- Professor; Chair in Gender, Work and Health, Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
- Senior Scientist, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, UHN
- 2011 Fellow, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2010
- Faculty Member, Collaborative Program in Neuroscience, University of Toronto 2009
- 2013-18 Colantonio A. Gender, work and traumatic brain injury: Addressing the gap in occupational health & safety (OHS) research, policy and practice. Chair: Gender, Work and Health. CIHR-IGH. $800,000.
- 2010-13 Hirdes JP, Maxell CJ, Jetté N, (PIs), Berg K, Bronskill S, Clarke B, Colantonio A, et al. Innovations in Data, Evidence and Applications for Persons with Neurological Conditions (Ideas- PNC). PHAC. $1,477,342.
- 2009-15 Coyte P (PI), Andrews G, Baecker RM, … Colantonio A, et al. Health Care, Technology and Place: A Strategic Training Initiative. CIHR, $1,950,000
- 2008-11 Kontos, P. (PI), Colantonio, A., Cott, C., Gilbert, J., Keightley, M., Mitchell, G. After the Crash: Exploring knowledge translation through research based drama. CIHR Operating Grant $369,139
- 1995-97 Cohen C (PI), Colantonio A, Snow G. Canadian Study of Health and Aging-2. National HealthResearch and Development Program. $96,708. This grant is part of a $5.2M nationwide study.
Kontos P, Colantonio A, Mitchell G, Cott C, Gilbert J, Keightley M. Improving client-centred brain injury rehabilitation through research-based theatre. Qual Health Res. 2012;22:1612-32.
Rossiter K, Kontos P, Colantonio A, Gilbert J, Gray J, Keightley M. Staging data: theatre as a tool for analysis and knowledge transfer in health research. Soc Sci Med. 2008;66:130-46.
Colantonio A, Kontos P, Gilbert J, Rossiter K, Gray J, Keightley M. After the crash: research-based theatre approach for knowledge transfer. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2008;28:180-5.
Colantonio A, Cohen C, Pon M. Assessing support needs of caregivers of persons with dementia: who wants what? Community Ment Health J. 2001;37:231-4.
Colantonio A, Becker JT, Huff FJ. Factor structure of the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale among patients with probable Alzheimer’s Disease. J Clin Neuropsychol. 1993;7:313-8.