

J.A. Grahn, J.B. Rowe. Beat initiation versus continued beat perception: The role of motor areas in the brain. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, Sapporo, Japan, 2008

Selected Conference Presentations

              S. Raza*, M.J. Henry, D.J., Cameron, J.A. Grahn. Does Corticospinal Excitability Fluctuate when

                           Listening to Isochronous Rhythms? Poster presented at the Timing and Rhythm Forum (TRF)                                              Conference, Queretaro, Mexico, October 2019

              J.D. Hoddinott*, M.J. Henry, J.A. Grahn. The Influence of Familiarity on Beat Perception and

                           Oscillatory Entrainment. Poster presented at the Timing and Rhythm Forum (TRF) Conference,                                  Queretaro, Mexico, October 2019

              C.M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, J.A. Grahn. Better phase-locking to song than speech.                                                       Orally    presented at Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW) Conference, Traverse                   City, Michigan, USA, June 2019

              J.W. Hopper*, L.J. Batterink, J.A. Grahn. Does musical stimulation during slow-wave sleep                                                              potentiate slow oscillations and associated declarative memory performance? Poster presented                            at Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW) Conference, Traverse City, Michigan,                                  USA, June 2019

              S. Raza*, M.J. Henry, D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn. Does corticospinal excitability fluctuate when                                                       listening to isochronous rhythms? Poster presented at Rhythm Production and Perception                                                   Workshop (RPPW) Conference, Traverse City, Michigan, USA, June 2019

              J.D. Hoddinott*, M.J. Henry, J.A. Grahn. The influence of familiarity on beat perception and                                                          oscillatory entrainment. Poster presented at Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop                                                    (RPPW) Conference, Traverse City, Michigan, USA, June 2019

              M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn. Pitting metrical structure against subjective accenting in a test of                                                                     beat-perception ability. Orally presented at Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW)                  Conference, Traverse City, Michigan, USA, June 2019

              N. Oesch*, I. Ingrid, J.A. Grahn.Music performance and social bonding. Orally presented at                                                                     Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW) Conference, Traverse City, Michigan, USA,                         June 2019

              J.D. Hoddinott*, M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn. The influence of familiarity on beat perception and                                                           oscillatory entrainment. Poster presented at Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment (LOVE)                                           Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2019

E.A. Ready*, S. Brahmbhatt*, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Individualization of music-based auditory         cueing for gait management in Parkinson’s disease. Poster presented at Lake Ontario         Visionary            Establishment (LOVE) Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2019

              N. Oesch*, I. Johnsrude, J.A. Grahn. Music performance and social bonding. Orally presented at                                                        Evolution and Human Behavior Society (HBES) Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, May                                       2019

A. Sternin*, E.S. Nichols, J.A. Grahn, A. M. Owen. Fine tuning cognitive assessment in the elderly using an online test battery. Poster presented at Promoting Healthy Brain Aging and Preventing Dementia: Research and Translation, Banff, Alberta, CA, June 2018

D. Kogutek*, J.A. Grahn, J.D. Holmes. Efficacy of rhythmic acquisition on gait performance among individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Orally presented at Canadian Association for Music Therapists. St. John’s, Newfoundland, CA, May 2018

D. Kogutek*, J.A. Grahn, J.D. Holmes. Efficacy of rhythmic acquisition on gait performance among individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Orally presented at Ontario Music Therapy Association, Toronto, Ontario, CA, February 2018

A.A. Jaja*, B. Herrmann, J.A. Grahn, P.A. MacDonald. L-dopa alters the process of auditory regularity detection. Poster presented atSouthern Ontario Neuroscience Association (SONA), Guelph, Ontario, CA, May 2018

B. Samuels*, J.A. Grahn, S. MacDougall-Shackleton, M.J. Henry*. Discriminating between strong and weaker beats in temporal patterns. Poster presented at Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association (SONA), Guelph, Ontario, CA, May 2018

A. Sternin*, J.A. Grahn, A.M. Owen. Identifying characteristics of perception and imagination of rhythms and speech in an EEG signal. Orally presented at the Decoding Mental States Using EEG, Montreal, Quebec, CA, March 2018

J.D. Hoddinott*, J.A. Grahn. The role of predictability in beat perception. Orally presented at the Symposium on Timing And Rhythm (STAR) Conference. London, Ontario, CA, April 2018

A. Gibbings*, J.A. Grahn. The effect of beat percept on neural entrainment when the stimulus is the same. Orally presented at the Symposium on Timing And Rhythm (STAR) Conference. London, Ontario, CA, April 2018

J.E.T. Taylor*. J.A. Grahn. Non-random timing revealed by a random timing task: Uncovering periodic tendencies with a simple measure. Orally presented at the Symposium on Timing And Rhythm (STAR) Conference London, Ontario, CA, April 2018

C.M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, J.A. Grahn. Examining phase-locking to speech and song in adulthood. Orally presented at the Symposium on Timing And Rhythm (STAR) Conference London, Ontario, CA, April 2018

L. Gabel, M. Salisbury, A. Daoust, J.A. Grahn, C. E. Durbin, E. Hayden. Development and validation of a developmentally appropriate battery of emotionally evocative stimuli for use with young children. Poster presented at Society for Research in Psychopathology, Indianapolis, USA, September 2018

P.A. MacDonald, J.A. Grahn, A.A. Jaja*, B. Herrmann. L-dopa impairs regularity detection: An auditory EEG study in PD and age-matched controls. Poster presented at Canadian Association for Neuroscience, Vancouver, BC, May 2018

 D.J. Cameron*, M.J. Henry*, J.C. Everling*, J.A. Grahn Motor system excitability dynamics during auditory anticipation and beat perception. Poster presented atPerturbing and Enhancing Perception and Action using Oscillatory Neural Stimulation, Cambridge, UK, January 2018

M.J. Henry*, D.J. Cameron*, D. Swarbick, D. Bosnyak, L. Trainor, J.A. Grahn. Live music increases intersubject synchronization of audience members’ brain rhythms. Orally presented atCognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 2018

D.J. Cameron*, M.J. Henry*, J.C. Everling*, J.A. Grahn. Motor system excitability dynamics during auditory anticipation and beat perception. Poster presented at Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW) Conference, Birmingham, UK, July 2017

M.J. Henry*, D.J. Cameron*, D. Swarbick, D. Bosnyak, L. Trainor, J.A. Grahn. Live music increases intersubject synchronization of audience members’ brain rhythms. Orally presented at Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW) Conference, Birmingham, UK, July 2017

A. Gibbings*, M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn Investigating the effect of beat strength and sound envelope on neural entrainment to rhythmic stimuli. Poster presented at Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW) Conference, Birmingham, UK, July 2017

C.M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, J.A. Grahn, M. Joanisse. Phase-locking to the rhythms of speech and song. Neural Entrainment and Rhythm Dynamics, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 2017

A. Gibbings*, M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn. The effect of beat strength and sound envelope on neural entrainment. Neural Entrainment and Rhythm Dynamics, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 2017

D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. Cultural differences in neural and motor entrainment to the beat. Neural Entrainment and Rhythm Dynamics, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 2017

A. Sternin*, S. Stober*, A.M, Owen, J.A. Grahn. Identifying characteristics of perception and imagination of rhythm and speech in an EEG signal. Poster presented atNeural Entrainment and Rhythm Dynamics, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 2017

B. Samuels*, J.A. Grahn, S. MacDougall-Shackleton, M.J. Henry*. Can songbirds discriminate between sounds that contain strong and weak beats. Neural Entrainment and Rhythm Dynamics, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 2017

B. Roberts*, J.A. Grahn. Music enjoyment has no influence on spatiotemporal gait parameters in healthy young adults. Poster presented at International Society for Gait and Posture Research World Congress, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, June 2017

E.A. Ready*, L. McGarry*, J. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. In sync with the groove: How is synchronization accuracy altered by cue pace and perceived groove during rhythmic auditory stimulation? Poster presented atInternational Society for Gait and Posture Research World Congress, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, June 2017

M.J. Henry*, A. Gibbings*, J.A. Grahn. Separating stimulus-driven and entrained neural responses using musical rhythms. Poster presented at 6th International Conference on Auditory Cortex, Banff, Alberta, CA, September 2017

D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn, L. Prado, H. Merchant. Comparing human and nonhuman primate brain responses to auditory sequences using EEG. Poste presented at 6th International Conference on Auditory Cortex, Banff, Alberta, CA, September 2017

D.J. Cameron*, L. Prado, J.A. Grahn, H. Merchant. Comparing human and nonhuman primate brain responses to auditory sequences using EEG. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C., USA, November 2017

M.J. Henry*, D.J. Cameron*, D. Swarbrick, D. Bosnyak, L.J. Trainor, J.A. Grahn. Live music increases intersubject synchronization of audience members’ brain rhythms. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience Conference, Washington, DC, November 2017

D.J. Cameron*, L. Prado, J.A. Grahn, H. Merchant. Comparing human and nonhuman primate brain responses to auditory sequences using EEG. First Annual Timing Research Forum, Strasbourg, France, October 2017

              M.J. Henry, A, Gibbings*, J.A. Grahn. Separating stimulus-driven and entrained neural responses                                      using musical rhythms. Poster presented at First Annual Timing Research Forum, Strasbourg,                                 France, October 2017

              J.A. Grahn, D.J. Cameron*. Cross-cultural comparisons of neural and motor entrainment to the beat.                   Orally presented at First Annual Timing Research Forum, Strasbourg, France, October 2017

D. Prete, M. J. Henry*, D. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. The association between movement and enjoyment in groovy music: An ERP study. Poster presented at Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2017

A. Gibbings*, M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn. Investigating how changes in beat percept and sound envelope affect neural entrainment to auditory rhythms. Poster presented at Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2017

B. Roberts*, J.A. Grahn. Music enjoyment does not influence spatiotemporal gait parameters during rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS). Poster presented at Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2017

J. Czajka, J.G.P. Teselink*, J.C. Everling*, D.J. Cameron*, M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn. Motor system excitability dynamics during auditory anticipation and beat perception. Poster presented at Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2017

M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn. Neural entrainment during beat perception and its relation to psychophysical performance. Poster presented atSociety for Neuroscience Conference, San Diego, California, USA, November 2016

D.J. Cameron*, J.C. Everling*, T. Change, J.A. Grahn. Beat perception induces fluctuations in motor system excitability. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience Conference, San Diego, California, USA, November 2016

E.A. Ready*, L.M.J. McGarry*, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Higher levels of perceived groove in music improve spatiotemporal parameters of gait during accelerated rhythmic auditory stimulation. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience Conference, San Diego, California, USA, November 2016

L.M.J. McGarry*, E.A. Ready*, C. Rinchon*, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Walking to music: How instructions to synchronize alter gait in good and poor beat perceivers. Poster presented at International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), San Francisco, California, USA, July 2016

M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn. Metrical structure makes discriminating pitch (and intensity) targets more difficult. BRAMS: The Next 10 Years, Montreal, Quebec, CA, October 2015

D.J. Cameron*, V. Wu, U. Azhar, J.A. Grahn. Motor system excitability increases before the beat in auditory rhythms. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Illinois, USA 2015

M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn. Metrical structure makes discriminating pitch (and intensity) targets more difficult. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Illinois, USA 2015

L.A., Leow*, C. Rinchon*, J.A. Grahn. The role of motor areas in beat-based and non-beat based timing. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2015

S. Stober*, A. Sternin*, A.M. Owen, J.A. Grahn. Similarity and feature learning for EEG recordings of music perception and imagination. (Best Paper Award) Cognitively Based Music Informatics Research (CogMIR), Toronto, Ontario, CA, September 2015  

C. Carter*, J.A. Grahn. Making practice stick: Exploring interleaved practice schedules as an alternative to blocked repetition, International Symposium international LTM21 / AEM21, Montreal, Quebec, CA, 2015

T. Nguyen*, J.A. Grahn. Free-walking and synchronized rhythmic auditory stimulation: Effects of individual differences in beat perception, dance and music training on gait. Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC), Nashville, Tennessee, USA, August, 2015.

A. Sternin*, S. Stober*, J.A. Grahn. Classifying perception and imagination of music from EEG. Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC), Nashville, Tennessee, USA, August, 2015.

L. McGarry*, J.A. Grahn. Factors contributing to long-term memory for song lyrics. Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC), Nashville, Tennessee, USA, August, 2015.

A. Gibbings*, D. Cruse, B. Stojanowski, J.A. Grahn. Attention and presence of a beat modulate neural entrainment to non-repeating rhythms. 15th Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop (RPPW),Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2015.

F. Bouwer*, J.A. Grahn. The influence of attention on beat perception in rhythms with different accents and varying complexity: An fMRI study. Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2015

D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. The influence of culture on rhythm perception, behaviour, and neural entrainment to the beat. 15th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2015

A. Sternin*, S. Stober*, J.A. Grahn. Tempo estimation from the EEG signal during perception and imagination of music. 1st International Workshop on Brain-Computer Music Interfacing, Plymouth, England, UK, June 2015

L. McKetton, V. Stone, J.A. Grahn, D.W. Purcell, C. Bergevin. No otoacoustic evidence for a peripheral basis underlying absolute pitch. International Conference on Perceptual Organization, Toronto, Ontario, CA, June 2015

C. Bergevin, L. McKetton, V. Stone, J.A. Grahn, D. Purcell. No otoacoustic evidence for a peripheral basis underlying absolute pitch. Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2015

C. Carter*, J.A. Grahn Optimizing music learning: Exploring how blocked and interleaved practice schedules affect advanced performance. International Symposium of Performance Science, Kyoto, Japan, 2015

K. Patterson*, J.A. Grahn. Rhythm perception and production abilities relate to motor impairment and temporal gait variability after stroke. ISPGR World Congress, Seville, Spain, 2015

E.A. Ready*, L.M.J. McGarry*, C. Rinchon*, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Free-walking rhythmic auditory stimulation: Effects of familiarity and perceived groove on gait. Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science.Ottawa, Ontario, CA, May 2015

E.A. Ready*, L.M.J. McGarry*, C. Rinchon*, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Free-walking and synchronized rhythmic auditory stimulation: Effects of individual differences in beat perception, dance and music training on gait. International Society for the Study of Individual Differences. London, Ontario, CA, July 2015.

V. Wu*, D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. Timing and changes of motor area excitability in beat perception. Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association (SONA), Hamilton, Ontario, CA, 2015

C. Rinchon*, L.-A. Leow*, J.A. Grahn. Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation of the supplementary motor area on absolute and relative timing. Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association (SONA), Hamilton, Ontario, CA, 2015

F. Tran*, L.-A. Leow*, J.A. Grahn. The role of the supplementary motor area and the cerebellum in absolute timing. Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association (SONA), Hamilton, Ontario, CA, 2015

A. Sternin*, S. Stober*, A.M. Owen, J.A. Grahn. Differentiating music perception and imagination using EEG. Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment (LOVE) Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2015

T. Nguyen*,J.A. Grahn. Investigating the effects of arousal on cognition. Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment (LOVE) Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2015

A. Gibbings*, D. Cruse, B. Stojanoski, J.A. Grahn. Attention and presence of a beat affect neuronal entrainment to rhythms. The Neurosciences and Music V – Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation, Dijon, France, 2014

L. Leow*, J.A. Grahn. Synchronizing to the musical beat slows and shortens strides. The Neurosciences and Music V – Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation, Dijon, France, 2014

L. Leow*, T. Parrott*, J.A. Grahn. Effects of synchronizing footsteps to the musical beat on gait spatio-temporal parametersLake Ontario Visionary Establishment (LOVE) Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2014

D.J. Cameron*, J.A. Grahn. Percussionists’ enhanced beat and rhythm production abilities generalize to musically implausible temporal sequences. Regional conference poster. Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment (LOVE) Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2014

 T. Nguyen*, S. Tam, M.C. Wickett, J.A. Grahn. Examining differences in beat perception and production between musicians and dancers. Poster presented at Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment (LOVE) Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2014

T. Nguyen*,J.A. Grahn. How musical mood and arousal affect different cognitive functions. Poster presented at Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment (LOVE) Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, February 2014

D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn. Synchronizing tapping with the beat of complex auditory sequences. Progress in Motor Control IX, Montreal, Canada, 2014

T. Nguyen, J.A. Grahn. Context-dependent memory: the effects of musical mood and musical arousal on memory performance. Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Toronto, ON, Canada     , 2013

D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn. Stages of beat perception and the influence of incongruity: An fMRI study. Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2013

M. McMahon, J.A. Grahn, C. Loveday. The effect of language and musical training on rhythm perception. Society for Music Perception and Cognition Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2013

D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn. Stages of Beat Perception and the Influence of Incongruity: An fMRI Study. Rhythm Perception & Production Workshop, Birmingham, UK, 2013

D. Cameron, J.A. Grahn. The effects of beat induction, continuation, and ambiguity on striatal activity during rhythm processing. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 2012

A.J. McMillan, T.A. Brown, M.F. Joanisse, J.A. Grahn, and S.G. Lomber. There is more than one way to scan a cat: An assessment of two imaging techniques for optimal auditory cortex activation. Association for Research in Otolaryngology Abstracts, Program No. 511, 2012

R. Woelfle, J.A. Grahn. Inter-Hemispheric Communication in Musicians and Non-Musicians. Canadian Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale  66: 283, 2012

J.A. Grahn. Chunking vs beat perception in auditory short-term memory. Proceedings of the Perspectives on Rhythm and Timing Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2012

M. Urner, M. Sarri, T. Manly, J. Grahn, G. Rees. Pre-stimulus activity predicts awareness in visual extinction

P. Armstrong, K. Applegath, J.A. Grahn (2012). Music-Dependent Memory. Canadian Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale 66:285

A. Paas, J.A. Grahn (2012). The Influence of Tonality on Rhythmic Perception. Canadian Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale 66:287

T. Parrott, J.A. Grahn (2012). Examining Memory for Beat-Based Rhythms. Canadian Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale 66: 293 

H.K. Beldman, J.A. Grahn (2012). Beat Perception in 3D: A Comparative Analysis Between Sight, Sound, and Touch. Canadian Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale 66:305

T. Nguyen, J.A. Grahn (2012). Effects of Mood and Arousal in Pre- and Self-Selected Music on Learning and Memory. Canadian Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale  66:319-320 

S. Schweizer, J. Grahn, A. Hampshire, D. Mobbs, T. Dalgleish. Training the Emotional Brain: Transferable Effects and Neural Substrates of Affective Brain Training. 23rd Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC, 2011

T. Nguyen, B. Graham, A. Duarte, J.A. Grahn. Musical mood and arousal affect different stages of learning and memory performance.  Neurosciences and Music IV: Learning and Memory, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2011

J.A. Grahn (2011). Investigation of working memory networks for verbal and rhythmic stimuli. Society for Neuroscience Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner Volume: 41

T. Manly, J.A. Grahn, J. Fish (2010) Common neural recruitment in diverse sustained attention tasks Society for Neuroscience Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner Volume: 40

J.A. Grahn, D. Schuit (2010) Rhythm abilities relate to phonological short term memory and beat detection skill. NeuroImage (#908).

J.A. Grahn, M. J. Henry, J.D. McAuley (2009) Effects of prior auditory exposure on brain activity during visual rhythm perception. Program No. 94.18. 2009 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Chicago, IL: Society for Neuroscience, 2009. Online.

J.A. Grahn, J.B. Rowe (2008) Different cues to the beat during auditory sequence perception modulate motor area activity: an fMRI investigation of musicians and non-musicians. NeuroImage, 41, Supplement 1, (#100).

J.A. Grahn, J.B. Rowe (2008) Different types of cues to the ‘beat’ in rhythm modulate motor area activity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Supplement, S227.

J.A. Grahn, J.B. Rowe (2007)  Modulation of activity in motor areas by volume accents and beat perception when attending to auditory rhythms. NeuroImage, 36, Supplement 1, (#167).

J.A. Grahn, J.D. McAuley (2007) Using fMRI to investigate individual differences in beat perception. Program No. 303.23. 2007 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2007. Online.

J.A. Grahn, M. Brett (2005) The role of the basal ganglia in beat-based rhythm processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Supplement: S202-202.

J.A. Grahn, M. Brett (2004). Beat-based rhythm processing in musicians and non-musicians. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Supplement: S184-184.

J.A. Grahn, M. Brett (2004) Beat-based rhythm processing in the brain. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, pp. 207-208. Evanston, IL.

J.A. Grahn, M. Brett (2003) Listening to rhythms that induce an internal beat activates the basal ganglia. Program No. 390.7. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2003. Online.

J.A. Grahn (2002) Beat-based versus Interval-based Timing: A Matter of Complexity? Cambridge Music Processing Colloquium, pp.29 -35. Cambridge, UK.

Moving and grooving to the beat: Rhythm and the brain                            Undergraduate Awards Summit, Dublin, Ireland 2019
Rhythm, timing and movement: How the brain reacts to musical rhythm                            Keynote, Annual Meeting, Leopoldina Society, Halle, Germany 2019  
Music and the brain                            SOLUNA Festival, Dallas, Texas 2019
Rhythm, moving and the brain: Grooving to the beat                            AIMS Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 2019
Moving and grooving: Rhythm and the brain                            Neugeneration conference, Queens University, ON 2019
Music and the brain                            Western Talks Science, Western University, ON 2018
The role of beat perception in auditory sequence processing                            Organization for Computational Neuroscience, Allen Institute, United States 2018
Oscillatory entrainment increases with social context                            Symposium of Nonlinear Dynamics, McGill University, QC 2018
Striatal role in auditory sequence perception                            Canadian Association for Neuroscience Symposium, Vancouver, BC 2018
Why do we move to music: Rhythm and the Brain                            Department of Biology, Western University, ON 2018
What Makes Musical Rhythm Special: Cross-Species, Developmental, and Social Perspectives                            Cognitive Neuroscience Society Symposium, Boston, USA 2018
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Musical Improvisation and “Feel”                            Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, USA 2018
Cross-cultural Comparisons of Neural and Motor Entrainment to the Beat                            International Society for Behavioural Neuroscience, Symposium, Las Vegas, USA 2017
Cross-cultural Comparisons of Neural and Motor Entrainment to the Beat                            First Annual Timing Research Forum, Symposium, Strasbourg 2017
Rhythm and the Brain: The role of the motor system in auditory sequence perception                            Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Colloquium, University of Maryland, USA 2017
Moving and Grooving: Rhythm, Movement, and the Brain                            Society for Music Perception and Cognition, San Diego, USA 2017
Movement-Time and Rehabilitation                            Music, Language, and Cognition, Lake Como Summer School, Italy 2017
Music, Movement, and the Brain                            University of Montreal, Canada 2017
Feeling the beat: Rhythm, Movement, and the Brain                            Jyväskylä  Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research, University Jyväskylä, Finland 2017
Music & Movement                            Neural Dynamics and Brain Health Conference and Workshop, Baycrest Rotman                                                      Research Institute, Toronto, ON 2017
Feeling the beat: Rhythm, Movement, and the Brain                            James C. Carlsen Invited Lecture, School of Music, University of Washington, USA 2017
Music and the Groove: the Connection Between Movement, Music, and the Brain                            Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, University of Washington, USA 2017
Feeling the beat: Rhythm, Movement, and the Brain                            Department of Physics & Astronomy, Western University, ON 2016
Rhythm and the brain: the role of neural motor areas in rhythm and timing                            Center for Music in the Brain, Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Music, movement, and the brain                            Workshop on the Musical Brain, University of Amsterdam 2016
Motor system involvement in the perception of time: music, rhythm, and the brain                            Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, UK 2016
Music, Movement, and the Brain                            14th Annual Conference on Philosophy of Mind, Language, and Cognitive Science, Western                          University , ON 2016
Music and the Groove: the Connection Between Movement, Music, and the Brain                            Graduate Student Symposium, University of Guelph, Canada 2016
Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation for Gait Training in Parkinson’s Disease                            Music and Health Colloquium, University of Toronto, Canada 2016
Music and movement in Parkinson’s disease                            Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario Conference, ON 2015
Music and movement in Parkinson’s disease                            Parkinson Society Leaders Meeting, Toronto, ON 2015
Musical beat perception and computational questions                            Multi-disciplinary workshop: Joint Action and Perception in Emergent Phenomena,                                                Centro Internacional de Ciencias, Cuernavaca, México 2015
Rhythm perception and the motor system                            Keynote, Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop, Amsterdam 2015
Rhythm perception and the motor system                            LOVE Conference (Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment Conference), Niagara Falls 2015
Assessing the role of motor areas in rhythm perception using brain stimulation                            Current Topics in Hearing Science and Audiology series, Western University, ON 2015
Music and the brain                            Neuroscience Lecture at St. Lawrence University, NY, USA 2015
Music and the brain                            Innovating Medicine Conference, Lisbon, Portugal 2014
Beat perception ability and gait improvements in Parkinson’s disease                            Neurosciences of Music V: Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation, Montreal, QC 2014
Feeling the beat: Auditory and motor system involvement in rhythm perception                            Cognitive Science Colloquium, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA 2014
Music and the brain                            Neuroscience and Education Symposium, Western University, ON 2014
The neuroscience of moving to music                             NeuroXchange conference, Hamilton, ON 2014
How non-temporal factors influence entrained movement                            International Conference on Timing and Time Perception, Corfu, Greece 2014
Walking to the beat: implications for Parkinson’s disease                            NSERC-CREATE Annual Workshop, Network in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience,                                                                  Hearing and Health, McMaster University, ON     2013
The perception of musical rhythm: Auditory and motor system involvement                            Keynote, Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science, BC 2013
Auditory and motor system involvement in rhythm perception                            Keynote, Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, BC 2013
Why rhythm makes us move: neural investigations of rhythm perception                            University of Guelph, Department of Psychology, ON 2013
Neural investigations of rhythm perception                            Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop at Centre for Research on Brain,                            Language, and Music, Montreal, QC 2012
Rhythm in the brain: how music can affect movement                            Parkinson’s Society Regional Conference, Kitchener, ON 2012
Rhythm and beat perception in the auditory and visual modalities                            Centre for Vision Research, York University, ON 2012
Motor area engagement during perception of rhythm                            Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Western University, ON 2012
Moving to the beat: rhythm and the brain                            Faculty of Music, Western University, ON 2012
Feeling the beat: brain responses to musical rhythm                            Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Technologists Meeting, ON 2012
Motor system engagement in rhythm and beat perception                            Music Cognition Symposium, Eastman School of Music and University of Rochester, USA 2012
Links between rhythm perception and the motor system                            Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, USA 2012
Rhythm perception and the motor system                            Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster University, ON 2012
Feeling the beat: Rhythm perception and the motor system                            Children’s Health Research Institute, London, Ontario, ON 2012
Can you see it?  Beat perception in auditory and visual modalities                            McMaster Institute for Music and Mind, McMaster University, ON 2011
Investigating how movement areas in the brain support musical rhythm perception                            Annual meeting of the Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association, ON 2011
The role of motor areas in musical rhythm and beat perception                            Ebbinghaus Empire series, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, ON 2011
Research in neuroscience, music, and the brain: Highlights                            Leaders’ Forum, University of Western Ontario, ON 2010
fMRI investigations of finding the beat versus continuing the beat                            British Psychological Society Seminar Series, UK 2010
Music and movement: the role of the basal ganglia in music and rhythm perception                            School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK 2010
Music in the brain: fMRI and patient investigations of musical rhythm and motor areas                            Instituto de Neurologia Cognitiva (INECO), Buenos Aires, Argentina 2010
Feeling the beat: musical rhythm processing in the brain                            School of Psychology, University of East London, UK 2010
Investigating the neural foundations of rhythm perception using fMRI                            Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, UCL, London, UK 2010
Neural investigations of musical rhythm and beat perception                            Eminent Speaker Series, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK 2010
Disorders of musical cognition                            Neuropsychiatry, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK 2010
Moving to the beat: the role of the striatum in musical rhythm perception                            Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge, UK 2010
Feeling the beat: Musical rhythm processing                            Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, UK 2010
Prior auditory exposure effects on visual beat perception: a cross-modal investigation using fMRI                            Workshop on Synchronization in Music and Speech, Free University of Brussels, Belgium 2009
Moving to the groove: Motor responses in the brain during rhythm perception                            Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium 2009
Music, rhythm, and movement: Why we fill the silence                            Peterhouse College, UK 2009
Does phonological short-term memory capacity correlate with rhythmic ability? A comparison of individual differences in nonverbal and rhythm spans                            UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Timing in Speech and Music Workshop, UK 2009
Rhythm processing in the brain: a focus on motor areas                            Universitat Pompeu Fabre, Barcelona 2009
Rhythm and Dance                            EPS satellite: Workshop on Dance and the Cognitive Neurosciences 2009
Rhythm and beat perception in the brain                            Centre for Neuroscience in Education, Cambridge, UK 2008  
The role of the basal ganglia in rhythm processing: Evidence from neuropsychology and neuroimaging, Invited symposium speaker                            Neurosciences and Music III: Plasticity and Disorders, Montreal, Canada 2008
Cognitive deficits in Parkinson’s disease                            Department of Neurology, University of Toledo, USA 2007
The role of motor areas in rhythm and beat perception                            Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany 2007
Connectivity analyses in neuroimaging investigations: Symposium discussant                            Conference on Language and Music as Cognitive Systems, University of Cambridge, UK 2007
The role of motor areas in rhythm and beat perception                            Bowling Green State University, USA 2007
The role of motor areas in beat-based rhythm processing                            Conference on Rhythm, Time and Temporal Organisation, The Institute for Music in                                                    Human and Social Development (IMHSD), Scotland 2006
Neuroimaging and neuropsychology of beat-based and non-beat-based rhythm processing                                                        Rhythms in the Brain Workshop, University of Wales, Bangor 2006
Rhythm processing in the brain                            School of Psychology, University of Wales, Bangor 2006
Beat-based rhythm processing in the brain: Behavioural, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological investigations                            Ohio State University, Columbus, USA 2005
Rhythm processing in the brains of musicians and non-musicians                            Crosstalk Interdisciplinary Colloquium, University of Cambridge, UK 2005
Rhythm and the brain: Evidence for beat-based timing                            School of Informatics, City University, UK 2004
Beat-based rhythm processing and the basal ganglia                            Open University, Milton Keynes, UK 2004
The basal ganglia and processing beat-based rhythm in musicians and non-musicians                            University of California, Berkeley, USA 2004
The basal ganglia and processing beat-based rhythm in musicians and non-musicians                            Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, USA 2004
Rhythm processing in the brains of musicians and non-musicians                            Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, UK 2004
Timing networks and rhythm perception                            Cambridge University Science and Music Group, UK 2002
Beat-based timing: A matter of complexity?                            Cambridge University Signal Processing Colloquium, UK 2001
Music and Parkinson’s: Movement and Mood                            Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario (Sarnia and London Events) 2018  
Music and the Brain                            Learning Unlimited (Oxford) in Woodstock, ON 2017
Music and Movement                            Brain Health Fair, London, ON 2016
Why does music make us move? Rhythm and the brain                            BrainCanDo: Music and the Brain, BAFTA, London, UK 2016
Music, movement and the brain                            Inspiring Young Women in STEM Conference, Western University 2016
What do leaders look like? Combating myths, bias, and anxiety in the path to success                            Scholars to Leaders Series, Western University 2016
Rhythm and the Brain: Why Music Makes us Move Third Age Learning, Guelph, ON 2015
Rhythm and the Brain: Why Music Makes us Move Women’s Canadian Club, London, ON 2015
Music, Movement, and the Brain Dallas Symphony Soluna Music Festival, Music and Brain Symposium, Dallas, TX 2015
Alive Inside Screening and Education Event            Panelist for Ontario Association of Non-profit Homes and Services for Seniors, Toronto 2015
Music as Personalized Medicine: Experiment at SXSW            Invited speaker at SXSW, Austin, TX 2015
Alive Inside Screening                            Panelist for Alzheimer Society London & Middlesex 2015
Music and the Brain                            A.B. Lucas Secondary School, London, ON 2014
Music and the Mind
           Lecture for ‘Words for Wisdom’, SOS, Western University
Music and the Brain
           Neuroscience Lecture, St. Lawrence University, NY
Impostor Syndrome            Keynote, Women in Science, Western University 2014
Mozart and Musical Memory The Musical Brain: Mozart and the Power of Music (Memory, Myth & Magic), London, UK 2014
Music on the Brain: Why Music Moves Us Public Lecture, London Library, Ontario 2014
How Music Affects Brain and Behaviour                            Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County Symposium, Barrie, ON 2014
Music and the Brain Georgian Triangle Lifelong Learning Institute, Collingwood, Ontario 2014
Music and the Brain: Why do we move to music? Science in Society Speaker Series, Okanagan Science Centre, BC 2014
Move to the Rhythm TEDxWaterloo (>117,000 views on YouTube) 2013
Music and Intelligence TEDxWestern (>156,000 views on YouTube, TED Editor’s pick) 2013
Music and movement (April 8 and June 4) Kiwanis Club lecture, London, Ontario 2013
Music and the Brain Harry Somers Lecture, Stratford Summer Music Festival 2012
In the groove: the connection between music, movement, and the brain Student Open Day, UWO 2012
The science of being human: Nature and Nurture                            Public lecture, London Library, Ontario 2012
The neuroscience of music: How rhythm moves us Public lecture, Eton College, UK 2011
My Musical Brain Newcastle Science Festival, UK 2011
Music, movement, and the Brain Manchester Science Festival,  UK 2010
Current findings in music neuroscience The Musical Brain: Arts, Science, & the Mind (Wellcome Trust). *Highlighted in Nature 2010
Hit me with your rhythm schtick: The connection between music, movement, and  the brain British Science Festival Charles Darwin Award Lecture 2010
Great music and why we love  it Keynote/rehearsal discussion The Nash Ensemble and the Musical Brain (Wellcome Trust) 2009
Does music make you smarter? Science Week, Cambridge, UK 2009
In the groove: Rhythm processing in the brain Science Week, Cambridge, UK 2006
Frozen 2’s standout song likely won’t be the earworm hit that ‘Let It Go’ was. Science helps to explain why – The Globe and Mail 2019
How music affects your brain – Newstalk Radio, Dublin 2019
How the right noise can help you focus and be more creative – The Globe and Mail 2019
Can the Wavepaths app really send you on a psychedelic trip? – British GQ Magazine 2019
Starbucks’ music is driving employees nuts. A workers’ rights issue- CBC Radio 2019
How the brain responds to music – BBC Radio 4, UK 2018
Music Might Help Neil Diamond Fight His Parkinson’s Disease – Daily Beast 2018
How a song brings out your beast- 3 songs to listen to during your next workout- Men’s Health 2018
Syncopation Syncopation Syncopation – BBC Radio 3, UK 2018
These are the songs playing in your hospital’s operating room- doctor’s orders – Toronto Star 2017
Recharge: Make Time for Playing an Instrument- Family Circle Magazine 2017
The song “Despacito” and the brain – Planeta Gente NTN24 2017
Groove, Brain, and “Despacito” – NTN24 International News Channel 2017
Why do we like “Despacito” so much? – W Radio Colombia 2017
What the song “Despacito” does to your brain – BBC Mundo 2017
Feeling the Beat, The Clocks in Your Mind – Cadence Podcast 2017
Feel the Beat – EMBO Reports 2017
How music transformed a man with Parkinson’s – CTV News 2017
Music’s Ability to Alleviate Stress – KPCC Airtalk Radio 2017
Music as Medicine Part 2 – CTV News 2016
Express yourself: how music plays with our emotions – the Guardian 2016
Can Music Make You Hungry? – Completely Optional Knowledge podcast 2016
Music on the Brain – Catalyst, ABC Television, Australia 2016
CBC Radio on musical learning 2015
Why does music give us chills? – the Guardian 2015
Why listening to music can make you as fit as a fiddle: It can help your body fight infection and recover after ops – Interview with Daily Mail UK 2015
Can music be used as medicine? – the Atlantic Magazine 2015
CBC Radio Interview 2015
Electronic Dance Music, documentary interview for bpm:tv 2015
How the brain responds to music – Interview for US Women’s Health magazine 2014
Learning to play an instrument as an adult vs a child – Huffington Post 2014
How Music Affects The Brain – University Affairs Article 2014
Musical Training and Brain Structure – Voice of Russia Radio Show 2013
Music and Exercise – Scott Radly Radio Show, Hamilton 2013
Mozart Effect – Voice of Russia Radio Show 2013
Let’s Get Physical: The Psychology of Effective Workout Music – Scientific American 2013
Partners in Research National Awards, Interview played at awards ceremony 2013
Pleasant and unpleasant sounds – CJXX Radio: 1 2013
Dara O’Brian’s Science Club – BBC2 TV (Interview and MRI scan of presenter) 2012
Jay Ingram: From the Inside Out– Discovery Channel, (Interview and MRI scan of presenter 2012
Drumming and cognition – CJXX Radio 1 2012
Interviews about Grammy Foundation Grant – Metro News London, London Free Press 2012
Q Show with Jian Ghomeshi – Interview, CBC Radio 2012
Metamorphosis series – Interview by Richard Syrrett CBC Radio 2012
Links between music, movement, and the brain– Radio interviews on CBC, CJXX, CJBK, AM980 2012
Music therapy – CJXX Radio: 2 2011
Music neuroscience – CJXX Radio 2 2011
Enigmas of Music and the Brain – C5N Television, Argentina 2011
The myth of the Mozart effect – BBC Radio 4 2011
Music and the Brain – BBC West Midlands, UK 2010
Reflections on Being a Scientist – Film Documentary 2010
Music and the Brain – Argentine newspaper Perfil, 2010
Putting brain training to the test: various press interviews, including Time magazine, NPR, BBC Five live, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Toronto Star and others. 2010
Professor Regan’s…Nursery – BBC2 TV (Interview and MRI scan of presenter) 2009
The Musical Brain – Woman’s Hour, BBC Radio 4 2009
Move to the Music – Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association 2009
  Demonstrations and interactive events  
Discovery Day Research Demonstrations, Canadian Medical Hall of Fame 2019
Brain and Mind Institute Open House 2018
Discovery Day Research Demonstrations, Canadian Medical Hall of Fame 2018
11th Annual London Brain Bee 2018
SHAD (Canadian high school enrichment program) Research Demonstrations 2017
Discovery Day Research Demonstrations, Canadian Medical Hall of Fame     2017
10th Annual London Brain Bee 2017
Banting High School Brain & Mind Institute tour 2016
Mensa Brain & Mind Institute Tour 2016
9th Annual London Brain Bee 2016
Royal Canadian for Science Gala Dinner 2016
Michael J Fox Clinical Research Fair, Toronto, ON 2015
Discovery Day Research Demonstration, Canadian Medical Hall of Fame 2015
Brain Fair, London, ON 2015
Discovery Day Research Demonstration, Canadian Medical Hall of Fame     2014
BMI day, lab presentation and demo for Thames Valley District School Board’s Gifted Program        2013
Discovery Day Research Demonstration, Canadian Medical Hall of Fame 2013
BMI day, lab presentation and demo for Thames Valley District School Board’s Gifted Program 2012
Science pub night, sponsored by Rotman Institute of Philosophy, lecture and discussion 2012
Rhythms in your brain, Interactive lecture, Lovebox music festival, London, UK 2010
The power of music, Royal Society 350th Anniversary Summer Science Exhibition: Interactive exhibit 2010
Rhythms in your brain, Interactive lecture, the Secret Garden Party festival, UK 2010
Improvisation, Creativity, and Music, a dialogue between neuroscience and music (with Gilad Atzmon), Institute of Neuroesthetics, London, UK 2010
Music and neuroscience: Does music make us brighter?, Cambridge Music  Festival, UK 2009
BBC Radio 3 Documentary on Musical Savants, consultant 2009
Music and your brain, Latitude Festival, Guerrilla Science, Interactive talk, Q&A 2009
Music and your brain, The Secret Garden Party, Guerrilla Science, Interactive talk, Q&A 2009
Testing memory for regular and irregular rhythms, Science Week, Cambridge.  Interactive experiment 2004
Rhythm processing in the brains of musicians and nonmusicians, House of Commons: Science, Engineering, and Technology for Britain, poster presentation to Ministers of Parliament 2004
Musical Rhythms: How we feel the beat? Science Week, Cambridge. Interactive Experiment 2003
Other Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation Therapy                            Article for The Parkinson’s Update (Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario)   2015
Learning by heart                            Article for Official BBC Proms Guide 2015
Member, Virtual Researchers On Call, Experts on Demand 2013
Editorial Boards  
  Associate Editor, Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain Associate Editor, Music Perception Associate Editor, PLoSONE 2018 – pres 2017 – pres 2015 – pres
  Associate Editor, Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 – pres
  Section Editor, Neuroscience, Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology, 2nd Edition 2015
  Consulting Editor, Timing and Time Perception 2012 – pres
  Review Editor, Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience 2012 – pres
Reviewer (Ad hoc)  
  Journals: Current Biology; Journal of Neuroscience; Brain; eLife; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Cerebral Cortex; NeuroImage; Cortex; European Journal of Neuroscience; Human Brain Mapping; Behavioral Neuroscience; PLoSONE; Brain and Cognition; Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience; Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience; Frontiers in Perception Science; Neuroscience Letters; Cognitive Brain Research; Experimental Brain Research; Behavioural Brain Research; Social Neuroscience; Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience; Scientific Reports; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General; Attention, Perception, & Performance; Perception; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review ; Psychological Research; Acta Psychologica, Topics in Cognitive Science; Imaging in Medicine; Empirical Musicology Review; Psychomusicology; Neuropsychological Rehabilitation; Behavior Research Methods Funding Agencies: Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR); Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC); National Institutes for Health Research (NIH); National Science Foundation (NSF); Canada Research Chairs program; Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI); MITACS, Medical Research Council, UK; Austrian Science Fund; French National Research Agency; Parkinson’s UK; Danish Council for Independent Research; Einstein Foundation, Germany; Stroke Association, UK; Research Foundation – Flanders
University of Western Ontario
  Committees/Chairs Director, The Human Cognition and Sensorimotor Core   2019 – pres
  Cognitive, Developmental, and Brain Sciences, Advisory Committee Chair, Cognitive, Developmental, and Brain Sciences Area, Psychology Dept 2017 – pres 2017 – 2018
  Graduate Affairs committee, Psychology Dept 2017 – 2018
  Appointments committee, Psychology Dept 2017 – 2018
  Program Committee, Neuroscience Graduate Program 2015 – 2018
  Graduate Neuroscience Steering/Advisory Committee 2016 – pres
  Performance Studies P&T Committee at Don Wright Faculty of Music 2015
  Psychology Department Social Committee 2014 – 2016
  Brain and Mind Institute Steering Committee 2013 – pres
  Psychology Annual Performance and Evaluation Committee 2012, 14
  Rotman Institute of Philosophy/Brain & Mind Institute external speaker committee 2012 – 2015
  Workplace and Resource Planning committee 2011 – 2013
  Graduate Award and Selection committee 2011 – 2012
  Faculty of Education council, out-of-faculty representative 2011 – 2013
  BrainSCAN Initiative Accelerator Award Grant Review committee Highly Qualified Personnel committee (Co-Chair from 2019)   2017 2017 -pres
  Graduate Writing Conference Panel Western Women in Neuroscience, Faculty Mentor 2015-17, 19, 2015 – pres
  Mentoring Female Graduate Students: Presentation and panellist 2017
  Graduate Writing Conference talk: Just do it: how to write in grad school 2016
  Scholars to Leaders Series Presentation: What do leaders look like? Combating myths, bias, and anxiety in the path to success 2016  
  March Break Open House presentation: Moving to the groove: How are brains respond to the beat. 2016
  Teaching Support Centre talk 2015
  Neuroscience programme promotional video interview 2014
  Ontario Graduate Scholarship Psychology Panel 2012
  Teaching Support Centre panellist for Research Support: Beyond the Three Councils 2012
  Liaison for United Way charitable campaign 2011
  School of Postdoctoral and Graduate Studies “Consult the experts” Grant panel 2011
  Neuroscience poster judge at UWO Margaret Moffat Research Day 2011
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit  
  Member, Royal Society 350th Anniversary Exhibition Planning Committee 2010
  Chair and Founder, Equality Committee 2009 – 2010
  Web content administrator and Member, Web Management Committee 2008 – 2010
  Founding member and organizer, Postdoctoral network 2005 – 2010
  MRI scan manager, Cambridge Cognitive Neuroscience Research Panel 2003 – 2010
  Member, MRC CBU Unit Management Committee 2001 – 2010
University of Cambridge  
  Gates Cambridge scholarship, Biological Sciences Interview panel 2008 – 2010
Clare Hall, University of Cambridge  
  Member, Computing Committee 2008 – 2009
  Member, Search Committee for Clare Hall President 2007
  Member, Official Fellowship Committee 2005 – 2009
  Member, Governing Body 2004  – 2009
  Member, Tanner Lectures Committee 2004 – 2005
Other:                    Co-Chair, 17th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW)                                                        Traverse City, Michigan                    Panel Member, Donders Institute PhD Project Committee   2019   2019
     Member, Program Committee, Society for Music Perception and      Cognition conference 2017
  Secretary, Executive Board, Society for Music Perception and Cognition 2015 – 2018
  Scientific Advisory Committee: International Conference on Music Perception
            and Cognition, San Francisco, United States
  Chair, Program Committee: Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Nashville, Tennessee 2015
  Member, Program Committee, 2nd Conference of the Australian Music and Psychology Society (AMPS) 2015
  Member, Review Committee, European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music  
  Co-Chair, Scientific Advisory Committee: International Association for Music and Medicine, Toronto, Canada 2014
  Scientific Advisory Committee: International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Seoul, South Korea 2014
  Session Chair, Society for Music Perception and Cognition Conference, Toronto, Canada 2013
  Co-organizer, Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment Annual Conference 2012 – 2014
  Membership Secretary, Executive Board, International Society for Behavioural Neuroscience 2012 – 2014
  Session Chair, Perspectives on Rhythm and Timing Conference, Glasgow, Scotland 2012
  Session Chair, 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Thessaloniki, Greece 2012
  Member-at-Large, Executive Board, International Society for Behavioural Neuroscience 2010 – 2012
  Gates Alumni Ambassador 2010 – pres
  Session Chair, 10th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Sapporo, Japan 2008
  Talk, “On being a postdoc”, Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research Student Conference 2008
Current trainees Postdoc: Nathan Oesch, Emily Ready Postdoc (co-supervised): Christina vanden Bosch der Nederlanden PhD: Josh Hoddinott, Kristi Van Handorf PhD (co-supervised): Abdullah Al-Jaja, Elizabeth Kinghorn, Avital Sternin, Sarah Schwanz MSc: Syed Raza MSc (co-supervised): Justin Hopper, Sarah Klapman, Rebekka Lagacé-Cusiac  
BA/BS honours thesis: Fei (Duffy) Du, Melissa Ong, Michael Wang    
Past trainees  
Postdocs [7] Molly Henry Lucy McGarry Eric Taylor Daniel Cameron Li-Ann Leow Sebastian Stober (co-supervised) Cristina Nombela Otero (co-supervised)   2015-18 2015-18 2016-18 2016-17 2012-14 2013-15 2009-10
PhD students [6] Aaron Gibbings Emily Ready (co-supervised) Tram Nguyen Daniel Cameron Fleur Bouwer (co-supervised, University of Amsterdam) Demian Kogutek (co-supervised) MSc/MA students [8] Brendon Samuels (co-supervised) Josh Hoddinott Abdullah Al-Jaja (co-supervised) Brittany Roberts Avital Sternin (co-supervised) Aaron Gibbings Tram Nguyen Taylor Parrott   2014-19 2013-19 2013-17 2012-16 2012-16 2013-18   2016-18 2016-18 2016-17 2015-17 2014-16 2012-14 2011-13 2011-13
MSc (thesis only) students [2]  
Meike Molenveld (Maastricht University, co-supervised) 2009
Dirk Schuit (Maastricht University, co-supervised) 2009
BS/BA honours students [35]  
Xin (Cynthia) Qi Kwesi Asantey, Neeraja Dharan, Megan Fung, Maya Gantar, Ben Shapiro, Drew Stapley Justine Czajka, Jamal Howlander, Garrett Myles, Stephanie Reesor, Sarah Schwanz, Johannes Teselink Jana Celina Everling, Sean Gilmore, David Prete, Daphne Hui 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17   2015-16
Felicia Zhang, Frank Tran, Victor Wu, Jerome Iruthayarajah 2014-15
Angela Marca, Kristina Waclowik, Sarah Watson 2013-14
Katelyn Barnes, Sonam Maghera, Steve Shaw, Karen Stoskopf 2012-13
Heather Khey Beldman, Anita Paas, Rebecca Woelfle 2011-12
Tram Nguyen, Paul Armstrong, Ashley Ann Perl 2010-11
Andrew Robertson (Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge) 2008-09
Independent study students [6] BS: Amandi Perera (Scholars Elective Atudent) BS:Renee-Marie Raguett, Shaily Brahmbhatt   2018-19 2018-19
BS: David Prete, Cricia Rinchon 2014-15
MMus: Elizabeth Kinghorn (co-supervised) 2012-14
Visiting trainees  
PhD/DM placement project students [3]  
Fleur Bouwer (University of Amsterdam, PhD) 2014
Christine Carter (Manhattan School of Music, DM) 2011-13
Molly Henry (Bowling Green State University, PhD) 2008
BA/BS placement project students [7]  
Anne-Maude Patouillard (Université Grenoble Alpes, France) Anjali Kumar (Smith College) 2017 2016
Lauren Edwards (Santa Clara College) 2015
Sarah Winokur (Smith College) 2013
Hannah Partridge (University of Cambridge) 2011
Alice Kay, Sarah Griffiths (University College London) 2010
Megan Masters (Cardiff University) 2009
High school placement projects [3]  
Adrianna Klid (St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School, Oakville, ON) Sanjana Sanghani (St. Francis High School, CA, USA) 2017 2016
Maryyum Mehmood, awarded Nuffield Bursary and British Science Association CREST award (Perse School for Girls, Cambridge) 2008
Society for Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Association for Psychological Science, Canadian Association for Neuroscience, American Psychological Association, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Association for Psychological Science, Sigma Alpha Iota, Women in Cognitive Science, Women in Cognitive Science-Canada, International Society for Behavioral Neuroscience, Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association, Psychonomic Society