Andrew Dimitrijevic, CV

Curriculum Vitae
Andrew Dimitrijevic PhD

A. Date Curriculum Vitae is Prepared: 2019 October 7

B. Biographical Information

Primary Office                    Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
                                           2075 Bayview Ave, M1 102
                                           Toronto, ON, Canada
                                           M4N 3M5
Telephone                          416-480-6100×4894

Cellphone                            647-572-8505
Fax                                     416-480-5761
Website:                             CI Brain



Jan. 2000 – May 2003          PhD, Neuroscience, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. Supervisor: Dr. Terrence Picton.

Sept.1996 – June 1999         MSc, Neuroscience, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. Supervisor: Dr. Bruce Pomeranz.

Sept.1991 – June 1996         BSc Hon, Neuroscience, Departments of Physiology and Zoology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Postgraduate, Research and Specialty Training

Aug. 2005 – Dec. 2008         Postdoctoral research fellow, Neuroscience, Departments of Neurology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA. Supervisor: Dr. Arnold Starr.

Aug. 2003 – Dec. 2005         Postdoctoral research fellow, Neuroscience, School of Audiology and Speech Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Supervisor: Dr. David Stapells.


Current Appointments


Sept. 2016-present              Research Director of the Sunnybrook Cochlear Implant Program. Sunnybrook Research Institute, Clinical Evaluative Sciences. Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Toronto, ON, Canada.

                                           Description: My role is to oversee research for the cochlear implant program at Sunnybrook. I have a research dedicated laboratory where the focus is primarily on developing diagnostic and rehabilitative technologies for cochlear implant and hearing impaired populations.


May 2019-present               Associate member of the Gradate Program, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Sept. 2016-present              Assistant Professor. Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Faculty of Medicine. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.     

Sept. 2016-present              Faculty member, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Sept. 2016-present              Faculty member, Program in Neuroscience, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Sept. 2016-present              Adjunct scientist, Rotman-Research Institute at Baycrest, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Previous Appointments


Sept. 2011-Aug 2016           Assistant Professor. Communication Sciences Research Center, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. University of Cincinnati  Sunnybrook Research Institute, Clinical Evaluative Sciences. Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Department of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA.

                                           Description: My role was to establish a research program for pediatric and adult hearing using physiological measures.

Dec. 2008-Dec 2011            Assistant Adjunct-Professor. Departments of Neurology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA.

                                           Description: My role was to continue research in Dr. Arnold Starr’s laboratory examining electrophysiological measures of hearing in patients with auditory neuropathy.


Distinctions and Research Awards

Student/Trainee Awards

Aug. 2015                           Outstanding student poster competition. Summer student research. Rosie Giglia. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.


Professional Associations

Oct 2012-present                Member of Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO)

Oct 2001-present                Member of International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG)

Administrative Activities


June 2014 – present            Council member, International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG). The IERASG is an international society for establishing methods in electrophysiology in hearing assessment.

                                           Description. Since 2014 I have been a council member for IERASG. I have been involved in organizing the biennial meetings, decision making for overall directions of the organization. I have initiated and organized workshops for advanced electrophysiology methods since I became a council member. 

July 2017                             MED-EL Music Advisory Board.


February 2019-present        Member, Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS), Graduate student admissions committee. University of Toronto.

                                          Description. I am currently one of the faculty members who review and grade graduate student applications for admission to the IMS MSc. and PhD. graduate school program.

April 2018-present               Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) reviewer for Institute of Medical Sciences University of Toronto.

Description: I am currently one of the OGS scholarship reviewers for graduate student scholarships

October 2018-present         Member, Faculty of Medicine Graduate Awards Committee, University of Toronto. Faculty of Medicine.

                                          Description. I am one of two IMS (Institute of Medical Sciences) representatives for this committee. The committee meets, reviews and discusses applications for Faculty of Medicine graduate awards. I am involved four committees:

  1. Graduate Faculty Teaching Awards
    1. JJ Berry Smith Doctoral Supervision Awards
      1. Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards, Non-restricted Awards and Hunter Studentships
      1. Malkin QEII – GSST Award

Peer Review Activities


Oct 2018-present                Review Editor, Frontiers in Neuroscience, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience.  Number of reviews: 1


April 2018                           External Grant Reviewer:  Mitacs Accelerate grant, part of Canadian Network of Centre of Excellence, Canada

Mar 2018                            External Grant Reviewer:  Industrial Research Fund (IOF) – KU Leuven, Belgium

Mar 2018                            External Grant Reviewer:  Medical Research Council (MRC), UK

Feb 2018                            External Grant Reviewer:  United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Israel

Nov 2017                            External Grant Reviewer:  Bioscience for the Future (BBSRC), UK

Nov 2017                            External Grant Reviewer:  Mitacs Accelerate grant, part of Canadian Network of Centre of Excellence, Canada

May 2015                           External Grant Reviewer:  Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Canada


Feb  2019                           Reviewer: eLife

Jan  2019                           Reviewer: Frontiers in Neuroscience

Jan  2019                           Reviewer: Journal of Neuroscience

Dec  2018                           Reviewer: European Journal of Neuroscience

Nov  2018                           Reviewer: Ear and Hearing

Nov  2018                           Reviewer: Trends in Hearing

July  2018                           Reviewer: Journal for the Association in Research in Otolaryngology

June  2018                         Reviewer: Ear and Hearing

June  2018                         Reviewer: Journal of Experimental Psychology

June  2018                         Reviewer: Trends in Hearing

June  2018                         Reviewer: Frontiers in Neuroscience

May  2018                          Reviewer: Frontiers in Neuroscience

May  2018                          Reviewer: European Journal of Neuroscience

April  2018                          Reviewer: European Journal of Neuroscience

March  2018                       Reviewer: Hearing Research

Nov  2017                           Reviewer: European Journal of Neuroscience

October  207                       Reviewer: Ear and Hearing

October  2017                     Reviewer: Ear and Hearing

Sep  2017                           Reviewer: Hearing Research

Sep  2017                           Reviewer: European Journal of Neuroscience

Sep  2017                           Reviewer: Hearing Research

Sep  2017                           Reviewer: European Journal of Neuroscience

Sep  2017                           Reviewer: European Journal of Neuroscience

Sep  2017                           Reviewer: Trends in Hearing

Sep  2017                           Reviewer: Brain

May  2017                          Reviewer: Otology and Neurotology

March  2017                       Reviewer: Ear and Hearing

July  2016                           Reviewer: Ear and Hearing

July  2016                           Reviewer: Ear and Hearing

Dec  2015                           Reviewer: Hearing Research

June  2015                         Reviewer: Frontiers in Neuroscience

Mar  2015                           Reviewer: Hearing Research

No record of additional reviews before this date


April 2018                           Reviewer for abstracts Auditory EEG Signal Processing Symposium, Leuven, Belgium



April 2018                           Reviewer for Institute of Medical Sciences, School of Graduate Studies for PhD and MSc students 

April 2017                           Reviewer for Sunnybrook Hurvitz Brain Sciences summer student research

April 2017                           Reviewer for OGS (Ontario Graduate Scholarships) program

Jun 2014                            Reviewer for American Speech-Language Hearing Association studentship awards.


Other Research and Professional Activities


February 2019 – present      Role: PI. The use of high-density transcranial direct current stimulation in cochlear implant users. Sunnybrook Hospital Health Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada.

                                           This project aims to develop the use focused neural targeting to stimulate specific brain regions with speech envelopes in an effort to improve outcome in cochlear implant users. At this stage we have ordered the DC stimulator and neural targeting software. We have a postdoc who will carry out the initial studies.

February 2019 – present      Role: PI. Development of a Brain Computer Interface for rehabilitation in people with cochlear implants. Sunnybrook Hospital Health Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada. Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour Dpt. of Artificial Intelligence Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Collaborators: Drs. Peter Desain and Ceci Verbaarschot.

                                           This project aims to develop a brain computer interface that focusses on auditory selective attention in cochlear implant users. We have just initiated this project. To date we have acquired a portable wireless EEG system and are finalizing Ceci Verbaarschot’s arrival (postdoc).

Sep 2018 – present             Role: PI. Electrophysiological measures of selective spatial attention. Sunnybrook Hospital Health Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada. 

                                           This project aims to develop EEG measures of spatial selective attention in patients with cochlear implants using bilaterally presented digits. We intend this to be a part of the BCI project.

Sep 2018 – present             Role: PI. EEG Measures of Listening Effort, Speech in Noise Perception and Auditory Streaming in Cochlear Implant users: Effects of Music Training. Sunnybrook Hospital Health Sciences, University of Toronto, Department of Music, Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada. Collaborators: Drs. Michael Thaut, Bernhard Ross, Emily Graber.  

                                           This project aims to quantify benefit of music training in people with cochlear implants using behavioural, electrophysiological and pupillometry methods. Part of the Oticon grant.

Sep 2016 – present             Role: PI. Neural biomarkers of listening effort.  Sunnybrook Hospital Health Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada Centre. This project aims to develop a biomarker of listening effort in people hearing impaired individuals using a speech in noise measure. Part of the MED-EL grant.


Sep 2016 – present             Role: PI. Multimodal neural plasticity with hearing loss. Sunnybrook Hospital Health Sciences, University of Toronto, Department of Music, Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada.  University of California, Merced. Merced California, USA. Collaborators: Dr. Antoine Shahin.

                                           This project aims to quantify brain responses to movie lip-reading in patients who have a cochlear implant and those who are on the surgical waiting list. We aim to develop pre-operative predictive measures of cochlear implant outcome. 

Sep 2016 – present             Role: Co-PI. Idiopathic auditory dysfunction in children: nature and mechanisms. Sunnybrook Hospital Health Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada.  Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA. PI: Moore, DR.

                                           This project is part of a NIH R01grant. In this study we aim to develop a biomarker of listening difficulty in children using an EEG auditory temporal processing paradigm.

thesis project

Sep 2012 – August 2014      Role: PhD Supervisor. Cortical temporal processing in Cochlear Implant Users: Amplitude Modulation and Voice Onset Time. Student: Ji-Hye Han

C. Academic Profile


Nov 2018 – present              Standardized methods in rehabilitation in cochlear implant users is currently lacking. I have initiated two streams of research that aim to improve rehabilation outcomes in patients with cochlear implants: a brain computer interface and high-density transcranial direct current stimulation.

Sep 2016 – present              We aim to understand the basic neuroscience mechanisms underlying listening ability in cochlear implant users. The knowledge gained from this research will guide directions for rehabilitation programs (see above).


My teaching is primarily based on training of HQP (Highly Qualified Personnel) with occasional classroom teaching of undergraduate and graduate students. All HQP coming from my lab will have the ability to think critically and problem solve. These are necessary skills for every researcher and I feel that these skills are honed when making mistakes and learning from those mistakes. In my lab, I will typically give trainees the tools to solve problems and try not to “hold their hand” too much. Although it is always a fine line determining the independence level needed to let trainees “figure it out”.  My lab is also dynamic one with personnel at a variety of career stages (undergraduate to postdoctoral fellows to clinical fellows). I encourage active supervision from more senior lab members to aid with earlier stage students.

D. Research Funding

1. Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials



[Presented in reverse chronological order]

Nov 2018-2023                          Role: PI. EEG Measures of Listening Effort, Speech in Noise Perception and Auditory Streaming in Cochlear Implant users: Effects of Music Training. Oticon/Demont Foundation. $394,000 CAD. Competitive. Collaborators: Micahel Thaut, Bernhard Ross.

                                           This project aims to quantify benefit of music training in people with cochlear implants using behavioural, electrophysiological and pupillometry methods.

Oct 2017-2019                    Role: PI. Top down and bottom up influences on Listening Effort in adult MEDEL Cochlear Implant users. MED-EL $100,000 CAD. Competitive.

                                           This project aims to develop a single-subject biomarker of listening effort in cochlear users. 

April 2017-2018                   Role: PI. Brain responses to naturalistic stimuli when testing adults with cochlear implants. Harry Barberian Scholarship $5,967 CAD. Competitive.

                                           This project aims to use ecologically valid stimuli (The Office television show) to assess hearing ability in cochlear implants users

Jan 2015-2016                    Role: PI. Sensory and Cognitive Processing in Children with Auditory Processing Disorders: Behavior and Electrophysiology. Hearing Health Foundation $30,000 USD. Competitive.

                                           This project aimed to use electrophysiology to help explain behavioural speech in noise difficulties in children with auditory processing disorder.

June 2015-2020                        Role: Co-PI. Idiopathic auditory dysfunction in children: nature and mechanisms. National Institutes of Health (NIH). $1,600,000 USD. Competitive.

                                           This project aimed to use behavior, neuroimaging, and electrophysiology to help explain listening difficulties in children with auditory processing disorder.

Oct 2013-2015                          Role: PI. Objective evaluation of cochlear implant function. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) Trustee Grant. $120,000 USD. Competitive.

                                           This project aimed to use electrophysiology to temporal processing in cochlear implant users.

Sep 2011-2012                          Role: Co-PI. Objective evaluation of cochlear implant function. Canadian Hearing Foundation. $15,000 CAD. Competitive. PI: Dr. Sasha John.

                                           This project aimed to use electrophysiology to create a temporal processing profile in patients with auditory neuropathy.

April 2004-2007                         Role: Co-PI. Steady-state response audiometry. Canadian Institutes of Health ReasObjective evaluation of cochlear implant function. Canadian Hearing Foundation. $15,000 CAD. Competitive. PI: Dr. Sasha John.

                                           This project aimed to use electrophysiology to create a temporal processing profile in patients with auditory neuropathy.

Trainee Salary Support

Nov 2018-2023                      EEG Measures of Listening Effort, Speech in Noise Perception and Auditory Streaming in Cochlear Implant users: Effects of Music Training. Trainee Name: Dr. Emily Graber. Oticon/Demont Foundation $394,000 CAD. Toronto ON, Canada. Specialty: Neuroscience and Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.

Oct 2017-2019                       Top down and bottom up influences on Listening Effort in adult MEDEL Cochlear Implant users. Trainee Name: Dr. Brandon Paul. MED-EL $100,000 CAD. Toronto ON, Canada. Specialty: Neuroscience and Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.

Oct 2013-2015                       Objective evaluation of cochlear implant function. Trainee Name: Drs. Yang-Soon Yoon and Ji-Hye Han. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) Trustee Grant. $120,000 USD. Cincinnati Ohio, USA. Specialty: Neuroscience and Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.


Sep 2004-2005                    Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Sep 1997-2001                    University of Toronto, Open Graduate Fellowship.

E. Publications

h-index = 25 and 2,832 citations as of October 2019 according to Google Scholar.



  1. Dimitrijevic A, Smith ML, Kadis DS, Moore DR. Neural indices of listening effort in noisy environments. Scientific Reports. 2019 Aug 2; 9. Available from:

Impact Factor 4.5 Role: Senior Responsible Author. (Trainee publication: Smith ML)

Details: This study showed for the first time that neural correlates of listening effort in cochlear implant users can be recorded. Frontal alpha oscillations and phase locking at the level auditory cortex showed significant correlations with listening effort.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Senior Responsible Author. (Trainee publication: Smith ML)

Details: This study showed that brain alpha oscillations from different neural generators have different effects on speech in noise perception.

  • Han JH, Zhang F, Kadis DS, Houston LM, Samy RN, Smith ML, Dimitrijevic A. Auditory cortical activity to different voice onset times in cochlear implant users. Clin Neurophysiol. 2016 Feb;127(2):1603-1617.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Senior Responsible Author. (Trainee publication: Han, JH)

Details: This study showed that speech perception performance in cochlear implant users can be quantified by cortical changes as a function of auditory temporal sensitivity.

  • Han JH, Dimitrijevic A. Acoustic change responses to amplitude modulation: a method to quantify cortical temporal processing and hemispheric asymmetry. Front Neurosci. 2015 Feb 11;9:38.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Senior Responsible Author. (Trainee publication: Han, JH)

Details: This study introduces a novel method of quantifying auditory temporal processing in the brain. We showed that we can generate neural temporal modulation transfer functions and confirmed previous hypotheses that the brain has a hemispheric dominance that operates at different time scales.

  • Dimitrijevic A, Alsamri J, John MS, Purcell D, George S, Zeng FG. Human Envelope Following Responses to Amplitude Modulation: Effects of Aging and Modulation Depth. Ear Hear. 2016 Sep-Oct;37(5):e322-35.

Impact Factor 3.1 Role: Senior Responsible Author. (Trainee publication: Alsamri J)

Details: This paper showed that auditory temporal processing in healthy aging can be quantified using the envelope following response to continuously changing modulation depth. With age, the neural modulation dynamic range decreases. 

  • Wynne DP, Zeng FG, Bhatt S, Michalewski HJ, Dimitrijevic A, Starr A. Loudness adaptation accompanying ribbon synapse and auditory nerve disorders. Brain. 2013 May;136(Pt 5):1626-38.

Impact Factor 10.3 Role: Coauthor. (Trainee publication: Wynne DP and Bhatt S)

Details: This paper came about when I noticed that auditory neuropathy patients appeared to adapt to continuous tonal stimuli (see Dimitrijevic et al., 2011, Clin. Neuro., ref 12 below). We formally tested the behavioural adaption and quantified adaptation at the level brainstem. Indeed, depending on the genetic subtype of auditory neuropathy, behavioural and brainstem adaption varied.


Journal Articles

  • Kadis DS, Dimitrijevic A, Toro-Serey CA, Smith ML, Holland SK. Characterizing Information Flux Within the Distributed Pediatric Expressive Language Network: A Core Region Mapped Through fMRI-Constrained MEG Effective Connectivity Analyses. Brain Connect. 2016 Feb;6(1):76-83. Available from:

Impact Factor 3.8 Role: Coauthor.

Impact Factor 5.7 Role: Coauthor.

Impact Factor 4.0 Role: Coauthor.

  1. Vannest J, Rajagopal A, Cicchino ND, Franks-Henry J, Simpson SM, Lee G, Altaye M, Sroka C, Holland SK; CMIND Authorship Consortium: Holland SK, Vannest J, Schmithorst VJ, Altaye M, Lee G, Hernandez-Garcia L, Wagner M, Toga A, Levitt J, Byars AW, Dimitrijevic A, Felicelli N, Kadis D, Leach J, Peariso K, Plante E, Rajagopal A, Rupert A, Schapiro M, Ly R, Petrosyan P, Wang JJ, Freund L. Factors determining success of awake and asleep magnetic resonance imaging scans in nonsedated children. Neuropediatrics. 2014 Dec;45(6):370-7.

Impact Factor 1.6 Role: Coauthor.

  1. Mazaheri A, van Schouwenburg MR, Dimitrijevic A, Denys D, Cools R, Jensen O. Region-specific modulations in oscillatory alpha activity serve to facilitate processing in the visual and auditory modalities. Neuroimage. 2014 Feb 15;87:356-62.

Impact Factor 5.8 Role: Coauthor.

  1. Dimitrijevic A, Pratt H, Starr A. Auditory cortical activity in normal hearing subjects to consonant vowels presented in quiet and in noise. Clin Neurophysiol. 2013 Jun;124(6):1204-15.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Principal Author.

  1. Dimitrijevic A, Starr A, Bhatt S, Michalewski HJ, Zeng FG, Pratt H. Auditory cortical N100 in pre- and post-synaptic auditory neuropathy to frequency or intensity changes of continuous tones. Clin Neurophysiol. 2011 Mar;122(3):594-604.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Principal Author.

  1. Mc Laughlin M, Lu T, Dimitrijevic A, Zeng FG. Towards a closed-loop cochlear implant system: application of embedded monitoring of peripheral and central neural activity. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2012 Jul;20(4):443-54.

Impact Factor 3.4 Role: Coauthor.

  1. Zeng FG, Tang Q, Dimitrijevic A, Starr A, Larky J, Blevins NH. Tinnitus suppression by low-rate electric stimulation and its electrophysiological mechanisms. Hear Res. 2011 Jul;277(1-2):61-6.

Impact Factor 2.9 Role: Coauthor.

  1. Pratt H, Starr A, Michalewski HJ, Dimitrijevic A, Bleich N, Mittelman N. A comparison of auditory evoked potentials to acoustic beats and to binaural beats. Hear Res. 2010 Apr;262(1-2):34-44.

Impact Factor 2.9 Role: Coauthor.

  1. Pratt H, Starr A, Michalewski HJ, Dimitrijevic A, Bleich N, Mittelman N. Cortical evoked potentials to an auditory illusion: binaural beats. Clin Neurophysiol. 2009 Aug;120(8):1514-24.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Coauthor.

  1. Michalewski HJ, Starr A, Zeng FG, Dimitrijevic A. N100 cortical potentials accompanying disrupted auditory nerve activity in auditory neuropathy (AN): effects of signal intensity and continuous noise. Clin Neurophysiol. 2009 Jul;120(7):1352-63.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Coauthor.

  1. Pratt H, Starr A, Michalewski HJ, Dimitrijevic A, Bleich N, Mittelman N. Auditory-evoked potentials to frequency increase and decrease of high- and low-frequency tones. Clin Neurophysiol. 2009 Feb;120(2):360-73.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Coauthor.

  • Dimitrijevic A, Lolli B, Michalewski HJ, Pratt H, Zeng FG, Starr A. Intensity changes in a continuous tone: auditory cortical potentials comparison with frequency changes. Clin Neurophysiol. 2009.  Feb;120(2):374-83.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Principal Author.

  • Dimitrijevic A, Michalewski HJ, Zeng FG, Pratt H, Starr A. Frequency changes in a continuous tone: auditory cortical potentials. Clin Neurophysiol. 2008 Sep;119(9):2111-24.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Principal Author.

  • Dimitrijevic A, Stapells DR. Human electrophysiological examination of buildup of the precedence effect. Neuroreport. 2006 Jul 31;17(11):1133-7.

Impact Factor 1.4 Role: Principal Author

  • Picton TW, Dimitrijevic A, Perez-Abalo MC, Van Roon P. Estimating audiometric thresholds using auditory steady-state responses. J Am Acad Audiol. 2005 Mar;16(3):140-56.

Impact Factor 1.2 Role: Coauthor

  • Dimitrijevic A, John MS, Picton TW. Auditory steady-state responses and word recognition scores in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired adults. Ear Hear. 2004 Feb;25(1):68-84.

Impact Factor 2.8 Role: Principal Author

  • Dimitrijevic A, John MS, Picton TW. Auditory steady-state responses and word recognition scores in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired adults. Ear Hear. 2004 Feb;25(1):68-84.

Impact Factor 2.8 Role: Principal Author

  • John MS, Dimitrijevic A, Picton TW. Efficient stimuli for evoking auditory steady-state responses. Ear Hear. 2003 Oct;24(5):406-23

Impact Factor 2.8 Role: Coauthor

  • Picton TW, John MS, Dimitrijevic A, Purcell D. Human auditory steady-state responses. Int J Audiol. 2003 Jun;42(4):177-219.

Impact Factor 1.7 Role: Coauthor

  • Picton TW, Dimitrijevic A, John MS. Multiple auditory steady-state responses. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl. 2002 May;189:16-21.

Impact Factor 1.4 Role: Coauthor

  • John MS, Purcell DW, Dimitrijevic A, Picton TW. Advantages and caveats when recording steady-state responses to multiple simultaneous stimuli. J Am Acad Audiol. 2002 May;13(5):246-59.

Impact Factor 1.2 Role: Coauthor

  • John MS, Dimitrijevic A, Picton TW. Auditory steady-state responses to exponential modulation envelopes. Ear Hear. 2002 Apr;23(2):106-17.

Impact Factor 2.8 Role: Coauthor

  • Dimitrijevic A, John MS, Van Roon P, Purcell DW, Adamonis J, Ostroff J, Nedzelski JM, Picton TW. Estimating the audiogram using multiple auditory steady-state responses. J Am Acad Audiol. 2002 Apr;13(4):205-24.

Impact Factor 1.2 Role: Principal Author

  • Picton TW, Dimitrijevic A, John MS, Van Roon P. The use of phase in the detection of auditory steady-state responses. Clin Neurophysiol. 2001 Sep;112(9):1698-711.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Coauthor

  • Dimitrijevic A, John MS, van Roon P, Picton TW. Human auditory steady-state responses to tones independently modulated in both frequency and amplitude. Ear Hear. 2001 Apr;22(2):100-11.

Impact Factor 2.8 Role: Principal Author

  • John MS, Dimitrijevic A, Picton TW. Weighted averaging of steady-state responses. Clin Neurophysiol. 2001 Mar;112(3):555-62.

Impact Factor 3.9 Role: Coauthor

  • John MS, Dimitrijevic A, van Roon P, Picton TW. Multiple auditory steady-state responses to AM and FM stimuli. Audiol Neurootol. 2001 Jan-Feb;6(1):12-27.

Impact Factor 1.8 Role: Coauthor

Submitted or in revision

  1. Han JH, Dimitrijevic A. Auditory temporal processing in cochlear implant users using the acoustic change complex to amplitude modulation change. Invited to submit to Frontiers in Neuroscience special issue on “Auditory temporal processing”.

(Trainee publication: Han JH)

  • Han JH and Dimitrijevic A, Attentional modulation of brain responses is related to speech perception abilities in cochlear implant users. Submitted to European Journal of Neuroscience

(Trainee publication: Han JH)

  • Paul BT, Smith ML, Moore DR. Dimitrijevic A. Neural speech tracking predicts the cognitive demands of listening in noise. Neuroimage

(Trainee publication: Paul BT, Smith ML)

  • Han JH, Lee HJ, Lee J and Dimitrijevic A, Noise-induced change in cortical temporal processing in cochlear implant users. Neural Plasticity

(Trainee publication: Han JH, primary supervisor)

Book Chapters

  1. Dimitrijevic, A. and Cone, B. Auditory steady-state responses In: Katz, J., Medwetsky, L., Burkard, R and Hood, L. (Eds.) Handbook of Clinical Audiology. 7th Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore. 2015.

Role: Coauthor

  • Small, SA and Dimitrijevic, A. Physiological Mechanisms Underlying ASSRs In: Tremblay, K and Burkard, R (Eds) Translational Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience. Plural Publishing, San Diego.  2012.

Role: Coauthor

  • Cone-Wesson, B. and Dimitrijevic, A. Auditory steady-state responses In: Katz, J., Medwetsky, L., Burkard, R and Hood, L. (Eds.) Handbook of Clinical Audiology. 6th Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore. 2009.

Role: Coauthor

  • Dimitrijevic, A. and Ross, B. Neural Generators of the auditory steady-state response In:

Rance, G. (Ed.) The Auditory Steady-State Response. Plural Publishing, San Diego. 2008.

Role: Coauthor

  • Dimitrijevic, A. and Cone-Wesson, B.  Auditory steady-state responses and suprathreshold tests of auditory ability. In: Rance, G. (Ed.) The Auditory Steady-State Response. Plural Publishing, San Diego. 2008.

Role: Coauthor

F. Presentations

1. International

Invited Lectures and Presentations

May 2019         Invited speaker: Dimitrijevic A. Cortical oscillations in hearing loss: An emerging field with emerging concepts. International Hearing Loss Conference, Niagara on the Lake, Niagara Falls, Canada.

June 2018        Keynote speaker: Dimitrijevic A. Cochlear Implants and EEG: Past, Present and Future. 15th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and other Implantable Technology, Antwerp, Belgium.

May 2018         Invited speaker: Dimitrijevic A. Brain coherence to naturalistic environments in CI users. Auditory EEG Signal Processing Symposium. Leuven, Belgium.

Jan 2018          Invited speaker: Dimitrijevic A. Cortical correlates of listening effort and lip-reading in adult cochlear implant users. Symposium: It’s all about time: Auditory processing, speech perception, and reading. Leuven, Belgium.

Feb 2016          Invited speaker: Dimitrijevic A. Individual differences in brain oscillations when listening to speech in noise. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, San Diego.

Presented Abstracts (*Trainee presenter)

May 2019         Paul BT* and Dimitrijevic A. Electrophysiological correlates of dichotic streaming in bilateral CI users. International Hearing Loss Conference, Niagara on the Lake, Niagara Falls, Canada. Trainee: Paul BT

May 2019         Yu, WL, Paul BT and Dimitrijevic A Brain responses to natural running speech can be used to determine frequency-specific hearing loss. International Hearing Loss Conference, Niagara on the Lake, Niagara Falls, Canada. Trainee: Paul BT, Yu WL.

May 2019         Gini-Newman N, Paul BT and Dimitrijevic A Enhnaced cortical plasticity is related to better cochlear implant outcomes. International Hearing Loss Conference, Niagara on the Lake, Niagara Falls, Canada. Trainee: Paul BT, Gini-Newman N.

Feb 2019          Paul BT and Dimitrijevic A Brain responses to silent lip reading in normal hearing, CI users, and CI candidates. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, San Diego. Trainee: Paul BT

Feb 2019          Paul BT* and Dimitrijevic A Intra-individual correlations between EEG alpha oscillations and self-reported listening effort ratings during a speech-in-noise task in cochlear implant users. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, San Diego. Trainee: Paul BT

Oct 2018          Paul BT and Dimitrijevic A. Brain responses to silent lip reading in normal hearing, CI users, and CI candidates.  Objective Measures, Tel Aviv, Israel. Trainee: Paul BT

Oct 2018          Paul BT and Dimitrijevic A. Electrophysiological correlates of dichotic streaming in bilateral CI users. Objective Measures, Tel Aviv, Israel. Trainee: Paul BT

Oct 2018          Han JH and Dimitrijevic A. Attentional modulation of evoked potentials and brain oscillations are related to speech perception abilities in cochlear implant users. Objective Measures, Tel Aviv, Israel. Trainee: Han JH

Oct 2018          Paul BT and Dimitrijevic A. Objective measures of listening effort in CI users: brain oscillations and neural entrainment to naturalistic stimuli. Objective Measures, Tel Aviv, Israel. Trainee: Paul BT

Oct 2018          Paul BT and Dimitrijevic A. Brain responses to silent lip reading in normal hearing, CI users, and CI candidates. Objective Measures, Tel Aviv, Israel. Trainee: Paul BT

May 2018         Paul BT* and Dimitrijevic A. Single-Trial EEG alpha activity as a correlate of listening effort during speech-in-noise perception in cochlear implant users. Auditory EEG Signal Processing Symposium. Leuven, Belgium. Trainee: Paul BT

Feb 2018          Paul BT* and Dimitrijevic A Brain oscillations and entrainment in cochlear implant users while watching the television series, “The Office”: relations to self-reported listening effort and performance. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, San Diego. Trainee: Paul BT

May 2017         Han, JH* and Dimitrijevic, A,Cortical auditory evoked potential is modulated by attention and related to speech perception abilities in cochlear implant users. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Warsaw, Poland  Trainee Han JH.

May 2017         Dimitrijevic, A. EEG alpha rhythms as a biomarker for Listening Effort for speech in noise perception in cochlear implant users. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Warsaw, Poland

May 2017         Dimitrijevic, A. A new objective test of speech perception in noise: Brain oscillations while watching/listening naturalistic stimuli. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Warsaw, Poland.

May 2017         Han, JH* and Dimitrijevic, A. Continuous noise maskers reduce cochlear implant related artifacts during electrophysiological testing. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Warsaw, Poland. Trainee: Han, JH

May 2017         Han, JH* and Dimitrijevic, A., Smith, M., Grainger M., Sieswerda S., Moore DR. Cortical auditory evoked potential is modulated by attention and related to speech perception abilities in cochlear implant users. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. New Orleans, USA. Trainee: Han, JH

Feb 2017          Moore DR, Bradley A, Smith, N, Dimitrijevic, Hunter LL. Behavioral Measures Reveal Central Auditory and Cognitive Contributions to Childhood Listening Difficulties (APD). MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, Baltimore.

Feb 2017          Bradley A*, Perdew A, Smith, N, Dimitrijevic A, Varghese L, Shinn-Cunningham B, Hunter LL, Moore DR, Auditory Brainstem and Envelope Following Responses in Children with and Without Listening Difficulties. Behavioral Measures Reveal Central Auditory and Cognitive Contributions to Childhood Listening Difficulties (APD). MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, Baltimore.

Feb 2017          Dimitrijevic A. EEG Alpha Rhythms Are Associated with Listening Effort While Listening to Speech in Noise in Co­chlear Implant Users MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, Baltimore.

Sep 2016         Dimitrijevic A. Brain oscillations while listening to speech in noise. World Congress of Audiology, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Feb 2016          Dimitrijevic A Han JH Cortical Evoked Potentials to Spectral Change in adults with Cochlear Implants: Relationships to Speech Perception Ability. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, San Diego. Trainee: Han JH

Feb 2016          Dimitrijevic, A., Smith, M., Grainger M., Sieswerda S., Moore DR. Brain Oscillations in Children when Listening to Speech in Noise. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, San Diego. Trainee: Smith JH

May 2015         Han JH* Dimitrijevic, A. Noise effects on cortical activity to voice onset time in cochlear implant users. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Busan Korea. Trainee: Han JH

May 2015         Dimitrijevic, A., Smith, M., Grainger M., Sieswerda S., Moore DR. Electrophysiological examination of speech-in-noise hearing using the Digit Triplet Test: A comparison of adult and pediatric potentials. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Busan Korea. Trainee: Smith

May 2015         Manickam V, Smith, M, Han JH, Dimitrijevic, A. Cortical correlates of spectral processing in CI subjects using the acoustic change complex to frequency change. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Busan Korea. Trainee: Manickam , Smith, Han

Feb 2015          Dimitrijevic, A, Han JH. Passive and Attentive Listening: Transient Cortical Evoked Potentials and Stimulus Induced Oscillations. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, Baltimore. Trainee: Han

Feb 2015          Dimitrijevic, A., Smith, M., Grainger M., Sieswerda S., Moore DR. Electrophysiological examination of speech-in-noise hearing using the Digit Triplet Test. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, Baltimore. Trainee: Han, Smith

Oct 2014          Dimitrijevic, A., Han JH. Cortical Correlates of Spectral and Temporal Processing Cochlear Implant Subjects Using the Acoustic Change Complex. Objective Measures Toronto. Trainee: Han

Feb 2014          Yoon, YS*, Dimitrijevic, A Acoustic Change Complex to Amplitude Modulation in Cochlear Implant Subjects. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, San Diego. Trainee Yoon YS.

Feb 2014          Dimitrijevic, A, Alsamri, J., John, MS., George, S., Zeng, FG. ASSR Exploration of Amplitude Depth Modulation in Young and Elderly Humans. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research Otolaryngology, San Diego.

June 2013         Dimitrijevic, A, Han, JH, Yoon, YS, Scott, M, Houston, L, Grienwald J, Samy, R, Zeng, FG.Acoustic Change Complex in Cochlear Implant subjects: Amplitude Modulation and Frequency Change. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. New Orleans. Trainee Yoon, Han JH.

June 2013         Dimitrijevic, A., Alsamri, J., John, MS., George, S., Zeng, FG.   ASSR Exploration of Amplitude Depth Modulation in Young and Elderly Humans. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. New Orleans. Trainee Alsamri J.

June 2013         Han, JH* and Dimitrijevic, A,Acoustic Change Complex to Amplitude Modulation in Continuous White Noise. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. New Orleans. Trainee Han JH.

June 2010         Dimitrijevic, A., Chang, J., Reavis K., Starr, A, and Zeng, F.G. Electrophysiological correlates of tinnitus and tinnitus suppression. Tinnitus Research Initiative. Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

Feb 2008          Dimitrijevic, A., Lolli, B., Michalewski, H.J., Zeng, F.G., and Starr, A. (February 2008) Auditory cortical potentials to single feature changes (frequency or intensity) in continuous tones. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.

Feb 2007          Zeng, F.G., Tang, Q., Carroll, J., Dimitrijevic, A., Starr, A., Litvak, L., Larky, J., and Blevins, N. Optimizing Electric Stimulation to Suppress Tinnitus. MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

June 2007        Dimitrijevic, A., Bai, J., Michalewski, H.J., Zeng, F.G., Pratt, H. and Starr, A. Auditory Event-Related Responses to Single Feature Changes in Continuous Stimuli I: Temporal and Place Coding with Frequency Change. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Bled, Slovenia.

June 2007        Dimitrijevic, A., Lolli, B., Michalewski, H., Pratt, H. and Starr, A. Auditory Event-Related Responses to Single Feature Changes in Continuous Stimuli II: Temporal and Place Coding with Intensity Change. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Bled, Slovenia.

June 2005        Dimitrijevic, A. and Stapells, D.R. Human event-related potentials and the precedence effect: Buildup (Clifton Effect) and left-right-left reversals.International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Havana, Cuba.

June 2005        Dimitrijevic, A. and Stapells, D.R.  Human event-related potentials and the precedence effect: Buildup part II.International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Havana, Cuba.

May 2005         Dimitrijevic, A. and Stapells, D.R. Human electrophysiological examination of the buildup of the precedence effect (Clifton effect). Acoustical Society of America. Vancouver, Canada.

June 2002        Dimitrijevic, A., John, M.S., and Picton, T.W. Human auditory steady-state responses: relations to word recognition scores in normal-hearing and hearing impaired adults. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Tenerife, Spain.

Oct 2002           Dimitrijevic, A., John, M.S., and Picton, T.W. Human auditory steady-state responses: relations to word discrimination. XI International Symposium on Audiological Medicine. Abano Terme, Italy.

July 2001          Dimitrijevic, A., John, M.S., and Picton, T.W. Pure-tone threshold prediction in hearing impaired and normal hearing adults using MASTER (Multiple Audiory STEady-state Responses). International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Vancouver, Canada.

July 2001          John, M.S., Dimitrijevic, A., and Picton, T.W. Effect of stimulus envelope on steady-state response amplitudes. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group. Vancouver, Canada.  

2. National

Media Appearances

May 2018         CityTV and Breakfast Television. Guest appearance to give an expert opinion on the Yanni-Laurel auditory illusion debate.

G. Teaching and Design

1. Innovations and Development in Teaching and Education

March 2019                         Guest lecturer PSY5201HS Advanced Topics in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience University of Toronto, Dept. Psychology.

June 2017                           Organizer: Dimitrijevic Advance EEG signal processing workshop. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group.  Warsaw Poland.

May 2015                            Organizer: Dimitrijevic Advance EEG signal processing workshop. International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group Busan Korea.

Nov 2015                            Auditory EEG. Lecture for Communication Sciences Disorder class. University of Cincinnati

Nov 2015                            BIO199 Undergraduate research. University of California, Irvine

Sep 2003                            AUDI558. Physiologic measures of auditory function. University of British Columbia, School of Audiology and Speech Sciences.

Jan 1998                             ZOO332. Neurobiology . University of Toronto, Dept. Zoology.

Jan 1998                             ZOO344. Advanced Topics in Neurobiology . University of Toronto, Dept. Zoology.

H. Research Supervision

1. Primary or co-supervision

Undergraduate Education

September 2018-present     Jessie Yu. Undergraduate research course Human Biology Program, University of Toronto, course: HMB 496 Department of Physiology. Title: Encoding frequency-specific speech modulations to running speech in the human brain.

September 2018-present     Nikita Gini-Newman. Undergraduate research course Human Biology Program, University of Toronto, course: HMB 496 Department of Physiology. Title: Neurophysiological correlates of lip reading in normal hearing and cochlear implant users.

 September 2018-present    Priyanka Prince. Undergraduate research course Human Biology Program, University of Toronto, course: HMB 496 Department of Physiology. Title: Electrophysiological measures of working memory.

June 2018-Sept 2018          Mila Uzelac. Undergraduate summer research program Hurvitz Brain Sciences Program at Sunnybrook Research Institute. Title: Electrophysiological measures dichotic streaming digits.

September 2017-May 2017  Jordan Chang. Undergraduate research course Human Biology Program, University of Toronto, course: HMB 496 Department of Physiology. Title: Electrophysiological measures of visual working memory.

June 2017-Sept 2017          Ayden Malekjahani. Undergraduate summer research program Hurvitz Brain Sciences Program at Sunnybrook Research Institute. Title: Electrophysiological measures visual attention.

Sept 2015-June 2015          Vairavan Manickam. Undergraduate medical student project. Title: Electrophysiological measures frequency change detection in cochlear implant users.

Graduate Education

Sep 2019 – present             Supervisor: Dimitrijevic; Trainee for MSc program Bowen Xui. University of Toronto, Institute of Medical Sciences. Thesis title: to be determined.

Sep 2011 – June 2014        Supervisor: Dimitrijevic; Trainee for PhD program Han, JH, University of Cincinnati Communication Sciences Disorders. Thesis title: Cortical temporal processing in Cochlear Implant Users: Amplitude Modulation and Voice Onset Time.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PhD)

Nov 2018-present               Supervisor: Dimitrijevic; Postdoctoral Trainee: Emily Graber. Project: EEG Measures of Listening Effort, Speech in Noise Perception and Auditory Streaming in Cochlear Implant users: Effects of Music Training.

Nov 2017-present               Supervisor: Dimitrijevic; Postdoctoral Trainee: Brandon Paul. Project: Top down and bottom up influences on Listening Effort in adult MEDEL Cochlear Implant users.

Clinical Research Fellow (MD)

Jan 2018-present                Supervisor: Dimitrijevic; Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Fellow Trainee: Maya Kuroiwa. Project: Cross-modal plasticity in cochlear implant users.

Jan 2017-Aug 2017             Supervisor: Dimitrijevic; Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Fellow Trainee: David Low. Project: Development of the Cantonese Digits in Test.


Thesis Committee Member

Jan 2019                            Lee Phan. MSc candidate. University of Toronto, Institute of Medical Sciences.

June 2014                          Shruti Balvalli Deshpandi.  PhD candidate. University of Cincinnati Communication Sciences Disorders Thesis title: Characterization of Cochlear Implant Related Artifact during Sound-Field Recording of the Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR): A Comparison between Normal Hearing Adults and Human Cadaveric Models.

May 2014                           Anirhudda Deshpandi PhD candidate. University of Cincinnati Communication Sciences Disorders Thesis title: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) as a Pre-Implant Objective Tool to Predict Post-Implant Speech-Language-Hearing Outcomes in Children with Cochlear Implants.

Oct 2006                            Charles Fontaine MSc candidate University of British Columbia, School of Audiology and Speech Sciences Thesis title: Efficiency of Single vs. Multiple Stimuli for 40-Hz ASSRs.

External Thesis Examiner

Sep 2018                            Daniel Smieja University of Toronto, Institute of Medical Sciences. Canada. Functional Connectivity in Children with Bilateral Cochlear Implants.

Sep 2018                            Astrid De Vos KU Leuven. Belgium Neurophysiological markers for auditory temporal processing deficits in dyslexia.

Nov 2016                            Vijayalakshmi Easwar. University of Western Ontario. Canada. Physiological and Behavioral Evidence of Auditory Processing Deficit in Children Suspected of Auditory Processing Disorder

Aug 2014                            Sangamanatha Ankmnal Veeranna. University of Western Ontario. Canada. Evaluation of Auditory Evoked Potentials as a Hearing aid Outcome Measure.

Feb 2014                            Fabrice Bardy. Macquarie University. Australia Rapid auditory cortical evaluation.