C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E – L U C T R E M B L A Y
Graduation date | Degree | Discipline | Institution |
03/2002 | Ph.D. | Motor Control | McMaster University |
09/1998 | M.Sc. | Motor Learning | Université de Montréal |
12/1995 | B.Sc. | Physical Activity | Université de Montréal |
Research Funding and Knowledge Dissemination Activities Overview:
As first or sole author | As last author | As other author | Total | |
Research grants | 8 | 0 | 7 | 15 |
Peer-reviewed publications | 11 | 33 | 30 | 74 |
Conference presentations | 26 | 67 | 31 | 124 |
Book chapters | 2 | 0 | 1 | 3 |
Recent Research Grants:
2020: NSERC Discovery Grant (Individual) Modulation in the use of multisensory information during voluntary action, $140,000.
2020: SSHRC Insight Grant (co-applicant – PI: Dr. Tim Welsh) Are Two Better than One?
Assessing the Learning and Motivational Benefits of Practicing in Pairs, $158,780.
2019: Hong Kong Research Grants Council (co-applicant – PI: Dr. Daniel Chow) Effects of marathon participation experience on stride-to-stride variability during prolonged running – Amount requested: HK$329,999 (~CAD$56,000).
Recent Selected Publications:
Manzone, D., & Tremblay, L. (2020). Contributions of exercise-induced fatigue versus intertrial tendon vibration on visual-proprioceptive weighting for goal-directed movement. Journal of Neurophysiology, 124, 802-814.
Loria, T., Tanaka, K., Watanabe, K., & Tremblay, L. (accepted). Deploying attention to the target location of a pointing action modulates audio-visual processes. Attention, Perception, &
Psychophysics. DOI: 10.3758/s13414-020-02065-4
Goodman, R., Manson, G., & Tremblay, L. (2020). Age-related differences in sensorimotor transformations for visual and/or somatosensory targets. Experimental Aging Research, 46, 1-11. DOI:
Pecora, M., Tremblay, L., & Heath, M. (2020). Antipointing reaches do not adhere to width-based manipulations of Fitts’ (1954) equation. Motor Control, 24, 222-237.DOI:
Welsh, T.N., Reid, C., Manson, G., Constable, M.D., & Tremblay, L. (2020). Susceptibility to the fusion illusion is modulated during both action execution and action observation. Acta
Psychologica, 204.DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2020.103028
Bested, S.T., Manson, G., & Tremblay, L. (2019). Combining unassisted and robot-guided practice benefits motor learning for a golf putting task. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 7, 408-425. DOI: 10.1123/jmld.2018-0040
Bested, S. R., de Grosbois, J., Crainic, V. A., & Tremblay, L. (2019). The influence of robotic guidance on error detection and correction mechanisms. Human Movement Science, 66, 124-132.
DOI: 10.1016/j.humov.2019.03.009
Au, K., Garg, N., Dzwonek, A., Walker, B., Tremblay, L., & Bould, D. M. (2019). Skill retention after advanced resuscitation training: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Resuscitation, 138, 284-296. DOI: j.resuscitation.2019.03.031
Loria, T., Manzone, D., Crainic, V., & Tremblay, L. (2019). Ipsilateral eye contributions to online visuomotor control of right upper-limb movements. Human Movement Science, 66, 407-415.
DOI: 10.1016/j.humov.2019.05.014
Manson, G.A., Blouin, J., Kumawat, A.S., Crainic, V.A., & Tremblay, L. (2019). Rapid online corrections for upper limb reaches to perturbed somatosensory targets: Evidence for nonvisual sensorimotor transformation processes. Experimental Brain Research, 237, 839-853.
Manson, G.A., Tremblay, L., Lebar, N., de Grosbois, J., Mouchnino, L., & Blouin, J. (2019). Auditory cues for somatosensory targets invoke visuomotor transformations: Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence. PLoS ONE, 14(5), e0215518.
de Grosbois, J., Jovanov, K., & Tremblay, L. (2019). Accuracy instructions differently
modulate both visual and non-visual contributions to ongoing reaches. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(3), 167-178. DOI:10.1037/cep0000162
Recent Supervised Ph.D. Dissertations:
Loria, T. The Influence of Action-Based Attention on Multisensory Perception. September 2015 to September 2019.
Bested, S. The Impact of Robotic Guidance on the Execution of a Complex Multiple-Segment Movement. September 2014 to September 2019.
Manson, G. Examining the Sensorimotor Integration Processes Prior to and During Movements to Somatosensory Targets. September 2013 to February 2019. Current occupation: Assistant Professor in Neuromechanics at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario.
Recent Invited Lectures:
- August 13, 2020 – Expertise Development: Beyond Intuitions. GymRep Gymnastics Camps.
- January 11, 2018 – The brain’s doors: When are they open… during voluntary movements? Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University.
- November 24, 2017 – Les portes du cerveau : Une perspective sensorimotrice. Département de kinésiologie, Université de Montréal.
- June 23, 2017. Why Online Control Mechanisms are the Next Frontiers of Expertise Development. Invited Scholar Paper Presentation at the 29th International Sport Science Congress. Dankook, South Korea.
Recent Contributions to Scientific Organizations and Academic Program Evaluations:
- Reviewer of the Cyclical Program Review for the Kinesiology and Physical Education Programs at Wilfrid Laurier University (2020).
- Scientific Board Member of the 2020 International Multisensory Research Forum in Ulm, Germany (reported).
- Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee for the 2018 International Multisensory Research Forum in Toronto, June 14-17.
- SCAPPS President (2014-2016) [Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology]