- DATE PREPARED: 2019-12-29
Name: Luis R. Fornazzari
Place of Birth: Iquique, Chile.
Citizenship: Canadian
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian
- Medical Doctor 1968 University of Concepcion & University of Chile – MD
- Neurologist 1972 University of Chile – Neurology Specialist
- Neurologist 1983 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Canada – Neurology
- Psychiatrist 1996 University of Chile, Post Graduate School – Psychiatry
Present Appointments
Staff neurologist at:
Memory Clinic St Michael Hospital, Toronto, Geriatric Mental Health Outreach Program (GMHOP)
. Consultant neurologist: Home for the Aged. Rekai Centre and Wellesley Central Place, Waypoint (Penetanguishene), North Bay Hospital
Previous Appointments
- Clinical Director, Multilingual Multicultural Memory Clinic, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, January 2001_April 1st 2006
- Acting Clinical Director, Geriatric Mental Health Program, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, September 2001 – September 2005.
- Clinical Director, Neuropsychiatry Program, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, January 2000 – August 2004.
- Neuropsychiatry Consultant, Addiction Medicine Clinic, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, November 1998 – Ongoing.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto. Appointed in July 1988, on Leave of Absence in Chile, 1993 – 1998; re-appointed as Assistant Professor in 1998. Ongoing.
- Director, Neuropsychiatry Unit, Hosp. Psiquiatrico “J. Horwitz B”, Santiago, Chile, 1993-1998
- Co-Director, Neuropsychiatry Unit, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1988-1992
- Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1985-1988
- Staff Neurologist, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1984-1988
- Clinical Fellow, Neurology Division, Toronto Western Hospital, ARF site, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1981-1983
- Clinical Fellow, Neurology Program, University of British Columbia, G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1979-1980
- Resident, Neurology Program, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1975-1978
- Consultant Neurologist, Hospital San Felipe, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 1973-1974
- Neurology Resident, Neurology Program, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, 1970-1973
- General Practitioner, Valparaiso, Chile, 1968-1970
Cross Appointments:
- Neurology-Neuropsychiatry Consultant:
- Queen Street Mental Health Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1998-2006
- True Davidson Acres (Home for the Aged), Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1988-2006
- Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1985-1988
– Mental Health Centre Penetanguishene, Ontario 1995 ongoing
. Faculty of Music. University of Toronto . Adjunt Professor 2016 ongoing
- Member, Governor of Texas “Task Force on Inhalants”, 1986-1990
- Consultant, Government of Canada, Input and Services Office, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1991-1992
- Royal College of Physicians, “Dettweiller Travel Scholarship” for Medical education exchange between Canada and Latin America, 1992
- Member, Executive Committee, International Working Group (IWG) for Dementia Drugs Treatment Evaluation, Co-Chair, Translation Committee, 1996 – Ongoing
- Member, Executive Committee, Latin America Society of Neuropsychology (SLAN), 1996 – Ongoing
- Co-Chairman, Scientific Committee, “Presentations from Young Societies”, 14th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease, Cochin, India, September 24- 27, 1998.
- Chairman, 1st International Meeting, Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Investigators of Dementia, American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Metro Convention Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 1999
Honours (cont’d.):
- Member, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health “Clinical Ethics Subcommittee”, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2000- 2001
- Consultant and Evaluator as Expert Witness in the neuropsychiatric evaluation of General Augusto Pinochet re: his capacity to stand trial, Santiago, Chile, January 2001
- Full Member, Consortium of Canadian Centres for Clinical Cognitive Research (C5R), 2001 – 2006
- Member, Ontario Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias, Research Coalition, 2001 – 2006
- Vice Chair, Steering Committee, Research Coalition, Ontario Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias, October 2002 – 2006
- Reviewer, “Analysis of the Mental Health Program of the Republic of Argentina. Appointed by the government of the Republic of Argentina to review and comment of the program, “Elderly and Dementia”. November 2002 –
- Member, Steering Committee, Research Coalition of Ontario, to develop a Dementia Resource Centre in the Province of Ontario. 2003 – 2007
- Invited Speaker, The Researchers session, hispanoforum ’04 – dialogue on Hispanic and Canadian talent, leadership and innovation. November 2004.
- Recipient, Lifetime Achievement Award, Premio Somos – Latin American Achievement Awards Canada. September 2004.
- Guest Speaker “Culture and Mental Health of Older People” in “Culture and International Mental Health Conference” Manchester, 6th-7th July 2006.
- Guest attendant ”Alzheimer 100 years and beyond” University of Tubingen, Germany, Nov 2-5, 2006.
Professional Affiliations And Activities
Professional Affiliations:
- Neurology Society of Chile
- American Neurological Association
- Canadian Medical Association
- College of Physicians of Ontario
- Medical Association of Ontario (OMA)
- International Psychogeriatric Society
- Latin-American Neuropsychological Association (SLAN)
- American Society of Alcoholism and Drugs
- Texas Inhalant Foundation
- Medical Association of Kansas
- American Neuropsychiatric Association
- Behavioural Neurology Group, Division of Neurology, University of Toronto
Professional Activities:
- External Appraiser for Career Scientist Competition, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Government of Ontario, 2003 –2006.
- Research Grant Reviewer, Alzheimer’s Association (USA), 2002 – 2008.
Professional Activités (cont’d.):
- Journal Reviewer:
– “ Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences” ongoing
- “Indian National Science Academy (New Delhi)
- “Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders”
- “Canadian Journal of Psychiatry”
- “Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews”
- “Neuropsychology Journal; SLAN (Sociedad LatinoAmericana de Neuropsicologia)
- “Neurocase 2010 on
- Consultant/ Neuropharmacologiste / Neuropsychiatrist:
- Miles Laboratory Canada, 1991 – 1993
- Bayer International, 1993 – 1999
- Pfizer Canada, 1998 –
- Novartis Canada, 2000 –
- Pharma-Ideas Canada, 2000 –
- Glaxo Smith Kline Inc., 2001 –
- Myriad Pharmaceutical (USA), 2003 –
- Janssen Ortho (Canada), 2004 –
- Sanofi/Synthelabo, 2004 –
- Trusted Advisor, Brain Aging – Dementia, Indigo Books, January 2005 – Jan 2010.
Research Endeavours:
- Neuropsychological and psychiatric effect of
Solvent Inhalation
- Alcohol Brain Damage and its Reversibility
- Validation / Standardization / Harmonization of Neuropsychological Tests
- Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of Cognitive Enhancers
- Early Detection of Cognitive Deficit in the Elderly
- Canadian Multi-Site Collaborative Study for Genotype-Phenotype Associations in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Visual and Musical Art as a Window to Brain Functions and Treatment in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
- Synaesthesia’s; Acquired and Developmental
- Writing impairment as an early marker on Alzheimer’s disease.
- Hyper memory, Savants and Synaesthesia’s
- High Altitude, Sleep disorders and Cognitive Impairment.
- COPD, OSAP, Hypoxia and Amyloid Protein deposit
- Brain Reserve Capacity in Musicians: fMRI studies.
- Art, Brain and degenerative disorders. the protective role of “Art” in Dementia.
Research Awards:
- Nimodipine Safety and Effectivity in Dementias, Multicenter, Multinational Study (Canada / USA). Principal Investigator, Toronto Site, 1989-1991.
- Nimodipine Efficacy and Safety in Degenerative and Vascular Dementia, Multinational Study (Argentina/Mexico/Chile). Principal Investigator, Santiago Site 1994-1995.
- Efficacy and Safety of Metrifonate in Alzheimer’s disease – Phase III Study, Multinational (Argentina, Mexico, Chile). Principal Investigator and Coordinator of the Latin American Centres. Funded by Bayer International ($100,000 US)
- Effectivity and Safety of Metrifonate in Alzheimer’s disease, Multicentre, Multinational, Phase III study (Argentina/Chile/ Uruguay/Mexico). Principal Investigator, 1997-1999.
Validation of Syndrom Kurztest (SKT): A brief neuropsychological test useful in the diagnosis of dementias, particularly in illiterate population. Principal Investigator. Financed by Bayer International ($15,000 US)
- Early Detection of MCI in the Community (Pilot project financed by the Ministry of Health, Province of Ontario). Principal Investigator, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2000 – Ongoing. ($125,000 CDN).
- Canadian Multi-Site Collaborative Study for Genotype-Phenotype Associations in Alzheimer’s Disease (Gen-ADA). Principal Investigator, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Financed by GlaxoSmithKline. 2002.
- Phase II Multicentre Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effects of daily treatment with MPC-7869 on measures of cognitive and global functions in subjects with mild-to-moderate Dementia of Alzheimer’s type. Principal Investigator, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Financed by Myriad Pharmaceuticals (), 2003.
- Music Intervention on Agitated Behaviour at Mealtime in Patients with Severe Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Co-Investigator (Principal Investigator, Judith Langmuir, Music Therapist), Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Grant received from Canadian Music Therapy Trust Fund ()
- Longitudinal Study of Genetic basis of Alzheimer’s Disease (Gen-ADA Long). Principal Investigator, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Financed by GlaxoSmithKline.
- Phase II Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of the Effect of Daily Treatment with MPC-7896 on Measures of Cognitive and Global Function in Subjects with Mild to Moderate Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type with Optional Follow-on, Double-Blind MPC7869 treatment after month 12. Principle Investigator, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Myriad Pharmaceuticals,), 2004.
- Preservation of memory for music in Alzheimer’s Disease .A fMRI study in Musicians and non Musicians with Alzheimer’s Disease. PI Grant by St Michael’s hospital. September 2016.
Books And Book Chapters (Senior Responsible Author/Principal Author):
- “Solvent Abuse”, 26-minute educational video, 1991. Financed by National Native Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse.
- “Clinical Syndromes of the Inhalation Abuser”, chapter in the book, Clinical Dependence. American Psychiatric Press Inc., 1991. Published by D. Ciraulo and Shader.
- Alzheimer’s Disease, Mediterraneo Editorial, December 1997. First Chilean Book for health professionals written and printed in Chile. Editor: L. Fornazzari.
- “Neuropsychological evaluation in Latin America”, Chapter in the book, Dementia: a multidisciplinary approach. Published by C. Mangone, Buenos Aires, 1997.
- “Inhalant Abuse”, Chapter in the book, Drugs and Drug Abuse, Fourth Edition, Addiction Research Foundation Edition, 2000, Edit: B. Brand.
- “Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Elderly”, chapter in the book, Drugs and Drug Abuse, Fourth Edition, Addiction Research Foundation Edition, 2000, Edit: B. Brand.
- “Differential Diagnoses of Dementia”, chapter in the book, Neurologia Clinica, Edit: Michelli, DeSica, Argentina.
- “Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)”, Chapter in the book, Behavioral Neurology in the Elderly, Edit: J.L. Carrion and Margaret Giannini, CRC Press, June 27, 2001.
- “Neuropsychological Evaluation of Vascular Dementia”, Chapter in the book, Dementia, Edit: Mangone C, Allegri R, Arizaga RL: Prensa Medica, Argentina, 2001.
- “Use and Abuse of Alcohol in the Elderly”, Chapter in the book, Psychogeriatrics: Bases conceptuales, clinica y terapeutica integral, Edit: Quiroga P, Rhode G, University of Concepcion Press, Concepcion, Chile, December 2002. This was the first book of its kind published in Spanish (Chile).
- “Treatment of Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Medication Misuse in the Elderly”, Chapter in the book, Psychogeriatrics: Bases conceptuales, clinica y terapeutica integral, Edit: Quiroga P, Rhode G, University of Concepcion Press, Concepcion, Chile, December 2002. This was the first book of its kind published in Spanish (Chile).
- SKT: a brief and efficient test for the evaluation of dementia. A chapter in “Dementia”
Edit; Mangone ,Allegri, Arizaga, Ollari Edit Polemos, Buenos Aires , 2005
Refereed Publications:
- Sanhueza P., Kapur B.M., Fornazzari L., and Carlen P.L. “CSF Acidosis Induced by Ethanol in Rats”, Alcoholism: Clin. & Exp. Res., 1981; 5(1):167.
- Naranjo C.A., Fornazzari L., Sellers E.M., “Clinical Detection and Assessment of Drug-Induced Neurotoxicity”, Progress Neuropsychopharmacol. 1981; 5:427-434.
- Fornazzari L., Carlen P.L., “Transient Dyskinesias During Alcohol Withdrawal”, Can J Neurol Sci, 1982; 9:89-90.
- Fornazzari L., Carlen P.L., Wilkinson D.A., Kapur B. “Irreversible Cortical and Cerebellar Impairment in Toluene Abusers”, Neurology 1982;32(2); A151.
- Fornazzari L., Wilkinson D.A., Carlen P.L., “Functional But Not Morphological Recovery in Chronic Solvent Abusers”, Acta Neurol. Scand. 1983; 67:319-329.
- Fornazzari L., Wilkinson D.A., Kapur B., Carlen P.L., “Cerebellum, Cortical and Functional Impairment in Toluene Abusers”, Acta Neuroogica Scandinavica 1983; 76:319-329.
Refereed Publications (cont’d.):
- Fornazzari L., Wilkinson D.A., Carlen P.L., “Functional but not Morphological Recovery in a Chronic Solvent Abuse”, Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 1983; 10:145.
- Carlen P.L., Fornazzari L., and Wilkinson D.A. “Alcoholic Cerebellar Atrophy: Lack of Correlation with Ataxia”, Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 1983; 10:155.
- Carlen P.L., Penn R.D., Fornazzari L., Bennett J., Wilkinson D.A., Wortzman G., “Computerized Tomographic Scan Assessment of Alcoholic Brain Damage and its Potential Reversibility”, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 1986;10 (3): 226-231.
- Fornazzari L., Carlen P.L., Kapur B., “Intravenous Abuse of Propylhexedrine and the Risk of Brainstem Dysfunction in Young Adults”, Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 1986; 13:337-339.
- Busto U., Fornazzari L., Naranjo C.A., “Protracted Tinnitus After Discontinuation of Long Term Therapeutic Use of Benzodiazepines”, Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 1988; 8:5.
- Neiman J., Lang H.E., Fornazzari L., Carlen P.L. “Movement Disorder in Alcoholism”, Neurology 1990;40:741-746.
- Fornazzari X., Fornazzari L., “Tardive Dyskinesias: A Review”, Chilean Journal of Neuropsychiatry, September 1990; 58:280-295.
- Fornazzari L., Remington G., Ichise M., “Rabbit Syndrome Antidepressant Use and Cerebral Perfusion SPECT Scan Findings”, Journal of Psychiatry and Neurosciences 1991; 16: Nº2.
- Fornazzari L., Farcnik K., Smith I., Heasman J., Ichise M., “Violent Visual Hallucinations and Aggression in Frontal Lobe Dysfunction”, Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 1992; 4 Nº1: 42-44.
- Fornazzari L., Kirsh J.C., Ichise M., Toyama H., “Dopamine D2 Receptor SPECT Imaging: Basic in Vivo Characteristics and Clinical Applications of 123I-IBZM in Humans”, Annals of Nuclear Medicine 1993; 7, Nº11.
- Ichise M., Toyama H, Fornazzari L., Ballinger J., Kirsh J., “123 IBZM Dopamine D2 Receptor and Technetium 99m HMPAO Brain Perfusion SPECT in the Evaluation of patients with or subject to risk for Huntington’s disease”, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1993; 34, Nº 8.
Refereed Publications (cont’d.):
- Remington G., Fornazzari L., Sethna R., “Placebo Response in Refractory Tardive Akathisia”, Canadian J. of Psychiatry 1993; Vol. 38: 248-250.
- Fornazzari L., Fornazzari X., “Biological Treatment of Schizophrenias”, Chilean Journal of Neuropsychiatry, January 1992: 60:28-39.
- Fornazzari L., Fornazzari X., “Neurobiological bases of Schizophrenias”, Chilean Journal of Medicine, March 1993.;87:120-139.
- Fornazzari L., “Mannerism Stereotypes and Tics”, Chilean Journal of Neuropsychiatry. September 1993.; 61:230-244.
- Fornazzari L., “Akatisia”, Chilean Journal of Neuropsychiatry, December 1993; 61: 315-325.
- San Martin X, Fornazzari L., “Malignant Neuroleptic Syndrome”, Medical Journal of Chile, 1995;89;238-249.
- Fornazzari L., Alvarez F., Gabrielli H., Sastre A., et al, “Efficacy of Nimodipine in Vascular and Primary Degenerative Dementia – Multicenter and Multinational, Latin American Study”. Revista Neurológica Argentina, June 1997;92:350-361.
- Fornazzari L., Cumsille F., Quiroga P., Rhode G., et al, “Standardization and Harmonization of Syndromkurztest (SKT), a Brief Neuropsychological Test for the Evaluation of Dementias in Illiterates”. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 2001 Oct – Dec, 15(4):211-5.
- Fornazzari, L., Pollanen, M.S., Myers, V., Wolf, A. “Solvent abuse-related toluene leukoencephalopathy”, Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, Jun 2003:93-95.
- Fornazzari, L. “Preserved painting creativity in an artist with Alzheimer’s disease.” European Journal of Neurology, June 2005;12(6);419-24.
- Fornazzari, L.”Preservation of episodic musical memory in a pianist with Alzheimer’s Disease”. Neurology, 2006; 66: 610-614.
- Hao Li et al (Fornazzari L as PI in Canada) “Candidate Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms from a Genome wide Association study of Alzheimer disease” Archives of Neurology. Vol65 No 1, January 2008
- Fornazzari, L., Fischer, C., Hansen, T., Ringer, l. “Knowledge of Alzheimer’s Disease and subjective memory impairment in Latin American seniors in the greater Toronto Area”.
International Psychogeriatric 2009
- Fischer C., Fornazzari L “ Capgras Syndrome for inanimate objects” Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences (2010)
- Fornazzari, l. Fischer, C.Ringer, L. Schweitzer, T. “Blue is music to my ears: Multimodal synaesthesia’s after a thalamic stroke” Neurocase 2012 vol 18 N4 -318-323.
- Fornazzari, L.Ringer, T.Ringer, L. Fischer, C.”Preserved Drawing in a Sculptor with dementia” Can J Neurol Sci. 2013; 40:736-737
- Schweizer, T., Li Z, Fischer C, Fornazzari L ”From the Thalamus with love: a rare
Window into the locus of emotional synaesthesia’s Neurology 2013; 81:509-510
- Fornazzari, L. Mansur, A. Fischer, C.Schweizer, T.”Proust and Madeleine together
In the thalamus?” Published in Clinical Neurology. 2015
- . Fornazzari,
Leggieri M ,L.Arizaga L.Allegri R Fischer C ”Hypermemory and Synaesthesia’s: A
R Luria, and JL Borges revisited” Submitted to Canadian J of Neurosc.
- Mansur, A. Fornazzari, L.Fischer, C.Schweizer, T.” Progressive Brain Disease and Cognitive reserve capacity: Franz Schubert and Maurice Ravel.” Submitted
- Fornazzari L ,Haladyn J,Toledo T, Leggieri M ,Fryszberg I ,Barfett J., Bharatha A
Munoz D ,Schweizer T , Fischer C, “ Do painters need their whole brain to excel” Submitted to Neurocase .
- AK Chan, Fornazzari L Golas A, Showraki A, Barfett J, Munoz D Schweizer
Fischer C F. “Atorvastatin but not Rosuvastatin may affect cognition” Submitted.
- Fornazzari L, Haladyn J , Schweizer T , Fischer C , “ The painter who switch her
Brain” submitted.
41 Leggieri M,Thaut M, Fornazzari L , Schweizer T,Munoz D,Fischer C. Music
intervention approaches for Alzheimer’s Disease. Frontiers In neurosciences
in Press.
42 Leggieri, M, Fornazzari L ,Churchill N,Fischer C,Barfett, J, Munoz D,Thaut
Vuong V,Schweizer T. Repeated exposure to familiar music alters functional
Connectivity in Alzheimer’s disease. In Alzheimer and Dementia ,28 July 2018,
- Fornazzari L., Smith I., Toyama H., Aguirre B., “Localization of Emotional Language (Dysprosody) with Activation SPECT Scan – Integrating Language, Learning and Behaviour: Theory and Applications”, Victoria College, University of Toronto, Ontario, May 1992.
- Fornazzari L., Remington G., Smith I., Birkett K., Coulter K., Collins P., Ichise M., “Impairment of Emotional Language in Schizophrenia. Integrating Language, Learning a Behavior”. Theory and Application, Toronto, May 1992.
- Wilkinson A., Fornazzari L., Aguirre B., Bahamondes P., Bennet J. “CT Scan in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Control Subjects: Evidence of Left Hemisphere Vulnerability in Early AD”. XLVIII Meeting. “Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía”. Chile, October 1992. Poster presentation
- Fornazzari L., Smith I., Ichise M., Toyama M., Aguirre B. “Dysprosodias Using Activation SPECT Scan”. XLVIII Meeting. “Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía”. Chile, October 1992. Poster presentation.
- Ichise M., Toyama H., Ballinger J.R., Kirch J.R., Fornazzari L. “Preclinical Diagnosis of Huntington’s Disease Using I 123 IBZM and Tc 99 m HMPAO”. XLVIII Meeting. “Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía”. Chile, October 1992. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L., Remington G, Collins P, Smith I, Birkett K, Coulter K, Jeffries J. “Impairment of Emotional Language in Schizophrenia”. XLVIII Meeting. “Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía”. Chile, October 1992. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L., Remington, G., Coultes, K., Collins P., Birskett, K. “Emotionality difficulties in Schizophrenia”. III Latin American Congress of Neuropsychology. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 3, 1993. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari, L., Wilkinson, A., Bennet, J., Aguirre, B., Bahamondes P., “CT Scan in Alzheimer´s disease, Left side involvement in early cases”. III Latin American Congress of Neuropsychology. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 3, 1993.
- Fornazzari L., Lavados P, Fredes A y Pérez C. “Neuroleptics, Tardive Dystonia and Meige’s Syndrome”. Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, November 5, 1993. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L., Palma MI, Perales P, Amaral H, Bruzzo R. “Toxic psychosis, cerebral ischaemia and Anorexics ingestion”. Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, November 5, 1993. Poster presentation.
Papers Presented at Meetings and Symposia (Published) (cont’d.):
- Ahubert R, Fornazzari L, Parada R. “De Clearembault Syndrome”. Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, November 5, 1993. Poster presentation.
- Palma MI, Espinoza C, Fornazzari L, Perales P. “Quantitative aspects of Emotionality”. Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, November 5, 1993.
- Fornazzari L, Parada R, Fullerton C, Palma MI, Perales P, Araya S, Contreras C, Bauer S, Moekel P. “Neurobiological Aspect of First Episode Psychosis”. 49th Congreso Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, Octubre 14, 1994.
- Fornazzari L, Amaral H, Bruzzo R. “Heterogeneity of Alzheimer’s Disease; Neuroimaging Aspects”. 49 Congreso Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, Octubre 14, 1994. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L, Carlen P, Kapur B, Wilkinson A “CSF Acidosis in Chronic Solvent Abusers”. 49 Congresos Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, Octubre 15, 1994. Poster presentation.
- Araya S, Fornazzari L, Perales P, Parada R. “Quantification of Emotionality in an Inpatient Unit”. 49 Congresos Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, Octubre 15, 1994. Poster presentation.
- Stuardo C, Fornazzari L. “No Neuroleptic treatment of Aggression”. 49 Congresos Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, Octubre 15, 1994. Poster presentation.
- Stuardo C, Fornazzari L. “Phenobarbital and Behavioral Changes”. Poster. 49 Congresos Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, Octubre 15, 1994.
- López E, Fornazzari L, Fredes A. “Co-existence of Parkinson and Addison’s Disease”. Poster. 49 Congresos Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, October 15, 1994.
- Fornazzari, L. et al: “Chilean Validation of Syndrome Kurztest (SKT): A brief and efficient Neuropsychological test for the diagnosis of dementia” XI conference: The Bio-Clinical Interface. Rouffach, France, September 20 – 22, 1995.
- Fornazzari, L. et al: “SKT: An Efficient Test for Evaluation of Dementias”, IV Latin American Congress Neuropsichology.Cartagena de Indias, Colombia October 2, 1995.
- Fornazzari, L. et al “Efficacy and tolerability of Nimodipine. Pan American Congress of Neurology, Guatemala, October 16, 1995.
Papers Presented at Meetings and Symposia (Published) (cont’d.):
- Fornazzari, L., et al. Validation of Syndrome Kurztest (SKT). XI International Conference: Alzheimer´s Disease and Related Disorders. Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 12, 1995.
- Amaral H, Fornazzari L, et al. “Cerebral Perfusion Scan; gender differences”. 50º Congresos Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, Octubre 5 – 7, 1995.
- Fornazzari L et al. “Validation of SKT in the follow up of Dementias”. 50º Congresos Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, Octubre 5 – 7, 1995.
- Martínez D, Fullerton C, Fornazzari L. “Fluoxetine in a chronic delirant disorder”. 50 Congresos Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, Octubre 6 – 8, 1995.
- Martínez D, Fullerton C, Fornazzari L. “Organic Psychosis”. 50º Congresos Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, Octubre 6 – 8, 1995.
- Rojas C, Fornazzari L, cols. “Chronic Psychosis post Head Injury. 50º Congresos Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía. Viña del Mar, Chile, Octubre 6 – 8, 1995.
- Fornazzari, L. et al, “SKT in the evaluation and follow up of Dementias, 10th World Congress of Psychiatry. Madrid, Spain, August 23 –28, 1996.
- Fornazzari, L et al, “Efficacy and Safety of Nimodipine in Dementias, 10th World Congress of Psychiatry. Madrid, Spain, August 23 –28, 1996.
- Fornazzari, L et al, “Efficacy and Safety of Nimodipine in Degenerative and Vascular Dementias”. XII International Conference Alzheimer Disease International (ADI), Jerusalem, Israel. October 8-11, 1996.
- Allegri R, Fornazzari L., “Frontal Syndrome”, Symposium at V Latin-American Congress of Neuropsychology, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 4 – 7, 1997.
- Contreras C, Fornazzari L., “WCST is different in First Episode and Chronic Schizophrenics”. Poster V Latin American Congress of Neuropsychology, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 4 – 7, 1997.
- Fornazzari L., et al, “Quantitative gender differences in cerebral blood flow”. V Latin American Congress of Neuropsychology, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 4 – 7, 1997. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L., et al, “SKT and dementia follow up in illiterates”. American Neuro- psychiatric Association Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, February 8 – 11, 1999.
Papers Presented at Meetings and Symposia (Published) (cont’d.):
- Fornazzari L., et al, “SKT in illiterates and non English speaking Demented patients” Harvey Stancer Research Day, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 8, 1999.
- Fornazzari L et al, “Possible Glia Impairment in Chronic Solvent Abusers”, Department of Psychiatry, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Harvey Stancer Research Day, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 15, 2000.
- Fornazzari L, et al, “Validation of Syndromkurztest (SKT): A Brief Test For Diagnosis and Follow Up of Cognitive Impairment, Useful in Illiterates”. European Federation of Neurological Societies, 5th Annual Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 18, 2000. Poster presentation.
- Wiltsie A, Fornazzari L, Babischuk P. “Tardive Tourette’s syndrome Aggravated by a Calcium Blocking Agent: A Case Study”. European Federation of Neurological Societies 5th Annual Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 18, 2000. Poster presentation.
- Wiltsie A, Fornazzari L, Babischuk P. “A case of Tardive Tourette’s Syndrome lacking caudal-frontal system”. University of Toronto Neurology Faculty Research Day 2000, Hotel Intercontinental, Toronto, Ontario, November 17, 2000. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L, Miranda D, Salvarrey A, Apanasiewicz N, Nadkarni S. “Cognitive Decline with Preservation of Creativity in Alzheimer’s disease”. International Psychogeriatric Association Latin American Regional Meeting, Santiago, Chile, May 28, 2004. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L, St George Hyslop P, Wolf A, Ibram G, Gheorgiu G, Tulloch F, Smith I, Grose G, Salvarrey A, Nadkarni S, Apanasiewicz N, Miranda D. “Early Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment in the Community”. International Psychogeriatric Association Latin American Regional Meeting, Santiago, Chile, May 28, 2004. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L, Nadkarni S, Surh L, Newton R, Salvarrey A, Apanasiewicz N, Miranda D, St. George-Hyslop P, Borrie M, Feldman H, Gauthier S, Gibson R, Guzman D, Keren R, Kertesz A, Loy-English I, Pryse-Phillips W, Wherrett J, Hsiung R. “Inter-rater reliability of neuropsychological assessments used in the Canadian Study on Genetics of Alzheimer’s Disease Associations (GenADA)”, International Psychogeriatric Association Latin American Regional Meeting, Santiago, Chile, May 28, 2004. Poster and oral presentation.
- Salvarrey, A, Fornazzari L, Apanasiewicz N, Miranda D, Nadkarni S. “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Presenting as Dementia”. International Psychogeriatric Association Latin American Regional Meeting, Santiago, Chile, May 28, 2004. Poster presentation.
Papers Presented at Meetings and Symposia (Published) (cont’d.):
- Fornazzari L. “ The Assessment of Dementia in Diverse Communities Living in the Same City”, in Symposia: “Transcultural Aspect of Dementia”, International Psychogeriatric Association Latin American Regional Meeting, Santiago, Chile, May 28, 2004.
- Arizaga RL, Dansilio S, Nitrini R, Slachevsky A, Fornazzari L. “Transcultural Aspect of Dementia”. International Psychogeriatric Association Latin American Regional Meeting, Santiago, Chile, May 28, 2004. Poster presentation.
- Nadkarni S, Fornazzari L, Ibram G. “Understanding the Evasive Clinical Profile of Alcoholic Dementia”. International Psychogeriatric Association Latin American Regional Meeting, Santiago, Chile, May 28, 2004. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L, Nadkarni S, Surh L, Newton R, Salvarrey A, Apanasiewicz N, Miranda D, St. George-Hyslop P, Borrie M, Feldman H, Gauthier S, Gibson R, Guzman D, Keren R, Kertesz A, Loy-English I, Pryse-Phillips W, Wherrett J, Hsiung R. “Inter-rater reliability of neuropsychological assessments used in the Canadian Study on Genetics of Alzheimer’s Disease Associations (GenADA)”. Harvey Stancer Research Day. Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 17, 2004. Poster presentation.
- Salvarrey A, Fornazzari L, Apanasiewicz N, Miranda D, Nadkarni S. “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Presenting as Dementia”. Harvey Stancer Research Day. Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 17, 2004. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L, St George Hyslop P, Wolf A, Ibram G, Gheorgiu G, Tulloch F, Smith I, Grose G, Salvarrey A, Nadkarni S, Apanasiewicz N, Miranda D. “Early Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Community”. Harvey Stancer Research Day. Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 17, 2004. Poster presentation.
- Miranda D, Fornazzari L, Salvarrey A, Apanasiewicz N, Nadkarni S. “Cognitive Decline with Preservation of Creativity in Alzheimer’s disease”. Harvey Stancer Research Day. Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 17, 2004. Poster presentation.
- Nadkarni S, Fornazzari L, Ibram G. “Understanding the Evasive Clinical Profile of Alcoholic Dementia”. Harvey Stancer Research Day. Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 17, 2004. Poster presentation.
Papers Presented at Meetings and Symposia (Published) (cont’d.):
- Fornazzari L, Nadkarni S, Surh L, Newton R, Salvarrey A, Apanasiewicz N, Miranda D, St. George-Hyslop P, Borrie M, Feldman H, Gauthier S, Gibson R, Guzman D, Keren R, Kertesz A, Loy-English I, Pryse-Phillips W, Wherrett J, Hsiung R. “Inter-rater reliability of neuropsychological assessments used in the Canadian Study on Genetics of Alzheimer’s Disease Associations (GenADA)”. 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease and Related Dementias. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, July 19, 2004. Poster presentation.
- Nadkarni S, Fornazzari L, Ibram G. “Understanding the Evasive Clinical Profile of Alcoholic Dementia”. 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease and Related Dementias. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, July 19, 2004. Poster presentation.
- Salvarrey A, Fornazzari L, Apanasiewicz N, Miranda D, Nadkarni S. “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Presenting as Dementia”. 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease and Related Dementias. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, July 18, 2004. Poster presentation
- Fornazzari L, St George Hyslop P, Wolf A, Ibram G, Gheorgiu G, Tulloch F, Smith I, Grose G, Salvarrey A, Nadkarni S, Apanasiewicz N, Miranda D. “Early Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Community”. 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease and Related Dementias. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, July 20, 2004. Poster presentation
- Miranda D, Fornazzari L, Salvarrey A, Apanasiewicz N, Nadkarni S. “Cognitive Decline with Preservation of Creativity in Alzheimer’s disease”. 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease and Related Dementias. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, July 2004.
- Fornazzari, L. “Clinical Research at the Geriatric Mental Health Program Multicultural Multilingual Memory Clinic.” College of Psychiatric and Neurological Pharmacists, San Diego, California, March 10 – 13, 2005.
- Fornazzari L, Nadkarni S, Apanasiewicz N, Ambrose M, McGann A, Miranda D, Salvarrey A. “The Role of a Multicultural Multilingual Memory Clinic in a Multicultural City”. 27th National Conference, Alzheimer’s Society of Canada, Regina, Saskatchewan, April 7 – 9, 2005. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L, Castle T, Nadkarni S, Ambrose M, Apanasiewicz N, Miranda D, Phillips F. “Art as a Window to Explore Cognitive Processes and Novel Rehabilitation in Alzheimer’s Disease”. 27th National Conference, Alzheimer’s Society of Canada, Regina, Saskatchewan, April 7 – 9, 2005. Paper presentation.
- Nadkarni S, Fornazzari L. “Cultural Profile of a Memory Clinic – Are we doing enough?” 27th National Conference, Alzheimer’s Society of Canada, Regina, Saskatchewan, April 7 – 9, 2005.
- Fornazzari L. “Memory impairment and preservation of episodic musical memory in Alzheimer’s disease”. Neuroscience and Music II – From Perception to Performance, Leipzig, Germany, May 5 – 8, 2005. Poster presentation
- Fornazzari L, Nadkarni S, Menzies P. “Brain and Cerebellar Damage in Chronic Inhalant Abusers.” Addictions Ontario and The Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation, 2005 Annual Addictions Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 6 – 8, 2005. Paper Presentation.
- Nadkarni S, Fornazzari L, Apanasiewicz N. “Expanding Equity of Access to Dementia Care across Ethno Cultural Divides – A Comparison of Multilingual Multicultural Memory Clinic to a Traditional Outpatient Geriatric Psychiatry Clinic.” Harvey Stancer Research Day, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 16, 2005. Poster presentation.
- Nadkarni S, Fornazzari L, Bilbau J. “Ubiquitin Positive Neuronal Inclusions: There is more to unearth in a case of a missing chocolate bar.” Harvey Stancer Research Day, University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 16, 2005. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L, Nadkarni S, Apanasiewicz N, Miranda D, McGann A. “The role of Multicultural Memory Clinic in a Multicultural City.” Harvey Stancer Research Day, University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 16, 2005. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L, Nadkarni S, Miranda D, Gomez G. “Different degree of progression of Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment in the community.” Alzheimer’s Association International Prevention of Dementia Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, June 18 – 21, 2005. Poster presentation.
- Nadkarni S, Fornazzari L. “Cultural Profiles of A Memory Clinic – Are We Doing Enough?” Alzheimer’s Association International Prevention of Dementia Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, June 18 – 21, 2005. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L, Nadkarni S. “Preservation Of Episodic And Semantic Musical Memory In Severe Alzheimer’s Disease.” Alzheimer’s Association International Prevention of Dementia Conference in Washington, D.C., USA, June 18 – 21, 2005. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L, Nadkarni S, Gomez G. “Different degree of progression of Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment in the community.” Alzheimer’s Association International Prevention of Dementia Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, June 18 – 21, 2005. Poster presentation.
- Fornazzari L Fischer C,Shweizer T Athala D , “Art Cognitive Reserve Capacity and Alzheimer’s disease” Alzheimer Disease International Conference .S Juan Puerto Rico, May 2nd 2014.
- Mansur A, Fornazzari L , Fischer C “ Always in tune: the unforgettable memory for music. “ Alzheimer Disease International Conference. S Juan Puerto Rico May 2nd 2014
- Fornazzari L “ Art as an enhancer of Cognitive Reserve capacity ” 2Nd world Conference On aging and rejuvenation” Berlin October 1 /3 2019
Invited Lectures:
- Presenile Dementias: Sociedad de Neurología, Valparaíso, Chile, 1970.
- Myasthenia & Immunology: Congreso de Neurologia, Santiago, Chile, 1970.
- Meningeal Carcinomatosis: Clinical Case. Neurological Congress, Santiago Chile, 1971.
- Polyradicular neuropathy: Causes of death. Neurological Congress. Santiago Chile, 1971.
- Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Paper for Membership, Chilean Society of Neurology, Concepcion, Chile, December, 1972.
- Multiple Sclerosis: Incidence in Honduras, 1970-1973. Honduran Medical Congress, March 1974.
- Organic Brain Syndrome: Diagnosed by Bender BIP, Annual Meeting of the Chilean Psychological Association, Santiago, Chile, 1973.
- Annual Course: Pharmacology and Addictions: School for Addiction Studies, Toronto, Canada, January 1981.
- Brain Damage due to Alcohol and Drugs: Meeting of the Canadian Association of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nurses. Toronto General Hospital, January 29, 1981.
- Inhalant Abuse. Epidemiology and Clinical presentation. Ontario Provincial Police. Seminars for officers in Indian Reservations: Kenora, Sault St Marie, Orillia, February 1981.
- Solvent Abuse Conference: School for Addiction Studies. Toronto, March 1982.
- Parkinson Disease and Delirium: A pharmacological dilemma. Sunnybrook Hospital, Psychopharmacology City Wide Rounds, Toronto, Ontario, February 12, 1982.
- Neurological Aspects of Chronic Alcoholism, National Defense Medical Seminar. Ottawa, May 24, 1983.
Invited Lectures (cont’d.):
- Alcoholic Cerebellar atrophy. Lack of correlation with ataxia. XVIII Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, St. John’s, Nfld., 1983.
- Functional but not morphological recovery in a chronic solvent abuser: XVIII Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, St. John’s, Nfld., 1983.
- Brain damage and Solvent abuse. Eight Seminars in “Annual Conference 1982-1983”, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1983.
- Alcoholism and Rehabilitation. Medical Aspect Course, Department of National Defense. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 14, 1984.
- Neurological Complications of Alcoholism. Donwood Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 18, 1984.
- Abnormal Movements and Alcoholism. Toronto Department of Neurology, City Wide Grand Round, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 19, 1984.
- Abnormal Movements and Alcoholism. 16th Annual Conference, American Alcohol Society, Washington, DC, USA, April 1985.
- Amnestic Syndromes in Alcoholism. Department of Neurology, University of Chile, Valparaíso, Chile, January 16, 1985.
- Neurological Aspect in Alcoholism. Depts. Of Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Chile. Santiago, Chile, January 9th, 1985.
- International Perspectives in Inhalants: 2nd Annual Conference. Interstates Conference on inhalants. Austin, Texas, U.S.A., May 16-18, 1985.
- Treatment of Alcoholism: Medical Aspects Seminars – 1985 Series. Canadian Armed Forces, Borden, Ontario, August 15-21, October 2-8, 1985.
- Neuropharmacology of the Amnestic Syndromes. Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, Canada, Psychiatric Rounds, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, February 21, 1986. Invited Speaker.
- National Native Inhalant Abuse Conference. Oklahoma, USA, Feb. 25-28, 1986. Main Speaker.
- Drug Abuse and Pregnancy, St. Michael’s Hospital, Grand Round: Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 14, 1986. Invited Speaker.
- Interstate Conference on Inhalant Abuse. San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., April 2-4, 1986. Main Speaker.
- Drug Abuse in Teenagers of Toronto. “Parents Helping Parents Group”. Downsview Secondary School, Downsview, Ontario, Canada, April 23, 1986.
- National Strategies in the Prevention of Inhalant Abuse. Federal Study Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 8-9, 1986.
- 13th Annual Meeting on Alcohol and Substance Abuse: American Indian Institute, Wichita Falls, Texas, U.S.A., and May 15-16, 1986. Main Speaker.
- Workshop on Parkinson’s disease, L’Hotel, Toronto, Canada. Merck Frosst. September 10, 1986. Main Speaker.
- Treatment of Alcoholism: Medical Aspects-1986 Series, September 22-26, Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada. Invited Speaker.
- National Prevention Strategies in Solvent Abuse. – Ministry of Indian Affairs, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, January 28-29, 1987.
- International Conference on Solvent Abuse: American Indian Institute. Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A. March 2-4, 1987. Guest Speaker.
- Clinical and Neurological Aspects of Inhalant Abuse: National Native Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Meeting-Montreal, Quebec, Canada, March 24-27, 1987. Guest Speaker.
- Clinical Aspects of Solvent Abuse: Native Addictions Summer School. Edmonton, Canada, May 19-20, 1987, Guest Speaker.
- Neurological Complications of Alcoholism: University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. April 23, 1987. Invited Speaker.
- Solvent Abuse: The destruction of Body and Mind: Queen Street Mental Health Centre, Toronto, and Ontario, Canada. Grand Rounds – September 25, 1987.
- Neuropsychiatry Seminars: Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, and Ontario, Canada. October 13, 20, and 27, 1987.
- Solvent Abuse: Parliament Hill – Ottawa Drug Awareness Week -Nov.20,1987.Ottawa,
Invited Lectures (cont’d.):
- Solvent Abuse: Biological Complications. North West Territories Conference on Substance Abuse. Inuvik, Canada. January 18, 1988.
- Neurologic and Biologic Damage due to Solvent Abuse: The 31st Institute of Alcohol and Drug Studies, Austin Texas, U.S.A. July 1988.
- Inhalant Abuse: Interactive TV Seminars, Toronto, Canada. November 1988.
- Neurological Aspects of Aggression: Semi-Annual Meeting, Association of Physicians in Correctional Services of Ontario, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada. November 1988.
- Neuropsychiatric Seminars: Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada. November 29, December 6, 20, 1988.
- Inhalant Abuse: 5th Annual Conference-Thunder Bay, Canada. Ontario Native Educational Counselling Association. May 2-4, 1989.
- Biological Bases of Schizophrenia: Invited Speaker, Chilean Psychiatric Institute, Santiago, Chile. August 10, 1989.
- The Neuropsychiatry of Temporal-Limbic Seizures: Its relationship with Schizophrenia. Faculty of Medicine, Valparaíso, Chile. August 15, 1989.
- Epilepsy: A Neuropsychiatric Disorder, Epilepsy Association of Ontario, Toronto, Canada. October 4, 1989. Speaker.
- Psychological Aspects of Inhalant Abuse. 3rd Annual National Native American Conference on Inhalant Abuse. Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A. November 6-8, 1989. Main Speaker.
- The Body and Mind Destruction: Biological Aspects of Inhalant Abuse. 4th Annual National American Conference on Inhalant Abuse. Spokane, Washington, U.SA. October 29-31, 1990. Main Speaker.
- Impulsivity and Frontal Lobe Conference at the Mental Health Centre, Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada. November 15, 1990.
- “SPECT-Dementias and Schizophrenia: The Neuroimaging Era”, Dinner Conference for Radiology Residents, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. No14, 1990.
- Invited Lectures (cont’d.):
- Clinical Neurosciences Conferences, University of Valparaíso, Chile. November 30, 1990.
- The Neurology of Mental Disorders, Sotero del Rio Hospital, Santiago, Chile. December 4, 1990.
- The Neurology of Emotions Conference, El Salvador Hospital, Chile. December 5, 1990.
- Emotionality and Schizophrenia: A Non-Dominant Lobe Dysfunction. Barros Luco Hospital, Santiago, Chile. December 11, 1990.
- Neuropsychiatry: The New Clinical Neuroscience. Paula Jara Quemada Hospital, Chile. December 14, 1990.
- Clinical and Instrumental Aspects in Neuropsychiatry Symposium: 71th Annual Meeting, Ontario Psychiatric Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. February 1, 1991.
- Neuropsychiatric Aspects in Impulsivity and Aggression: L. Fornazzari, S. Hucker, R. Langevin. Symposium: 71th Annual Meeting, Ontario Psychiatric Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. February 2, 1991.
- The Destruction of Body and Mind due to Inhalants. Tri-Discipline Conference. University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A., May 12, 1991.
- Neurobiological Bases of Aggression: Conference for Forensic Residents. Horseshoe Valley Resort, Ontario, Canada. August 12, 1991.
- Neurobiological Basis in Schizophrenia: III Chilean Congress of Neurology and Psychiatry. Annual Meeting, Chile. October 16, 1991.
- Tardive Dyskinesia: III Chilean Congress of Neurology and Psychiatry. Annual Meeting, Chile. October 16, 1991.
- The Impulse to Kill: Brain, Biology and Impulsive Behavior. Impulsivity Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. November 1991.
- Tardive Syndrome: The Spectrum of Side effect of Neuroleptics. Continuing Education, Oakridge Psychiatric Hospital, Canada. March 20, 1992.
- Schizophrenia and Emotions, Department of Psychiatry, City Grand Round, Aldwyn B. Stokes Auditorium, Toronto, Ontario. Canada. March 27, 1992.
Invited Lectures (cont’d.):
- The Neurology of the Major Psychiatric Disorders: Annual Conference, “Friends & Families of Schizophrenics”, Aldwyn B. Stokes Auditorium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. September 30, 1992.
- Preclinical Diagnosis of Neuropsychiatric Disorders: XLVIII Conference of the Chilean Society of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Chile. October 22, 1992.
- The Neurochemical Bases of Aggression: XLVIII Conference of the Chilean Society of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Chile. October 1992.
- Neuroimaging and Substance Abuse: The Contribution of MRI, SPECT and PET, 6th Ibero American Conference on Drug Abuse. Santiago, Chile. November 11, 1992.
- Therapeutic Alternatives: The Patient and the Family: International Symposium, Alzheimer’s disease. Clínica Alemana, Santiago, Chile. November 22, 1992.
- Acute and Chronic Effect of Neuroleptics. Neuropsychopharmacology Rounds, Post Graduate Course. Faculty of Medicine. Santiago, Chile. September 6-30, 1992.
- Neurobiological Bases of Schizophrenia: Conference, Chilean Institute of Psychiatry, Santiago, Chile. April 19, 1993.
- Controversies in the Management of Parkinson’s disease. Chilean Society of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Santiago, Chile. May 28, 1993.
- Alzheimer’s Disease: Symposium, Clínica Alemana, Santiago, Chile. April 21, 1993.
- Neurological Bases of Schizophrenias: Postgraduate Course, Neurology Department, El Salvador Hospital, Santiago, Chile. July 30, 1993.
- Neuropsychopharmacology 1993. Postgraduate Course, Santiago, Chile. September 2-30, 1993.
- Brain Damage Secondary to Inhalant Abuse. Ibero American Conference on Drug Abuse (Chilean Chapter), Santiago, Chile. November 26, 1993.
- Benzodiazepines: Myth and Realities in their abuse. Conference, Chilean Society of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Viña del Mar, Chile. November 6, 1993.
- Therapeutic Alternatives in Alzheimer’s disease: The Patient and the Family. International Symposium on Alzheimer’s disease. Alemana Clinic, Chile. Nov22, 1993.
- The Patient with Dementia: IV Annual Conference: Alzheimer’s disease, Family and Society. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. May 28, 1994.
- Frontal Lobe Syndromes: Permanent Conference Cycle, Neurology Programs. University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, June 10, 1994.
- Human Neuroanatomy: Functional, Clinical and Topographic, Postgraduate Course, Neurological Sciences. University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, July – August 1994.
- Cerebral Aging: 3rd International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease. University of Concepción, Chile, August 4, 1994.
- Alzheimer’s Disease: Neuroimaging Diagnosis: 3rd International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease. University of Concepción, Chile, August 5, 1994.
- Scientific Basis for the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia: Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorder. Universidad Mayor San Simon, Cochabamba, Bolivia, August 22, 1994.
- Scientific Basis for the Diagnosis of Dementias: Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders. Universidad Mayor San Simon, Cochabamba, Bolivia, August 22, 1994.
- Clinical and Neuroimaging in Addictions: Addictions in Young Adults. University of Chile, Santiago, September 5, 1994.
- Neuroimaging and First Episode Psychosis: 49th Chilean Congress of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Viña del Mar, Chile, October 14, 1994.
- Therapy and Rehabilitation in Schizophrenia: Chairperson Symposium Schizophrenia, Viña del Mar, Chile, October 14, 1994.
- Early Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease: fifth Latin America-European meeting of Movement Disorders, Viña del Mar, Chile, October 14, 1994.
- Therapeutic Aspects of Oxidative Damage: Focus on Endothelial Damage, Symposium Hyatt-Regency Hotel, Santiago, Chile, January 5, 1995.
- Chairperson for the Symposium on Actual Treatment of Epilepsy: Focus on Lamotrigine. Hyatt-Regency Hotel, Santiago, Chile, June 23, 1995.
- Anxiety and Benzodiazepines: Postgraduate Conference, Santiago Chile, April 4, 1995.
- Non-Benzos New Antianxiety Molecules: Neurological Society, Concepción, Chile, May 4, 1995.
- The Neurology of Emotions: Psychiatry Department, University of Concepción, Chile, May 5, 1995.
- The Aging Brain: Postgraduate Course Conference, Master in Gerontoly. University of Concepción, Chile, July 8, 1995.
- Behavioural Symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease: Plenary Session, International Conference Alzheimer’s disease and Related Disorders. Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 14, 1995.
- Prefrontal Cortex: Function and Dysfunction, Pre-Congress Course, 4th Latin American Congress of Neuropsychology, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, October 9, 1995.
- Alzheimer’s Disease at the end of the XX Century: A Non-Silent Epidemia, Keynote Speaker, 4th Latin American Congress of Neuropsychology. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, October 2, 1995.
Invited Lectures (cont’d.):
- Neurodegenerative and Vascular Dementias, First Joint Meeting World Federation of Neurology and Argentina Neurological Society: “Transcultural factors in Cognitive Assessment. The harmonization of the instruments in Chile”. Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 29-31, 1996.
- The Frontal Lobes and Neuropsychiatry: 2nd National Congress of Neuropsychology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 27-29, 1996.
- Music, Brain and Therapy: The Piano Concerto for the Right Cerebral Hemisphere of Ravel, Post Graduate Course, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, December 12, 1996.
- First International Greenwood Conference in Alcohol and Drug Addiction: Biological Treatments, Crown Plaza Hotel, San Paolo, Brazil, March 14 – 15, 1997.
- Alzheimer’s Disease at the Beginning of the New Millennium: An Urgent Challenge, University of Concepcion, Chile, April 24, 1997.
- Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions in Alzheimer’s Disease, Hotel Torremayor, Santiago, Chile, April 25th, 1997.
- Effective Symptomatic Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, the first open conference for the public, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, April 26, 1997.
- Alzheimer’s Disease: Conference at Antofagasta’s Hospital, Chile, June 13th, 1997.
- Pharmacological Treatment of Dementias: Second Joint Meeting of the Dementia Research Group World Federation of Neurology and Argentinean Study group in Dementias, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 14th, 1997.
- Music, Brain and Affective Disorders “Piano Concerto for the Right Hemisphere by Maurice Ravel”, Chilean Congress of Neurology, Santiago, Chile, September 23rd, 1997.
- Standardization and Harmonization in Latin America of Dementia Scales: First Meeting of Alzheimer Societies in Latin America, Caracas, Venezuela, March 13 – 14, 1998.
- Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias in Latin America: First Meeting of Alzheimer Societies in Latin America, Caracas, Venezuela, March 13th and 14th, 1998.
- Alzheimer’s Disease and other disorder in the Elderly: Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Treatment, Del Salvador Hospital, Santiago, Chile, April 8th, 1998.
Invited Lectures (cont’d.):
- Alzheimer’s Disease in the New Millennium: Alzheimer’s disease in Family and Society. Symposium organized by Alzheimer Corporation of Chile (ADI), Santiago, Chile, May 16, 1998.
- Neurological Damage Due to Alcohol: 8th International Congress of the Iberoamerican Association of the Studies of Alcohol and Drugs (AIEPAD), Santiago, Chile, May 24,1998.
- Standardization of Dementia Scales in Latin America: Report on Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, Bolivia, Mexico and Chile, International Working Group (IWG) at 6th International Conference on Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 20, 1998.
- Dementias and Related Disorders Conference: La Frontera University, Temuco, Chile. August 20, 1998.
- The Difficult Depression in the Elderly: Conference at the Depression Symposium during 3rd International and National Congress in Gerontology and Geriatric, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, November 19, 1998.
- Dementias in the New Millennium: Could We Stop the Epidemic? Conference at the Dementias Symposium, 3rd International and National Congress in Gerontology and Geriatric, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, November 20, 1998.
- SKT: A brief Test for cognitive evaluation in illiterates. Baycrest Neurobehavioral Conferences, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, February 24, 1999.
- Early detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment, depression and substance abuse in the elderly within the Community, Rothman Conferences, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 31, 1999.
- SKT: A brief test for cognitive evaluation in illiterates: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Harvey Stancer Research Day, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 17th 1999.
- Ravel music and the brain. Behavioural Neurology Section. Division of Neurology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 30 1999.
- Early Recognition of MCI, Depression and Substance Abuse: A brief battery of tests to be used in the Community. 50th Anniversary CARS Seminars, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 22, 1999.
- Depression and Comorbidity. Main Speaker 17th Meeting of the Mexican Psychiatry Society, Huatulco, Mexico, November 1, 1999.
Invited Lectures (cont’d.):
- Mild Cognitive Impairment, Il Jornadas de Neurología de Valparaíso – VII Curso Actualizaciones en Patologías del Sistema Nervioso Central, Auditorio Central Hostería El Copihue, Olmué, Valparaiso, Chile, May 12, 2000.
- Management of Behavioural Symptoms in Dementia, Il Jornadas de Neurología de Valparaíso – VII Curso Actualizaciones en Patologías del Sistema Nervioso Central, Auditorio Central Hostería El Copihue, Olmué, Valparaiso, Chile, May 12, 2000.
- Ethics in Dementia Research, Il Jornadas de Neurología de Valparaíso – VII Curso Actualizaciones en Patologías del Sistema Nervioso Central, Auditorio Central Hostería El Copihue, Olmué Valparaiso, Chile, May 13, 2000.
- Behavioural Treatment of AD, University of Valparaiso, Chile, May 20, 2000.
- Mild Cognitive Impairment, University of Valparaiso, Chile, May 21, 2000.
- A Possible Glial Dysfunction in Chronic Solvent Abusers, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Harvey Stancer Research Day, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 15, 2000.
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia, course for Family Practice Physicians of the Chinese Community, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 30, 2000.
- Cognitive and Behavioural Dysfunction in Dementia: The Role of Classic and Novel Neuroleptics, Peterborough General Hospital, Grand Rounds, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, September 7, 2000.
- Brain and Cerebellar Damage in Chronic Inhalant Users: A Possible Role of Glial Cell Dysfunction, paper presented at the European Federation of Neurological Societies 5th Annual Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 18, 2000.
- Acetyl cholinesterase Inhibitors and Behavioural Symptoms in Neurodegenerative Dementia, York County Hospital, Grand Rounds, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, October 25, 2000.
- Clinical Recognition and Management of Inhalant Abusers workshop, “Addiction 2000” Conference, Airport Hilton Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 15, 2000.
- The Elderly and Substance Abuse, keynote speaker at “A Hidden Problem: Substance Abuse and the Older Adult” conference, Days Inn, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, November 24, 2000.
Invited Lectures (cont’d.):
- “Behavioural Changes in Dementia”, Universidad de Chile, Servicio de Psiquiatría del Hospital del Salvador de Santiago de Chile, Grand Rounds, Santiago, Chile, December 13, 2000.
- Agitation and Aggression in Dementia: The use of cholinesterase agents. Providence Centre (Home for the Aged) Toronto, Ontario, Canada, January 25, 2001.
- Treatment of cognitive and behavioural changes in Dementia. 14th Annual Clinical Day, Lakeridge Health, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, February 8, 2001.
- The use of Barbiturates in cognitive impaired patients. Behavioural Neurology Rounds, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, March 7, 2001.
- Solvent Abuse: A case of white matter dementia with Frontal Lobe Predominance. Behavioural Neurology rounds, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 25, 2001.
- The Progressive White Matter Dementia due to Inhalant Abuse: Clinical Pathological Conference, Medical Staff Association, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 15, 2001.
- Lewy Body Dementia, Geriatric Psychiatry Lecture Series, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Queen Street Mental Health Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 16, 2001.
- Creativity and Dementia, Rendezvous with Madness Film Festival, Workman Theatre, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Queen Street Mental Health Centre site, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 14, 2001.
- Evaluation and Treatment of cognitive and Behavioural Symptoms of Dementia – Pre-Congress Course, Mexican Psychiatric Association, Cancun, Mexico, November 16, 2001
- Creativity and Dementia, Behavioural Neurology Rounds, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, January 30, 2002.
- Creativity and Dementia, Neurology University Sub-Specialty Round, Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, February 5, 2002
- Behavioural Changes in Dementia Patients: What to Know, What to Do, Current Realities in the Diagnosis and Management of Alzheimer’s Disease in Primary Care Conference, sponsored by Novartis, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada, March 2 and 3, 2002.
Invited Lectures (cont’d.):
- Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, sponsored by Addiction Services for York Region & Health Services Department, Long Term Care & Seniors Branch, Regional Psychogeriatric & Mental Health Consulting Service, Region of York, Newmarket Health Centre, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, April 25, 2002.
- Detecting Early Alzheimer’s Disease in the Community: The Mild Cognitive Impairment Study, Designing for Diversity in Dementia Care Conference, sponsored by The Alzheimer’s Society of Ontario, Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Project (MAREP) – University of Waterloo, Ontario Seniors Secretariat and Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Regal Constellation Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 9 and 10, 2002.
- “Memory Evaluation”, 1st Latin American Congress in Psychogeriatrics, Concepcion, Chile, May 30 – June 1, 2002.
- “Behavioural Symptoms in Normal Aging”, 1st Latin American Congress in Psychogeriatrics, Concepcion, Chile, May 30 – June 1, 2002.
- “Psychomotor and Agitation in Dementia”, 1st Latin American Congress in Psychogeriatrics, Concepcion, Chile, May 30 – June 1, 2002.
- “Geriatric Psychopharmacology”, Organizer of Symposium, at: 1st Latin American Congress in Psychogeriatrics, Concepcion, Chile, May 30 – June 1, 2002.
- “Clinical Presentation of Dementia with Lewy Bodies”, V Argentinean Congress of Neuropsychology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 7 – 9, 2002.
- “Creativity and Dementia”, V Argentinean Congress of Neuropsychology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 7 – 9, 2002.
- “Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease”, Don Mills Kiwanis Golden K Club, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 9, 2003.
- “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as Dementia”, Baycrest Neurobehavioral Rounds, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. March 17, 2004.
- “Creativity and Dementia” keynote Speaker, Argentinian Society of Neurology, annual meeting, Rosario Argentina, October, 26, 2005
- “Preservation of Episodic Musical Memory” Salvador Hospital, Grand Rounds, Santiago Chile November 2, 2005
- “Art and dementia”. Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Santiago Psychiatric Institute, November 3, 2005
- Music, Painting, and Literature in Alzheimer’s disease. Grand Round Neurology Service. Valparaiso’s Neurology Department, Valparaiso Chile, November 9, 2005
166. Neuroprotective Role of Art in ADRD. Keynote Speaker. Argentinian Congress of
Neurology, Nov 15, 2006 Mar del Plata, Argentina
- Metaphorical language is better preserved than literal language in Alzheimer’s
Disease and related dementia. City Wide and International Behavioural Neurology Rounds March 2008
- Art in any of its manifestations is an enhancer of Brain Reserve Capacity. Speaker in the Second Psychogeriatric Conference. Vina del Mar, Chile Sept 2008
- Behavioral and Psychological symptoms of Dementia Speaker Second Psychogeriatric Conference. Vina del Mar Chile Sept 2008
- Behavioral and psychological Symptoms of Dementia: from bench to bedside.
Annual meeting Alzeimer Society North Bay and District. May 27th 2009
- The role of Music, Painting and Writing in Brain Reserve Capacity: Annual meeting Alzheimer Society North Bay and District, May 27th 2009
- Preserved creativity in Vascular Dementia: The tridimensional sculptor. Wellesley Centre Place June 2010.
- Art, Brain and Synaesthesia’s IX Argentinian Congress of Neuropsychology. 10-13 November 2010. Buenos Aires Argentina
- Creativity, dementia and brain reserve Capacity. 26th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease 26-29th March 2011 Toronto, Canada
- : Memoria Autobiografica Involuntaria : Proust tuvo razon. Sociedad Chile de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental. Santiago, Chile 18 Agosto 2014
- Disfuncion Cerebral Aguda y Confusion en UCI. Inst Nacional del Torax .Santiago Chile Agosto 22 ,2014
- “Art and Brain” Presentation to the St Michael’s Hospital Foundation and donors.
Toronto July 7th 2015
“Art and Brain in Wellness and Illness” Speaker at “Art Heals Health Heal Art”
Toronto Oct 28th 2015.
179 “Art as enhancer on Brain Reserve Capacity” Speaker at “Music Care Conference”
Mississauga, Ont Nov 7th 2015
180 “Rol of Art in Brain Functions” Speaker at “Performing Art Lodge” Toronto Ont
November 11th 2015
181 “ Rol of Art in Wellness and Illness” Speaker at “ Occupational Health Seminar 9th
2015 Iquique Chile
182 “ Hypoxia Hypobaric Intermittent and Cognitive functions” Speaker at “Occupational
Health Seminar 10th December Iquique Chile
183 “ Art and Brain” Speaker at P St Joseph Alumni Reunion: Santiago, Chile December
12th 2015.
184 “Protecting body and mind through art” Speaker at U of Toronto Alumni series.
April 12 th 2017-04-21
185 “Healing through the Arts” Speaker at Family and Education Program .Toronto
Western Hospital. April 28th 2017 .
186. “Psychosis and Neuro degeneration: what do we know? Psychiatric Institute, Chile
March 7th 2019
187 “Psychiatric symptoms and dementia: Imaging findings: Salvador Hospital
Santiago Chile ,13 March 2019.
188” Aging and Dementia” Spanish Congress of Toronto .April 25 2019
189 “Art Body and Mind “ Providence Health Care Centre Grand Round
Toronto May 16th , 2019
190 “Role of Art in brain and Mind disorders” St Andrews Church, Scarborough,Toronto
21 September 2019.
191 “ Inner speech and left hemisphere damage” Psychiatry Grand round ,St Michael
Hospital October 11,2019
- Residents in Neurology and Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, 1970-1980.
- Residents in Psychiatry, General Medicine, Family Practice, University of Toronto (at Addiction Research Foundation), 1980-1984.
- Residents in Psychiatry, Neurology, Psychology, Medical Students, Department of Neurology, University of Toronto, 1984-1992.
- Residents in Psychiatry and Neurology, Psychology Graduates, OT and PT Graduates, Neuropsychopharmacology course (Staff and Residents – every other week), University of Chile, 1993- 1998.
- Journal Club (Staff and Residents – every other week), Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Chile, 1993-1998.
- Residents of Psychiatry, Family Medicine, Occupational Therapy students, Nursing students, Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology, University of Toronto, 1999 – Ongoing.
- International Medical Graduates, 2001 –2006.
- Organizer/Lecturer, bi-weekly Neuro-Geriatric Psychiatry Program Lecture Series, October 2002 – March 2004.
- Instructor Residents, Medical student. Fellows – Psychiatry Department, St Michael Hospital, twice a week. From 2006 and on going.
Primary Academic Advisor for Master’s Theses in Psychology, University of Chile, 1994 – 1998:
- Constanza Contreras, Psychologist. Master’s Thesis: “Standardization and Sensitization of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test”. 1994 -1995. Santiago, Chile.
- Paola Caneo, Psychologist. Master’s Thesis: “Validation of the Olfatory Identification Test for identification of Orbito-Frontal dysfunction”. 1995-1996. Santiago, Chile.
- Marcela Jaureguizar, Psychologist. Master’s Thesis: “Validation of the Olfatory Identification Test”. 1995. Santiago, Chile.
- Sandra Abdo, Psychologist. Master’s Thesis: “Validation of SKT Neurocognitive test in Alzheimer-Disease”. 1996-1997. Santiago, Chile.
- Soledad Ballesteros, Psychologist. Master’s Thesis: “Validation and Harmonization of SKT”. 1996. Santiago, Chile.
- Paula Salinas, Psychologist. Master’s Thesis: “Validation of Barcelona Test”. 1997-1998. Chile.
- Lorena Aguilar, Psychologist. Master’s Thesis: “Validation of Barcelona Test”. 1997-1998. Chile.
Primary Academic Advisor for Master’s Thesis in Psychology, University of Toronto,
- Amparo Wolf, Psychologist, Master’s Thesis: “Functional MRI in Mild Cognitive Impairment during Encoding and Retrieval of Visual Scenes”, 2003 –2005. –
- Melissa Leggieri Msc U of Toronto. 2016-2018. . Music protect Alzheimer’s disease musicians patients.: a fMRI study.